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U.:. t Y • �+Hb <br /> ,ti 7 7,�� lk 4 � < � u h�if �rf tl L \ �.�L��:��1,�;n?ix �UrJ"`j.:ibd� b•RM }�M+#1N �x'., <br /> k}�"�� ... �t^{- �� .i�Hl�1�l�� �t-��� ....,�ri'O�MtKK ���i_.';+' ...�..,.�h•r..�, :-, �:�.�����Yr - -- - <br /> � �y,f��' r+ ._--- • - _ - - .�.. _._ . <br /> • ., r„ -��A. ' r..w+k•.�•Ah.�. .��4 �� R_� //iMnw..,, }:v\•�; . . • _ <br /> . . . _ ._.,.�..4.'� '�..-i-.._,-. .-. .."�:....... . . �p 't • • . " ... <br /> - 'I,Y.-, i - <br />_ �" �� '�.�_ <br /> �'•� . , r� � -• �� -- <br /> . <br /> , . <br /> , � , <br /> ., .> . . ., <br /> � � .- -- -_ _�._.z.. ..:.. <br /> . , -. <br /> � . �__.....�._..._�._._....._......... ---�- <br /> �.._.,-=------�.—��.:......:_.::.�.��...._...:_,�____----__.._ ......_--:_ -- - - <br /> �;�:.,__._---- <br /> '.,�•�, :r ' 7. Protsctton�f t.�nd+�r•s fliphta in ths Prop�rty. tt 8orrower 4�li9 to pertann the Qovan�nto�nd�preemrrste conUtnM!n -- <br /> thta S$cttrtty Ina2ruMent. or ihe►e Is � le�t proaasdinp ttut m�y�igniticanUy eif�el Lendsr��Fahis In th�Prop�rty(�uch at�ptoa�dinp k► °-__ -_ <br /> ' � binWupiay,prsibate,tar conclamution ot torfeiWw ar to�ntoraa lewe ar rcQulaUona).then Lenda may do snd p�y tor whatw�r b n�cnuiry '�'�"—"�- <br /> -° � to protscl the v�lus of the Prop�Ry�nd l�ndx's dphte In the Properiy. ��dw'� toUond m�y Inoluds piytnp at►y eum� tew►�d by e Nan ��°�-'-°------ <br /> 'whloh h�a pdo�ity over thl�Bncudty tneWmen4 eppea�i�sp tn couA,paytny reneomble attomey'e tee�and antuino on the Preperty to mak� =_-___�____ _ <br /> repairo. IUthouOh Leeder mny t�ke aation undar this paragraph 7,Land�.w does not hae to do eo. �'�*" -- <br /> �?�� • <br /> �. . Any amounis disburo�d by lender under this pairagr�pn 7 ehail besame add!Uond dabt a10aRawer eecured by thla Stoudiy In39rumtnl. ����-���,.:,r.�:�;:r��— _ <br /> 'Unins 8orrawer and lender apr�e to other terma ot p�ymant,the�e amounte ehtll O�ar interut from tha dsh of dlsbureanont�t th«Hato ��-•"=`---- - - <br /> ,� � � , �te and eheil ba paynb2�,wtth Intereat,upo�noUce imm Lender to Bor�awer � '���'�-•,•-.. ,�,_. <br /> roqueating paymant. <br /> • � 8. Wlot��� Ia8uP8fif3o. I9 Lender roc�utrod mar4page l�sura�co nu a wndYl�n ot rn�kG3� tho loan accurcd by thl� S_cu�ity . ..-'�.=='e''�� <br /> ,�'.�".:....r..,�f.3ec��s:.. <br /> "' ' ' Inatrument, 8or►owar ahall pay the premtuma aqulrod to matnhin fhe mortQape In�¢tonce In elPeat.It,tor any roaaon,the mortgipo Mauru�ea .±" `''•"� - <br /> ' eovenge roquired by Lendnr tepaes or cea�sea to be tn �fte�, Bomowor shnp pu�r the premiums m�utred ta obtntn eoverepe subat�ntkity ,� �� ����'�= <br /> �.,._ <br />_ . . _ equNelent to tAe mortgnQo insurenee previously in efteat,at e eoet subatunttatty equlvalent to tAo eoet to 8onowcr of the mortgtge lnaurnnce _ `_'_`'�_ ; --- <br /> pravtousy In ettect, trom an attemate moAgago Insumr approved by Lender. B aubatnntiaRy oquNalent mortflng0 Insuraneo covera4e te aot • ` °;�r•� � <br /> avattabte, Borrower shnV pey to Lender eaah month a sum aqua�to ono-lwettth ot the yearty mortgngo insu►anco premtum baing pald by . •� <br /> 8orrower when the inauranco eoverage lapsed ot ceasod to be in uife�. Lender wlil aeeept, use and retaln theso paymante as a loae � • � - • <br /> reserve in ileu of mortgage Insurance. Loas resene paymenta may na bnger be required, at the optton of Lendet, it mortgege lnsuranao . - <br /> coverage([n the amount and tor ttee period that Lender requtres)provtded by an insurer approved by Lendnr agsin beeomes avallabSo and Is � <br /> . � obtalned. 8orrower sh�7 pey tho premiums requlred to �a.'n�tn crter�v ge inaurance in eNect, or to provide a toss rescwa, un�l tho � • <br /> rc3quirement tor moRg��(nsucance ends h aaordeneo with ar�t hceat��a agreem3nt�eM�Qen Bortower and Lendar er epg'?cr�Die taw. � <br /> 9. lnepeCtl�ue. Lead:t or its age� may m�tco r�sert�'s em4aica�upcn art�B tns�yctlona of the Properiy. lc-r�der sh2�'J gYO 0erro�rc� <br /> noUce at the tlme o4 cr Rdcr to an fasp3ctio�spQC�yfing r�-asona�:a cawso tor tAa[ns�ea2ton. • <br /> . � 10. COnd�tCePE�$B��E. TAe �seeez�s o4 any award er dafan ter daenag�. �:mCt or ees�sc�qu¢nda8. in connecUon wtth ae►y ' :.�.?; - <br /> condemnatton cr otaer mtdng ot aeey Rart of the �mty,ot 4or t�nvr�yanCO In 6eu o4 con�¢maati�.ara hms�Dy ass!oned end shafl bo aa.� -.�.,,��,�:. <br /> to Lender. ' �r,. - <br /> . ' in the a+reM o4 a to4ai tn[cing o4 the Properry. the�roc�ds shoil Q�o apg"ed 4m tQ�e s¢ms secured by this Sacuri2�t InsUument,whether or ' g''�`�`�� <br /> , ;�, ' <br /> ' not thrn due,with any excess paid to 8ortawer. In tP�e evcnt of a�eai taking of t0e 6�eoerry in whtch the 4e:r�rtark�+i va."ua of tho Rroperiy � '�� . ,_ : a <br /> itttm2rdY�4ety beYere the taking is equal to or greater than the amoue�t�4 the sums sewred by this S2mtetry InsUuertanY Cnm��4e�y Px27ere the � • ,s'.�.�r� <br /> tahing,unless�omower and Lender oth¢nvise agree In wdting,the surros secured by thfs Secutity Inste�trrt2rd�ha�3 be reduced by 17eo amount � � � <br /> of the proxeeds muldp0ed by the toNowirtg fractlon:(a) the toffiI emoun4 of the sums secured immed�4ay kafer�tho tatdng, dbided my(b)the j �:'��i. <br /> � tair market vaiue of the Propetiy Immedistely bafore tho t�[dng.My balance shait be patd to 8orrower. In the ev�nt oA a pardal tetdng of the :t�;�-- <br /> F:roperty in which the talr market velue oi the Property [,irt:ezdiately before the teWng ia lsss than the amount of the sums secured irr�mediatelY • <br /> before the taldng, unieas BoROwer end Lender otherwise agree in wdttng or unlesa appltcebie law otherwise provides,the proeeeda shaU be '���+ +..� <br /> , appiled to the sums secured by this Securily�nstrument whether or not the sums are then due. ;� � �. _ <br /> � It the Property is abendonad by Bortower,or H,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oiteis to make an award or setGe I . - <br /> a daim ior damagea,8orr�,we� tai(s tL respond ia Lendsr wlthin 30 dayrr aftcr the date tha nctice!��h-er:.Lend�Is suthoslzec!to s�!+II?ct end �'".s_f � <br /> „•. <br /> apply the proceeds, at fts opUon, efther to reatoratbn or repair ot the Property or to the sums secured by this Security Inatrument,whether r � <br /> �"� or not then due. ��` <br /> � lJnieas Lender and Borrower otherv�ise agree h wriling, any appiicetlon oi proc�sads to princlpai sha11 not extend or postpone the due ,�� <br /> � date of the monthiy payments referred to h paragraphs 1 end 2 or change the amount of such payments. � <br /> • ' O 11. Borrower Not Released:Forbearance By LendeP Not a Waiver. Extension oi the time tor payment or <br /> ,.�: . <br /> � modHicatlon ot amortizatlon of the sums secured by thls Security Instrument granted by Lender to any succeaeor in interest of Bortower shaN <br /> not operate to retease the IlabWly of the o�iginat BoROwer or Borrower's successors in hterest. Lender shall not be required to commence <br /> : � proceedings agatnst any succeseor In interest or retuae to extend Ume ta payment or othervvfse modfly smottization oi the sums secured by �::�,. <br /> '' ':;'' � this Security Inatrument by reaeon of any demand made by the originai 8orrower or Borrowers successors in Interes� My fotbearance by }�`'��`y'-� <br /> �; •, �, " r s:�, <br /> Lender in exercising any right or remedy ahall not be a waiver of or predude the exerdse ot any�Ight or remedy. ��'it�;s,,„ _, <br /> � 12. Successors aad Assigns 89ouroal;Joint and Several Liability; Co-sfgners. The covenants and agreements ot "':;.'., '� � .��, <br /> • this Sec;urily Instrument shall bind and benefll the auacessors and assigns ot Lender and Bortower, subJect to the provislons of paragraph •- . ��f./�'�= <br /> 17. Borrower's covenants and egreemenis ahall be Joint and several. My Borrower who co-slgns this Securtty lnstrument but does not - ��% , ��'`�= <br /> .. execute the Note: (a)is casigning this Secudty Instrument only to mortgege, gmnt, and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property under ' - <br /> � ��� the terms ot this Security InaWment; (b)Is not personaily obligated lo pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (a)agrees thffi <br /> ' � • Lender end any other Borrower may agree to extend, modHy, torbear or make any accommodatlons wfth regard to tertns of this Sewrity �� <br /> Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. � �;�� <br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Securily Instrument is subJect to a�aw which sets mex(mum�oan charges,and thet �� ° ,��` <br /> law is flnatly interpreted so thet the Interest or othei loan charges coDected or to be collected in connection wfth tfie toan exceed the , ' �,, <br /> pem�ftted IimRs,then; (a)any such loan charges shali be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permkted Iimft;and �• •'i-.+';,� . <br /> (b) any sums already collected(rom Bortower whlch exceeded pertnitted limfts will be refunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make '' �";' � �;1 �. <br /> thls retund by redudng the prindpal owed under the Note or by making a direct peyment to 8ortower. if a refund reduces prfndpal, the y ' <br /> reduction wilipbe Veated as a pertial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Nute. ' <br /> 14. Notices. My notice to Borrower provided for In this Securiry Instrument shati be given by deiivering ft or by maAing k by first � � <br /> dass mail unless appiicabie law requires use of gnother method. The nolice shaN be directed to the Property Address or any other address <br /> Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be gNen by frst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any ? <br /> � other address Lender designates by notice to Bortower. My notice provided for in this Security Instrument shail be deemed to have been <br /> given to BoROwer or Lender when given es provided in fhis paragreph. <br /> 1$. Governing Law; Severability. This Security instrument shatl be govemed by tederai law and the Iaw ot the jurisdiction in � <br /> which the Property is Ioeated. In the event that any provislon or clause ot this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts wilh appiicabte iaw. <br /> such con�ict ahall not aBect other prorisions ot this Security Instrument or the Note which ca� be given eHect without the conflictlng ' <br /> provision. To thls end the provisions of this Securiry Instrument and the Note are deGared to be severabte. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Bortower shali be given one conformed copy of the Noto and oi this Securityr Insirument. <br /> 17.Teanster of the Property►or a Bene�iciai Interest in Borrower. it ar or any part uf the Property or any Interest In <br /> • ft is sold or hansterted (or it a b�neficiai intaest in 8orrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a nnturai person)without Lender's <br /> .. � p/iVt wttitett wttdtitti. t.C11Vq 6iuy. ui iio vFrwPq icyuiio i,i'icu'.oic Nnj.-uoiu a�iuii vi dii auuw 5e�,vioa'a vj ou5 udi.uu�j Ot�4Y��tC�lt. ttVOQtCt. � <br /> thts opUon shall not be exerdsed by Lender H exerdse Is prohibited by federel Iaw as oi the date ot this Securily Instrument. <br /> It Lender exerdses thls opbon. Lender shall give Bortower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period ot not Iess than 30 <br /> days trom the date the noUce Is delNered or ma�=� ai[hin which the Borrower must pay all sums secured by thls Searity Instrument. If <br /> • Bortower talls to pay these sums prior to the ex�r�°:.ui of this period. Lender may invoke any remedies permiried by thls Security InsUument <br /> � wlthout further noUce or demand on Borrower <br /> . , <br /> .- oagc 3 d 5 F�r^, 3C1¢9°C <br /> F1029.LM6(3/94) <br />-� >>d07�-t�•9 ' <br /> . , J <br />