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<br /> " • • '�'' condemnntion or other tnkin�of any part of the Propeny,m for conveyunce in IieU of condcmnution.Are hereby awsi�ned und ° �• '''�T.�.�~�;=_
<br /> - �° . . . •;:r`;,;,.: shull be paid to l.ender. . .�-�--°
<br /> , �N':� ,
<br /> �,r7�,• ln the event of u totul tuking of the F'roperty. the procecds�6a11 bc: applied to the sums securcd by thi+ Sec:urlty ,
<br /> ''^ Instniment,whether or not then due,with any excess pnid to Bu�rowcr. 1� the event M r+purtiul tukln�of thc Property in •. ' .
<br /> " �� ^ which the fair market value of the Pmpeny immediately before the tuking ix equal tn ar grcate�thun thc amount of the sumx �
<br /> _;:' .• ' secured by this Serudry lnstrument immediutcly befure the tukin�.unless 8��rrower und L.endcr athenvi�c a�rce in writing,
<br /> the sums secured by this Securiry Insuument shnll be reduced by the umount af the praceeds multiplied by the Fatlawing ` �'
<br /> . � fractian: (u)ti�c t�t:►1 amount of the sums secured immediatety befo�the ta4cing,divided by(h)the fuir mnrket value of the =_
<br /> .., Property immediately before the tnking. Any balance shall 6e paici to BoROwe�. In the event of u purtinl tnl;ing of the =
<br /> .. . ..�.
<br /> __,._,_ . ,,v_ Property in which the fair market vuluc of tt�e Frnperty immediatcly before the takin�is less tfiun the umoum of the sums '
<br /> , , �ecured immediately before the takin�, unless Borrower and Lendet atherwi�e agme in writing or unless applicabi� luw � '" -�--=
<br /> �•' .i •. otherwise provides,the pmceeds shall be upplied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are �• • _
<br /> then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borro�ver, ar if,ufter notice by Lender to 8orrawer thAt the condemnor otfen to make . , r
<br /> un awnrd or settle a cluirn for damages.Bortowet fails to respond to Lender within 30 duys nfter the date the notice is given, • •_ -
<br /> I.ender is authorized to collect and a�ply the proceeds,at its option, either to cestoration or repair of thC Frnperty or to the - • ��--
<br /> sums secured by this Securiry xnstrucnent,whether or not then due. . °�"
<br /> Unless Lender and �orrower otherwi�e agree in writing,arey�pplicati.on of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of etre�nonthty pay�nents e�efemed to in paragra�phs i acr.d 2 or chunge the umount of such payments. "�
<br /> I1. �orc�wer Not Releas2�9: 1F�rD�ara�nce �y Il.endler 1�toR � 10'�nv¢u: Extension of the time for payment or - ;
<br /> ' mcxlification of arROrtization of the sums seeured by this 5erurity (nstiument granted by Lender to any successor in interest , '�►
<br /> of�orrower shall not operate to mlease the liability of the orig6nal Borrower or BorrowerF successors in intenest. Lender ' � '�• _
<br /> " shall rtot be required to commence proceedings agamst any successor in interest or refuse tu rxtend time 1For payment or .- _ -
<br /> otherwise malify amortization of the sums secuired by this Security Imswment by reason of any demand mude by the originai -_
<br /> Borrower or Borrower's-successors in intec+est. Any forbearance by Q.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a ,. _
<br /> � ' waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. " T�
<br /> �0:�� ! 12. Successors and Assigns I�oana��8:Joint and Several LiabID6ty;Co-signers. The covertants nnd agreementc of this __
<br /> � �,:�1"'. Security Instrument shali bind and b�neCit the successors and assigna of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisiom of —.
<br /> �,�., • • paragraph l7. Borro�ver's covenant,and agreements shaU be joint auid several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security , g_
<br /> ��-� Instrument but dces ne1 execute the Note: (a)is ci�•sngning this Security In,trument only to mortgage,gran�:�nd convey that �
<br /> •'` _ ,. : Borrower's interest in the Property under the terrns of this Security Instrument: (b)is not personally obligated Yo pay the sums � '�'=��`
<br /> . ''•�� secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and acry other Borrower may agree to extend,ntodify,forbear " �
<br /> �t or make any accommodations with regard ro the terms of this Secunry Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's � i�'�` � i
<br /> ,_,,;,:�•�
<br /> consent. • • _
<br /> �• ' = 13. Loan Char�es. lf the loan sec�ered by this Security Instrament is subject to a law which sets maximum loan �__ _
<br /> ' charges,and that law i�finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected m connection -- • ._.
<br /> with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)uny such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce . .
<br /> ° the chazge to the permitted limir,and�t+l any sum�already collectecl t'rom Bormwer which exceeded permined limits wil!be � .
<br /> x,;,.,, ..
<br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender may�choose ta make this r�efund by re.lucing the principal owed under the Note or by making a ` -,;;.,�•{ ,-
<br /> '� ,:��•
<br /> ' direet payment to Bortower. If a refund reduces principal,the mduction wiN be treated as a partiul prepayment without An}• ,t ;i�,+�.��•�� 'j.
<br />'i�•. -' �; prepayment charge unde:the Note. •�: `f��!="� ?
<br /> ' 14. Notices. Anr �ntice to Borrower rovided iur in this Security �nstrument shall be given by delivering it or by ���?'� � �"
<br /> � .�;t
<br /> .�.{%;° �� mailing it by first clsus mail unless applicablelaw reyuires use of another m�thod.The notice�hull be directed to the Property �' 't ': �,'��'��. '
<br /> ° � Addr�ess or any other address Borrower designares b} notice to Len�lar. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first clacs �''`� '. :?+��;t;c}"�Y�
<br /> " mnil to Lender�uddress stated herein or uny other addre�s Lrnder Jesi=nates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for � `��?"E!�'+' �
<br /> in this Security Instrument shall be decmed to have lxen �i�en to Borcower or Lender when Fiven ati provided in this � ;K
<br /> paragraph. �•', �,�```
<br /> I5. Governing Law: SevernbUity. This Scrurit}• lnstrument shall be govemed by federal lau� and the law of the �'. ,,�,� 'tc;:
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event thut Am•pra��ision nr clause of thi,Security Instrument or the Note � y.�•'. �*��
<br /> • • • conflicts with applicable law,such conflict,hal l not affect other prnvisiom of this Security[n.trument or the Note which�an �'-
<br /> �S `� be ivtn effect without the conflictin• rovision. To this end the rocision�of thix Securit Instrument and the Note are ; '! � —
<br /> ���r�,:. . g b P P Y . ..9�•.�`:;; ��_
<br /> '�'�;:, •�"•.fi�S�l� declare8 to be severable. -
<br /> " "� ���:�' 16. Borrower's C opv Borrower+hall6e givrn one conformed copy��f the Note and of this Securit}•In�trument. L�. �.. ,•�'t?�"�'� �
<br /> ���'��' 17. 'IFansfer uf ohr Property or a BenePicial IInterest in Borrow•er. If at; nr any part of the Propeny��r:my interest in � ,•�'���;�
<br /> � � .> it is sold or transferred tor if a beneficial inrerest in Burrower i�si�ld or tr:+n..r:rred and Borrower is not n natural person) • �:_.�"'..
<br /> . without Lrnder's prior written consent,Lencicr ma�. •rt it+option.rzquire immediate payment in fuU of all sums secured M• � � ;�-..-'"
<br /> this Sccurin instrument. However,this option shatl not�exerri�td by Lender if exercitie iti prohibited by federal law��ot ` ��'�
<br /> the date of this Security Instrument. �
<br /> - If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall gi�:Borrower not i.e of acceleration. The notice shall provide a pericxl of
<br /> ' not less than 30 days from the Jute the nutice is Jeliver�d or maileJ within which Borro�cer mu�t pay all.um��ecured b}this � •,ci��
<br /> Securitv Instrument. ]f Borrower fails w pay these+umti prior to the expirutiun of thi� prriod. Lender►na}� invoke am �•.��:
<br /> � remedies permitted by this See:urity ln.arument withaut t'unher notice ordemand on Borcuwec •`,
<br /> I8. Borrower's Right to ReitestAte. U' Borroµ•er mert� c�rta�n ronditioro. Borruµcr .hall havc the right to h.��•r ,t� . t =
<br /> enforcement of this Serurity Instrume�t discontinued at any timr pri:,r to the earlicr c�f: (a)S day. tor surh olher periud:�. • ., '�
<br /> ,
<br /> �'�! � Smglc Famd� --F'annit�iat Freddle�1ac CVIF'ORJt I�ti7'RI�1F:�7-•I ndomi<'o�cnum. 9 90 ���c��n)n(Hic�.�� � 1
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