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' ��� ��"=- <br /> n'�'VN��.�-�:.. <br /> jhat nppltQa to the Funda aete e tosaer amouM. it ao, Lender may, nt any Ume,coQ¢ot und hotd Funda In an amount not to oxceed tha�� `� . ,°:�,,__�. <br /> lesaer amount lender may aa�mate tha amount of tunds dua on the baelo oi cunent datn ond roasortc�bio ouUmntco ot oxpcndituree ot � � '; <br /> tuturo Eecrow Ite�ma or othe�vvtae In acaordsnoo wfth npplieablo lew. ,�, "' '��;-�.�t�n'���r <br /> ma <br /> " The Funda ehail be held In on InsUtuUon whosa depostte ere ineured by a todorr�i ngenay, inaUUmentnitry,or eatity(MCluding Lender.If � �;,:,�" • ° . <br /> Lender Is sueh an inadluUon) or in any Federat Homo Lonn Bnnk Lender ahttq cipply ths Funda to pay tha Eocrow Items. Lender may nat - _ <br /> � charge 8errow�r tor ho►ding and eppying the funde, ennually anayiing the escrow accounL or varitying the Eserow Items� unis�s Lend� , ' :..x•.' <br /> � puys Borrower interoet on the funds nnd upplieable!nw petmita Lender to mak� euoh n ehurga. Howwcr,lcnder may�at�utre Borrov+ot to ",�""- <br /> poy a onErGme charge for an Mdependent real estale Uuc reporttng servica uasd tsy lender In aoanectfon wlth this�loan,unleea oppGcablo lnw . - <br /> -_ .. . provldes otherwise. Unleas an agreement ia made or applicable Isw requiroa interest to ba pald, Lender shall not ba roqutred W FAY � ' -_ <br /> 6oRawer eny intorest or eamtngs on th�Funda.Bortower and Lender may egrae In vrrtting,nar�over,that intaroot ahati bo pald on the Funda. —�.' ;-• -°�• <br /> • � Lender sh�il g►ve to 9oROwer,r�tthaut aharge,en eanuat accounUng of the Funds,ehowing uedits and dahtls tv th4 funds and the purposQ . <br /> for whtah each d2bft to the Funda was mads. Tha Funds are pledged as addidonat aearity tor ell euma sacurod by thls 8eeutity Inswment. <br /> it thp funds held by Lender exceed tha amounts pem�itted to be hetd by applicabtq luw, lender shali account to Borrower tor the <br /> wuaess Funds M accordence vrfth the requiremertts of applieable taw. tf the emaunt of the Funda hetd by Lender at any Uma is not sut(lcl�nt • <br /> to pey ths Escno�r ttems when due,Lender may so notlty Borrower in v+riting,and,in such case Barrow�shail pey to Lender tho amount _ <br /> � , � necessary to makn up the deftdency. Borrower shai� make up the defletenayr in no mare than twetve monthiy payments, at Lender's sole - <br /> discredon. . � . . <br /> ' Upon payrnent in tull ot ail suma secured by this Saeurtty Inatrument, Lender shail ptomptly rotund to Barrower any Funde hetd by , <br /> .. � Lendar. if, under paragraph 21, Lender shatl acquire or aeli tha PropeAy,Lender,f'riar to thct acquisiUan or sete of the Ptoperiy,shall apply , �.;�:;°� <br /> „ . any Funds held by lender at the Ume af acquleidon or sale as a credft agafnst the aums secured by thfe Security Inshument. _ <br /> ; 3.Appitcatiaan ot P�ymer�ts. Unleas eppAcabie Iaw providea oths�wfse.all payments rocetved by lender undet paragrephs 1 aRd , • : .:r <br /> 2 shalt be applied; ftst, to any pmpayment chenges due under the Noto: secqnd to amounts R��e under peregraph 2:third ta Mterest •-+-_ <br /> . <br /> due;tourth,W p�lndpal due; and iest to any late charges due under the Note. „ � '' <br /> Q.ChBtgee; Ltete9. 8ermwe► shall pay aq texea. assessmenta, charges.flnes and imposidons atMbutekle to the Properiy which ' : . <br /> maK aue�n priority over this Securityr Instrument,and ieasehold payments or ground rents,N any. 8orrower shall pay thasa obiigatlons tn the i"''�`';' ,�`' <br /> �� manner arovlded�n paragraph 2, or if not paid tn that manner. 8orrower shall pay them on Uma dhectly to the person owed paymeM. ' � <br /> .�� <br /> Bomower shaU prompUy fumish to Lender aIi noUces of amaunts to be paid under tMe paragraph. it Bortower makes these paymonts " > .,.:�r.�- <br /> ' dirQdly,Bortower shall prompUy tumish to Lender receipts evidencfig tha paymants. �=°"!!, <br /> Bomower shaA promptty discharge any lien whlch has pdority over this Seaurfly Instrument unless 8orrower. (a) agrees in wridng to the • •'-....� �� <br /> payment ot the obfigatlon secured by the Ilen in a manner acceptable to Lender, (b) contasts in good taith the Ii�f by, or defends agetnst . ' ,: � <br /> ' , ,: entorcement ot the Iien in,:legat proceedings whlah in the Lenders op(nion operata to prevent the enforcemeM of the Uen; or(c) secures from ' • <br /> ' . ' ,.�i'.�, the holder of the Ifen an egreement satlsfactory to Lender subordinaring tha tisn ro this Seartty Instrumant, it Lender determines ti►ai arry —' �. <br /> � �i`'' part of the PropmUj is subjact to a Nen wh(ab may ettaln pdority over thls Security tnehument, LendeP may ghe Borrower a notfce identitying [ , <br /> , �� � � .";,%�`�� the lian, Borrowe�shall saHsfy the tisn or teke one or marn af the actions set tr�rth above within 10 days of the giving of noUce. I `• � .�r <br /> . l•� � <br /> • . • --�1:'c I'� <br /> �`� 5. Hez�d or PrepaeQg tcc�c�rance. Boaower shpit keep the tmprovements now exladng or hereafter erected oe the Properry j �-. <br /> ''r'�� insured againat loss by flre, bazards(ncluded w39hln the term 'extended coverage'and any other hezerds.Indudtng floods or flooding, tot ' ����4� <br /> l• , <br /> which Lender requi:es insurence. This insuranoe shali be maintained in the amo�nts and for the periods that Lender requires. The insur8u►ce ; �/� � <br /> cartter prov(ding the Insurance shafl be chosen by Borcqwer sub�ect to Lender's approval which shall not be unreasonabry wRhheid. If v <br /> Borrawer fads to malnteln coverage described ebove, Lender may, at Lender's opUon, obtain coverage to protect Lender's ►ights M the ' 7 <br /> ProPerty in accardence with paragraph 7. , •.j�r. <br /> M Enaurance poticies and renewais shail be acceptabie to Lender and shafl inGude a stendard mortgege clause. Lender shatl have the " ; � <br /> �ight to hold the poGcies and renewels. if Lender requires, Borrower shatl prom�tty gNe to Lender a�l receipts of paid premiums and renewal , ' � � <br /> notices. In the even4 ot toss. Bortower shail give prompt nodce to the Insurance cartier and Lender. Lender may meke proof of Iosa H n6t ' �,`�. <br /> ,.�"`.,:; <br /> msde promPUy by Borrower. . <br /> Unlesa Lender and Bortower otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shaA be applled to restoration or repafr ot the Property , <br /> damaged, N the restoraUon or repaa is economicaily feasible and Lender s security is not lessened. It the restoraUon or repair is not • � •����'�.. <br /> . " ,��! •.�:.-�., <br /> economiceily feas�te or Lender's securtty would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be appiled to the sums socured by this 9ecurfly ' �r��:= ��, <br /> Instrument, whether or not then due.wNh any excess pald to Borrower. It Bortower abandons the Praperty, or daes not enswer wRhin 30 , , '_ , <br /> . days a notice irom Lender thet the insurance cerrfer has offered to setUe a claim,then Lender may coAect the insurance proceeds. Lender <br /> '' ' may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security instrument,whether or not then due. The <br /> 30-day period vn9 begin when the nodce is given. <br /> Uniess Lender and Bortower othenvise agree in writfng,any epplicetfon of proceeds to principel shali not extend or postpone the due <br /> ,��,; date of the monthy payments referred to in paregraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If under peragraph 21 the Properly <br /> , ' fs acquired by Lender.Borrower's right to any insurance poicies and proceeds resuRing from damage to the Property ptior to the acquiskion <br /> shall pass to lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security InsVUment immediateiy prior to the acquisiUon. , <br /> 8. Occaspa�e�y, Pr�eaarvation, MaiMenanc� and Protection of 4he Property; Borrower's Loan • <br /> /lpplieatnozo;L.�Fl80�101ds.Borrower sheW occupy. establish, and use the Property as Borrower's prinGpai residence wfthin sixty days <br /> after the executicn of this Securfty Instrument and shali continue to occupy the Property as Bonower's princfpal �esidence tor at Ieast one <br /> year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwfse agrees in writing, which consent shali not be unreasonabiy wiihh�ld. or unless <br /> extenuating dreanstances exist which are beyortd Bonower's control. Borrower shall not destroy. damage or impair the Property, albw the <br /> PrapeAy► to detedorate, or commR waste on the Property. Berrower sheA be in defaufl it any fo�feitute action or proceedtng,whelher dvil or <br /> aimina►, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment couid resuR in torfeiture of the Property or otherwise materiaily impair the Ilen aeated <br /> by this Seauity Instrument or Lender s securily interest. 8orrower may cure such a defauR and refnstate,as provided in paragraph 18, by <br /> causing the actlon or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that. in Lender's good taith detertninatbn. predudes forteiture of the <br /> Bortower s (ntc�rest fn the Property or other material impairtnent of the lien aeated by this Securily Instrume�t or Lender's secudty interest. <br /> � Bortower shell elso be in defauH if Botrower,during the ioan epplication process.gave materialty false or inaccurate Iniortnatlon or statements <br /> to Lender (or leded to pmvide Lender with any material intormatlon) in connection wilh the Ioan evidenced by the Note. induding. but not <br /> limited to. r�resentetiona conceming Bortower's occupanq oi the Property as e prindpal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a <br /> Ieasehold. Borrmver shall compry with ail the provisions ot the lease. If Banower acquires fee title to the Property, the teasehold and the <br /> i tee title shaU not merge untess the Lender agreest to the merger in writing. <br /> - v�qi 1:1 y Fc�m ?028 990 <br /> j F�0241M(i�t,ga� <br /> � <br /> i <br /> +ttfO6d��t0 . <br />