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—�..�._r,.��.;. "` '.�:�':�,5��. ��:�..� �� .,,...a^�. --':=ir"�s .-�-"r.i'�5``�'h .._"Y `_r�1„ L-, _.'Y 7 'l -_: <br /> - t• hMir _ :fd�:�_ .�F a, . <br /> 4}� ,}1: � -��fi:'l V' i �Y'.,-, i y � n " 1 �r t':. <br /> A� t��5.��f[. �'t�C � e�� .?A�'�-yi;c t���., r`' � ��Vt��.ir- �li �' -a r�_ ,r ���. t. . f Yr( t�-r� ' `(4'[���i6r���- <br /> �' �j� �,` t�,( �,4. `a . y �'f <br /> -�fS ,.�� 1 ��1:..�cy�' � II fKtl��N�'7w,'...�Y� }� � fY�s,.:,..wu J448� `� _�.'_q.}�{vf'�y{ii11�4 <br /> � >1'l'�:rsr` �� I f�1M I 1i• .�....�y � a--...� � � .� .._.._ , <br /> .�,,. ..a.�.�.�`z <br /> . <br /> ., . .�f1^.-• , s- <br /> '�� • t�s�I ` Y 7��J-�a . .. .�. . ?" " _ <br /> �• ' • 1,� ` ' r_ . <br /> . .. � yHlt'pIM: - � _ .._ - .. - .-- . <br /> , ' � . - �:.v � W .�...i....,�..... ._....�.�...-=�.'_'"�,— "_'.�.. <br /> __. 1..1=i"ilir".��a.,ra�� -��.��._......_.�_._...... Y`�-�-.. K��.�s!a!A�it►AJ✓3�r.'.ri.w. .`.... . <br /> ��� �4- 10�9�'8 <br /> = .-.-�.:::� <br /> �L��•--1 Y� Tlt: Furtds shall be hcld in an insdtutian �vttnse de1wslu� nro inauroat by a federtil agency. instruinentality, ar ent ty <br /> r <br /> .,:ti';;,,;f.• (irtcluding l.en�lcr,if L.cndcr is such an instlwtion)or in any f�cdcral H�me t.�an Bssn3r.[.ender shall apply thc Furtds to pay thc <br /> '�"' •' Esc�ow Item9, l.ender may not charge gorrower fur holding und applyirrg the Funds.unnuntty unutyzing the escrow account,or <br /> ��'.-..:==���-��, verlfying ttie Fscrow Items.unless Lender pays B�rnawcr interest an the Fund�and applicable lnw permits L�ender to muke such ___ <br /> ` �' '� n churgc.No►vever. l.ender may requirc Bnrrawer ta pay u arte-tlmr chargc for un ioidcp�.�t c�s!essacc tax rc�ur�ing servicc <br /> ;.�;,r�:sr,.;''�.,.:: -` uscd by Le�nler In amnestian with this loan, unless uppllcablc law providcs ot7�envise. Unless an agrceinent is madc or <br /> � �� nppticuble law roquires Interest ta be puid, L.ertder shnU not be rcquireQ to pay Borrowcr nny interest ur eaminRs�n the Funds. <br /> " ' �-�,, eormwer und l,ender muy agrce in wrhin�.however. thnt interest shall bc paid an the Funds. L.ender shull �ive to Borrowcr. �,,_ <br /> "�' .�� , wjthout chargr.un annuc+l accaunting of th^Furtds. showin� c�eedits and debits to the Funds und the purpu�e for which wch � <br /> � .,�� ° � debEt ta the FunJs wa+madc.The Funds am pledgcd as culditionnl sccuriry for all surtu uxured by this Secunty Instn�mznt. <br /> . �`r�a,:' lf thc Funds held by i.ender exccx�the amounts permitted ta be held by applicuble Is�w,I.ender sha!!uccoant to Borcower �.�_ <br /> - �--`�=•��:� fur the ex�c� Fundb in�ccar�nce with thcrcquiremrnts of 3ppliruble law. If the amount of tlte Funds held by l.eruter at any �,��_ � <br /> time is not suf'fcient to pay the Facruv�Items w hen due,L en der may so na li fy Horrowe r i n writin g.ansi,in such case Barrower — �.,--- <br /> . � shall pay to Lertder the amount rtecessary ta make up the detIciency. Borrower shali make up the defic�ency in no�noTe tltan �y..�,_„ <br /> . t�velve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretian. `` - <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Socuriry lnstrument, [.ender shall pmmpdy refund to Bntra:�•er any `.`,;��__ - <br /> • Funds held by Ixnder.If.under paragraph 21,I.ender shall acquire or sell the Propeny,l.ender,�rior to the acquisition or sale `�1�e: <br /> � of the PropPtty.shalt apply any Funds held by I.ender ut the time of ucquisition or sale us a credit aguinst the sums Securod b ���'°`�'� <br /> Y �,�s•--- <br /> . _ <br /> • this Security Insttu�rr.ent. _j"� <br /> , : , J. lOJ�"J1E�21I4II A`S�II;.iN713.Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payrt�ents received by I.ender under patagrnphs --• .- <br /> � . • t a�1d 2 st�,all lze aQ��ied: any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payuble under paragraph 2; ��.,:tis';� <br /> ' tlurd.ew ir�terc-st principal due:und last,to any late char�es due under the Note. :.�•�=� <br /> . 4„C1�a�es; 6ormuer shall pay all taxes,as.s�ssmenis.chas�es, fines and impositians uttribut�ble to the Propertp : '.- <br /> wtiich rnay atiain priorit� over this Security Instrument, and te�asehald:Qayment+or ground rents, if any.Borrower sha11 pay .. <br /> �• citese al�ligations in the pro�'ided in paragraph 2.or if rrot�said�n that manner.Borrower shali pay them on time dirertly ; <br /> to ttr.e�sersun oe�ui payment. �orro ti�er shatl prom.ptly furnis[t to Lender al[rmtices of amounts to Cre lneid rS1�s paragraph. � u,;=::•; <br /> Hf B.ciccr��vermakes these paycaents directly.Borrv.rer shall promptly furnish co Len�er receipts evidectcinr the payetmnts. � _ <br /> - ' �� , Burrower shall promptEy dix�Iiarge any lien wtticM[tas pr.ionty over this Seeurity Iaticntcaent aettc�ss 8omvµ•er:fal agrees in � <br /> � writing to t he pa}ment o f t hr ubligation serue�d b y Hie Iicn in a manner acceptable to Lerader.�b1 c�onccsss in goo�Eaith the lien <br /> • by, or defends again.[ enfor�Yment of Qie [ien in, legal proccedings which in the Ler�ater's opinecrn operate to prevent the •���,. <br /> `� enforcement of tfte�:or(c>�ecures fmm the holder of the lien an agreement sati�Edceoa. to Leuader subordinating the lien to � •� <br /> e <br /> '`''��` this Security I nstrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject tc�a iien which may attain prioriry over ��7�;� <br /> this Security I n,trument, C,endcr m•r��give Borrower a noticc identifying the lien.Barr�i�+cr shall satisfy the lien or�ake one or j ..;��w <br /> • � more of the actions tiet Corth abo��e within 10 days of the giving of notice. t ' �':;"_ <br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the impmvemenu now existing or hereafter ecected on the ; ,.';,_� <br /> ___ pf���y 2n��arrri:�naimt toc� b�• fire. hazard+included within the term "extended coverage" and any otlter haz:zrds, ittcludine r � <br /> floaic ar flooding, for.vhich lxnder requires insurance. This insurance shall be mamtained m the a�roun�c:snd evr uiz:prrcu�i� ; ,r,_, <br /> that Lender reyuires. The insurence carrier providing the in�arance.haU be chosen by BoROwer subj��ct to l.erndee'::�provat � •r-�,: <br /> µ•hich �haU not be unrea�onably withheld. If Borrower failti tn maintain coverage described above. I.ender may.a: Lcnder's "' �: <br /> � option.ubtain cavcragc to prot��ct C.ender'�rights in thc Pm{�c�rty in acc�rdance with paragrsph 7- `'�- <br /> All inwranee �licie.and renewals tihall be arceptable to L.ender and ahall include a standard mortgage clause. Ixnder ;�.;_ <br /> shall have the ri�ht tc�holci the p��licie.and rene.�•als. If L.cnder reyuire�.Borrow�er shall pmmptly give m Lender all receipts of , - <br /> paid premium�und rene���al nutirc�. In the c�•ent uf lo�s. &irro�ver,hull givr prompt notice to thc insurance rarrier and Lender. _ <br /> I.ender may make prcx�f uf if ni�t made promptly b�•&�rroarr. , <br /> Unless Lendcr unJ&�rrow•cr uthcn�•ise agrec�n writing, inwrance procettis+hall be applied to restoration or repair of the <br /> Property damaged, if the restoratiun ur rcpair iti cconcimically fws�ble arxt Lender'++ecurity iti not le+sened. If the restoration or <br /> , repair iti nen economirall�• fcatiible or I.enJrr'+�rrurity auuld hc fe,tiened, the in.urance pror.eeds shall be applied to the sumc <br /> ' ,ecureci by thi+ Se�urit�• In+truntont. whelher ur n��t th�n due. ��tth an} r�cc++paid to Borroti•er. lf Finrrow•er ahandom the <br /> Property�, ar dnes not un>acr ��•ithin 3�)da��a n��tirc fn�m Lrnd�r thst the inwrance c:�rrier hati offerai to tiettle a claim. then <br /> Lender ma�• collect the in+uranre procrrd�. I.cnder ma� u.c the pmc�td. tn rcpair or re+tore the Pn�pem•or to pay +um� <br /> sectued by thi,tiecurity Imtrumrnt.��•hrthcr or nut then dur. Thr 3i)-da�perii�i«iU lxgin�rhen the notice ts given. <br /> �;�.' Unle>� IArnler and Bi�rruw•er uthcnv�rr agr�c in ��riting. an� appliraciun of pru�ccJ. tu principal tihall nut extend or :+�� ; <br /> '�' po�tpi�ne thr due date uf thr nx�nthl� pa�ment� rcfrrred tu in para�raph+ ! and _' or rhange thc amount of the pa�•ments. If • s�� <br /> :,.;;�'';,'r' � under parugraph?1 thr Pr��prm iti aryuir�ti h� L_endrr. F3urr����rr'.right tc� any imuranre pc�licie.and prureecis resultm�from , <br /> •`�;',it;.. •;�: damage k�the Prupern pri��r tu thr acqui•itiun+hall ra•.tu i_rnder tu the extent uf the,um.+rrured h��thi.Security In�trument <br /> { immcciiatrly �riur tu Ihc ucyui.nion. F',;. <br /> ' . 6. Occu}�ancy. lkrser�ation.1luintenance und Prcit�rtion of the Yru�xrt�: Burry►��er's I.oa��Application;Lesi+eholds. „;�si?;._},, <br /> '��,,;re.,.� ' Burro�rer .hall�xrtip�,r.tahlttih.:md u.c the Yr�ip�rt��a�B��rru���r'.prin�ipal re.idenrc �+ith�n,iKh�da�•.aftcr the exrcution i�f ..;�iSJ`'' . <br /> thi,Seruriq In,uument and �haU runtinur tu�,c�•upy thr Prupem• a, B��rn���er',�rincip:d retiidenrr t�ir at Ira.t une year after <br /> thc Jatc��fa�rupanr�. unl�.� L�ndcr�+thrn�i.r agrcc�in��riung. ��hi�h r�in+�nt.hall nut hc unrca��mahl} Hithhcld, ur un1c+� , <br /> extrnuating circum�tanrr� cri,t ��h��h :tre he�und B�,rru���r', runtrul. Borr�,��rr tihall nnt Jc�tru�. Jamage �,r impair the <br /> pr�,;?ert��, ;dtc n� thr Pru{xm t�� drtcriuratr. ur �ununit ��.�+tr�m th� Yropcm. Bc�rru�ccr,hall hr in Sefault if am• tiirfciturc <br /> s�.t:�rt :�r �+r��cerding. �chcthrr ci�il �,r inminal. i+hrgu�i that in L�ndrr'+p��,d taith juJgme�it c��uld re,ult in f�,rtieiture e�f thc <br /> [�r,•-�ra ��r,tth�n�i,c matcriall� impa�r thr licn creatrJ h} dc��ticcunt� In.trum�nt or l.rndcr',ticruriq intcrr+t. Burro�cer ma� <br /> ��re••�:h �u::•:'t and re�,�idrd m p:�raLraph IK.h� rau+ing thr a�ti�,n��r pr�hrrJin� te�h�di.nti+�rd��ith a ruling <br /> dist. en Lcr�s. _�,�xl faith d�trrniinati�,n. prcrlu�lr, I�,rfr�mrr ul �hr B��rro���r'. im�r�st in thr Nra�rt� ur uthrr matrnal <br /> roipairnknt�*r �.�:�;�cn cr�at�•J h� thi, Srrunt� (n,trumrnt �,r Lrndrr-� ,�cur�t� intrrc.t. Burrc,arr �hall:�Iw h� fn dcfault il� <br /> �`fC��\\fT.�Un^;I�IC���:tfl d(����li:ttl��ll rt��iC••.;!:l�C Itl.11Cfl.t��\ I.���C ut Ill:lii llf:llC IIl1�ttI11.1110I1���>I:1(CIIICIIIti t�,I.�ndcr�or failcd . .- <br /> a��n��id�I.cndcr ���lh am �''.�t�nal int��nn:�u�m�in ��mnr.'uuu���tli th.6,.in c�idcnred h� th� \��t�. tn�luJtn�. hut nul Ifnti[�d ,� .� .. <br /> t.• r.�r..cntsuan. <<,n.r�';::. H,•rnn�rr'•��..�;��.�n�� ��t Uir i'n�pr�t� :i..i prinr�pal r�+id�•nrc. il tlii.Sr�unl} In.trumrnt t.�,n a k �:;.... <br /> � I�a•�•h�,ld. B�,rc�����r ��a'; . ";I� ��rth .dl �L+� pr.��i,t�m. ul thr le.i.�. I1 Burru��er arywm t« tilli R� th� Yru(��rt�. Ihc . <br /> Ica.rhuld :�r..i�hr(�r t;tl.�h�'.;r.�,t mrr_•�uni:�� [;n�cr.i�rcr,���the increrr in��ritini. <br /> 7.�mQcc[«on nf ixrtdrr',12i��[l�c G"r���Pt�_ II }i�,rm�.�r r'�il.n�perlurm thc r���cnant.:mJ 3cr�enxnt.cuntainrd m ,. <br /> �. thi•Sc�urm In,rrum�nt. ��r rh:r� ��a I,;.,i �r,,._�..iin; ,:.:., T,�a� ..:-.�tl:,�ntl� a(tr�t L�ndcr�• n:i�i> in tht Pn,�em �,uth .i.s <br /> �+r����ti'�lm�in hsnl.rupt.� �r„�,.,r�. t��r��,•i.l:mn.:ti,,n,,; •. -'-_iturcf rr tn�nti,r�c I_,��•��r rc_u1.�u�,n�•. il�rn L�n�i�r ma� d��:�nd <br /> • , r.,�,�h.�.•,��. �, n�.,•..,n �,, rr��t��t tli� �.�lu:: „i ih: Pn,��rt� ,,nJ lrnd�r'� r�,lu, in th� Pr���r�t� L�nd�r'. ��u„n• ma) ••'' <br /> inclu�ic (�.���n, aa� .um• •�.ur�J '�� .� ii,.r� "I.�_I: !�.�� �+r�:,nt� r�.t ►ht. ��.u��t� I:���cvne�nt. .t�peann� in cuun. Pa�ins r.-:i . <br /> rca.anahl.���r„m��.' Ir��an�l cnt�rm: ,�n rlic i'r�p�rt� t„m.i6: r���.�.r, ��:!:��i.:L• Lr�i�r r.ri��.irh��n unJ�r thi. �.ira_�raph � <br /> . � � 7. LcnJrr Jnc•n��t het C lu du.�• _ ' <br /> Am ,inwunt. di.hur.�til h� I�n,i�r u�,d�r th�. �cUdLf.�ph •u.a;� hr.��m� .��:�i�i,�,�.+1 .lel+� .�1 H��rr�,���r .riurrd h� thi. <br /> S�runt� In.trumrnt l'n:�•• t3��rr.,��tr .,n,l l.•c�l<< .�Lr�r i�� �,th�r ttm�.,,t ��.��m.•nt. ti;�•�t.�m�,uttt. .h.�ll int�rc•t Irnm thc � <br /> datr ���.7t.huncirrnnt .�t Ih� \�qc r.a: .�n.1 ��,.ill hr p.��.ihl�. ��nh inl�r��t. u�+�m rn�tn� tr��m L�nd�r tn I3�,n�+��r� rryur�tu�= <br /> jv�mrm. <br /> R.�1ntt�aS;e Inwrancc.It l cn,ltr rcyu�::ai nt��rlLaL�•tn.urar�...��.���mdm�•n��I maAur�tt�r h,.m�c.utrJ h� �M•.ti�curu� <br /> In.trumrttt. H��rrm�rr .hall �+.i� th� rr�nuu�c. n�.�utr«1 t,� m.unt.un tht nn,rtt.r_r nnur.m.•� �n rtlr�l IL t��r am rce.�,n. th: <br /> m��rt�eEc m.uran.r �o�rr.�Lr �rywrrd h� l.indcr IeF•�•.�,r �ra•�•• t,�h.•iu vttr�t. }i�,in���.•r •h.�ll r.�� thr�mm�ui;. rcyuirrJ t�� <br /> ��hl.�iti r�•�tt.i�r��alh ryun.drn� t��lh� nt��rt�:.i_i�:pr�•v��u�I� iu�tt.•:t. .A a�,,•t .uh.t.�nu.�il< <yu��.J�nt i���h� <br /> �ua t�,Ita�nmrt „t Ihr ro��rti�ir m.uran�r prr���•u.h iu �•ur.t. h�•in an .�hrrn.ur nn�r1L.�_r in.uirr .�ppn��rJ h� I�n.l�r U <br /> • Form 3028 9 90 <br /> . . � , <br />