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<br /> � 8. AOWTIp1W1L W�N8 AND PRATECTiON OF BENHFICIARY'S 8ECURITY. Truator ehall mnke aA paymenb of fnterest and princlpai�na! . "
<br /> ' paymanm o!tiny othet chet�os,feea arrJ expensea contraetod to be paid to any exiytfng Aen hoidero or prtor beneflclarlos under any prtor deed of trust' ' �
<br /> _ - or mort�aas b�toro tho da!e thay ero dol�nr�uent and promptty puy And d�scherg�nny end ali other Iiena,clNma or charg�a�vhlch may�eopard�e th� � a
<br /> • sawMly ara�Lad harefr►.If Tru�tor talla to make any tueh paym�nt or fells to p�rform eny of th��avennnts and agrosmente containsd in thto Wed of ., �
<br />• ' Trust or tn any prior mortgnga or dead of hust or If any aetton nr proseading!ti�omman�ed whtch materlaily aNects 8ene6etary's interest fn the
<br /> •� Property,Inctudina.but not llmitsd ro,�mirtent domain proceedingo,ot procoodings involvinp a decodenx or B Ttuator faiis to pay 7�ustor'e debts
<br /> ' "� 1! generalty es fhsy b�+oom0 dua,then Benottolary,at Bsneflciary's opUon nnd wtthout noUoe to or demnnd upon Trustor nnd without�etenatnp Truator ,
<br /> trom nny obllyation hareund�r,mey mnk�euch eppearnneea,disbu►s�such sums and tnke euch action as�a necessary to proteet Benoflciary's • '
<br /> nk
<br /> ,. , ir►Unet,Metudfng,but na!4mRod to,diabursement of nnsonabl�a�ttarney'e fen,paymsnt, purchase,eontest or compromise of any eneumbranoa. • �
<br /> � charpe or tien.end entry upon th�Prop9Ay to make repdrs.in the ovant thnt Ttus4or ohaq fail to procuro lasurance or to psy texes,aosessmente,or � ;
<br /> r tst►y other Charpie ot to make eny peymente to eny ucieUnp prlor Ilen holdero or beneRciatlea,Beneftcrary may procuro eueh Insuranse and make ouct� {
<br /> •, _ peyment My amounte dEebureed by 8eneflckiry pvreunnt to MIs Paegmph A.e shat�beoome addnwnat Indebiedneas of Trustor seeurod by thta Dsed i
<br /> • •' .. of Tntst. 3uch amountc eh�1!!be payablv upon nottce trom BeneBdary to Truator requeadng pnyment theroof,end shall boar Interest hom the date of�
<br /> disburs�mant at ths tat�payabl�from Ums to Ume on outatandu�g prmelpnt under tha Nate unieso payrt�eM of�ntereat nt sueh rnle wouid be aontrary to I
<br /> . nppilcabls taev,In which event suoh amounts ehatl b9ar fnterest at the highest rete permleslbie under apptieebte lnw. Nothing contalned tn thts I �
<br /> Peuet9retioh A8 shnll roqut�e Benefie4uy to incur any expanso or tako any actton hereunder. �
<br /> . 1. A88ltiNMENT OF RENT3.8eneficiary ahaG have the right,po�vor and authority during the contlnuance of this Deed of Trust to cotlect the ;
<br /> rerne,issues and ptofits ot tho Property and of any pereonai propa�ty tocated thereon with or wilhout tsking possession of the property affected heroby, I
<br /> and Trustot hereby absolulety and uneonditionaly assigns atl nuch rente,tssues and profRs to 8eneficinry.Banefidary,however,heroby consonb Ro � , . �
<br /> tha Trus2ots eoUeclion and retention of such rente,Issues and pro�ls as they accrue and beoome payabte so long as Trustor is rtoL ei such timo,ia�. �
<br /> defauR with respoct to payment ot any tndebtedness secured hereby,or in the perfortnnnce o4 rxny agreement hereundor.Upon orry sueA d�hutx '•� ,
<br /> •• Beneficinry may at eny time,eithe�in person,by agen;or by a receiver to bo appoin0od by a cowt v��d+ou4 noUCO ond without rogard W tho adoqwscy ,
<br /> � ot eny eea,riy tor ti�e indebtodness horoby aocurad,(a)ontor upon and tako posscr,�on ot tho Pro�rrty or any pett tl+ereof.end in rts own name sue � � ..
<br /> � br or otherwlse collact aueh rents,Issues and profita,induding those paet due and unpoid,end qaply ti�e semo.I�costs end oxpensas of operaG�n �
<br /> , and eolleetbn,induding reasonab�a!lomeys toea,upon nny indebtsdness securod hono8y,ared in such order as Benefieiary may determfne;(b) ,
<br /> periorm eueh ncta ot repair or protection ns may be neeeessry u proper to eonservre the vatue of the Propetty:(c)laase the same or any pnd thereof � „
<br /> tor sueh rentel,torm.and upon such conddtons as�1s judgment may didnte or terminate,or adjust the terms and conddions of existing leasea.Unless i
<br /> ' � Trustor and Beneficiery thereo}agrea othenrise in wtiting,eny appticadon of rents,iseues or profits M any indebtodness secured hereby shaA not �
<br /> � extend or postpone the due date of the hstaliment payments as provided in se�id promfsaory note or change the amount of such instaliments.The �
<br /> entering upon and teking possession of the Properry,the collection of such rerris,Faeues and profite,and the applicadon thereof as aforesaid,shali not
<br /> � waive or wre any defauft ot norice of detauR hereunder or invaYdate any ad done purauant to sueh notice.Truator also assigns to Beneficlsry,as
<br /> furthar securily tot the perlormance of the obiigations secured hereby,nll prepaid rente and NI monies which may hnve been or may herentter be .'�.;
<br /> � deposited with snid Trueto►by nny Iessee of the Property,to secure the payment of any rent or damagea,or upon defautt in the performanoe of any of ; , . _ -
<br /> the proviafons heroof,Truslor agrees to deliver sueh rents and deposils to Benefick+ry.Oeiivery of w►itten notios of Benefieiary's exerciso of the rights _�.��'
<br /> � granted herein,to any tenant oaupying eaid ptemisas shall be suffident to require sald tenant to pay rent to U�e Beneficiary until turther notice. ; ' ��:�:�
<br /> , .�:_`;p?�:�.
<br /> 2. CONDEMNATION,If Utle to eny pert of the Property she�i be taken m eondemnaUOn prooeedmge,by right ofi eminenf dommn or eimiiw ai�;iti. � --- ---j�q,+
<br /> or shall be sold under threat of condemnedion,ell awarda,damages and proceeds are hereby aseigned and shnll ae paid to Beneficiery who shall apply • �� },
<br /> eueh awtuds,damages and proceeds to ihe sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the exceas,it any,pnid to Trustor.lf Truator reeeivea any notice or ;
<br /> other intormation reperding such aclions or proeeedinge,Ttustor shall give prompt wrdten notiae thereof to 8enefieiary.8enefideuy ahall be entitled,nt � !� '�� ' .j �
<br /> its opUon,to commence,eppear fn and prosecute in its own neme any such nction or prooeedings and ahaA be entitted to mnke any compromise or � , � „:r,�; +
<br /> settlement in connection wAh any euch actlon or proceedin8g• ' f � �
<br /> , a
<br /> S. FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon tequest of Truator,Beneficiary at 8eneficlary'e optfon,pnor to reoonveyence of the Properly to Trusta,may makm � :�����1
<br /> tuture advnnces to Trustor.3uch futura advances,wdh interest thereon,sha�l be aeeured by this Trust Ueed when evidenoed by promissory notes , , V,
<br /> steting that eaid notas ste secured hereby;provided that at no Umo shall the seeured prinapal,future edvances,not including sums advanced to i '��
<br /> protect the seeurily,exoeed Two tiundred percent(200%)of the origins!pnncipal smounts secured hereby. . ��
<br /> 4. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Trustee and Beneficiary,and each of them, shell be entRled to enforce peyment and performance ot eny • �, ���
<br /> indebtedness or obGgaBons secured hereby and to exercise a8 nghts and powers under th�s Daed of Trust or under any other agreement executed in '= "�1
<br /> , ' oonnec6on herewith or any lawa�ow or hereafter in torce,notwilhstanding some or ell oi the such indebtedness and obl�gations secured hereby may
<br /> ' �� now or hetenfter be otherwise secured,whether by mortgape,deed o}trus�t,pledge,hen,assignment or olherwise.Neither the aa:eptnnce of ffiis Deed
<br /> , �. of Trust nor its enforcement whether by court action or pursuant to the power of sale or other powe►s herein contained,shall prejudic:e or In any menner,
<br /> �'.l; atfect Trustee's or Benefidnry's right to real¢e upon or enforce any other secunly now or hereafter held by Trustee or Beneficlary.d being agreed that
<br /> ��,� Truetee end Beneficiary,end esch of them,shall be entitled to enlorce th�s Oeed ot Trust and any other securRy now or hereafter held by Beneficfary or ' � .
<br /> , • ',::a Trustee fn such order and manner as they or edher ot them may�n ffieir abso�ute discreUon determme.No remedy herein conforred upon or reservad � •
<br /> � • to Ttustee or Beneficiary is intended to be exclusnre of any other remedy hetein or by law provided or permrtted,bu!each shall be cumuta6ve and ahall �� ':
<br /> be in additlon to ove other remed nren hereunder or now w hereafter exislin at Iaw or in u or b statute.Eve wer or remed rovded �`,, ��
<br /> .;:'�. �Y Y 9 9 e4 �►Y Y �Y Po Y P
<br /> " '�' hereunder th�s Deed o}Trust to Trustee or Benefiaary or to which eRher of them may be otherw�se enGtled,may be exercised, concurtenUy or
<br /> , independently,from time to time and as often as may be deemed exped�ent by Trustee or 8eneficiary and eRher ot them may pureue�nconsatent
<br /> reroedies.Nothing herein shal be conetrued as prohibAmg Benefiaary from seeking a deficiency�udgment aga�nst the Trustor to the extent sueh ection
<br /> q permitted by law.
<br /> 5. TAANSFER OF THE PROPERTY;ASSUMPt'ION.If aII or any part of tha property or�nterest there�n is eoW,transteRed or otherwae conveyed,
<br /> !� by Trustor without Beneficiary's pnor written consent,oxcluding(a)the cteat�on of a Iten or eneumbrance subordmata to thre Deed of Ttust,(b)the
<br /> �'� , ; creation of e purchase money secura�r mtetest tor household appl�ances,(c)a transfer by devree descent w by operation of�aw upon the death ot e
<br /> • ' �omt tenent or(d)the grant of eay�asehold mterest of three yeare or less not cantnmmg ar opuan to purchase.sueh action is e breach of fhis
<br /> agreement,and Beneficiary may. at 0enaficiary's option,declare all the sums secur�ed by th�s Deed of Trust to be�mmed�atey due and payable,or
<br /> '-`1' , tause the trustee to file a noUCe ot deffiuft.8ene4ciary shall have warved such o�tion to acce!erate d. pnor to the sale,trensfer of conveyance.
<br /> �! , Benefipnry nnd the paraon to whom the property ts to be sold or transferred reaeh agreement m wrding that the credrt of such person�s sabsfactory to
<br /> ''�'j1'� 8enafipary and that the�nterest payable on the sums secured by th�s Deed of Trust ahall be at sucr rata as Beneficiery shall request
<br /> • ,,`�r ;�: '
<br /> ,';'y`1��';'�.� 6. ACCELERATION UPON�'JE=AULT;REMEOt£S;SALE.TMe fatlure by the Trustor to make n�y payment or to periorm any cf the terms arod
<br /> �''+ ' conditions of the Note,or any renewa)s,mod?cca!�nns or extens�ons thereof,or the payment ot any other mdebtedness secured hereby or m the
<br /> � � ,. •
<br /> � �� .;;� performance of arty of the covenanls ar agreem.onts hereunder shall be a breaeh of i��s agreement and Ihe Benef.c�ay may declare e defauft and me�y
<br /> , ,'•'ij. • declere ell sums socured hereby�mmedfately due a��payable and the same shaff thereupon become due en�payanto wAhout presentme��demand.
<br /> ��`�',:;'� protest or nohee oi eny kmd.Thereafte�.Beneficiary may delrver to Trustee a wnttmr.declaraGon of defauR and demand for sale.Trustor agrees arrd
<br /> � 1,'.�,�� hereby grants that the Ttustoe sNal�heve the power ot sale of the Property und d Beneficiary d�ccdes the Properly�s to be sold R ahaA deposrt wRh
<br /> � Trustoo th�s Oeed ot Ttuat and tlho riJote or notes and any other documents e�donsmg exRend;tu:es seeured hereby,and shalt delroer to Trustee a
<br /> wrriten notceo ot CotauR nrxl eleehon!o eause the Property to be solC,and t ruscoe.�n curn, snec�prepare a simnar nonce m me torm requ�rea by bw.
<br /> which shefl be duty 1�'�ad for record by Trustee.
<br /> (a)After�to tapse o}such t�me as may be required by law followinq the rocordatwn ot NoGee of DefaulL artd NoLCe o}Oefeult and Nonce of Sa[e
<br /> • having been given as�equired by law.Truatee,wrthout demand on Trustor,shall sell the Property m ane oi moro parcots end m such order
<br /> ' as Trustor mey determme on the date snd the bme and p�ace designated m sad Notice of Sale,et pubhc cuchan co trta highest brclder,the
<br /> ; purchase prtce payable m cash�n Iawful money of the Unrted States at the dme of sale.The person eonduetmg the sele may,tor any cause
<br /> he or she deama exped�ent pootpone the sale hom time to bme unbl rt shsll be oompteted and,m every sueh case.not�ce of postponement
<br /> shtall be given by public declarabon thereot by such person at the t�me and place last appointed f8r the sale; prowded,A the sale rs
<br /> postponed for longer than one(1)dsy beyond the day designated�n the Nohce of Sale,not�ce theroof shall be grve�m the same manner as
<br /> the onginal Notxe of 3nle. Trustee ehall execute and dehver to the purchaser its Deed conveymg the Property so sold, but wRhout eny
<br /> covensnt or wartanry, oxpress,or�mpl�ed. The recrtals m the Oeed of any manners or facts shatl be conclusrve proof of the huthfulness
<br /> , thereo}.Any pereon,mcluding wrthout I�mdanon Benefiaary or Trustee.may purehase et the sale.
<br /> 607E7t NODrltte 007528
<br /> I
<br />