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<br /> r " upplicabl� law mny specify for relnstatement)before snle uf the Property pumuant to siny power of sale contafned in this �`_��v f�
<br /> n
<br /> � Securtty Insuument;or(b)enuy of n Judgmeat enforcing this Security InsuumenG Those conditlons are that Borrower. (a) �.----:-.----_
<br /> , ;:;;'S,', � pnys Len der a l l aums w h ic h t hen w o u l d b e d u e u n d e r t h i s S c c u r l t y I n a t c u m e n t n n d t he Nose us if no eccelcrntion had �,_ �_�,:�_:_-;,.:-
<br /> • accumed;(b)cures uny default of eny other covennn�s or agr+eemenGs;(c)puya ull cxpenses incurred in enforcing this Secudty ��7��*w,_A_ __
<br /> � �� Insuumen¢.including,but not limited to.reusonable nttameys'fees;unJ(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonubly ��,^�___
<br /> � requir+e to acsure that the lien of this Secudry Instrument,Lend�rk righGg in the Property and Borrower's obi igadon to pay the � ��
<br /> suma secured by this Securiry lnswmen[ shsll cuntinue unchanged. Upon relnxtatement by Borrower, this Securlry '�F � ,.�"` �::=:.T_
<br /> � � Instrument and the obligutions secured hereby shall rema�n fuliy effective us if no accelerudon had occurced. However.this =__ ,___ _
<br /> dght to reinstute shall not a�ply in thc ca�e of ucceleration under par.�grupb 17. u '�- F�� ��--�- _
<br /> �� "�� 19. SaI� of Note;Change oP l.oaa Servloer. The Note or a partial intetest in the Notc(together wiQi this 5ecurity .,��;;,,_�.:_��_
<br /> �-- _— Inswment)rr�ay bc sold one or more t�mes w+thou�pdor noctce ta Borraa•er. A sale may msnit in a change in the en�try �"°.`-:=_,����t .
<br /> ' � • (known es the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly puymcnts due under the Not�and this Security Instrument. There also ,,.��t�,.,�;_��:
<br /> `�'': �,;� K" �r.r
<br /> may be une or more changes of the l.oan Servicer unrelated to a ssile of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, ;t,.�;'��,,�;• _
<br /> Borrower wIU be given written notice of the change in uccordnnce with paragraph 14 above and aQplicable lew. The nodce �''*;�����+-•
<br /> ,.,,�•
<br /> v+riil stute the name and address o f t he new Loan S ervicer atnd the address to which pa ymenu should be mad�.The naticc will , _
<br /> also cant�in�ny other iafarnoatian required by applicable law. .�.:s".-..
<br /> � ' 20. Hazardous Substnntes. Bomower shall not cause�or permit the presence,use,disposal.storage.a release of any • > ;.x��
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Prapecty. Bonower shall not do,nor allow anyone eise to do,anyching affecdn8 the .• •�.-t
<br /> property that is in violadon of uny Environmental Law. The preceding nvo sentences shall not apply to the preseace.use,or .�,��v�.s,t:
<br /> storage on the Froperty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally retognized to be appmpnate to nomial .,,,
<br /> � residendal uses and to maintenance af the Property. :;,,';��;-�
<br /> � Borrower shall promptly give Lendcr written notioe of any investigadon,claim,demand,lawswt or other acdon by any . _�__-
<br /> �overnmental or regulacory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental : -.. ...
<br /> • Law of which Borrawer has actual knowledge. If Borrower ieams. or �s noufied by any govemmentet or regulatory . ..,�:ay�.;
<br /> � suthority.that any remova!or other reutediation of any Ha�ardous Substance affecttng ehe Propecty is necessary.Borrower �•::r,r,;�:•,-:;�;
<br /> u
<br /> - , ' � , shall prompdy tatce all necessery�emedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. ' `�R'""���
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are ihose substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by ` �,' ° ti�i _
<br /> �'�;,r- Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene,other tlammable or toxic petroleum products. roxic , ;t�'� T
<br /> pesticides and herbicides, volatile so lvents, materi a ts containing as b es t o s o r f o r m u l d e h y d e. a n d r a d i o a c t i v e rn e t e r i a l s. A s .,`v� ., ,���:-
<br /> ,.:,:.,,
<br /> " � used in this paragraph 20."Envimnmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jwisdiction where the Property is located `��,,����, t �:__
<br /> • that relate to health,safety orenvironmental protection. �`."���
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CC)VENTANTS. Borrower and L.ender fucther covenant and a as follows: �•� �__
<br /> , • . 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shaU g3ve mmtice to Borrower prior�to acceleredon foilowing Bosrower's ,. .`�..'`
<br /> �� ' breac6 of any covenant or agreement In thls Security IIms4rument(but not prior w acx:eleratiom uacDer paragraph 17 ,�: •k
<br /> ' ��,� '• anless applicable law provides otherwise). Th�notice s➢�all specify: (a)We defaWt;(b)the action requfred to cure the , ,�
<br /> � �efault; (c)a date,not tess than 30 days Prom the date the not[ce Ls given w B�rrower,by wh(ch the default must be _ _� . �
<br /> - _ _- cured;and(d)Wat feUure W rure the default on or befom the date speciGed in if�e:iaiice ms3 r�uli 3u sccelerstfan Qi - �,.�' , -
<br /> � � � the swns secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Froperty. The notIce shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> the rig4t w reiastate after acceleration and the dght to bring a court action w assert the non�existence o�'a default or . i�:
<br /> :�'`�- any other defense of Borrower to accelernNon and sale. If the default is noi cunrfl on or before the date spec[fied in :�:: n
<br /> r�':;��� ` the notloe,Lender at its�option may require immediate p►ayment in fWl of aU sums sRCUred b this Secudt Instrument `` , �_�Y{
<br /> ,: y y '..�:�.:�::� :
<br /> withoat furttcer demand and may invoice the pawer af sale and any other remetlies permitted by applicabie law .� , .. .',-:�'•
<br /> . � i.eader shall be entitled to collect all exptnses incurred in pursuing the remed4es provided'an this p�ragraph 21, ,�'�
<br /> lndudiug,but not Iimited tu,reasonable attorneys'fces and casts of title evidence. .
<br /> � If the power of sale is invoked,'Il�ustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any pmrc of the �
<br /> ,,�..; Feoperty is located and s�pll rnaif rnpies of such notice fin the manner Qrescribtd by appltcable law to Borrotirer and to ,.
<br /> 4he oth�r persons presccibed by appltrable taw. After the dme required by applicabl�law,ltustee shmll gfve pubfle :; _ ;��
<br /> notice of sel�to the persons and in the manner pmscribed by appltcable law. 'Itvstec. wfthout dertzand on Borrower,
<br /> shall seU th�e d'roperty at pubiic suction to the highest bidder at the time and place and urtder the terms desigaated In yf l�� •
<br /> tt�e nottce of sate in on�or morc parceis�nd in any order Trustee determtnes. 'Itustee may postpane sale of all o�any � :'
<br /> ��rcel uf the Property by public announcement at the 9ime and place o6 any previously scfneduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> • �es9gnce may parchase 4t�e Property at any sale. : •�
<br /> es
<br /> Upon receipt of paymerai of the price bid.'IY�ast�e shal{ deliver to the purchaser 7}vstee's deed conveying the ,
<br /> Property. 'II'h�recltals in the'll�ustee's deed shall be prima[acte e��dence of the truth of the statements IInade therein. '
<br /> 7}ustee shat�]apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a)to all costs anci expenses of exereLstng the power �
<br /> '
<br /> �
<br /> l
<br /> �
<br /> '. :.
<br /> �:
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