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<br /> � ,t,' condemnntlon or other tsilcing of any psut of the PropertY.or for eonveyunce in Ileu of condemnntion.are hereby ussigned and f _
<br /> shull be paId to Lender. �---_--
<br /> In tUe event of u tau+l taking of ahe Pmperty. the proceeds shall be nppl'red to the suma s�:cured by this Sec:wIty _
<br /> to Borrawer. in the event of a artinl takin of the Pro � in
<br /> Insuument,whether or not then due,witfi any excess patd P 8 � y •
<br /> � whiah the fnir market vulue of the Prope�ty immediately befare the taking is eyual to or greuter than the nmount of the suma ,,, _
<br /> tl D �{:_u__-._.
<br /> secut�d aM this Secudty Instrument immediutely before the tuking,unless Borrower and Lender othenvise a rec in wr�tin , ___ _____
<br /> � , the suma secured by this Security lnsuument shall be reduced by the amount of the pra:eeds muittplied by the follawing us��s��;,;,-;,;_�___
<br /> - . �=`
<br /> • �- ' fraction: (a)the totul umount of she sums secured immedlately before the tak�ng, divlded by(b)the fair matket value of the �
<br /> . , a� °'
<br /> property immediately M:fare �1�e teking. My balnnce sh�ll he pn�d to Bormwer. Ir�the event of u pzutial taking of the �;�.� -:-..:-.-._- - - _--
<br /> ` Property in whIch the fair market value of the Property immediatelp before the taking is les»than the nmount of the sums = __ —
<br /> �--`—-"-.- secured Immediately betore the taicing, unt�s Borrower nnd Lender otieer�lse a�� in writing or unle.cs uppDicable (aw -'.������•__
<br /> othsrwise provides,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Securiry Insdument whether or not the»ums ere •4 �}��4.5�<<�*�3.�-�
<br /> � thsn dua. _ - ...
<br /> xf ths p[o�r�rty ie abandoned by Borrower,or if.after notice by l.ender to Barrower that the condemnor offer�to muke �`!,"^`�� __
<br /> an uwurd.or settls a slqim for dumnges,Borrower faits ta respond to l.ender within 30 days ufter the date the noQce ts given. � '�",$s;,�ti�.,_
<br /> Lendar ia authorixec!to coliect ond apply the proceeds.at its option,either ta restorntion or rcpair of the Property or to the ; �_=`��!K�_,;;;1
<br /> sum:;sscured by Q�i�fiecurity Instniment,whether or not then due. ,at�4�'w������;,�_
<br /> � Linlcss Lend$r and Barrower othenvise agree in writing,any upplicntion of pr�eeds to principal shall�ot extend or . •�.�._ , ,,,�r�,;,�,
<br /> :•,.}:ii��4•'—''=:`-
<br /> • � pnst{�ana thc dus dutu of the monthly payments referned to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payrnents. , ,�.�,,���:__.
<br /> 11. Horraos�er Not 13aleased; Forbearertce BY Lender Nat a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment o� :.,,•,���-�
<br /> �' mudifccnt.ion of amnrtU.ation of the sums secumd by this Securiry Instrument grnnted by Lender to any successor in interest , �..;:,._.,, --�_�-
<br /> ' of Barrower shall.nct c�era►$ro releese the liabiliry of thc original Borrower or Borrower�successors in interesG L.ender .;;'_:_����=-
<br /> • " sbait nrt be requir�ec!co romm�+ue prace.ed+nSs against any successor in interest or refuse ta extend time far payment or f; ,y"'=c:�.�,f.= -- .
<br /> _° :�=�.--��,:-
<br /> •�.: . ; _... �{� :�
<br /> ' otl�crwise modify arnor►4zation of tlne sums secured by this Security tnstrument by reason of any demand cnade by the original ., , i�: Y y.� .
<br /> - Barn�wer or Borrower's succesuv�in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exereising any right or remedy shall not be a ��� � w ��'.,,
<br /> '' waiver o�f or precludP the exercise of anY right or remedy. ; �"-'�'f���;_
<br /> • I x. S u s c e s s u�a n d A s s i g ns Bound;Joint and Several Liability;Co-sigaers. The covenants and agreements of this � ' �� :.
<br /> Security Inr+avm,ecc shs►il bie�d and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender an d Borrower,su bjec t to t he pr o v i s i o n s o f •. ::;,��.�
<br /> psuagraph 17.Bornrwer's covensnu and agr+eements shall be joint and seveml. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security , � -��:;
<br /> Instrument bat does not ezecuta ttu:Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Inswment only to mortgage,grant and convey that ` �_�,_
<br /> ' Burrower's interest in the Propert�under the terms of this Security lnswmenr (b)is not personally obligated to pay thc sum5 '� �';'�,''`-'-��-•
<br /> secured by thig Security Inswment�and(c)agtees that I.ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,ferbear .;�i;�r.i"
<br /> � or make any accommodutions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's• :;,:� '�
<br /> • consent.
<br /> � � � 13. Loa�n Ghaar�es. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan ��,�m �
<br /> �"��---= c;,a,�,,:;,sr.d!.hat�•�w es fi!!a!!y intemreted so that the interest or other loan charges col lected or to be collected in conneclion _— • •� � �
<br /> _.::�:;.`.�` '
<br /> --�,�:`,`�ti1. � ,_:��t,, r
<br /> , -, � ,,. witl�t6te loan exceed tha perm�tc�'d limits,then: (a)any tiuch laan charge shaii be reduced by ii�r a�wwit ��ca.�sw.'y t:,.�d::c:
<br /> �� the chaz'ge to the germined limit:and(b)any sums alrcady collected fmm Bortower�vhirh exceeded permitted lirnits will he `�:�r:>��:_: •:
<br /> 1: {
<br /> " refune�co Borrower. i.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the praacipal owed under the Nate or by making a �
<br /> ' direct payment to 8orrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be xreated as a partial prepayment withoui any � •;b�;
<br /> ';+t•;. pre8ayra�ent chargc under the Nute. . ''��
<br /> - 14. NoGces. Any notire ta Burrower provided for in this Security lnswrnent shall be given by delivering it or by ..�'�,�`.:
<br /> mai�ing it by first ciuss m�il unl�ss applicable law reyuire�use of unother method. The notice shail be directed to the Property
<br /> j��
<br /> � Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall6e given by first cla�s
<br /> � mnil to L.ender s nddresx statad hemin or any other address Lender de�ignates by noiice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Security ]nxtrumcnt shall be deemed to have been given to Borro��ar or Lender when given a� provided in this F � Srr
<br /> paragraph. i ..J�.
<br /> . 15. Govern[a�l,aw: Severability. This Security Imtrument shall be go��emed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdicuon in which the Avjxn� is Icuated• ln the event that uny provision arclause of thi+Security Instrument cx the Note ` >,.����
<br /> conflicts with appiicable law,such conflict shali not affect other provisions of ihis Seruriq•Instrument or the Note which can f
<br /> be g�ven effeci witlzout th�contlicting provision. To this end thc provision+ot'thi. Security Instrument and the Note are I
<br /> declared to be severahle. '� °
<br /> � lfn. Borrovrer's Cqyy. B��nower shall he given one conformed ropy crf the NcNe :+nd of thi�Security Instrument.
<br /> `"' i9. 7�unsPer of the Pra�erty or a Beneficial Interest in Rorrower. If all orany part of the Pmpeny or any interest in � .
<br /> ;��;'.i:. �
<br /> •� ���• it is sotd or tr.uisferred(or if�: ben:ficial intere.t in Bnrrc�H�er is +old or trunxferrcd and B��rrower is not u natural person) � . ,
<br /> ,r.,:•, ' .`�•:':
<br /> • •�e;;•r'�..• without Lender's prior v:rittrn co:isent. Len der may,at its o ption.re yuire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by
<br /> I i this Security Instrumcnt. However,this option sha11 nut tx eseniticd by Lender if cxcrci�r is prnhibittd by federal law as of
<br /> the date of this Securiry instrument. •
<br /> �� If Lender exerciyes this option.Lender shall give BorTOwer notice c�f acccicration. The notice�hall provide a period of :
<br /> not less than 30 duys trom the date the notice is Jelivered or maileci w�ithin a•hich $nrrower mu.t pay all �um�srcured by this
<br /> Sectmry instrument. 14'Borrower fails to p�y these xum� prior to thr cxpiration c�f this periat. Lender ma�• invoke any
<br /> nmedies pertnitted by thiy Security imtrument without further notire or demand c�n Be�rnn�•er.
<br /> !S. Borrower's Ri�Ni to Reinstate. It Borrowcr mcch ccrtuin ronditiam. BorroNrr �hall have the right to huvr ,
<br /> enforeement o!d�is Security[nwtrument diuontinurd at any time prior tu the earlier oL• (al 5 days 1or tiuch c�ther period a+
<br /> - tiiuglc FamOr•-Fannie�taNFreddfe ltac 1'tiffUlt�!1\ti'I'N('vOF:�T --Umf��mi Cu�enann 9�911 ��++�r���J n�w¢c.�
<br /> � ..
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