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<br /> ' �'� TOOETFIFA Wlt1i al th�Mpravrtwnt�now at hsn�R�r�nabd on ths propNty. �nd v su�rnnts��Pf+urt�noM.�rtsl
<br /> ,;.Y: v ., :. .,y ..
<br /> fG�turos now a h�nattu a p�rE�st the prqpa�ty.AN tapiacrnmh�rtd addNlans aAsA abtt►M move�ed hy iM�S�writfl M�mM►1.
<br /> ., �;�.f� !W a!the tor�gohp b�K�r►ed ta in thla t3oaudty insbunts►1 as th�'ProMAy.' . •
<br /> • � ' ' ' � BQARCWER COVENArR�t1►tt 8ano�wt b IRwA�I t��d ot th��t� h�nDy ca�v�t�d and hn th� �ht to qrant ut� �
<br /> � �, ., Qony�y th�prop�ely snd that tP�s P�apafy t� unanau�riD�nd�cwpt tor�nc�mbr�►c�i of ncord. Sorrowa�w�mr►is�r►d wU �
<br /> � defand�an�a�y th�f�N to th�Prop«!y oysinsi�l aWna�nd dwrMndo,subjai to my snasmhnneee ot►ocord �
<br /> _ . ..- THiS BECURITY f1�D81AUMHNI' comb�nss unSlorm cavawnts 4a �wii�t uae �s►d ��,-�ttam ca�•r••ttoata s-.�it �..,. ' .
<br /> . . �� � . vulatlans by jutKdictlon to cannldrt��unMonn awevflty Y�ummt oov�elnp►Mt propeefy. Fei
<br /> � UNIFORIN COVENAMB. Bortmw�►and I.md�r oo�vw+�r►!md agta�u to�ows:
<br /> ' !. pa�enetet�P�inal�al and Inbr�s�Pnpayment and L� Chat��e.�arrowa sfi�1 pram�ly piY�+�1►on �
<br /> � ' , � dae Nsph alal aR�nd NRend ae th�d�b1�videe�u9 HY U»Note�nd�ny pnpnyment md kte ohwpes Ate under the Nate. T=�-==
<br /> � � , ' a. Funds tor Ti�xes�end Insunma�. 3ub�at to�pp8cabis kw or to�wrKten w�hret by Lende4 eom,wer shd paY � —
<br /> � to�ende►on the dry manthy paymerta are due undnr the Note,uMi the t�ote le pnld in tu�,�eum('Funde•)tor. (�yesrly —
<br /> t�ces�nd asNSaments whteh m�y attatn pr{o�ily ore► thid 3eourity tnatrument aa a Nen on the ProParty; @)Yesrly taRaehald � _—
<br /> .. . pryman4s or�round ronta on tbo ProP�!►�K�Y: tQ) Y�Y hazud or propary Inaurance prortdums: ifi Y�d►itood�our�+w :r
<br /> . praNums.N any,(e)yeuly moRgtge insuranee premiuma,H any:and(Q any suma peyabie by Borrowor to Lender tn aeeadance
<br /> witb the proviatons of p�rapraph 8, in Aeu ot lhe pnyment ot mortgage Nsuruice premfums. These Itema aro eaUed 'Eaaow �3!,=
<br /> Itenta� Lender mey, at nny tfine, eo9eet aRd It�tid Funds h an amoant not to exeoed the maxlrnum amos�t a tc�dai tor a _-
<br /> tederaly �tsted mortgege loar►may require me @sas�da esaow account�cre� the tederal Reat Estate Sa4�t�naM B+t�ece�ur�s =_ -
<br /> Act ot 1874 as amended irom tlme to tqne,12 W.S.��2601 et eeq. ('RESPAry, ar�ss astetPe¢Q tar+ tRa1 +�p�'�es Co the ffa�mds —
<br /> a�s a isaser amount tl so.Lende►�nay.rst an� r+�.odlect eed hold F¢��s 6e on gmcue►4 e�at 4o exc�ed 4P�a las�er axa�on2 �;.
<br /> O.mtdr�may esUmate the amoun4 a4 RvAeds cB�e oa� t�a DneEa of em►cnt data and reasesa�e¢�S�nates o4 e�anditures o4 Pu"�cue �.,:
<br /> �sc�cri ttana or alhe�wise In ar.¢nr�artco�rKh ag�JatrJ�i lew.
<br /> Ths Fun�Ds sP�a"1�sa hetd tn un i�stt�tlea wRaso depoatta are Ineured by a te�2ra1 agency,tnst�umen�ty.or�(tndudhp �;
<br /> Lenda� H Lend2�r ta such an�an)or Fn c�y Gederei Home Laan 8ank le�nder aha9 aPPy the Funds 4o pay the Esaow �".
<br /> �,
<br /> ttems.Lendef may neZ ehRrga Be�ver fa�r hoRckva�and appfyhg the Funds, annuaQy anetyiing the esctow ac:.ount,or vcrlyl�g
<br /> tha Escrow ftema, ¢ntess L¢s��r�ays Barrmwe7 interest on the Funds and app9cable taw petmtts Lendar to make sueh a
<br /> ch�a However. L�der may ee¢ufre Borto+aer to pay a ono-Umo charge for an hdependent reai estate tex repa�ting s�rvice
<br /> use� by lender tn connecden witlo this h�an, us�less appP.catala taw provldea olhe�wJse. Unless an agreement ia ma�� or
<br /> app43sebla taw�equLea htereat to be paid Lendar shaN not 6e required to pay Borrower eny intereat or�ami�gs on tha F�snds.
<br /> Bomowe�and lend2r may a9ree in w►iNn9. howF,wa, that fnterest aheU be�aaid an the Funda. lender st�a� �(ve to 8orrower,
<br /> wfthout �harga en annuai ueeounUng of the Fun�s,showing aedtts and d�:b to the Funds end the puepA�e tar whlch each
<br /> deblt to the Funda was made. The Funds ere plerYged aa addrtionai securily f�r aI1 sums secured by the See�aeRy tnstrumerrt.
<br /> B the Funds hetd by Lender exceed the amounla pertn6ttert to be held by app8cable law, Lender ehall account to 8on,mvQr
<br /> for the ezcess Funds in aecordance wfth the requirements ot a�aUcable law. H the amount ot the Funds hetd by Lender ut any
<br /> " Gme b�ot sutltdent to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notHy Bortower in writlng,and, in such case 8orrawer
<br /> . ahail pay to Lendar the amourrt necessary to m�ke up the deftdency. 8orrower ahall meke up the defldency in�o more than
<br /> ' taielve monthy paym2nts,at lender'a sole d�seaettea.
<br /> • , � ���g. ng .,t$y ��g yn�!►ai�y thia 3ecurity instrument,Lender ehall Qromptty retund to Bortower any Funda i
<br /> hdd by Lender. B;under paregrapl�21, Lender shaE acqutre or sell ffie Property, Lendet, priar to the ecqulstUon or sale ot the
<br /> Property, shaD sppty any Funds h���Qy Lender at the tNne ot acquisitlon or sele as a credit against the sums secured by this :,�
<br /> • Security Insttument �� .
<br /> 3. AppliCe�i�n of Petym6t1t8. Untess applicable law provides otherwfse, a0 payments received by Lender undet ,
<br /> ' psragtephs 1 end 2 shad be appYed: flrst. to anU prepayment charges due under the Note:second, to emounls paysbie under �
<br /> parag�aph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to princtpal due:and Ias�to any late cherges due under the Note.
<br /> . 4. Charges; Uena Bonower shau pay au �exes, assessments, cherges, ftnes and impoaftlons attdbutebla W the
<br /> . ., Property whiah may attatn prior6ty over this Security hstrumen�and Ieasehdd payments or ground rents, H any. Botrower ehaY
<br /> pay these obligaUons fn the manner provided in paragmpn 2, or M not paid in that mannet, 8orrower shall pay them on tfine l .
<br /> � dfrecUy to the person owod payment Bortower shall prompty fumish to Lender al� notices of amounts to be patd under thEs ��
<br /> paragraph. If BoROwer makes ffiese payments dUectty, Borrower shaU promptly tumish to lendet receipts evidenctng the :;!,.
<br /> � payme�tts. �!'
<br /> Bortowet shall promptly discharge any Aen which hes pdority over thls SeeurNy InsWment unless 8o►rower. (a)agreea fn
<br /> , ; writing to the payment of the obOgatlon secured by the Nen in a manner aceeptebie to Lender, (b) contesta in good fatth the ',;;'
<br /> .. i Ben by, ot detentls agektst eniorCement ot the Ilen In. Iegai proeeedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prever�t the ��;.'
<br /> ' enforeement of the Oen;or(c)secures from the hdder of the qen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinattng the IEen to
<br /> thls Searfry instrument it Lender detertnines iha� •�rry pen ot the PropeAy Ia sub;ect to a Ilen which may ettain prtotity over this
<br /> ' � 3ecuriry Instrument.Le�der may give Boaower a �ati:,e identflying the Ifen.Borrower shad seUsty the qen or take one or mwe of
<br /> , �:� the acqons set ioAh above wRhin 10 days ot the givng of notkre.
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property tnsurance. 8arower shell keep the Imprmements now exisUng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> �� � Property insured against loss by ftre, hazards IncluAec!within ihe tertn 'extended coverage' and any other hazards, inelttding
<br /> , floods or flooding,tor which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shalt be meintained In the amounts and for the petiods
<br /> . that Lender requires. 'fhe insurance cartfer providing the insurance shaN be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lendet's epproval
<br /> which Rhan nnt t�e unreasonabiv withheld. H Barower faBs to maintain coverage described above,Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> ' option,obtain coverage to protecl lendei s tighis in the Properry in accordance wnh paragraph 7.
<br /> , � � Alt insurance poiides and renewats shali be acceptabie to Lender and ahait Include a standard mortgage ciause. Lender
<br /> shall have the right to hold the policles and renewels. If Lender requires,Borrower shaN promptly gNe to lender all receipta of
<br /> ' , peld prem(ums and renewai notices. In the event of Ioss,Borrovier shali ghe prompt notice to ihe Insurance cartier and Lender.
<br /> lender may make prooi of Ioss if not made promptly by Borrower. �
<br /> j Uniess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, (nsurance proceeds shall be epplied to resYOration or repatr of the ,
<br /> Prope�ty damaged,H the restoratbn or repair is economicetly feasible and Lender's security Is not lessened. !1 ihe restoraUon or
<br /> � repair is not economicaUy teasible or lender's secudly woutd be lessened,the Insurance proceeds shart be applied to the sums �
<br /> , � secured by thls Securiry Instrur..ent. whether or nd then due. with any eucess paid to 6onower. If Borrower abandons the ;
<br /> . Property, or does not answer wnnin 30 days a notice from Lender that the I�surance cartier �as oHered to settle a clalm. lh�
<br /> ' Lender may cccleci the insuranee proceeds. Lenxter may use the proceeds to repair or resiore the Proper}r or to pay sums
<br /> , � secuted by this Securiry lnsUument, whether or r.p".t"en due. The 30-day per.o;t wll begin when the notice is givet►. .
<br /> � � Unless Lender and Bortower otherwise a3r�e cn writing, any appiiw:cc:: ot proaeeds to prindpat st�aA not exlend or
<br /> � postpone ihe due date of the monthiy payme�ts relerrrd to in Raragraphs 1 and 2 or ehangx tfie amount of the payments. If
<br /> , ; un��r,garagraph 2i the Proper¢y is acquired by Leader. BoRCwer's right to any insurance potiaes and proceeds resulfu�g from
<br /> • darteaga to the Roperiy prior IIa the acqulskfon shait pass to lender to the extent of t�e su:ns by this Security Instrument
<br /> . lmmodiwta.lv nrinr to the acauisition.
<br /> 6. Oc�u�a�c�y, Preservation. Maintenance and ProtecBuoro of tha P�operty; 8orrower's Loan
<br /> , Applieatiorc; d.�esehOldB. Borrower shail occupy, estabGsh, and use tPre Pvoperty as 8orrower s prindpal residence wilhin
<br /> � gixty days after the execution of this Securily InsUument and shall contnue to occupy the f'roperty as Bortower's prtnapal
<br /> � residence tor at�east one year after the date of occupancy, untess Lender otherwise agr2.�s in writing,which consent shall not
<br /> be unreasonabty withhetd. or urtless extenuating ciramstances exist which are heyond 8arrower's control. Bortower shall not
<br /> ' destroy. damaga aa impair the F'roperty, allow the P�operty to deterforate,o�eommd waste on the Property. Bonower shall be in
<br /> defauft H any fortature attion ar proceeding. v�n¢ther civi or afminai,fs 6egun that in Lendei s good faith judgment could result
<br /> • In farfeiture oP tb+e Propeity or otherwise matev�any impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest.
<br /> - F1316.U.10 (1YA31 Pa�e 2 =e 5
<br /> � 35659
<br />