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"-Y� . <br /> . .. � - �. � . . , � _. <br /> . +� ' � <br /> k�' . . � , . . <br /> � ,. .,,. . ; - <br /> ..... ..__.._._ <br /> .......�_'�, ..... . _. . . . ....._._.. _ ....••-----------�p s__,.._ , M1 � �,. <br /> � . ��Q�� ?. <br /> .. ' (D) Wh�n Tnn�tss atlo pureuam to tha powers hereln,Ttuatae ehail apPy ths Ptoossn����F�?�������e'e Foos shdt � <br /> �ucprc(uing the pawer of cate and at the eate,Inctudm0,vuitl►out i:�mftetk►n,tha payme � - <br /> etk► <br /> � eot in the agpnpaU�xo�ed ths faltowing nmoun4s bas�d upoo tha amount wcund hantr,nna remNNne unpald:6 porcontum on the <br /> batana tMraot m�Uwn to th�lt�ma k�subparagn►pn(a)in th�ordsr then eteied. [ <br /> (o) ARe�paying tha items sp�ctflod in aubpuagraPh(bj�B th�eats��by TNSt�e,or tho prop�r couK and other coats of toroctoaure md eete H the • <br /> sW b pununnt to Judtctal tonclaiuro,th�proos�ds of eels ahNi bs app�ted ie►the order atatad betaw to the p�ment ot <br /> , (1)Aftom�f�aa end ooale of coiloGron: �' <br /> � (a)Cpst o}tsny wldeneo ot Gite prorurcd tn wnnccdon rrith tuch snte nnd of nny rovenuo requtred to ba paid; � <br /> '.. tg)An obUgeriona securod by thb Trust deedc <br /> • (4)The romeinder,N any.M the person Iegnily er�tled tl�snto. <br /> 7. /LDOlT10W1L 3ECURIIY INSTRUMENTB.T�uator,nt its oxp�nat,wilt sxearte nnd delrver to tha Benefidary,prompty upon demand,esu�h <br /> s�eurily instrumente es may ba requirod by torm end suEatance se�ibtadory to Bonefiafary.oovedng any of the Property convayad by <br /> thia pae�ot TNeL w1+Ich sewTih�instrumeMs 6ha11 be additlonnt security tor Ttuatots faithtul partormanoa ot NI the terms,covennnte nnd oondittons of ` <br /> th� Qcad of 7ruat the promtssory notea seeu►ed hereby,nnd nny other seeur[ty tntttrumants executod in co^nectl°n v�th thta tr°^se�c�'°n. 3uch <br /> inateumsrna shaV be►eeorded or fiied nt Truator's oxpenso• I <br /> , . <br /> g, APpO1tQTMEM OF SUCCES80R TRUBTEE.Benefictnry may.from time to Ume,by n written ina4rumort oxoc��d Q`�������04 � . <br /> Ben�flOfary,m�ilad to Tn�stor end recotdod In the county or oouAtks in wh�ch ffio Properry is Iocated and by oJexrr�so aa�a�:��� ; <br /> a <br /> q�a Applieayt�e Inwa of tho Staw of Nebraoha Rubatituto a suooessor or suoceasors�the Trustee named hero:e�er acYnp e�arawn ar. <br /> . 8. INSPECTiQ1vS.9eneficiery.or i�agenm,representativea or workmon,aro authorizod to�nter t+t aoy rc,usonabio tlme upon or m e+m 4�art of <br /> ' the Properiy t'�r G4a IuN�sa of ins�ng B+o sctme and tor the purpose of peHorming am of fho ac4a d is a�aYhoraod to periorm under the taz:N a4the ,'/` . <br /> � Deed of Tros4. <br /> �p, Qp'RpN TO FORGCLOSE.Upon the occurreneo of any br�+eh and upon the decleratan of delnuh hereundec t3ar�ieiery 6hdl hnve the ; <br /> optkon to 4omaGoso tt�ia Deed of Trust tn the maanar provided by law tor th�toreclosure of mortgaj]e�en real property. <br /> . f �s. FOFEE&:�aRANCE BY BENEFtC1ARY OR 7RU8TEE NOT A WA11�I�.�Af+y torobearanoe by Benoficiary or Trustoe m oxercising tsny�igM or � .. , . ,� <br /> remody Ra�aunder,ot othe�wise allorded by ePP��cable la"v�sh+sU"ot!�e a WaiV�r of of'predutl$!ho exerdse ot any such r�ght or remedy hereunder. i <br /> Utco►vise,the waiver by Benefieiary or Trustee of any detauR of 7rustor under this Deed oi 7rust shal(not be deemed to be a weiver oi any other or <br /> .sfmilar deftwtls subse4uently oxurting. 1 " • <br /> 12. TRUSTOR PJOT RELEASED,Extenslon ot the dme for payment or modificarion or amortizatlon ot!fie sums secured by this Oeed of Trust , <br /> grnnted by BeneH�iary to any euccessor In interest of Ttustor ehall not operato to release, in any mannar,the liabitity o}the original 7rustor and ! ,� <br /> Trustor's euooasso► in Interest Beneficiary shNl not be requlted to oommence prooeodinSs a9elnst euch suoces�or or retuse to extend time for ���f-� <br /> �y,�t M.�o�w�s�►modity+smor�atton of the sums sewred by this Deed ot Truat by renson of eny demend made 6y the originN Trustor end ` � ��{�� <br /> �, <br /> • Trustor'e suooessors in interest. � <br /> � �'�'.5 j . <br /> 19. BENEFlCIARY'8 POWER8.Without nHecdng or retettsing the liability of the Tnistor ot any other Ae►*a^ �iable for the peymont of any ; ,. �,�. <br /> ;,�•�; obligadon herein mentloned,and without eNecting the lien or oharge of this Deed ot Trust upon eny porNon of the Property not then or ther�totore - �� .��! <br /> , ' te�eased ns sepmly for the full amount ot ell unpaid obligntions,Beneficiery may,trom time to dmo and without notfce at the request ot one or more � <br /> � �Truetora n roleese any pareon so liabfe.(a)extend or reneu the maturily or efter eny ot the tertns of eny such obliBsNons�(�iQ grnM other indulgenoea, i ��+'. ,-;,�'�� <br /> (�v)release or reoonvey.or cnuse to be re�eaeed or reoonveyed nt any time at Benefi�s options any pnroe�.Pation or dl ot tho PropeRy,(h take« I , , <br /> retense any other or edditbnal searily for a�y oblgedion hereln mendoned.(v►)make componftions or other eurangemenb with debwre in relation , {��,gr, <br /> thereto.All Ttustors shall be lointiy and severslly obligeted and bound by the edbns ot the Beneficituy or any t�uetor as herein stated. .� y <br /> � : <br /> 14. ATTORNE�(FEE8,COSTS AND EXPEN8E8.If the Benefidnry ot thle Oeed of Trust is a benk as defined by Nebraska law.anY stetemeM I � <br /> ; contNned in any othor sectlon of this deed notwfthstanding,the Benefickvy shn1l not be ontitted to receNe or take and debtor shap not be obligated to , � <br /> pay or give;eny eenfession of Judgment power of attomey to contesa Judgment,power of ettomey to eppear for a bortower in n judidal praceeding or � •,� <br /> agteement to pay the eoste of col�edan u the attomeys'fees,uniese the interest pnysbte by the terma of the Note referted to in this deed is 1696 per <br /> nnnum or leee,or the note referted to in this deed ia repeyable fn two or more equal or unequal installmente and over a penod oi more than one � <br /> hundred torty-iNe(145)months.Provid�this Deed of T sG rt the�Be eficwry he e n ia n t n b�,fee referted to in Paragreph B.8(b).Provided turther <br /> �that thia Pnragraph 6.14 shetl not epPN <br /> 16. RECANVEYANCE BY TRU37EE. Upon written request of Benefidary stabng that a11 sume seeured hereby have been paid,and upon ' - <br /> surtender of thfs Oeed of Trust and the Note to Trustee for cancella6on end retentan and upon psyment by Trustor of Trust�a's fees.Trustee shell <br /> � reconvey to Ttustor,or the person or pereo�s legally entitled thereto.without warranty,any portion of the Property then heW her�under,The recitals in <br /> such reconveyance of any matters or facte aheH be wnclusive proof of the Uuthtutness thereof.The grsntee�n any reconveyence maY be described as ::;, <br /> ' 'the porson or persons legaly entiUed therelo.• � ' <br /> 16. NOTICES.Ex�ept tor any notiees,demanda.requests or other commun�cabons reqwred under app6eable law to be given in another manner, <br /> � whenever Benefieiery.Truetor or Trustee gives or serves any notice(mclud�ng,wRhout Iwnftation. notioe of defauR and notioe ot sale),demands, ; <br /> •requeats or other eommunication w4h respect to this Deed of Trust.each such nodce,demand,request or other communk:etion shatl be in wriUng and � <br /> sheN ke ef?�ctrve only it the same is delnrered by personal servwe or�s ma�led by eertfied mad,postage prepaid.addressed to the address ae selloAh <br /> ' at the Qagin�mg of this Deed of Truet.Any parry may at any t�me change ds Address 1or such not�ces by delroering or ma�Mng to the other party hereto, <br /> as aforesa:d.ct�otice ot such chanpe.Any nohce hereunder shall be deemed to have been grven to Truator or Benefiaary.when given in the manner <br /> designated herein. <br /> ;:, , t7. R[OUEST FaF11u�TICE.Trustor and 8eneficrary Rereby request a copy ot eny not:�ot defauN.end n copy of any not�ce of sate thereunder, <br /> � ,, be mai:ed Co o9eh person who x a party hmroto at the addrosa set torth tor such person m the f��st parag�a0h of this Deed of 7r:ast <br /> � • 18. �vYERNING LAW.Th�s Deed o4 r:ust sshaA be govemed by tho taws mf the State af Ne�raska. <br /> � � ! to and�r.u:e to the I�er.efit of and <br /> � 19. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.This Deed of Trust,end aIl terms.eondRcons ard oe:gatrorts herem,eppty <br /> � I �bmds ell partres hereto,th��r trteirs.legatees.dewsees.psrsorta�reprasentatrves,success�rs a�nd assigns.The term'G3arn9:aary'aha[I mean the oame� i <br /> i � <br /> eM ho!dsr of the Note,vihotAer or not narrtad as BeneBc�ary Aerom. <br /> 20. .tt31NT R➢VD SEVERAL LIABILITY Ap Wvenants and agr8emer�CS ef Trustor sha11 be�omt artd secmral. <br /> p�, gEVERABlU7Y.In the event any one or mmo of the prowswns contamed m tt�s Deed of Trus7.or the Note or any other sowr4y�RStn+meM <br /> grvon m cnnnectoan w�4his transect�on shall 1or a�y reason be held to be u+ve6d,dagml cr urtonforceable�n any respeet such mvatulrty,dlegalRy,or <br /> cto <br /> � unentateoalt::ly sha9,at 4;se opbon of Beneficiary,not a4fact eny other provis�on of tRS D�d af Trust,but th�s Deed of Trust shnll be eo�strusd os�7 <br /> sueh mvaTid.t'�t.or unar:torceable prowswn had never been contnmed hereN or th�re:n if the t.en of th�s Deed of Truat�s invat�d or unontaresab'e <br /> � as to eny pert of Yho a�bt o►d the I�en s tnve6d or unentorceabto es to eny part of the�o unsscured or parUalty socured pomnn of the debi <br /> ��1�pg�pmp►et�ty p..�d pnar to the payment of the remmmng end seeured or perhaty soeureG Portion of the debt and alI payments medo on 4?�o dehG <br /> whether wluntnry or undor toteebsure or other entoroement ecUOn or pro�dure.shall ho consulered to have been firat ped on a�d app�red to G�o fi��� <br /> payment of that pordon of the debt wh�ch�s not secured or not Nly secured by the I�en of tha Oeed ot Trust <br /> 22. NUMBER AND CiENOER.Whenever used herem.the emgu4nr number shall indudo the p�uml,and the use ot eny gender shatt be app6cable <br /> to alI gendere. <br /> RtGtNAI(t) <br /> '1 ' eo�en Nce�sb BOAR0IYHR COPY(1) oon�c <br /> . RETEHTION COPY(1) <br /> .i - — - - - -- - <br />