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' . 1` T .•— <br /> �l ���'. <br /> . � ' r _ <br /> - � � .�_. ..."___�� —_ <br /> . � � 'L�.- , •��' . .- • -- _»....-__ <br /> . . .. •. . ___ _—.__ . <br /> .. .. � ...�. . �_'_"_' '� ' " V'R:..__._...r --�_. .. _...."'____'_".�_'_.�.a_. �.'--r�- <br /> � 'not to exoeed the m�xi�num iunount e Innder tor a tederatly rN�tad mortg�ys loam m�y requUe for Bonawera eaerow saeo►mt uadar the <br /> � tedoral R�ai Eetate BetUsmtnt Proceduns Aot ot 1874 aa amertdad from ttme to time,l8 U�8.t3.2601 et eeq. (•REBPA'�,untat� tnoiher 4�w <br /> � � � �� ihat ep�ltes 2o tha Funda se2e� lascer nmoan�. It ao, l.ander mey, at any rime, cot:act�nd hoid Funde In an amnun!noi t� aYCe�C Ihe ��"-��" - <br /> � � ,teaa�r amoun� Lendsr m�y e9tknate the emount a1 Nnd� dua on the br�nis ot current dtta md roieon�We astima�tcs of expsndltuns a3 °—'��'"`"�""°�°'°'°'"°�"° <br /> Muro Eaarow ttema ar othanvaae In eacordanae with appitcable tflw. 'r�""'�_�'a"�"�"- <br /> �}f`— <br /> �� fio Funde ehnll be hetd In en Instltutlon whooe depoaltf ero Inaured by a tederel aganay,Inr�n�memtni;ty, or entiry peatudlnp lender.B �„_;,__.- - <br /> �laader le ouoh an lnetUutionj or In any Fed�ral Home loan �ank. Lender eha0 eppty the Funda ta pey tho Eacrow Itom�. Lender miy not ��yr;ti���..�_-� <br /> ohsrge Dom►wer for hotdinp and apptyinp the Funda, tnnwly anttytht�the eoomvv aecount,ar verayinp ths Bscrow items,unt�af Under ------ <br /> payn Qorror�cr lntcrest on thn Funds enA egplic^b►�taw permNe Lendar to meke euch e ohnr{�e. However. Lundm may requtre Po�awer to ��''���":�`;.�- <br /> =,.� �.-- -- <br /> p�y a ons�tlms ah�r��for�n indepenelant retl etttte Ux repoRtnp servlce ueed by Lender In oonrtaatkn with thio ta�n,uNsse�pl[�ble kw •�:,��_�-°- <br /> • provlde� olherwlao. Uniesa �n agroamcnt Is made or epppcable law requtrea Interoat to ba paid, tender ehail eot be �egutred to psy f'�" .Y�M1T---= <br /> •..� --.,: •;;, <br /> . ..._. <br /> -+ - � Borrowm ar�i inte�t as�minpe on the FunA�.Rart�wer and f.m+A�may agree In wdqng,however.ihnt Intorost aMaU be patd�ihe Funda. • - •°• "' '�' <br /> „�,y;;��;`x�«: <br /> � Lender ehcp gNe to BoROwer,without aharge,nn annuel eaeounting of the Funda,showtng oredta and deblts to tho Funda and the purpoae � � ° ` ��;;;a>''�� " <br /> tor whinh enoh dcbit to tho Funds wa�made. Thu Funds are pledged as addittonel aowrity ier ailasumo securod by this Socudy tnatrumon� , , ' <br /> B the Funde held by 6ender excocd tho amounte pennittod to bo ho�d by appllcabie Iaw, Lender ehap account to Borrowo� tor the ' • <br /> excese Funds In uccordance wfth tho requlrementa of applicable law. If the amount ot!ho Funds held by Lendm at uny Ume Ia not sulOctent !i - <br /> to ptry thv Escrow Items when due, Landor mey so noUty Borrowor in writing, and.In such easQ fdortoweT shati pay to Lender the amouM r; t� - <br /> �� nsaoseary to make up the defldency. 8orrower shali make up ihe deflcfency tn reo rrtero Attan iwe9re �noathhr Rufm'►ents, et LendePs soie "; �°'. - <br /> dlacreUon. . .. " <br /> Upon pay�ri�n4 tn tUt► of aA sums secured by this 3eeurfty InaUument, i.�nder sP�eli prompUy retund 40 8esrower any Funds heid by � .. _ <br /> . , ;'_�..* <br /> „ ,, Lender. if,under�aravraph 21,Lender sheil acqulre or sell the Properiy. lender.R+ior to the acqulsiGon or sat�04 tho�re�erty,shall apAy '. 1::�,--°-- <br /> ' any Punds hc31d i►�tender at the Ume of acqufaftlon or eale ae a eretfi a st tha sums secured b th�e Secie�'+Y 9RStn'rte�n4. , ?s�'tr��� <br /> 1 9� Y :.:�t:,`,�s�„t`=. <br /> �.���Q�an �f P a y menta. Unless agpUeable tarr srovtdos o4hen�rise,all paymenta receNed by L¢ndes undrr�aeao�aDPes 1�d .�.; �* .,�. <br /> 2 shaU b2 appL't�: ftrsY, to any prepaymer►t chargas d�o und2r th�Ptote: ser.ond, to amounts�ayatr:e under paeaorap0 2: thFrd to 6rt2res4 t " �.`;°;'�;, ''�. � <br /> duo:taurih,to pdncipat dua and 4s1,to any late ehorgas due under tho IVote. ��:`•;�`'��;:,.' '. �.,, .; , <br /> 4. C h a f'g 8 g; L.G m rt 1 9. 8 o r ro w 2 r s h a l i p a y a i l t a x e s. nss¢ssrrtenta. cAa t ges. flnes an� ImpasNOna ariributsbie to the Pr�p2rty wh`.ch „ :.. *.'�-.- <br /> � may attain priority over this Security Ic�sWmeM,and leasehotd�aymen4s oe ground rents,ti any. �otrower shaU pay these oblig�tloms in 4he � --' `�;,����-' <br /> '� manner pro�dsd in paragraph 2. or it not paid in thet mann2r, BoROwer shatl pay them on time dtreetly to the persen ow¢d�ayrrtent. '�'-`'��a��':;:;.�, ��:'_`�=-- <br /> Borrower ahail promptty fumish to Lender all notices oi t�mounts to be paid uneler this parsgraph. if Borrower make.s tAese paymen4s '. ��;- <br /> m .�_. <br /> dtrcctiy,Botrower shoD promptly fumish to Lender recelpts evtdeaeing the�ay�+nants. • <br /> e� <br /> 8emower shali prompUy discharge any Ilen wh!ch has prioeity orer this Security�nstrumer►t unleas Borrower. (a)agrees En wriqng to the � `• �' ; <br /> pa�mEn1 af the obligatlon secured by the Ilen in a menner acceptab�e to Lender; (b) eontests In good talth the Ilen by, or def¢nds egainst � �4 �- <br /> �;..�;ar:a;t�x:�a�,.lcgai proc�dMgs:Yhlch!n the lender's aginion operete to p�ent the entorcement of the tlen:or(a) seatres from r(.____; _� <br /> � tha holder ot the lian ae�egreement satlstactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this 3ecuriry InsWment. it Lender detertnines that any �(}� � <br /> pact ot the Pmps�r'�r ia subJect to a Iien whlch mey attaln pdorlty over this 3ecurtty InsVument,Lender mey ghre Bortower a noUce IdeMitying �1 w <br /> tR�tPn. Banower shall satis�y tt-a Iien or take one or more ot the aoUons set foAh above wRhln 10 days of the giving oT noUee. :� , .:.�! <br /> .��`.'�� .: <br /> � !"� 5. �azard or Propertg► Yc�arane�. Borrower shali keep the Improvernents now exlsting or hereafter erected on the Properly ,�� <br /> ' I � bsured ageinst ioas by flre, hezarda induded withln the term "extended coverage° and any other hezards, induding floods or flooding, tor � !,' .,. <br /> � � which Lender requlrea insuranee. This Insurance shall be malntakied In the amounts and for the perfods that Lender requfres. The insurance � � .• <br /> • O cartier providing the insurence shell be chosen by Bortower subject to Lender's epproval whtch shaft not be unreasona6ly withheld. It ;-�r <br /> � Bortower lalls to maintain coverage desaibed above, Lender may, at Lender's opUon,obtein coverage to protect Lender's �Ights In the _�.�. <br /> PropeRy in accordance with paragreph 7. I �.-'� � � <br /> Ali insurance poildes and renewats shaN be acceptabie to Lender and shall tnciude a standard mortgage clause. Lender sfiad have the I .�.1;' � � � =�" �- <br /> ; � dght to hdd the policles and renewais. It Lender requires, BoROwer shal� promptiy gfve to Lender aA receipts of patd premiums end tenewal � � � <br /> , :,'". ,` , <br /> � �" noUces. In the event of Ioss,8orrower shall gNe prompt ootice to lhe insurance cerrier and Lendec Lender may make proof of Ioss H not •��`�'''��,'� ����..'^s�. �� <br /> : � made prompUy by 8orrower. �`�.�. <br /> � �: <br /> . ,.,,,.�; �. <br /> � Untess Lender and Borrower othervvise agree in wriUng, insurance prxeeds ahait be appiied to restoratlon or repatr of lhe Propetty ���• . ' • . � <br /> damaged, R the reatoraUon or repair is economically feasible and Lender's securiry is not Iessened. If the restoration or repafr la not <br /> economic�Ry feasibie or Lender's securily would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Secudty • <br /> 'i Instrument,whether or not then due, wflh any excess paid to 8ortower. Ii Borroww abandons the Property, or does not answer wilhln 30 <br /> •• � d8ys a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has oHered to setlle a clalm, then lender may cotlect the Insurance proceeds. Lender <br /> +� may use the proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument. whether or not then due. The �; <br /> ; 30-day pe�iod w11l�begin when the notice is gNen. �. <br /> Uniess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any appiication oi proceeds to pdncipal shall not extend or postpone the due � , <br /> � date of the monthiy payments reterted to in paregraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If under paragreph 21 the Roperty • <br /> � is acquired by Lender. Bortower's dghl to any Insurance poticies and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property prlor to the acquisitlon � <br /> I <br /> � ' shail pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrume��t immediateiy prior to the acqulsitlon. ; <br /> � 6. Occupancy, Preservetion, Maintenance and Protection ot t�e Property; Borrower's Loan <br /> AppllCetlOn; L�asefiolds.Borcower shali occupy. establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days <br /> efter the execuUon oi this Security Instrument and shall cantinue to occupy the Property as BoROwer's prindpal residence for at Ieast one <br /> year efter the date of occupanq, urtless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonaby withhetd, or unless <br /> extenuating dreumstflnces exist which are beyond Bortower's conlrol. Bortower shall not desUOy, damage or impair the Property.allow the <br /> Piroperly to detetiotate. or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shalt be in defauft H any forfeiture action or proceedmg,whether cNit ot <br /> cr�minal. Is begun that in Lender's good tailh judgment could resurt in (orteiture of the Property or otherwise materialy impair the lien created <br /> by this Securfty InsWment or lender's securily interest. Borrower may cure such a default end reinstate, as provided in paragreph 18, by <br /> , causing the actlon or proceeding to be dismissed wdh a ruling that. in Lender's good feith detertnination, preGudes fortefture of the <br /> �J� L��� <br /> lfortowers �nterest m tne rroperry or otner materiai impairtneni oi ine ien creaied'uy If11S JCLYIIIy���auliiioi�i�/� �.a���ci u uvMi�n� x�w��u�. <br /> Bortower shaN atso be in detautt fI 8ottower, during the loan apptication process, gave matenaly false or inaccurate infortnation or statements <br /> to Lendet(or taUed to provido lender with any materfal intormation) in conneclion with Ihe loan evldenced by the Note. including, but not <br /> Umfted to, representattons concemmg Borrower's occupanq ot the Property as a principal residence. If thls Security Instrument Is o� a <br /> leasehold. Bortower shall comply with aIt the provisions of the lease. If Borcower acqufres fee title to the Property, the leasehold end the j <br /> fee tRle shall not merge unless the Lender agrees to the merger m writing. � <br /> r <br /> Paqc 2 ot 5 _•^`301@ 950 <br /> � FtO�J.LM6(3/94) <br /> '�8072•t.1B ' <br /> J <br />