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<br /> . :'._. a,..:... .>Y,� j��n;a�Y•rTwe[..r,... , . i.; . � .....-,..'...�.w�:'wr .
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<br /> �-�re R.�•..r:E�. p�y�n�mny rta longee be required,at thc option�f I.ender.if mortgage insurcu►ce coveraQe(in the amouat an r the period �' y^,_
<br /> �a«^���� that L,ender requirea)provided by an in9ucer upp�ved by l.endcr again becnmes avnilable and is obtain�. Borrower shall pay '�°".:- Jl. w
<br /> � ;, .• ths premiums re�{uired to muintain mortgu�c lnsurunce in effect.ar ta provide u lass reserve,until the requirement for moAgage �. r.. ,�,,
<br /> - inaumnce ends in uccordnrtce W'1�h ar►Y�'dnen agreement 6etween Borrower nnd I.eader or�ppllcable luw. � ,
<br /> � 9. Inspectton. Lender or ita ogent cnuy make reu.5onnble entries up�n and inRpectians of the Praperty.Lender shall give �•;;�`,
<br /> :-�-u�'.:'*' ' �"� Borrower rtoiice at the time of or pdor to nn inspectian specifying reasonable cuuse for the i�spectian. _ V. �,,,,
<br /> � " � 10. Condeznnntlon. The proc�xds�f uny awurd or cluim far damug�w. dfrect or ronsequential, in connection with any _ .
<br /> :,�y._
<br /> " � � ' ' con d e m n a t i o n u r o t h e r takin g af an y pan of the Propeny,u�•fur conveyance in!!eu of cnndemnatian,ure hereby a.gsi�ned and __
<br /> �.`.��-'— y. �• ahail be pufd ta I.cmler. -� ---- ° .: ,.
<br /> �-� -��-•� In ths event af a toisl toking of the Property,the proceed�shall be applied ta the sums secured by this Security lnstru�ent.
<br /> � �`�' � v�rhether or nat then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event af a partial taking of the Property tn which thc fair
<br /> � markec value of the PropertY Icn�ned�pteiy before the tukin�is equal to or greater than the amount of the snms secured by this � ,
<br /> ••° " " • Secudty Instrument immedistely before the taking. unless Borrower and L.ender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secureci bY
<br /> , � ' this Security Instrument shaU be reduced b f�����n �,div dedT b�y(b)he fair market value'of ithe Property immediately �> �
<br /> amount of the sums sscure� immediately be � .
<br /> ' before the tahie►�• Any balence shall be paid to 9orrower. In the eveat of a partial takinB af the Property in which the fair
<br /> ,� market value o�the PropertY immediately tscfore the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the ,
<br /> �� , taking.unless�orrower and Lender otherwise agree in w�iting or unless applicable taw otherwise provides,the proceeds shall
<br /> ba applied co th¢sums secured by chis Secucity Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> tf the Progerty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,aftee notice by Lender to Barrower that tQ►e condemnor offetrs to make an -,
<br /> � award or settle a claim for damages. Aorrawer fails to respond to Lznder within 30 days afeer the daie the no8ice is gRVen, ` ,�'�
<br /> � �
<br /> ;�.i•�.
<br /> Lender is autl�orized to colfect and apply the proceeds.at its option,either to restotation or repair of the�operty or to the sums ,.. , ; : , ' r��-.°,.._.
<br /> .: �:,;��
<br /> '�'; `�<' se�ured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not then�ue. ,, ��Y:f i'"°
<br /> �, ;,.:•.� . .. �. ..
<br /> ���•.��',,:: . Unless i.ender and Borr.ower ather�vise agree im ��riting, anY aPPlication of Proceeds to principxl staait rea extend or r,;,>�.�;�.,,:;-;,+�;``���,;�1`
<br /> �,�,n :. �. � , � ��'� ` 1 �
<br /> � � �`•'�� ' '�':!� postpone the dane date of the monthly payments refeRed in in paragraphs 1 und 2 or cR��inge the amoua�t of such payments. ` ¢
<br /> '� �•�'t•.''�`�'�%�'t�j F�vbri�e�unce � Lender Not a V1'aiver. Extenainn��the n'sme For payment or modiGcati�+n '�i�;�,} `:�;'�,t 1� � `
<br /> �(i��i;�ii�Yl�itt���<�rl'::,� jl.�crrotiver Not 13e9easec8� 3 �:rd3��:�.,�i l� E �j•i,t s���.'
<br /> �;';{ �,:.� ,°,�.�}:r,, of amortizatioaa of tE�e sums secured i�y this Security Instrument grante�i by I.ender to an�• succecaor in interest of Borrower sha11 ..y,,,,_,�{i.��,�,��?,���',.-�`4���,�
<br /> «�.• !���. �, �•
<br /> ' %� � �+' not operate to celease the Ecabiiity of the ariginal Bon'ower or Borrowe�s successnrc in interest. Lender shall not be required to , .�•�ti`.'A!'�5 ')����_
<br /> 7
<br /> ""�;,,• � :' �,'r; wmmence proceedings again,t any smecessor in intere,t or refuse to eatend time i'or payment or otherwise modify amoeization ��
<br /> •%y..:;j.� '�,,)„�
<br /> .. .ys:,;:::.,.
<br /> of the sums s�cored by this Security IInstrument bv re:,son of any demand made by the original Borrower �r Bortower's �, •-_�,,_:. :�
<br /> -�'';�:=_=- suct�ssor� �n in:erest. Any forbeararece t�y Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the :.t�,��+.
<br /> ezercise of any right or remedy. � ';>.'i, ,
<br /> ' ll. Successor's and Assigns Bound;Jolnt and Several Ltability; Casigners. The covenants and agreements of this +r
<br /> • . � Security Instrument sha{I bind and benefit the successors and assi�ns ��f Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions af .
<br /> � �, ' parc{graph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and severul. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security • � ,
<br /> par rant und conve that
<br /> Instrument but don not execute the Note: (u)is co-signing thi.r Security Instrument only ro murtgage, g Y
<br /> Ba
<br /> rrower's intercst in the Property under the tcrms of this Sccurity Instrument: (b)is not pertianully obligated to pay the tiums }c�;,
<br /> • • secured by thiti 5ecuriry Instrument::�nd tcl agrec.that l.ende�and any��ther&�rr��wer may agrce tu extend, mudify, fiuMear or � f;��`
<br /> make any accommodations with regarci a�the tcrm+��f thi�Scrurity In+trumcnt or thc Nc�ta:with��ut that Borrciwcr'y con�cnt. fs�
<br /> 13.I.oan Charges• 1f the laan secured by this Seruriry In+trunxnt iti.ubjcct eu a luw which set. maximum loan charge+.
<br /> and that luw is finally interpretui�u that the intrrc�t e�r othcr I�mn charge+ri+llected��r to be coll�xtaf in connectiun with the ;.'�A
<br /> lo a n exceed the p ermittcd limit+, thcn:lu)any+uch loan chargc.hall bc rcciur��i b�� thc :smount nere»ry to rcducc thc rharge ,�
<br /> • � • to the permitted limit;stnd (b)an�'+ums aiready collected from Bi�ttower which exceeJe.'cl perniiec e d limicti wi 1 1 b e refunded to ,u;�
<br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to ma ke t his re f u n d b y r e d u c i n g t h e p r i n e i p a l ow a i under the Note or hy making a direct
<br /> 9•�.
<br /> � payment to Borrower. If a refund reduce+ prineipal, the reduction will be treated a+ a partial prepayment without any
<br /> '.4<•,;�, prepayment churge under the Note.
<br /> •�_�:: ,,.:,�,; !:�':;s,;; 14.Notices. Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in this Security Instrument tihall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> tif�.y.'::��;'�°'i�t!i::?�:�'�" ' it by ftrst Class mail unless applicable law rcyuire�ux of another methixi. Thc nutire+hall he Jirecteci ta the Propercy Address
<br /> .:,���t�:,. . •
<br /> `�'�,•�`;• � � or any other addr��s Br>rrowcr designates by� notice to [.ender. Any rn�tire to i.ender shall be given by first class mail to . .
<br /> •� Lender's address stated herein c�r any other address Lender de.ignate� by notice to &+rrower. Any notice provided for in this ��•
<br /> �;•..
<br /> � Security lnstrument shall be deemed ro have t�een gi�•en tc�&�rrow•er or [.c�ndcr w•hcn gi�•cn as pro�•idai in this paragraph. � :'F�ie,
<br /> I5.Governing I,aw: Severabiliir•. This Security Instrument �hall be gurcmecl by federal law and the laa� otthe ';;,;_ ;
<br /> , jurisdiction in which the Property is lixated.In thc event that an�• pm��i+�on ur rlause of thi>Security Intitrument or ihe Note r
<br /> , . conflicts with applicahle laH•,such conllict shall nrn affect other pro�i.ion.af thiti Securit� Instrument or the Note which can be �
<br /> • � � given effect with��ut the conflicting pn�vi�ion.To thi�end the pru�•i.i�m�of thi�Serurit}•instrument anJ the Ncite aredeclared �
<br /> ' • to be se�•erable. �
<br /> , 16.Borcow�er's Cop}•. Bc�na�.•er.hall he gieen unc cunfurmcd rop� �,f the N�ne and uf thi�S�curit}•Intitrument. S
<br /> � Form 3028 9/90
<br /> I
<br /> wa�s.��E
<br /> �
<br /> � f
<br /> ,r'� . ','}. , i , ��i� ,`'�
<br /> ` _ .-;y ` t. .- (.; 't'�'.'. _ . . f{ . . . .
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