-.vA-�`..... ,� _.. . _. . _
<br /> - ,--�.. ._
<br /> ? ",'�`�r'.:��ysfa.��:Sc�"r :7,� •L S`r3 �jn.,r7ii.::'.it•. 'S"=;"L'' 1<i2:��2'�� .nr,, ,Y-'t.�c, ,;i:':���L;! &M .,v,• �:,b��. �s^r�>,' c :.i. �,�.��+ '.c�`� �- --
<br /> i T�.f,�;^r...�. ;� �i . ��f�..�1��bl ..,,a �� rK A `k.rCF�i,� � .�1� 1 ���^� ,.b� 1 �}� -l .�� .O. 1 r,, 5"^pCr"�r, ---
<br /> yf�'r.y:4 .y� f .:4,'S���i�r`�` �b.�,r.�'�b.:•3 �":! t"'1.'f 4 t' l;,'!). T r� i, t ��.��,�=y�` 1� �.t r r
<br /> �� �:i; 1' }k ZL .f C�o� . �i v ..l C �! 9 c i �5 .4,,fy ` i r�� j .
<br /> .�� .. r..fi)-,�t1�;. :' �1T5i1�1; :,�{,rf� '.'�` '\- ,i t. 9.k,.i�� •,:C'�{�k� �'t S� 1 .�?1F�..r- .S ts'�.;�t.al�i-s� t "�'C��.'v.��'.f2'ty�,: �/�ti'�'�5 .��n'--
<br /> �����( �� t i ^1'� 14i) � � .. : . �((,. iU tr �'Y;S � ..��(l M1�j y J�l
<br /> .� :" s 4,' , •2i':"�,;��. ::12�'i;��qr��. �d�ztk�:�� �t..���,'( �i�l),'� ��t�r , ,...;u.t" r� ��as�ti,,)t, ��•'7j�`�fy��4 +� y rt��t� _
<br /> `111�1""'z^c' '.�.:,�� :�' �4. '.=o.�G•�{i } C.�,: . � . 2 `}'%����5��!�f��.t t'1Gtt; »...
<br /> -°Ri,^NiUaMYMiY U bl (.-'r . . . _ . - `» .in° . __
<br />. . . .;w:aw�4.� 1+1f �4� •Gw,l;i. Yr� ; .��.��uM�M! �• . . ._,
<br /> . r� . ��T_'!�I�Y•!(sgtii^(NM63.H�'�: , . . . - -.. -�--�
<br /> �� ., . � `¢n. �..i•. . � .,.. ., •.., �- . i _'--.
<br /> ' - . . �------
<br /> ...�_._.:x�..�.cn�e•�u�ntts.alornae^�..�... _ _.`�.__._._..._...._.....�..--•'-_,_...._.�..,-_.�------ . ......._ .___..___..._..._. ---- --�
<br /> <',�r;�y�y�� Bortoww rt�y aun sucli a dMwR �nd nt►stat�, u prwkNd in pa�aph 18�bY au�(np th��ctlon a proo+�nO to bo `__—
<br /> ;"'-:n,a-•"!,�''�;� dlemhsb t�Ath s ru�p tb�t�ti UrtdrP�poed Edl�Mt�tkn�Meoh+dw tottoRw�ot th�BorroW«'�ht�t In tM ProRrtty tk
<br /> -�.�-��,�i r� othw nwt�id imp�kkment ot th�Am erw�t�d Ey thl� Sreudyf Inatntment or MndMo a�ourMy i��i�rei� Borrowa►shN ah►o b�k�(�
<br /> - �.' �.;.°:.'� ' dd�r�t M Bonown�durYip tM lo�n rpplortbn proa�a�p�w rt�t�ly uU�ot tn�eoura4�IntoRr�iton tx�tat�n�nb to t.�nd�r(or � --
<br /> - -,,°�„rt._ _,,
<br /> qN�d to provtd� I.�nde�wrih Nny m�t�rW hfonntto�) tn ccnnscR�on wltM th�{o�n s+Adascsd by ths N�t�,(ns�h�dlnq, but not �
<br /> :'''� ' „J:�;�� �rn6t�d to� nPrsentatiwn oono�mfrt� 6nrtows"� oacuPana�► of tA� Prop�Ay as a P�� rr�idencs�. fl tMA 8�1,'!
<br /> .° instrument ta eo �tesaeiiaW, Ba.ow:��iG�t1 c,o��y,y K;ih d th.i�°«.brrs o!t#ta tw.-ee. M Bartor�cr eeg,�h�tea�e t� tde � �___-- _ __
<br /> _ .,.�• PropeAy,tNe IiaaMctd and ths te�tlUs�hatl rtot mit�u�Na ltrtd�r iDrNS to tA�m�rpM'b wrtshp. � _
<br /> � 7. P�lsetlon ot 6sndar'� Ripint tn tY»�rop�►!y.M BorrowM fW to p�r(omt tb�oov�n�nt�and��rMmet�t�
<br /> _ � oart!!ned M tht� ExterMy lnstrument, or there[a e te(�1 �xeeesdin9 tfiat rr�Y s1�lNaanty�t(eet Lr,tndet'd d9hts in th�Pro6�Y �.:�w:;;--�.:-:.-- -
<br /> (sueh ae a proce�dL�g In baniwptay. pro0ate�Sor oondminatian or torhiWro ot to mtata Nwo ot teputulons)�then L,mder rtKy �__._---------:�-____.__ �
<br /> o W �,x.�..
<br /> do�nd p�y tor wMtaver te neeeasay to proteat the v�tue af ths Property�nd lender's etphts fn th�Property. t+ander'�aotiona� _,,::,"�-:-----
<br /> , , nsay tnduds payhp any eums seaurod Isy i ea►whiah has prbrfy ove� 1hla �eourlry Inetruinant� �PPautnp Mt couA. PaUb� ''i�'..�,""�._
<br /> _ . rouonabN attomeys'tees�nd enteAnp on tha Property to m�ke rop�tra.Atthouph Lendar rrwy t�ks actlon un�this p�npraph ,�L'�,;�-�:�''_-_=��__. -
<br /> 7,lmder doea not have to do ao. _- '�`-�''""h""""
<br /> My amounte disburaed by Lenda under g�greph 7 shnll beeome admtlonai debt of Borrower seoured by this Securily _ _'��
<br /> .��.sr.:�.,
<br /> �M���__.
<br /> tnetrument. Unlese Borrower end Lender a�ee to other t�rme of piymen� theae emounta ahtll besr Interest from the data ot -�-.°�,q,�
<br /> dtaburaema�t at the Nota rate and ohsA ba p�yabte,wit�interoat,upon noUoe from Lende�to BoRawav roquosdng payment . -,s�_�;^=_�f
<br /> � 8. Mortgaps Irtsuranes. fl Lende►repuired mortgage ineurance as a condiUon of rtwkinp the Iwn aecured by thia �-. � �
<br /> 3ear[y Insttument�8otrowor shaY pe�y ihe pretnNims requlred W maintaM the mangage Meuren�e tn otfeat.ff.for�ny reason.the ;'`�'� , '��_
<br /> .. mort9�9a Insuranoe eavarege�eRmtn�bY t�.ender lapaea or eeseea ta be M elfect.Borrawer ehatl psy the premluma roquked to � =':��,,_ `:� i^f:_•._
<br /> � obteJn coveraye aubstenttetly equ."sa!e�rt4 Co the�ttoot�g�tna�cea+ec� �ravtousy 6n mtteat.at a o038 oabatentfaBY oquivalent W tha ' �°�
<br /> . � eoat to 8ortower o4 4Ro c►�drtgago 6�es�rep gree+[�ca1y t� e;RazZ. 9tcan an aRemomta cnortgaga lc�sure►�pIIaaives9 by Lender. l9 : �i,."���.
<br /> Q Y
<br /> � .,y�'!:_^'�_imu_
<br /> ' aubatanWrll��4��9r�90�s�ar►os cov¢qag�ts c�et ava"�a@m,Be�r�rrrr sPee��ay to Lender eaeh ma�tP+m o�cm eq¢nl to .,,.y_,ns�<----
<br /> ere�ih of ttna ee�a�t msuranee me DaFng paEd by Bct�rowrEt wt�.-�4L�a lnaumnce aoverage Mps2d eg e2�se�to . '°'_ --
<br /> f��Y 33�� R�
<br /> �� • be In �e�'t l.endxr wW aecept,v,se and ratatn thesa paymeMa s�a Ooss mesmnro in Ueu of mortgage insuwnee. Lose ee�scmo _:a.�
<br /> . `` paym�4s aeay no ionger be reqm)rm�,at the optton of Lender.H mraripkaga bnsurunce coverape(in the amount and Por the�rte� `�—
<br /> that Lender requires� provided Ey mn Msurer ved b Lenda�gs4n Dacorr�as avariable and Is obteined. Borrower shati pay -�'�A�-`-'.:s ,.,.
<br /> re 8FP►o Y e '�, :• �,c�,.. „
<br /> the premiuma requ3�erb to maintehe maotyag�Insumn�h elPect.a to prov�da�Oass rese�ve.untY the requiremeM for mort�age .,�' "
<br /> � hsurence ends in mc�er�ance w�Fe eny wrl34en ep�ment between Bamower an�lender or appltoable taw. " -_-
<br /> • �. InSpeCtl�D.lsndef or its agxr►t may make reasonabta enUies upon a�di inspc+ctlona oi the Properiy. Lender shap�ive ,, _ -�
<br /> ,•,:,, Bortow¢r oottce at the tlme ot or p7toP to an inspecUon spedfying reasonable cause tor the ir�spectlon. ^ __
<br /> •,;�}1:'r� ��. Condemnatlon.The praceeds of any award or otaim for demages, dked or eonaequenUal, in conrtecBon wfN� any _
<br /> cond�nnatton or other taWng ot any pert ot the Property,or for comeyance tn Ueu ot condemnallon, are hereby essignad end ., '�'„_.
<br /> ahap be paid to Lenaer. '
<br /> !� the event of o totei teking oi the Properiy, the proceeds shell ba applled to the sums seaured by thts Securily
<br /> -, o ._.
<br /> I' ..•• . Instrument,whether or not then due,with eny excess pa(d to Bortower. In the evmt of a partiat feWng of the Property tn whieh ..
<br /> "---- - �'..',�';•; the iatr marlcet value of the Property immedietely bafore the ffiking la equW w or grester than tiee amount oi ihn eur�w ae;�rad
<br /> ��,?°:; by thls Seeurity inaVument Immediately betore the teidng, uniess �wmwer and Lenda othervrise agree in wr(ting, the sams � , ,
<br /> � seared by this 3ecurity instrument shaM be reduced by the amoun�of the proceeds mulUpiled by the tollowing iradton: (a) the
<br /> , �'��',};:. �; ,
<br /> ��'•`;� �� totel amount of the sums sscured immedfately betore the taWng, dhrided by @)tfie falr market value oi the Property immediately
<br /> '7, •.'�'x' before the teWng.biny baiance shap be patE W 8omawet.In the event ot e partta!taking ot the Properly in which the telr market � ;.
<br /> � .,��.. ��' .. ,
<br /> ��'•,;J�:�.' valae ot the Property immediatety bxtore the taWng 3s less than tfie amount of ihe suma secured immedtatety betore the teMng. ..li�
<br /> 'f:r',. ';�, unlesa 8orroxrer and Lender oth�nvlse agree tn writlng ar unieas appYaable Iaw otAe�wiae provides, the proeeeda shaN be _
<br /> _ appAed fo the sums seeured by tC�is Saeurity InsUument whether or not the suma are then due. � -
<br /> H the Properry is abandoned my 9onower, or H,after noUce by Lender to 8orrowet thet the condemnor oftws to make an :, �
<br /> award or settle a daim tor demagea. Borrower fatls to respond to Lender within 90 days aRer the dete the noUce is gHen. "'�r;�
<br /> lender is authorized to coilect end appty the proceeds, at its opUon, either to restoratbn or repair ot the Property or to the ,�
<br /> sums secured by this Sewrtty Instrument,whether or not then due. `•"•;tk;.�:��i�
<br /> Uniess lendcv and Borrower otherwise agree in writlng, any appiissetlon of proceeda to prindpai sheJl not eatend or • ••
<br /> poslpone the due date ot the monthy payments reterred to in paragrepha 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. �••�;t:�.'
<br /> 7 i.Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver.Ex�enslon ot the tkne tor payment or ����•, . :+;
<br /> � mod'�floatbn ot amoriizatlon ot the aums secured by thls Security Instrument granled by Lender to a►�y successor !n interest oi � ,
<br /> Botrowet shaA not operale to release the liabflity ot the odgfnei Borrower or Boaower's successors in Interest. Lender shal! not �'�': .
<br /> '' be requ4ed to commence proceedinga against eny successor in fnterest or re�use to extend Ume tor paymeni or othervvise • '
<br /> '-��•�'.� modHy amortizaUon of the sums�acured by this Security Instrument by reason ot any demand made by the odgfnei Borrower or � • �'��"�
<br /> `':�k;i
<br /> '�%�� . ,',. � Bortowet's successors in (nterest. Any forbea►ance by Lender in exerdstng any dght or remedy sheil not be a wafver of or � ,,;�,;;:;�., _
<br /> '' '�� ' predude the exercfse of any dght or remedy. • '�'�
<br /> •; 12. Succeasora and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers. Tha covenants and ,
<br /> � agreements of thfs Searity Instrument sha11 bind and benefit the successors and assigns oi Lender and Bonower,subJect to the
<br /> - - � provlstOns ot pe�8graptl 7/. efotrowere Covenants and ag�ne���eiiia ai�au ua ju�ui auu awmnt. w�y o�nunfw wi�G w-oiyi�o 'u`rio .'.,:;_�,�
<br /> � � 3ecuri7y Instrument but does not execute the Note: (e) is co-stgniiig this Security Instrument cnly to mortgage,grant and convey • !` ��'
<br /> ,. .�
<br /> . � that 0o�rower's interest in the Property under the tertns ot this Security Inswment; @) Is not personaily obifgated to pey the
<br /> 1 sums aewred by this Security Instrument• and (c)egrees that Lender and any other Bortowe►may agree to extend, mo�'ity.
<br /> � forbear or make any accommodaUons wkh regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note wfthout that Borrower's
<br /> � conaent
<br /> 13. Loen CPO�rges. If the Ioan secured by this Security InsWment is subject to a law which sets maximum toen
<br /> ' �' � cherg�s.and that tew is flnaily Interpreted so that the interest ar other toan charges collected or lo be coliected tn connection
<br /> �; wflh tqe loan exceed the permttted Iimfts,then: (a) any such loa� �harge shatl be reduced by ihe amount necessary to reauce
<br /> ' ' � the charge zo the permitted limit; and (b)any sums already co7lected from Bonower which exceeded permitted �ImRs will be
<br /> retunded to Borrow�r. Lender mey choose to make ihis refund by redudng the �rincipel owed under the Note ar by making a _
<br /> ' direct p�ayment to �arrower. If a retund reduces �rincipal, the reducUon w11 tr�e treated as a partiel prepaye�Ent without eny
<br /> pt�pAymenB eharge under the Note. �
<br /> 9d4. ?dOtiCAB.My notice to Bortower provided for tn this S�curily InsWment st.aN be given by delhrering ft or by ma1'sng�
<br /> by frsE dasa mad unless epp5ca�ls law tequires use ot another rrzethod. The nollce shail be directed to the Property Adcdress '
<br /> ' w any other address Borrower desigoates by notice to Lender. My noUce to le�der shaU be gNen by fi�st ciass mail to
<br /> iemoers address sraLeu nerein or any otner address iender dasignaies by noucc iv oc,nvwa. ivry �wur.a M�.6;a:.�����. .���
<br /> ."� �rity Instrumertt shai be deemed to have been given to Bortower or Lender vihen given as provlded In thls paragraph.
<br /> � U5. Governing Law; S6vBt'Sbiltty. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by tederal law and the Iaw at the
<br /> juets�rsUon in whtch the Property ts located. In the event that any provlslon or clause af this Security InsWment or the tUota
<br /> . conflids wlth applicabla taw, such conflld shall not a8ect otRer�crovlsions of thls Security instrt�ment or the Note whlch cr�r De
<br /> . glven etfect wfthout the confllcUng provlslon.To this end the provisions of thfs Security Instrumant and the Note are dectared to
<br /> � be severabte.
<br /> 18.90rrOwe1''8 Copy.Bortower shaU be given ane canformed copy of the Note and ot this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> I
<br /> I fl316.LMfi(12/93) Paqe 3 of S
<br /> • I
<br /> i
<br /> � 35659
<br /> I I
<br />