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<br /> ' . . �(" ':t;; Ji� ; 1},n s �� '� •l�� �c's•i;; '�: �• �4NJT 1�y�i�r����3 '�,'�4i-�c� �,1. �t� R4��� �titf 4 y�}'`�,Cir.•�l �- �({N�CI S.�• 1�FYi1�Ki,;�fJ�.}`•,..
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<br /> .,` . .
<br /> 4 , , .. . -jotyob'lIiW17Mi�1ll -Kil4iI+A} �it .�)t41 i;,-,� �t,ll - � �`� -�s��r.�rrrcw�I iYi(p- .��., -- - --- - --
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<br /> . n . . ..a 4 � �� .AW+�-W Y xn�+p�+'•�T4Yc.w.� . i� �vl . . . .. . � � "_ �
<br /> ....:.,. ..w � � ���.e.��.. .. ...�.. . - ,. .. '�� '__ ._'_' ._
<br /> J� . ! .t•�,-c,,,.� . . .) � . � � __..
<br /> �;.•�;.'
<br /> �,' ; `'.�Yf - ' � ;:/i+�Y�M� � .-`__
<br /> • 1 �'� kl�lWlV.d�.��'+'�.� . .- - .""". _ . ' -. .._
<br /> ' �- -i' "'..._...+...�..� � "_c.�� _---_..
<br /> c __._ .._..._�..�_. - ._ _._. ,_ ._�. -- �o aha1��0 0��, �.�
<br /> �'"''��..`': '° t a. GoyenaMa of�iustor�vlrh Nespect to Leases.Wlthout the pda�wdtten consent of Beaellcl � rust ,
<br /> -- • ���' with�espeot to anyloase ol sp�ce!n the Tiust Properry,orany pcnion theread,whethersuc /ease ts aaw o�hsreef¢e�n axlsfencs: _ —_
<br /> �-�''nY���h:� (s) Accept a pem��t any pnepaymsnt,cilsoouni o�advanae paymsnt ot rent hereunderin excess of one month. ---------__
<br /> -...'i',r. '•o.
<br /> :h . ;_ (b) Cance!a te�minste tha same,or accept nny caacellailon,terminaUon o�sanender thareof�or pemdt sny�vent ta acou�a�hlah wou/d _
<br /> �� occvr thereunde�to temnlnete or cencel the asmo,otha�than tem�InaUon for nonpnyment of rerd,
<br /> -- . ___::�:� °-_ -_ - - --
<br /> (c) Am�nd o�mod;fy the samo so sa ro reduae the te�m thaieol,tPte reMel payable thoreunde�,or ro chsnpe vny ronewal prov eas _
<br /> y :. `� . %.: thenet»COnt9lrred� ���—
<br /> _ (d) Wefve ar�y de/ault thereunder or bresch thereol. __.
<br /> ' (e) Qfve eny consenG walvsr oi e�pioval thereuedor or tatce any other acdon in cortnecUon therewRh,a with a lossea thereunde►.wh/cA �'1�,��:°�:.�z-°
<br /> � . • ,� would have the e/fecf oflmpafrlRg the velue oi tha lesso�s interest thereunder or the properry subJeat thereto,o�oflmpaJNng the �;�=_�----
<br /> . � pos/8on or interest of Benaflclery drere!►�,o� ��'''` '`
<br /> ,,����"x"-l_:--_--
<br /> �-- _ . :--- !n Seli,ssaign,pledge,mang�age o�othenvise dispose of,or encember!te interest!n sny sald lesse o�any�ents.lssuea,P��issul»8 ..°_;��,;�=-�.y_`__ _
<br /> � Y.. _--
<br /> or artsing thereunder. _,_—
<br /> f7. Wetver of Stetute of UmtteUons.T1mo is c0 tPrra essenae!n ali ot Tiusto�'s obllgetlons and dudes Ir�r�under,and to the extem perrnftted ;,�. ____
<br /> dsy law.Tiusior wahres ete Rvc�sant er t'ufa�re�?aYui�s�f L`mltadans wiY�a�s�aot to e�ny do�L d�7n�rd�o�f:gsG�as►s�ured her�by ertd �%� ':-
<br /> ' eny ac�n er F�cee�laa��'a$��pur�as�cQ�nt'�ng�res Besd af Feus7 as t��'ghfs�r�:n�i�s�nYaiv�r�o�ercatre. ,. ;.��� _--_
<br /> � 51�. ,4SSl�ra�Er+?�9 A�e,pc�FS.4n�Pna e�st't Can�.sW�1tLUun aP iare�covemBStYs fs 2�•°e+fed 4�,y fPt�l�e aviQ!¢�rcl:otl Psy�c9�afe&ot�[r�s¢d ,.y;;:;__—__
<br /> lh�nalb�As�a�did�n�l se�y f�ha�m'.1t�e.��csfo�Ra�6�9��a^:sfers m�d gassfgns t��9rat��l,a0 oJgkB.kL?�s�aQ f�Cmcast t�&vdyl Q�0 0!9 ,..�:•.,�t�.•:};�;�;°,:;$.-
<br /> n
<br /> , /bfr� �►A C+'7A!'. SArt �os�dirid.l9dold�'G�D7�J�a'i7e�;L1�tC�i' � c'rf��iX''�I;k�"151�"'1:?;%v�:;''"'
<br /> a�s�nf�¢�.�as,¢d t��y mr�c►@ehaH c9�r�asCar rvr�Or moap�i�.omu��N:�. h�cdY �' 1� '�°Y ,r . `'�l�t!i,`;t;. .._ :,:.._---.,. '
<br /> pny oth8r b�c6y ar a�¢�6�r��or tha!►hS�P?�81mT�r t�ssa�u��s i2�er.E.sQ�frad�rt�f any�LYy 0y�vacsY�:�arlai��m,g Q�lbes uasE Aa��a'?,y. ��. s•-,�,.,.,,.,;i• „t:a•�;;r�t.
<br /> ZI`�� �:; l,��it:����yn�yr;�:
<br /> ,�.�.,, �+" N�. Co/p01@NO!!o�P6ltvnaa�r4v�Stb'nO2.P�'�utesior is t�t����r.aC�vat.gocrR e�tl'A�ettt�vSPrfN.erCe�niQ2�(az,�iae.�SPc.'p.d!�.il�Ja a?!fhlRgs � k��4�t:}�����t,�,,�.1���1 �. -
<br /> necASSery to preserna l��a�'l��'�'nr�o��':e�Tco.�ts�i''c��se rnay ltre�.�rd ap rigl�c�s ar+c�priertray�s ca��e�ar the la►va of the r r f °''.'Y�t,�T„«
<br /> ;��'�,; .;.; � ,•:'c�'; state of Jts/ncoipo►ation ar a��, � ' �Y.—...——
<br /> r
<br /> ;��� � 20. Forbearence by Beneflclary Not s Watver.My forbea�ence by BeneBclsry!n exerolsing sny dght or remedy hereunder,o�otherwlse - •��•
<br /> aflorded by epAlkeblelaw.aha0 not be a walver of o�pr+eclude the exercise of any auch d9ht c►remedy.The procurement oi .�
<br /> � � insu�ance or the peyme»t of taxea or the dlscha�ge oi llens or cherges by BeneNclery ahall nof be e welver ol BeneNclary's dgM to _
<br /> accelerete the mawrfty o1 rha lndebtedness. ,y .I'��"`��---
<br /> 21. Remedies Cumuletive.All ien►edles provided tn this Deed o!Tiust ere dlstlnct end aumulative to any other dght or iemedy urtder dds _
<br /> " Deed of Tivat or eHO�ded by faw o�equlty,and may ba exerclsed concunendy.independenUy or succeastvety. %���as,�
<br /> � • ?2. Successors end Aes/gns 8ound;Jo/nt end Seversl Uabiliry;Cepdoas.The covenants and egreemente hereln contelned shall bin0,end , _�
<br /> dre dghts hereurtder shall lnuro to,the reapecNve succeasore and assl�ns of 8eneficlery,Tivatee,and 7rosto�.A!1 covenante end �.�
<br /> ag►eements o f Tius t o�s h a l l b e�o/nt end severaf.lNe c a ptlons end headings ol Me peragrephs ol thla Qeed o/Tivat ere fo� ,�, '
<br /> convenlence onty end ere not to be used ro interpret or deNn9 the provlslons hereo
<br /> 23. Nadce.Excepf for any rrodce req�l►ed unde►eppllcaWe lew to be gtven In another manae►,(a)any noUce to Tivator provlded fo�In thls ` -
<br /> Deed oJ Tivat ahsll be glvon by malling such notice by ceNlled mail,retum iecefpt requested addressed to Trostoi at/ta malling �"�. ., I
<br /> - '-�: u'__'-- = eddrass avt furtl�i abavs ar at.^+uch a�sdrlress s°Tis�stor mey deslgnate by rtoUce to Beneflclary es provlded hereln,and(b)any , _ +�,��_
<br /> Rotice to BeneNclary or Tiusfee shall be glven by ceRiNed mall,retum rece/pt requesied,to 8enefioJary's end Tiustee's maf�ing — .
<br /> addreas steted here/n o�to such oUrer eddiess es Beneficlary or Tiustee may deslgnete by noUce to Tiusto�as provlded ha�ein.My � �
<br /> noBce provided tor In t�ls Deed o/trust shall be deemed to have been glven to Trustor,Beneficlary or Trustee when glven fn the �� �, `
<br /> manner deslgeated hereln.
<br /> � 24. Qoveming Law;Severeblliry.This Deed o/Tiust shalt be govemed by the laws of the Stete of Nebreska.!n the event any provlslon o� •, �• p,.
<br /> cleuse oi thls D�eed of Tiust confllcts wHh appllcable law,such confUct shall not af/ect othe�provlsions of th/s Deed of 7rust whlch can ,
<br /> be given eHeci w(thout the conllJctlng provlslons and to thls end the p►ovlslons of thls Deed o/Tiust ere declared to be severable. ��,f•j
<br /> 25. Events o/Default.Each o/the following occunences shafl constitute an event of delault hereunder,(herelnalter calfed an"Event f•'�,�
<br /> � of Detaart'): '
<br /> �� t
<br /> (a) Tiustor shal!/aIl to pay when due any pdnclpel,Inierest,or princlpal and Interest on the Indebtedness, , " ' r
<br /> • �' . (b) My war�anry o�Utle made by Tiustor hereln shall be unbae, ';.� •�, .�+
<br /> (c) Tiustor shell lall to obse►ve or perMrm any of the covenants,agreements,or condltions in thls Daad of Tiust, �;' . ;,y�„��;�,�,'.���.
<br /> � (d) My rep�eseniadon or wa►renty made 6y Trustor on any flnencial stafements or repoRS submitted to Beneflclary by ar on behaHol ,;; �r;.,.i
<br /> '•', ,'.�!,;.
<br /> Tiustor shall prove fafse or matedally misleadJng, t �_
<br /> (e) Tiustor shall fa11 to perlonn or obse►ve any ot the covensnts,conditlons or agreements contalned In,or 6!»ding apon Ti�stor ande� �� •
<br /> any bellding loen ag►eement security agreement,loan sg►eemenL Hnancing statement,or any other agreement,lnstrument or
<br /> dxument executed by Tiustor ln connecdon w/th the fosn evfdenced by the Note, I .
<br /> (� A f�tratee,recelver or liquldator o/the Tiust Property or of Tiustor shell be appointed,o►any oi the credibrs of Trustor shal!Nle a
<br /> � petlCon!n bankrupicy ageinst Trustor,a Ior the reorganizaNan o1 Trustor pursaant to the Federal 8ankruptcy Code,or any simllar
<br /> faw,wheiher/ederel or state,and if sech order o�petition shall not be discharged or dlsmissed withln thirty(30)days altei the dete �
<br /> � � on whkh such orderorpeHtlon was flled. I .
<br /> � (g) Tiusto►shall Ble s Aet+►inn�+!��SUS^t to ths F&dsr,^..'Bs.^.!:r'pMy Code or eny simNer law,1?de�e►or state.oi 11 Tiusto�shal!be � ., ,
<br /> • � �! .',..',.1 ad/udged s bertkrupt,or be declared insolvent,or shall make en essignment lor the benefit ol creditors,or shell admit In w�ltlng!ts � �
<br /> � � ln8b11(ty fo pay its debts as they become due,or shafl consent to the appointment ot a�eceiver o/all or any part o/the Tiust P►opeAy, :
<br /> (h) Flnal/udgment/or the payment of money shail be rendered ageinst Tiusto►and Trustor shell not discherge the same,o►cause it to ;�
<br /> be dlscharged,wlthin thirty(30)days after the enlry thereoi,or shall not appeal therefrom or hom the order,decree or pracess upon ;
<br /> 1 wh(ch or pursuent ro whlch said%udgment was granted,based,or entered,and secure a stay of execution pend(ng such appeal.
<br /> � (Ij Tiustor shall sel►or convey the 7rost Property,or any paR thereo%or any interest therein,or shel!be divested ol(ts tltle,or any Interest
<br /> Urerein,in any menner or way,whether voluntarily or InvoluntarUy,without the written consent of Beneficiary being Nrst had and
<br /> obteined,a
<br /> (j) !f Tiustor is a corporabon or partnership end more than fitty percent(50°io)ol the shares or benelicial/nteresis in such corporadon or
<br /> parinership,as the case may be,shall be hanstened or conveyed,whether vofuntarily or rnvoluntarily,without the writtert consent ol
<br /> BeneBclary being flrst had and obtained.
<br /> 26. Acceleretlon of Debt;Faeclosure. Upon the occunence of eny Event o/De/ault,or eny tlme thereafter,Beneffclery may,at(ts opdon,
<br /> deClare all the fndebtedness secured hereby immediately due and payable and the seme shall bear i»terest at the delault rete,if any.
<br /> sei/o►ih!n the Note,or othervvise at the highest rate pe�miKed by lew,and,irrespective of whether Beneliciary exercises seid option,it
<br /> may,at Jts opfion and in ifs sole discreBon,without any fuRhe�noUCe or demand to or upon Trusto�,do onv or more oi the lollowing;
<br /> ra► Be»eficlarv mav ente►upon,teke possession of,manage and operate the i rust Properry or any paK the�eo%make repairs and
<br /> _._ ".:w�..��..a:....
<br /> � � aftereUons and do any ects which Beneficrary deems proper ro protecr me securiry ihe.eui,m�u biiir8i wiii�vi:.n��w......��.y
<br /> possession,in its own name,sue Jor or otherwise coflect and receive rents,issues snd profits,including those past due end unpaid.
<br /> and appfy the same, less costs and expenses ol operation end codection,including reasonable attorney faes and Bone►iciary's
<br /> costs,upon the lndebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Beneffcisry may determine. Upon request of Beneficfary,Trustor
<br /> shall assembfe and shall make evailable to Beneticiary eny ol the Trust Property which has been removed.The entering upon and
<br /> tak/ng possession of tho Trost Property.the co!lection of any rents,issues and profits,and fhe application thereo/as alo�esaid,shall
<br /> not cure or walve any delault theretofore or thereafter occuming,or af/ect any notice of default or notice of sa/e hereunder or
<br /> '�';`,', �' Invelidete eny act done pursuant to any such notice.Notwithstanding 8eneficiary's contlnuance in possession or receipt and
<br /> • application of rents,issues or prolits, Beneliclary shall be entitled to exercise every right provided for in this Deed of 7rust or by!aw
<br /> � upon or after the occurrence of en Event of Defau�t,Including the righi to exe�cise the power ol sala.Any o�the actions referred to in
<br /> thls peragraph may be taken by Beneliciery at such ilme es Beneficiary may determine without iege�tl to the adequacy ol any
<br /> � security lor the Indebtedness secured hereby.
<br /> :';�r' � (b) BeneRGary sh811,without�egard to the adequacy o/any security for the fndebtedness secu►ed hereby.be entitled b the
<br /> • . appointment of a►eceiver by any court having/ur�sdiction,without notice,to take possession of.protect,and manage the Trust
<br /> Property and operate the same and co/lect the rents,issues and pro(its the►e�rom.
<br /> (c) Bene�iciary may bring any ac6on in eny court o/competent junsdiction to/oreclose this Deed of Trust or enforce any of the
<br /> covenents hereof. • I
<br />