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<br /> �r
<br /> !� ��` Insu�ertcop�emtums,ground rents, end ell othe�chergea whatsoever levled upon or esaeased,placed o�mAdo egelnat Ms Trust `
<br /> •, • propenyr.Tiustor/artti8�eg►ees,upon wdtten reqiaeat by 8enefialary,to prompity deflver to Benoflclary el!recolpts ta�tho payment o1 ���.�__�-_____—__
<br /> such ch�rrgos.Trustorlikewlse egrees!o pay a11 texes,asseasmontu nnd otho►chn�{sa Ieviod upon a asseasod,plscod or made �:..�..a.,'��_A:_.,_..m
<br /> trpainst.o�measvierf by,tlrJa Deed al Tiust or the�a��daffpn he�eof. _
<br /> � 8. AppllceUon of Paymenis.Alt paymenta recelved by Banoflciary as to any debt,!!ab(!Ity or obllgaUon owed ta 8onsficlary by Trustor � � �F�=--
<br /> � may be applled by Bc�nolic1ary t0 ti��Qyment of the Mdobtedness or M eny sueh Whor dobt.Uablliry or obllgutlon,ln sny order o� ���. �:�� 3 :--
<br /> menrte�oi appllcetlon whlch Hsneflolary,!n!ts absoluto dlsciaBon,deema appropdAto.Unlasa oiherwlse eleciod by Beneflclary.any °,:r w�i
<br /> � suoh paymenf abal►be deemed applled lirst to dre paymeni ot any debt,118bI+Hy a obOgAdon ofhar than the Note. �`�L'''�*`
<br /> �.�.•;,-crr�.:,r-�-�---
<br /> , ,fi"�9K�F,`�`-�..—r:.:
<br /> 8. Charges;!lens.Tcusfo�wltf keep the Tasi Property Iree hom aq Ilerta and encambrrinces whlch In any way may,tn the/udgment of : .,
<br /> r
<br /> � ' BeneNciary,have pdodry over,orlmpa/r d,e secudry oJ,thls lleed ot Tivat but Yr+rstor need noi dlacharge any such llan so tong es . .•���• �"_ ;. _
<br /> Tnrsto�shaU agrea,!n wdtlng,to pay the obUgetlon secu�ed by auch!!on!n a rnanner accep table b 6eneticlery snd sheilin good lelth �• ,,, �.,..�
<br /> � , contest such flen by appropdate tegal proceadinga eHec�ve to prevent the ento�cement of the 11en and the losa of any lntereat ln vr n ,
<br /> __ _—� - pan of the Tius1 Properry. ----=- - — =
<br /> 7. Hezerd lnaurence.Tir�stor shalt keep the buitdings and other improvementa now extsdng or herea�ter erected on the Tirrst Property . `y «:.
<br /> insured by insurance canlors seUsfactary ro BeneNciary agalnst losa by 11re,hazards inciuded in the term"ext�qded coverege"end `
<br /> y� suah ct,her hazerds,csseattles and con�ngencles as rrray tre iequUed 6y Beneflc�sry,in such amounts end tov such pedoda es may be
<br /> veyulnaal0y�r�o4i�i�ry.TPre�coAcy of fnsurare�ra sPratl @o(n bnn ecc�ptable to IBerr�flctary.Frovtda that tPrp s�may not be ,
<br /> coueaef�ed e�ma�i�ar9�vifhaut PrRe�n(a5)aays�s►r�rfton notice to 8envfi�iavy,avrd shall Pzarm lass�eya@te[aravlslo�rs tn��r�pr! ;} ,
<br /> tn Porm acceptahfe to��reafrciaey.All�re�rriunas cn�es�rrartce�'is:t�s sPrafO��oaPrf i�Pha rnanner R�vftfeal urcdev�aa►a+S►Q� "
<br /> �r,N nmt�rai�!n such mararrer,by�ruspor rrcak�a�g pmyment at leas?fif?�en(a5)tl�ys p�ar eo e?re due dai�.dinscU+y t'�Pha tr�sotreacm :..::... .... ..
<br /> oardet.�aree9JOlary shap have the adgh8 to Rokf tha�.'icies and renewals t�area9 antA Tiustoo sCr�.it prompby Pu�e�isP�to�one9lcta►rf ap ';� �1,,;:•t"�t���;s�:�
<br /> � � oeaaYVaA not/c�s and�i�p��d premiem receipts�ec�ired 0y it.In no ever►t shali�Jen�flclary ar T,varsree ba hetd ooslaansiCr.e Osrr iadl3uo ta ,_•,•:. ,F,�as;S;:`}`).;�•,-�,!,r%,;,•.
<br /> � ;;�',:f�'`� p�y insurana��r�emisams��fo�any loss o�de►r1ay�arising Qui of a atet�ct in a��p��jxy a�anisfaag oaoE ol any oai(uro ol evey�nsu+ao�ce � � � ° k�i`��j`)�'t��i;r.�ti,�)�s
<br /> �:�t_` , :�'�''f� � '...s.,l, ,in, .r.l.�
<br /> :,�?•:;•-:;,';:;;,:;,�.�,, Comnt��y to g�ay Yo�a�y lass o�davatae�e Insu/ed agetnst o�fo�/ait�cse�y�'oaestov Po�:13oC3 t3re iaiswvar►��veq�aa.red het�uRd9r.1t►2'��et�en. 1�;;.�s �iE� i.+;:ia'.r. �i. ;,::=-.
<br /> m
<br /> •r,r• 'b ,f •• �'��.+�, ,,J�j.:1,l:y;:���.:
<br /> .�,<�.s•.� . ot loss, Trustor siaat!givm�rrrm�t�amtlos�y ma11 to t�e insvranc��a�r,'er an�8emafla�ia�y.�ena n�.ip.^r.;:.�� r r�a!c����t o¢�o s s i/nor �L,;;�,,,u� J=t•-
<br /> �•,�t�lr.••r;'i:,�;'y r,,
<br /> .��:.�'};s�:;+?;11,ij��• mede�taa�mpUy a�ln,v�ar Ou�am tny Tausto�.AJt palicies ct insar�!�ce ana'a�+y ao�a�a0�r,e9e��r�s aP wna�^��d pvernium�s ar�her�by , • ��<<F':,`�:
<br /> �:i;, asslgnad ta 0enefi�iaoy aS ael¢V1�vaea's�ccrdty eQ�tfzo pa�rs+'jent m1'�.a l�.da�terd��ss•On 12e mv.�ni ot�neflclary's exerClse of ihe powe� ��.�,���
<br /> � ol sa/e contained harain,o�in Lrie�vea�t of fo�ct�srare.aU�ight,titto and lnier�s:dl 2;�stor in end to any Insu�ence policy then!n lorce �:�
<br /> ` sha11 pass to the pwchase�at the dustee's as/e or�oreclasure sale,ln case of a�► Pass,Me insurance proceeds may,at the optlon of � . , . _
<br /> 8eneflcisry,be applied by BeneHciary upon the Indebtedness,or any pe►t the�eol,and!n such ordei and amounf as Beneflciary mey 'i:,�.r.�„•r,
<br /> � determine;or sald lnsurence proceeds,et the opUon of BeneNciary,may elther be used!n replacing or restoAng the Tiust Prope►iy
<br /> � paNalty or totalty deshoyed to a condHlon sada�actcry to Beneflclery;or ssid lnsurance p►oceeds,o�any poRlon thereof,rr►ay be ,,�!�-
<br /> released ro Tiusta.Unleas BeneBclary and Trustor othe►wlse agree in wNdng,any such spplicadon o�insurance p►oceeds shsll not
<br /> extend or postpone the due date of Ihe Note,or any lnatalime»ts ca!!ed br the•ein,or change the amount of such Irtatellments./l the ;�_
<br /> Tivat Property!s acqulred by Benelkiery pursuant to the exerclse of the power of sale or other loreclosure,e!1 right,UUe snd lnterest o�
<br /> Tiusto�!n and to eny Insu�ence proceeds peyeble ea s reault of dsmage to the Ttist Prope�ty pdor to the aele w acqulsltlon shall pass
<br /> to 8eneflciary end ahall be appfled 8rst to the costs and expenses,lncleding attomey fees,lncu�red!n collecting such prxeeds,the� , ..4:.". �:� .
<br /> ii,tF�a r.�arster and In ilss ardar pravlBssd hereln. --=— � ..,�
<br /> 8. Preservedon and Melntenence ol 7ruet Properry.Tiustor wlll keep tho buildings and other lmprovementa now or herealter�►ected on �
<br /> the Tiust Prope►ry!n good repalr and condlGo�and wlll not commlt or pemtlt waste,wllf not etter the deslgn or structuraf cherectei Q�.. ''#
<br /> consdt�ting any bulfding now orhe►esRer erecter/on end consdtudng the Trost Properry without the pdoi wiitten consent of � • �
<br /> BeneNclery,wlll not do eny act a tMng whlch would undaylmpelr o�deprec/ate the vslue ot the Tiust Pioperry end wH►not abandon �` �
<br /> the Tiust Prope►ry.�iustor wlU not iemove any Axtuies conaUtuUnp tbe Tiust Property anless the same e�e Immedistely replaced with �• �
<br /> qke property sub/ect to the Ilen and securiry lnterest of thls Deed of Tiust and of at least equal value and Wlity.Trusror w!U compty wifh
<br /> all present and h�twe ordJnances, iegulatla+s and requlrements of eny govemmenta/body whlch are applkebfe to the Trust Property , :�`c,��.
<br /> and to the occapancy snd use thereof.!1 thls Deed of Tiust Is on a unit In a condominlum or a planned unlf developmeM,Tiusto�shall �'yr",�
<br /> �,,.
<br /> perbrm all of Tiustor s obligaUons uoder the declaratlons or covenants crestlng or goveming the condominlum or the planned unit �'��
<br /> deveJopment,the bylaws and regulatlons o/ihe condominlum or planned uMt development,and the constituent documents. , �
<br /> 9. Irtspectlon.BeneNclary or its agents may,at alt ressonable dmes,enter upon tt+e Tiust Properry lo�the purpose of inspectlon.
<br /> �, � Beneficlery shall have no dury to rnake such lnspec6on and shall not be liabfe to Tiustor or to any person in possession it It makes or � : �r•
<br /> , • � iel/s to make eny such inspecda+. 1 . `�.��'
<br /> �� 70. Protectlon ol Securlty.!f Tiustor lalls to pertorm any of the covenants and agreements contalned!n this Deed of Tiust,aif any acNon y ,.�;j';
<br /> ' ':1��',}; or proceeding!s commenced wh/ch does or may adversely aHect the Trust Properry or the interest ot 7rustor or 8eneficiary iherein o� ,,.: �,�_
<br /> � � ��,��'";`•��;�;�� the Utle o/Tiustor tha�eto,then Beneficlary,et its optlon,may perlorm such convenants and ag►eements,make such appearances, ;�?"'
<br /> ' :,..; •'�-';;; , detend aga(nst and invesngate svch action or proceeding and take such other acban as Beneficlary deems necessary ro protect its
<br /> :?ir•.�.:•'• lnte�est lncluding,but noi qmlled to,disbu�sement ot ressonable attomey lees and entry upon the Tiust Properiy to n►ake repafrs.My
<br /> � � amounts dlsbursed by BeneNciary pursuant to this paragreph 10,with interest thereon,shall constlfute Indebiedness of Tiusbr ,
<br /> secured by tt,la Deed o!Tiust.Unless Trusror and Beneficiery agree to other terms o/pey�!^Qnr.surh emounts shbll be payable upon , .':,;+`
<br /> nodce from Beneflclary to Trustor requesting payment thereo/,and shail bear interest fiom the date of disbmsement et fhe delautt rate, ,
<br /> ►f any,set toni►(n the Note,or otl�envlse at the highest rate permitted by law.Nothing contained in this parag�aph shall require
<br /> 8eneficiary to lncur any expense or fake any acron hereander.Trustor irrevocebly authorizes and empowe�s Beneficiary to enter upon 4
<br /> the Tiust Property as Trusror's egen�end,in Tiusto►'s name or oiherwrse to pvrfur�:�ary art��:!ccvcnMnt��^�aS•'SERt°.^1S f0 L'B �
<br /> perlormed by Trusto►as herein provided.8eneficiary shall,at its option,be subrogated to any encumbrance,lien,cleim o�demand
<br /> end to all dghts and secLrities�Or the peyment thereof paid or discharged by 8eneficiary under the provisions hereot and any such
<br /> subrogetlon rights shall be add�tional end cumulative securiry for tHis Deed ot Trust.
<br /> 11. Condemnatlon. 7he proCeeds ol any award or claim lor damages,drrect or consequential,in connection with eny condemnation or
<br /> other taking o/the Tie�st PropeAy, a any part thereo%or lor conveyance in 1leu o�or in an6cipetion ol condemnation,a�e hereby
<br /> assigned to and shall be paid to Beneliciery. Trustor wilf file and prosecute,in good taith and with due diligence,its clas»for any such
<br /> award or payment,and wrl!caase the same to be collected and paid ro Beneficiary,and,shou/d it fail to do so, Trusto�inevocably
<br /> authorizes and empowers Beneficiary,in the name ol Trustor or othenvlse,to file,prosecute,settle or compromise anysuch cJaim and
<br /> to collect receipt lor and retain the proceeds.!f the Tiust Property is ebandoned by Trustor,or,a/ter notice by Beneficiary to Tiustor
<br /> thet the condemnor offers to make an award or settle a claim lor damages.Trustor lails to respond to Beneficiary wlthin thirty(30)days
<br /> after the date such notice is mailed,Beneficiary is authorized to colfect and apply the proceeds in the martner indlcated he►ein.The
<br /> proceeds o/any award or claim rnay,after deducting all reesoneble costs and expenses,including aKOrney Jees,wh�ch rnay have
<br /> been lncuned by Benelicrary in fhe collection thereo%at the sole discretion ol Benefic!ary,be released to Trustor,appued ro
<br /> restoratlon of Trust Properry,or applied fo the payment o►the lndeb!edness.Unless Benefiaary and Trustor othen�v�se agree in wntmg,
<br /> any such appllcaUon of proceeds ro Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date of the Note or the payment o�any
<br /> lnsta/Jments called for thereunder.
<br /> f2. Tiustor Not Released.Extension ot the time lo►payment or modi/ication of any amoniration oi the lndebtedness grentea by e�eneiiciery
<br /> to any successor in interest of Trustor shell not operate to release,in any manner,the liab�liry ol Trustor and Trustor's sucCessors in
<br /> lnterest.BeneNcisry shap nof be required to commence proceedings ageinst such successor or refuse to extend hme for payment or
<br /> otherwlse modlly amortization o�the Indebtedness by reason ol any demand made by Trustor and Trustor's successors
<br /> in interest.
<br /> 13. Financial InformaUon.Upon request of Beneliciary, Tnrstor wi1J provide ro Beneficisry.withim m�efy(90)days of the clase of each fiscel
<br /> year ol 7rustor,the consolidated ba/ance sheet artd statement of earnings of 7rusfor snd any and a!f guarantors ol the Indebtedness
<br /> secured hereby,if 8ny,and wiA provide and deliver to BenefJCiary such other linancial information and in such manner as Bene�icisry
<br /> , , may reesonably�equest lrom 6rne to tlme.
<br /> . 14. Financie/Covenants.In additlon to any other�inancial covenants of 7rustor made In any other agreement,instrument or document.
<br /> , Tiustor shall comply with and shall cause eny and all guarentors ol the fndebtedness secured hereby to comply with,a be in
<br /> � compllance wlth,the lollowing financlal covenants:(This paragraph shall not apply i�covenants and requirements are not set
<br /> , foRh hereln.)
<br /> 15. Schedule of Leases.Within ten{10) deys after demand,Trustor shal!lurnish to Beneliciary a schedule.certi/ied to by Trustor, setting
<br /> /oKh a/l leases ot the Trust Aroperty.o►any poAfon thereof,including in each case,ihe name ot the tenants or occupants.a description
<br /> of the space occupfed by such tenant o�occupant,the renta!paysble fa such space,and such other mformation and documents virth
<br /> respect to such leases and tenanaes es BeneNciary may reasonabty request. �
<br />