<br /> r"\`�ci '�..t"i't,'�.'(c—�—_-`"__T♦ +. ..;��„�- -�y �.'�:. .�:�.7^�"�-� -��� �•-P—•--- -�/, -. ,t:: '� , ^ ' r�+ ^.'F..-.'F.�.n._. �ma-�-.
<br /> t�r c,!�c,� i � `�.� � �{� � ;�.;,�,�'xq���;�3`F�,t F:5 jS- . r�, i ''.U, , �.';i .n:,' ��•:�' � � �� l + �r�r �7�. �.�-.` - -
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<br /> 17.Transter of the Property or a lieneflcial Interest in Rorrower.If all or any part uf the Property ar uny lnterest in it •� � ::.;;;.:
<br /> ' i is sold or transferrcd(ar if n beneticial interest in Bormwer in sold or trangfcrred und 8orn�wcr is nat u naturut person)without "�� .
<br /> - - - ' ' L,endcr's pr[or v�ritte� mn�ent. Lcnder mny. ut its option, requirc immecliate payment in full af nll sums sccured by thix �.: .. ___— _
<br /> , ; •l Security Instrument. However,this option shell not be exerci+a!by I.ender if exercfse is pmhibitcd by tcderul inw a+uf the dute .
<br /> � af this Securlty Instrument. ,
<br /> � , If l..ender exercises this�ption,Lender�+hult give Borrower nuticc of ucre�eration. The n�xice tihull provide u period o1 not , _
<br /> �• j Iess than 30 days from the date the nctice i+dclivered or maik�d within which B��rro�ver rnust puy ull sums +ecureJ hy thi� „
<br /> Secudty Instrument. If 8orrower faiis to pay these suma prfi�r ta the expirutiun of this pericxi.Lender mu�� invoke uny reme�lic+ �r
<br /> ° �I permitted by this Security Instrument wlthaut further nottce or demnnd cm Bnrrower. „ �
<br /> t�. Borrower's Right tn �teimtate. lf Borrnwer meet� cenuin condition.. Fi��rn►wer +hull havc the ri�ht to huve
<br /> : �; enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discantinucd at uny time prior to thc eurlier��f: (u)5 duyti for tiuch ��ther peri�xi us
<br /> -- - -- BPPlicable luw may specily for reinstatemenU befure sule c�f the Frop�rty pur,uu��t to any power uf+alc cuntui��rd ;n this _.._.V,1-_- —„--',---.
<br /> Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Tho,e conditinns are thut Borrower.(u)puys . � `
<br /> •� � Lender ull sums which then woutd be due under this Securlty Instrument And the Note as if no arreleration had e�ccurreci; (b) • .
<br /> " cures any default of any other mvenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing thi� Se�:urity Instrument, s
<br /> , , including,but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and(d)takes such action us L.ender muy rea.r-onahly require to assure � �
<br /> � that the lien of this Security Instrumcnt,I.ender's rightx in the Pmperty und Borrower's obligation to puy the sum+sccurcd by
<br /> this Security Instrument shall continue unchan�ed. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, thi� Security In.rtrument and the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall mmain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall
<br /> ' not apply in the case��'acceleratian under paragraph V. . .
<br /> 19. Saie off Na4m; Cha�ge of II..oan S�rvicer. The Note or a pactial interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instn►ment)may be sold one ar more times without prior notice to Borrv�ver. A sale may result in a change in the entity lknuwn :;
<br /> as the"I.oan Servicer")that collects manthly payments due under the Note and this Serurity Instrument.There also may'�e one <��,,k`�� ,;:r�,t �
<br /> �.;. ,.�,� or more chuages of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Notr. if there is a change of tt�e[.oan Servicer, Borrower«itl be . '��,
<br /> '�� "' given written natice of the changc in accordance n•ith psragraph la uhove and ap�licable law. The notice will state the m��nr<md •:;':i'11 � ,:� .
<br /> <....`y};
<br /> .i,;�;:: ;,';f.�,,r`.�:,' address of the new ix�an Service� and the addre��c�� �vhich pa��ments shoul.!he nktde. The notire will ahn runtain am•��ther
<br /> s�s ":, �`` ,�°, informatian required hy xpplicabie la�r. ''
<br /> f' '�� ' 't��'' 2GD. :�Jns.urdous Su�stamces. Borrrnver shall not cauce nr permit the preserne, use, dicprnal, storage, or releasc nf any ` . �' '�. '-
<br /> ,a; ���,, .. •-._
<br /> •t 1'•` f;"i;;%�.:,'..;i:;:::;;ii � '�� .. r_'::
<br /> ,,,, .... , Hazardc�us Substances on or in the Propeny. Borri���er sha11 no� do, nor allow an}•one el:: t�� do, anything uftccting �hr :;::,�•,:;;:i�cs. ;,�:'.
<br /> < <'i'`.";�:�''� t;;ii� Pro n� thut is in violation a�f arn} 6mironmental Law. The recc.lin two sentenee� shnll nui a h t�� the resence, use, or ;.•,�:.::*:.;,{��T.,t,�'
<br /> '��'� �.;�'��:t �i Pe P € PP. P :^;�;�,.•`�: ..•;�r�� �`;�i}��:,i;
<br /> - storage on the Pruper,ty nF crs�all quantities of Haz:irdous Substanre�that arc gencrally mcu�nf<<d to be��pprop�i:tie t�� narmal %�.;:f;aj;%��';���,r�•til,:.;.
<br /> `t�; residential uses and to maimenancc of the Pro ny. •'`�' �`;�'�s`�'::'�''{t�+`,'`
<br /> Pe ,1 ":'�n.,.,.•
<br /> �' Borrower shall promptly give L.ender e�ritten notice of Am im�estigtttion,cluim, demand, lawwit or other uction by any ��:�
<br /> , . governmencal or regulatory agency or private party involving thc�'roperty and any Hazardous Substance or Envirc>nmental L,aw . . ',='��-
<br /> of which Borrower has acwal knowled e. IF Borrower learns,or is notified b an overnmental or re ulato authorit , that �'=i '`
<br /> g Y Y S F rY ' Y t'—,��`
<br /> any removal or other remediation of uny Hazardous Substsnce affecting the Property i+necessary.Borrower shall promptly take 'r �
<br /> aU necessary remedial actians in accardance with Environmental Law. ' '' `
<br /> _.-_---_= As usr,-i in thi; paragraph 20. "Haaardous Substances" •rre those substsnce� def�eed s•t,>Y2c• ,,� Imrard�,��••��h.r:�nrP�hy �
<br /> EnvironmenUil Luw und the fidlowing substunees: gacoline. kerosene, other Ilammuble c►r toxic petroleum pre�ducts, toxic ' � �
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volu[ile zolvents,materials containing usbetitcn u�formuldehyde,und rudioartivc materialti.As u�ed in . . •+
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Envimnmcntul Luw" mcunti fcdcrul luw. and l.nv+ of thc juritidiction whrrc thc Pr��perty iti Icxat��J that �
<br /> rclatc t��hcalth,wfcty ur envirnnmcntal protcction.
<br /> NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS.B��rrowcr and IAndcr funhcr ruvcnunt.mS ugrcc a+fi�lluw,: � , �
<br /> 21. Aceelerntion;Rem�dle�.lxnder xhall Rive n�ittce to Horrow�er prior to uccelerutinn fc�lloaln�Born►a�er's brench � , ",.,;�
<br /> �if uny cnvenum or a�r�ement in thlti tircu�lty Instrument lbut not prior to ucrelersatton under puru�rnph 17 unless ��� fr �
<br /> npplirable law provides othen+ixe). 'Thr nntice zhall specif}: (a)the defuult; (b) the sctton rc��uiretl to cure the defauih f `.�/ �
<br /> (c>a dsrie. not t�.wc thun 30 dayy imm the date the notire is�iven to Ebrraser.b�•�rhich the default must IK�cured; and - •�
<br /> (d) that fuilure to cure the default on or!►efom the dete sperified in the notice may result in accelerution of the sums , ,
<br /> . secured by thls Securlty Instrument and sule of the P�opert�•. The nottce shall further inform Borro�rer of the right to : � !� t�-
<br /> miastate alter acceleration and the rlght to brin�; a court action to a�.cert the non-existence of a default or any other •-%s:
<br /> detense of Bor►rower to acceleration and sale. If the defuult is not cured on or before the date specified in the not[ce, j ,;� .
<br /> Lender.at Its optton,mey require immediate pa��ment in full of all sums secured br this Security Instrument without f �''�"��
<br /> ' further demand and may invoke the pn�+•er of sale and am•other remedi�permitted by applirable Iaw•. Ixnder shxll be ;' : .
<br /> entttled to collect aQ expenses incurred in pursutng the remedies pro�•ided in this paragraph 21.including.but not limited
<br /> to.reasonable attomeys'fees and casts of tttle e�•idence. -
<br /> If the power of sule is invoked.Trustee shall recard a notice of default in each county� in µ•hich any part oF the
<br /> Property is located and shall mail c<►pi�uf such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable Iaw to Borro�r�er a�nd to
<br /> the other persons prescribed b�• applicable la���.After the time rcyuired by upplicuble la�s,Trustee shall give public notice ; .
<br /> of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed M applicable la�s.Truxtee. «�ithout demand on Borro���er,shall sell ` � ��� .
<br /> the Propert��at public auctton to the hi�h�t bidder ut the time and place and under the terms designated in the notfce of ;
<br /> � ; sale in one or more parcels and in am arder Tn�stee determines.Trustt�c mu� postp►ne tixle af aU or an}• parcel of the ;
<br /> Property by public announcement at the time nnd place of um pre�•inush ,cheduled sala I,ender or tts dpi�nee may� � •,
<br /> ��� purehase the Propert�•at an��.ale. •
<br /> . • ,
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> , Form 3028 9/90
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