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<br /> - -:�_�.y (o) iorbar�n�o ay L�nda Not�Wa6vw.Any torbearance by Lender in exercteinp any rlpht or remedy hereunder,or ='��
<br /> ��Y�� �"`��c...• otherwizs�lf�rded by�ppllaabte tew.ehelt not Qe n waiver of or prea�ude the ezorci�e of any such dpht or remsdp.The �-�--
<br /> = procut�man t o f in tu r a tt c e o t t t�s p a y m s M of taxes or other Ilena or char Qos b y Lender shail not be a wafvsr of Lertde�s rlpht to �s K__=-
<br /> .�.��.�-�___- ac¢Norat�Ms maturity o!fbs IndMitedness seaured bY�1+Is Oeed ot Y�ust ----
<br /> =-=• (t!) �txscetsors�nd Atqgnf 0ottetd;daieit and�raraf l.t�8tlity:Caption�.The caYananm and apreemenb Rerein com �_-�:-
<br /> -`" h'" ' " 4atned shail 61nd.and tRs npMe Aerounder ohati tnure to,the ro�peative euaceasors ead eselpns o?Leodsr aesd Trur.tor.Att �-
<br /> " '�`r�"��`���"' � cownanb nnd egreemsMs of Truator ehaU be jolnt and seraral.The eapriom and hea6lnpa af tha paraprapha o!thls Oeed at
<br /> „T;.%,}... ` � —'__
<br /> ��' Y�uat nra fov conventence on{y and are na!to be uaod co interpret or defirte the provlalons hereof. �,v,
<br /> � ^' `�� {e) R�eetfer 1d�sra.Tha pa�iea i�saLy ra�uaat t7�Ct a tapy o!aay siatic3 c3 driautt hereunde►and a cegy otmny nottce _-_-_
<br /> `�`'"� nf eate hereunder tse matled to each party ta ihia Deed of Truat at the aQdroaa ser!farth abavo!n the manner prasortbed by ��
<br /> � appilcabto lew.Exaept for any olh�r aotiae required under eppitaeble law to be qiven in another manner,any notice praviBed
<br /> - . • tor In thia Oaad of Truat ehnil be piven by mallinp such not�ce by ceRiHed maU addressed to the other parties,atthe 8ddron aat �-�_-..
<br /> a;y:_�t�,',.,. toAh abava.Any eottae provtded tor in ttds Oeed of Truatshai�ba otta�livn upan malllep In tho manner desipnatsd hecefn.M �:��--_
<br /> _ ° '�'' !��� TNnor b more ii�an one peraon,noUce sent to the Qddress aet bM above ahell be rtoUce to atl a�eA pereons. �,;:-A--.
<br /> . � ='' (� ttupsct3on.Londe�mgy mako or�uss to bs�mnsde reaaoneble entries upan and inspecdona of the Proparty.provided s�x��.:•__-
<br /> . Net Lendor ehatl qive Tiustor notice��tcr w�n�gt r,�c�b inepecdon specitying reaaonab�e cause therebr related to Lende�s --_' __
<br /> ., ., ,,� tnterast in tho Propert�►. � -
<br /> " jg) qeaanreyanw.Upon payrtuan4 c4 e,�l eu�s��ura3d by t�Eo @c�d of Trusf,Lender shat►r¢�u�t Trusteeto reconve�� .'r
<br /> • •`•: �� Ptope�Qf�ed shatt sue�endet thisy�a4Y�st aee�atD rtotes�v'�¢ftc[��in�ebtadness securod B�►tQ�s�etTrdst4o'Tiu�Araa , _.'�'
<br /> Ttugtem aG'dail reconv�r the PropeAy cat2e�ut waer�reny ac�d withaut�acgo to CRe peraon aT�sc�s!a�[�/ .�ttad t�a�a �- '--
<br /> v �a?:�R';:
<br /> . Yn�4aR¢ma1!pay en cagts a4 recor�a&.�m.�d e�►r• ;si�r.-.�.-�-
<br /> � � �pe� �N prpp�rty;g�curIl�A,�pas�aa��a2,lAs addfUOnal secu►ity tor t�a paymsM o4 tt�a hote,Trus2ssr hereby grants :,t:,j;!'s'
<br /> � I.ea�v mnder the Nebraske Uniform C�mnn�arciai Ce��a a securriy 8nterest in ail flxtu►es,equi�m�ee8,and olher Raaonai properry �- _---,
<br /> u,s6 a�e connectton with the reai est�rm�r improvements located sGhareon,and rtototherwise ae�cOcica�or deemed to be a Qaett of �
<br /> a
<br /> 4tte r0a1 eaffite beCUred hereby.Thla instrumeM ahall be�ons4n��d as a Security Agreemerft urosfl�r said Code,and tho Lem� �,:r:'T�;
<br /> s4iatl have aii the rtgMs and remedies oi a secured paut�un�er ssid Code 3n eddtUon to the Ngh4s and remedies created um�ar —�-.-r;,--
<br /> �rtd accordad ihe Lend�r pursuaM to this Deed of tr�est Provided that Lende�s righffi and remedtes under 9��2ragraQh elieti �;rN. �
<br /> � be c�cmulative wifh,and in no way a iimitadon on,Lenders Nphts and remedles under any othe�securiy►a���eTt sESneO bl+ ' �x�=
<br /> Borrowar or Trustor. �
<br /> :;._'; : m LNns and Flewa�brane�r.Trustor hereby warranla and r�presents that there is no delauft uoder tha previslans o!�n� r,
<br /> ���•�a.i�;;:� mortgage,deed ot trust,lease ar purchase contract dt�scribing ait or any part ot the Properiy.er other contrad,insQrvimarn�t�s� t.'��� ;•
<br /> • ' � agreemer►t constltuting e lien or encumbrance agalnst aIi or any part ot the Properiy(coltectirraty."Uens'�.existing as�ttTaa
<br /> . " date o}ttUs Oeed of Trust,and that any and ati exisUng Uena remain unmodified except as disclosed to L�en�Bet in Truemrs fi �
<br /> =° k, wriitvr�8is�it�ra�i tiens�rsd sncsssss�ssc�prox3sl�ter Asrelrt.T�!�Mt ahail dmety QeAorm all of Tuvs+tor`s oblig&tlons. �ti,���c. °
<br /> fsri
<br /> covenants,�epresenffiUons artd wa�ea under any and ati exisitlng and tuture Uen�,ehaii promptly forvranB tm Q.ender coples
<br /> . • of aU�oUc�s of detaul!sent in conrte�on wlth any and ail exisdng or future Uen3,and shall nat�vtihout Lendar's p�lor written
<br /> cons�a�t in any manner modity the Re�ao�t�fons of or aliow any fuWre advances urtder any exis�in�or future llens. .
<br /> (jy AppNqypa p!pa�,llnbss otherwise required by Iaw,sums paid to Lender hereun�9ar,includisg without lirtu'taR7aae
<br /> ,� � „ payments ot principai and interest inaurance proceeds.condemnatlon proceeds artd rente and protf8�,S'halt he appllec9 by •
<br /> �� , Lender to the amounts due and owing hom Trustor aroal Borcower in such order as Lender in its sote dissr�„Ti�a d�rns desirabte.
<br /> • ,, (1�Sw�rabHiq.H any provision of this Oeed o4 Trust conflicts with apPticabie law or ta dectared i�witi w�t otherwise
<br /> uneMorceable,such coafltct or inval6dity shail not atfect the other provisons ot this Oeed of Trust or the tvo7e whieh can b9 •
<br /> given eitect without tha conflicdng provision,and to thia end the provisions of this Oeed of Trust ac►d the Note are declared to be .
<br /> . 88ve�8bte. r:,.
<br /> (1) Tarm�.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shait include both singular and piurat,and when the Trustor artd Borrower �
<br /> •� are the same person(s),those terms as used in this Oeed of Trust shali be interchangeabte. ;;�„
<br /> �m)Qoraminp Law.This Deed oi Trust shall be govemed by the Iaws ot the State of Nebraska.
<br /> �"':'s,�'• Ttustor has ezecuted thiS Dead Ot Trust 8S Of thB date written above.
<br /> ;�i,;3� � .
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