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<br /> - "�°'�'��"""`'� . sabstanstally eyuivalent mortguge insucance wverage is not ava�lable.Barrower shall pay to l.eitder each month a sum e�ual to
<br /> :•W��.��,�;�� ane-nvelflh of the yearly mort�age insdrunce pr�mium being patd by Borrower when the insurnnce coverage laps�d or ceascd to
<br /> b�in effect.l.ender wlll uccept.use nTxi ntnin thes�paymcnts as a loss reseive in lieu of mortgage insurance. I.oss reserve
<br /> ,c ,�����"� � payment�may no longef be,rEqu�i�ed,nt!pe option af Ixnder.iP mortgagc insurence covem�c(in the umount and for the period --
<br /> �_.'4�,� that I.sndcr requires)provided b�!Art Insurer appraved by I.ender again becomes uvalinble and is obtnined. Horrower shall pay
<br />- � �-- „�;.�• the premiu�ns rcx�ulie.d ta m:.itrt�in ttmt't�aSe inseran�'e in effert,or t�Qrovide a loss reserve. until the requirement far mariBage L _
<br /> • insurance ends in accardance with any wriuen a�reement bMween Borrower and Lender or applicabte law.
<br /> - � 9.Invpection. or iu agent mny mcike rcasanable entdes upon and inspectlonti of the Property. i.endcr sha11�ive
<br /> "``,��"��°�. .` Barrower notice at the time af or prior to un inspectian�pecifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> ' '-: �� ' !0. Condemnation. The prex�eds of any uward or clalm for damages. direct or wnsequential, in connection with uny ---�-
<br /> ' condemnatton ar other tuking of any part of the Propcny.or for conveyance in lieu of wndemnation.are hemby assigrted artd `-
<br /> � - shall be paid to Lender. _
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property,the prcxr.uds shall be applied ta the sums secured by this Security Instrument,
<br /> . whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Bonower. I� the event of a partial takin�of the Property in whtch the fair
<br /> � market value of the Property immcdiately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this _
<br /> Security Instrument immediately before the taking,unless 8orrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by ___
<br /> thic Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amaunt of the proceeds multiplied by the followins fraction: (a)the total c_
<br /> amount of the sunu secured immediately befom the taking, divided by(b)the fair market value of the Property immediately _
<br /> „ before the talcir+g. An)� balance shali be paid to Borrower. Tn the event of a part[al taking of the Property in which the fair °_
<br /> msrket value of dte Fro�erty immediately before the taking is less than die amaunt of the sums securad imm�diately before the
<br /> taking,unJess 6ptcower and Lendet othenvise agtee in wnhng or unlc�appticablc!aw othenvise provi.ds�.tife procecds shall __
<br /> � .. b�appiiad to r.Ite sums sqcur�d Dy thi5 Security instrument or�ot the sums then due. --.
<br /> � , If the Prciperty is aba�rdoaed by Borcower,or if,after aatice by Leczder to�orrowJer t[ ttie condemnor o£fers to make an �=
<br /> �A�'� a.+•a�.or settle a ctaim for damases. Borrower fails to res�oRd to I.e�er withire 3Q day4 after the date the riotice is given. �.
<br /> � i.ender is aup`�Ur�ze�to collect and app�y the procceds,at its apeeon.eifh.r to cestoratio�or r��a4s of the Prc�perty or to the sums �:-
<br /> secured by this Sec�u.riry Instrument,whether or not then due. �
<br /> . ��� Untess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any application of pra�oeds to princ¢pal shal! not extend or �t+� `
<br /> ' postpone nhe due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragc�r hs 1 and 2 or char�e the amount of such payments. ;:
<br /> • 11.�orrnwer Not Released;Forbearattce kty Lender l�a�fi�D'isiver. Extension of Hie ume for payment or modification
<br /> , of amorti�ation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument grante�Q by Lender so any successor in interest of Borrower shall -�.
<br /> not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's su�t�>sors ia interest. L.ender shall not be mquired to
<br /> commence procee�ing>aeainst any successor in interest or refuse to exter,c#tim:for paymeru or otherwise modify amortization --_
<br /> of the sums securrd by this Security Instrument by reason of any deman� made by ihe original Borrower or Borruwer's
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver af or preclude the ���
<br /> . •. �..,..
<br /> ,, exercise ot any n�.ht or rem�y. _-�;
<br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Jotnt and Several Liability; Co-signers.The mvenants and agreements of this `
<br /> Se�:urity Instrument shall bind and benefit thc succcsuirs and assigns of Lender und Borrower, subject to the provisions of �?
<br /> - - - __-- F°�o�Fh ��• �^r*nwe�c c�venantc and ae►rement� chnll he ioint and severul. AnY Borroa+er who r�rsigns this Seeurity � '-
<br /> � Instntment but does nor execute the Note: (a1 is co-si nin this Securit Instrument onl to mort a e, rant and cronve that !�'-'--
<br /> 8 F Y Y g g F Y �:--.
<br /> Borrowcr's intere�t in the Propcny under the term�of this Security Instrumenr (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums e��:_.
<br /> ,,��;': secured br this Security Instrumem;and(r)agrees that L.ender and any other Borrower mn}• agree to extend,modify,farbear or �_,:_
<br /> � ,s �' make nm�accommodations with regurd to the terms of this Security]nstrument or the Note�viihout that Borroaer's cansent. �` �
<br /> � 13.Loan Char�es.If the lc�an tecureci b}•this Security Instrument i.subject to a la�ti• uhich sets maximum loan charges, ,�;
<br /> an3 that !ax• is finally interpreted u� that the intere,[or other loun charge. coilected or to be rnllectcd in connection with the ''�
<br /> loan exeeed the permitted limits, then: (u)an�-such loan charge shall be reduceJ by the arncwnt necessary to reduce the churge �
<br /> ' to the permitted limit: and (b)an�•tiums alreaJy coltected from Borrower which exceedeci permitteci limits will be refunded to
<br /> Borrowcr. Lendcr may chou�e tu mukc this �efund by recfucing the prinripal owed unuer the Note or by making u direct
<br /> . payment to Borrower. If a refunJ reduce. principal. the mduction a•ill be treated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> prepaymenc rharge unJrr the Nutr.
<br /> 14.l\otices.Any noticc to Bnrcu��cr pruvided fur in thi�Securitv Instrument shall be given by dclivering it or by mailing
<br /> . it by fint ctxti�mail unle+�appli�able law reyuire+u�e uf anothrr methoci.The notice �hall be directed to the Propetty Address
<br /> . �u nny other addres. &�rraacr de�ignatrs b�• notire to Lender. Any notire to I.ender�hull be given by first class mail to ,
<br /> Lender's addresti ,taud hcnin��r um� other addres� [snder dctiignate�hy nutice co&�rru�ver. Any notice providcd for in ihis
<br /> Securit� Instrument�hall he Jrem��1 to ha�•c heen gi�•cn ti�Burr<►�eer ur LcnJer w�hcn gi�•en us provideci in this paragrapl�.
<br /> ' I5.Go�•ernin� I.a��; tie�•erabilih. Thi+ Sr�urit� In�trumcnt .h:sll he g�n•cmed h�• federal laa• and the law-of the ,
<br /> jurisdi�tion in whirh the PruExrty i� l��rat��i. In thc c�cnt that any provitiion ar clau+r of'thi.Seruriq Imtrument or the Note
<br /> � ronflict.��ith applirahle la►�. .uch contlirt�hall nut atfcrt��ther provi�ion.uf Ihi�Securin• In+trumrnt or the Note whieh ran be
<br /> gi�•en effc*rt with��ut thr rontli�tin�pru�•i.ion. Tu thi�rnd thc proei.iom uf thi�Securit�[n+�rument and the Note 3re derlared
<br /> tu he.e�'erable.
<br /> " � 16.Barrnecr's Cop�.&ur����rr.hall hc gi�r�i onr amtivm��l rnp� uf'th� ti��tc and ut'thi�Scrurity Imtrument.
<br /> l7.Tran+fer of the Propert�or u B�nercial Intere+t in Burrower.I1 all or an� p�rt ul the Pru�xny or any intcre�t in it ,
<br /> ' i,wW i�r tran�fcrcrd���r if a hcnetirial intrrr.t in B��rru�+tr i..��ld ur trcin.ferred anJ &�rr�i�<<r iti nut a n:iturel�ti�ithout
<br /> Lender'. priiir �critten �un,cnt. Lendcr ma�. at ih nptiun. rryuirr immcdiate p:�}m�nt in full of all .um. tiecunKi b�• tttiti
<br /> � Sccurit� In.trument. Ho�►���r,thi�optiun�hall nut hc r�erri.�tii h� L�ndcr if c�cr���r i�pruhihitcd h� fedcral Isw a�af the date
<br /> uf thi,S�tiuriq ln.trumcm.
<br /> �`'• If Lcndcr rrrrcf,�,thi�upuun. LrnSrr,hall�i�c Burrc,��er nntirc��f arc�lrr:�tiun.Th�ix�t�rr,hall prueid�a peri�xi uf not
<br /> � le.. than ?0 d:��. fr.m� thc Jatr thc nutirr �. d�li�cntf �n• mail��l ��ithin ��hirh Burru��cr mu�t pa� all .um, xtiur��i b�� thi.
<br /> S��urit� In,trument. li Burr�»�rr lail.tu p;�� lhr•c,um. pri.,r t�,th�r�p�rati�m�d ttu. pcnuJ.Lender ma� im���{.r an}remetiie.
<br /> permittcd M thi+Srrurit� in>truiurnt �.uhuut fu�thr� n�unr.n.fema�:d un&+rro��er.
<br /> '1�. Bc�ern��er's Ri�ht tr� Reimt:�te. If Burr����cr mc�t, .rrtain «mJfti��m. R��rc����cr .hall ha�r the right t�� ha�� ,'�.•
<br /> �nfi�r,;��cnt af thi� Sckurit� In�*.r..--���u df.r�,nunurd at a�:� tim� pnur t�, thr �arAcr��� ,.,� 5 da�• �ur wch ulhrr�riai a� �.;�
<br /> :�Ffi�.:^:.: law ma� •p�.if} t:�r ,-,.r.::,:;mrnti hct�,rc .s:: •• ::�� Propert� punuar.t i,� _.. , ^.���rr ��I wlc r�,ntain�tl in thi. ;;';
<br /> .�.�.` ,�
<br /> S..�unn In�trument��r ih�cnm �•' .: .. *".e''.�rrm_ ��•'i.lurit� Imwmtnt. Th.��t���:.Jnn+:i.�rr that&�rro«er. �a►pa�� �� •
<br /> Lendcr a!1 .um> «hi.l, th�n uc*w.:: ':'::: u,-.::r.:i.5a�nt� In.trumrnt anJ thr \�,t��� if n., o.��lcr.,u�,n had�n.urr��i: �h� ��
<br /> cur��. am dcfault��I'. �t:it.r ; , _��• rr a_r:;,ncr.t.. �� pa��sll ��prn,�� �n�urr��i in tnl:�rt�n_ �Im S�,unt� Imtrum�nt. �:
<br /> ;���:�l�E•�. includin�. hut n��t Lin�ircd c�+. r:.:. ..�`.�I�att��m��.' f�c�. .�n.i��1�tal.r��u.h a.ti�,ti �� L�n.j�r ni3� r�s�.,nai+l� teyuirt t�i a••un �
<br /> �'
<br /> :,�.'•.,."' tltat rl�t li�n of thi� S�:cunr� [n-rr:.-�.zrn. Lrnd�r',n,h�. in ihr Pn�prm ana H��rr�,���r���d,h_auun tu p�y thc �um. K�unai h� ,. �
<br /> ..���,�����.
<br /> rAf. Ca.•nnr.- In.rn�m�•r.t J,.�II ..�:,r,nu�•�ti1 l r��n r��mtatrm�nt h� B��rr.n��r. thi. S�ti'unh ]n.trum�nt and tJt� �___ -•
<br /> ,`';;,::'�;',;: •. � .... -----_. . . _
<br /> ��hl��aU��n>.c�ur��i h�trfi� .fiall rrma�n fulh u1te.•ti�c s,��l rn, ar�cl�r�u�,n h�d �k�urr��J- Hu����rr. thi.ri�:ht tu rr�mt.�t��I�all �
<br /> n�•t apph• in th��a�<<�f at�rlrration und�r�arairaph I" �
<br /> 19. S�le of \ute: Chan�e uf Loan tier�icer. Thc 1,�t� ��r .i ��,�n��l int�rr•� m�t�� \.,lr �t�,grthrr ��ith th�. S�,urit� (
<br /> In.trumem�ma� hc.vld�,nc�,r m��rr tItl1C�\�I111�tUt rfl�+i O��Uit' 1.�R��R��\�l'f. � �.t�C Illd\fC�ll�I tll d i�l.tll�t IIl 1�1C�ttl�l� ��Ilu\111 �
<br /> a..the 'L�,an Se��rrr"1 th:�t rull�tit, ntunthh pa�m�nt..fu� undrr th�\�,tt.uiJ tht,ti�,unt� In.trumrnt �I'hc�c �I.�� tua� h�unr
<br /> ��r m��re rhange�of thc Li�an Scr�ic�r unr�latctl h�a..d���I th� \�ae. It th�n i•a�h;�itiLe�,t'th�L��.�n Srr��.•rr. B�•rru��rr���II I+� !
<br /> gi�en�tiritten uuti.r nf the�h�ngc m a:iar�lan.•r��tth paragraph I�3.ih�,�r en.t a}�pltiahlr I.,�a Thc n�,ar�aiU.ta��+h�namr.mS
<br /> I adSrc�.i,f the nr�► l.��an S�r��«r and Ihr aJdr�.• t�� ��hi.h p.i�m�nt•.h��uW h� m.iJr Tt�e n„u:� ��tll al.o�.mt.un am „thrr '
<br /> ►nf��rniati�,n rcywr�tii h� ap�+liiahle la��.
<br /> 20. Nai.�rdou,tiub�t:inre�. B��rn,���r �hell nut �auk �,r p�nntt thc (+r�.rn.�. u��. Ji.� .t�ua_�. �,r rrlra.e �,� am
<br /> H:vatdou. Suh.tarnc. �m ur tn Ih� Pruprm B��n�n�cr .h�ll n�,t d��. nnr .dh��� .�m�m� cl.r t�� .k�. .�mtlnn, afl:�•tint dir
<br /> Pru�tt� that t. tn ��ol.tU�•n �,1 eu� Eim�nmmrnt.�l I.��� Thc�+rc.��Jm� t���, •rnl�ni�•,i�.>>i��,,! .���i, t��th�� (�r..�cac. u�r. �,t
<br /> ' .torage�m th� Pn,pcm ��t .mell yuanuhc•ut H�nird��u.Suh.tan.r• .ur�rnrr,dl� r,�.��nv�J t,� hr.�rpi��rr:.�t�•�., n��rni.�l
<br /> rr��drnttal u.e�and to matnt�nan�.��t thr Pr�����t�
<br /> . . Funti 3018 9 90 a
<br /> ' — _ _
<br />