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<br /> ��`�I;� ��-:�(' ' iY�'r i- .�� :�!'ie.; Je4i(s��[���� �+'{x`�, ..�:��.S-�dA►-'ID�rvi
<br /> �' f ` ''M1P��!r ' ' �Ari,',��1�?:�N�'���i� "
<br /> �K�,n.-��5�1.�ffYYfS'+"rl+�y. �n
<br /> . •�•^KJMrH..�ncw�.�*+ ,ran.o..� . .
<br /> . ..r�1� .. "_ , n:a+elr.•�fi<�Mr',W'�in.b.,, �
<br /> ,�", . i �.,,. - . , . .
<br /> _�. �.w�tria++...rar••- ,._.._....._.._.� �:... - - . .....___.._..___........._���AT�
<br /> _:rT�?� �
<br /> �,.-���3_,�,,�„� � ACKNOW6EDt#EINENI'Af AE�Oi�TRU87�4,.. �Q��� _
<br /> � �` �;�� 7 TOA READ THIS BEFORE 8IQlViN(4:
<br /> .,s�,...
<br /> _=�.'"°:.q"C'.�. .
<br /> _-`==�-��� " Tr�tt� t the doaument that'fro�tor is about to exsaute 1�s�d of 7ru�tand nota mo�tps�s ind ehtt th�powH �_
<br /> ��;�;,: �= =�Y�: of aate provlded tor In the st�rovldes eubstanUatiy dlNeront d�hb an�oblt�at►onf to 7ru�tortt�m n maA�ape ln ths�»nt
<br /> ota detaultor bre�ach o9 obllaatlon urt s�of Tru�L inctadina,but not timitod to.ths Lender's rlghtto heve Ms Froprrt�t�otd —
<br /> _���=?fh�-,;:.,�p�o by th�Trunee without any Judiclet procssdin�. roprasnri and w�rranta th�t thla aokttpwt�dfla�»nt was�xooutwd Dy �
<br /> • � • Trustor bc9fote the execuUon oi the Dasd of Ttuat —
<br /> r _
<br /> ' o� �-
<br /> _ •__,----_ ��-
<br /> � � Tiustor ��=
<br /> . �'�.
<br /> "I�.lf''��1�.i- ' �r .
<br /> -: '��f'.�}:}+;,�=.�i:;�;f, T6f6S DEEO OF TRU8T,is made as ot the 1 e�ay ar A,�o r�1 ,1994.,by and among -:
<br /> '<�•7�;-5:...5 `:3..
<br /> ����':.;'�,�t�i°. ,' .,.,n,:
<br /> , : , the Tcustar, 1�I.8 Coxporation, a NebxasLta Cos7posatioa
<br /> .
<br /> • , whoso ertFlflirtg 8ddeess fs 5076 i1. Abbott Rd., Gr�n� Islamd. NE 6�80���@s�«���ar,"mrtot?�or one or more), �,Y�=
<br /> -:�u:
<br /> ;. . �, � the T�aest�o, .�ane$ Pa��¢rnBlc ---- — .
<br /> ,;;,.
<br /> . ,.. -
<br /> � '`�"''�•r� whose malHng eddress is p m �mx 40, 1545 M 3treet, Ord. NE 688b2 �r�tn"TrusEaa"�and `
<br /> �;,i��y,'.�)�:YN� .
<br /> ' .•��''�{� T & S Grain Co a Nebraska C�rpo �tion , _
<br /> ;•, , 'y.li;<i�,, the Beneflciary. � :
<br /> ,'c:•
<br /> `f.'•.�:'c�-"�.::;'s;,.,. As�adia, NE 688I5 (heretn•'l�en�er�. ",,,
<br /> ;:;;�:'";::;:;•4: , whose msllirtg address is -
<br /> '`;`�;;;.;;i'• FOR VALUABLE CONSIOERATION,including lender's extension ot credft Identitied herein t� 1tI.S Co�poration. _
<br /> • a Nebraeka Corporation (herein"Borrower',whather One or mote)and the lrust h8rein created, ��-
<br /> . the receipt of which is hereby acknowtedged,Trustor hereby irrevocebly grants, transfers,c�nveys and ass�gns to 7ruatee,IN
<br /> • TRUST,WRH POWER OF SALE,tor the baneflt ar+d securlty ot Lender,under and subject 4o t�n�4�sms and conditions herei�aRer set ��'
<br /> __.__ ._._. .:_: 11��
<br /> ,_-- : ;;,,:,.--- t01t11.th8 fA81 pt0�f8Ry,d6SCI1b60 8s 12�IIOWS: `—
<br /> .. bchib:�u "B" attached - -
<br /> �:.
<br /> '. Together with ali buildings,improvements,fixtures,streets,alfe�s,passageways,easer�rte�:s,righte,privileges end appurte- �1'
<br /> , ;,��1 nences ioceted thereon or in enywise pertainfng thereto,and the ren4s.issues end proflts,�owavsians and remainders therea9,and r�
<br /> � , such personat propetty that ia attached to the Improvements so as to constitute a flxture,including,but not�imited to,hesUng and =-
<br /> � cooling equipmen�and together with the homestead or marital interests,if any,which interesta are hereby released and waived;atl
<br /> • of which,including repiacements and additions thereto,is hereby declared to be a part oi the reai estate secured by the ilen Of this
<br /> • Deed of Truet and ali ot the foregofng befng reterred to herein as the"Property". -•
<br /> ,. This Deed ot Trust shaU secure(a)the payment of the principal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory nOt�ar�a�@dft -_
<br /> egreementdated Anzil 1, 1994 ,havtngamaturitydateot October 1, 200I �`
<br /> ,
<br /> in the original principal amount of$ 18.000.00 ,and any and ali modiflcaUons,extensions and renewels
<br /> '• . theroof a►thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them if more than one)hereunder 'v
<br /> ' ��'� ` pursuant 10 one or more promissory notes or credit agreements(herein cailed"Note"):(b)the payment ot other sums advanced by `�
<br /> ;';:,.: '� ,�=
<br /> Lender to protect the security of the Note;(c)the pertormance of ali covenants and agreements oi Trustor set torth herein;and(d)ali ����:
<br /> � present and future indebtedness and obligations of Borrower(or any of them tt more than one)ta Lender whether dlrect,indirecL
<br /> absoiute or contingent and whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraft or othenvfse.The Note,this Deed of Trust artd any 8nd all s'
<br /> v:t2v:C34CJ�:�..�°����rn�hn t�IMU�r�fMeruii�o Qvon��lai In��nn��inn 11�are�uifl+ inPl�v�ino urifhn��t IImiMNnn o..oron�,�wa�Wriw �—i
<br /> agreements and assignments ot Ieases a�d rents,shall be referred to herein as the"Loan Instruments". ;�
<br /> Trustar covenants and agrees with Lender as toliows: .
<br /> t. Payment of Indebtednesa.AII indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due.
<br /> 2. Yitla.Trustor fs the owner of the Property,has the right and authoriry to convey the PraBe�ty,an�wavrants that the Hen
<br /> created hereby is a 1+rsc and prior Ifen on the Property,except for Iiens and on�„mbrances set foRh by prustor in wrldng and
<br /> dei ivered to Lender G�t�re execution of this Oeed ot Trust,and the execution an�c�e��yery of lhis�eed o!Trustdoes not violate any
<br /> contract or other obligation to which Trustor is sub�ect.
<br /> 3. Tmxes,A4ses9menta.To pay before delmquency ail taxes,spec�al assessrnents en�au other charges against the PropeAy ,
<br /> " now or hereatter levied.
<br /> • • 4. i�aura�ee.To koea the Property msured against damage by hre.h82ard5+r�I��¢d w�tt�in the term"extended coverege",and
<br /> . , such other hazards as i�nder may require,in arnounts and w�th companies ac�.��_aDie to lender,naming Lend2r as an addiUonal
<br /> � narned insured,witn Ioss payable to tna Lender.ir case of loss under such poh:.�rs,tne Lender is authorizetl im ad�ust co�lect antl
<br /> . compromise,sIl cla�ms thereurt�e.arc�shall have ire option of applymg alI or part of the insura�Ce proceeds(q t�any indebtedness
<br /> . secur�d hereby and in such a�d�•as�..�^der may determine.(��)to!ne Trustor to be used tor!rP repair or restoration of th�Pre��eAy
<br /> or(iii)tor eny other purpose cr o���c:�atisfactory to Lender w�±ho�t aHecting the lien of th�s QP.�c of Trust tor the full arnouant 5C�::red �';'�'
<br /> � hereby before such paymert ever took place.Any applfcabon ot proceeds to indebtedness s�cail not extertd or pogtppreg 4�s due �`,"•,
<br /> date of any payments un�er the Note.or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder ''f� .
<br /> � �_W__ � ..�.........��...�....w... r.... ..tt.. ..�..1 enian. . �/.�nannn�uc�nn.te•...e...amu...e�n e..N:..:n..�
<br /> � v. a.��wvw.vpv:'.�:.::o....o...u......��.......... ••....:::.�r�.....,:�...........�....^.�_-....._...-----....__...-��_..�.a..��..�........... ' .
<br /> sums to enabte lender to pay as they become due one or more of the follow�ry �:;a��taxes.assessments anr�oVoer charges agamst ,
<br /> the Property. (ii)the p�em�ums ar the p�operty�nsurance rea..•ea nereunder,ancs�����tr.e m•em�ums on any rreortga5e�r�surartce �••,
<br /> rec�tc�red my l.ender. �
<br /> � �. BHaMtenar+se.Repalrs aw�C�mplfa��o with Lawa.Trustor shetl keep the Property in good cortd�iare artd r��ir,shatl
<br /> @ramr�4ly repair,dr r��!ace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed:shall not comm t ei.r pe:rrtl arty waste or
<br /> d2L�riara�on ot tt��Proaerty;s�al1 not remove.demolish or substsntially atter any of the�mprovements on t�e �rQ�erty:Shall not :
<br /> commit suNer or permrt any act 4o be done�n or upon the Propeity�n v�olat�on of 8ny law.ordinance,or regulanon,and Sh�!.pey end �
<br /> 1 pramptiy d�scharge at Trustars cost and expense all liens.encumbrances and charges Iev�ed,�mposed or aSSes�d a,a�o^�nst tte8
<br /> Prop�rly or any part thereof.
<br /> 7. Eminent Domaln.Lender is nereby 8ssigned all�ompensat�on,awards.damages and omer payments or retref�ner�,na4ter
<br /> I "P�oceeds')in connection w�th condemnat�on or other takmg of the Property or part thereof.or for conveyance m lieu of condenma-
<br /> � tion.lender shalt be ent�tled at�ts opt�on to commence,appear m and prosecute�n�ts own name any acdon or proceedmgs.anQ
<br /> � Shall also be enUtted to make any comprom�se or settlement m conneCt�o�w�th suCh tak�ng or damage In the event any port�on of
<br /> KBC S�S7 Mo�r.eYhuri�Ote01 RF�O B8
<br /> � m 18$8 NdroNl BiN N CoT�+MCe t•vs1�n0 Sn•'WS 4sloc�Ona�l�ncoln Nebsfl�
<br />