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<br /> . t of nn aaneasn�cnt �� �� e +��t -�--
<br /> " !f as/cuite o�rrsr ehelt ��11 or rofine to �ke anY PsY�► --'
<br /> � -. .
<br /> � ���' � thareaf tAall eonstttute � lien on the intereat of the sulte otinser 1n his autYO n�tfts R6��td llsn ah�l �;��•--� - -
<br /> � �eGOrd wth llen in th�OfMee ot the Replster of Oosdd of HaU Canty, Ncbra9kaj �fiereupa►, �___
<br /> . ,. . be prlvi t¢9ed over ond prior to all liens�nd enciwbronces ezeept oaesa�aante ltera and cfi�roes to�taxe�p�st --,_-
<br /> i;ua an� unpatd aa� tho ouitc end execpt p�ior duly reeorded �oort0e9e ana lien instna�xnte. A68qill1et1t6 ; y��,�._.__ �
<br /> � d�ttnquent wre than tMrty t30�d�lra�ftet'the due dste shatt bear interast at ehe ht�'�oa4 tcDol rata from the � _ _ __
<br /> �, due dete �nti t paid. The delinqu�rror of ane lnatel ta�nt of tn amu�t sasecwient sb�l abtue.�Q The 8oard iro�f
<br /> lnstallAents. nt the aption oi tRe Aasalation, to inmedi�tely beeave due aM P�Y ;��"�w�'�-_ —
<br /> . .�_,._..
<br /> '•'� �� Adnlnistretare shell heve the Nght and dutY to�ttenpt to�neover auch eam�a►ci�erQes.topetRer with i�terest ;;�� ^___,__
<br /> - thereon, end the expensea of che proeeedin0. inetudir►y attorrK,Y Tees. in en eetion co recove� the eMae b�auDht '',•_�;__--=___
<br /> epait►st sueh sutte owner, or by toreclosu�e of the lien on aueh suite 9��t� bY 6eeNon 7b•817 ot eho : •.;,,, �,�.
<br /> Cu►dominiun Aet. tn eny aetion brought by the BooM of A�ninistrotora to foreatose e lien on a autte beeause . ' �ti_ry n;,��.:�;.:•
<br /> ofwpa id osaeasmeMS, the suite owne�shell be�equired to pay a�eaeonable rentel for the use of his suite, • �:,,�:,;:, ,,;�_�,
<br /> end tha plaintiff in such forealosure ection ahel l 6e entitled co the appointment of a razoiver to eolleot the . ���I.Y__-_�•
<br /> oazne. The Board of Aelniniatratore, ecti�g on bN�alf of all euite o�nera, shall hove pouer to Rureheso such •:;;'�• •.,i __
<br /> suito at the for�clos�cre�c+lo. msed to acquire,hold, loase. mu�BgaDe, vote the votes eppu�tenant, to eonvoy oP , . ,: . , :,..,; `
<br /> otheweir3o deal�64h tLte sev.'�a.A suit to recover a iror►oy I�Q for tmpatd ass@ssr�za�4s shul t be meintainabla '-,,:,;..--.. .. .:-
<br /> .a y�,.�. �:--
<br /> r ..��r,,�;r,�., .�
<br /> without 4or2+slosflng ee e�aiving 4Pte lien secuMng the setne. Q ;�,.,,,a.yr�,�.,.;:.. -
<br /> �ecRAa�9 See�¢�r^nx o��i�Asseasme�ts. '' ;;.�"'�i�i�;..�
<br /> � s=1r.;"r":.:p:_-
<br /> o tt�n tha o�ritten r�-�Q of any ouner,prospecti�e pu�cAoser oc o4 er�y c�artsa�of a cadomiMun sui4o, ; . . .__.,�.,',t'�.,.'�
<br /> i._,F �'�".Y
<br /> the Beard of At�aSc�iatratora. or the Nenaging Agent, shall iss�ce a written atata�.m4 setting forth the azavnR ,:.��,v`�,;�"__
<br /> � of the upn9d assessments, if e�ny, with respeet to the subjeet suite, the a�A af tA2 eurP¢nt �eeiodoP t '.'" .''
<br /> asaessment end tQne doto that aie�ff asaesement 6eeame duo, saY pe�etti¢s daae, erd¢redfit fo�e�aane��n , •
<br /> � for prepaid it�, ��ch staten+ent shell be conelusive �o+► the Assoe9Atian in 4av�r of ell garsons�'ho relY ���_ ,
<br /> . therew� to good fraith. +�'�-=-----�
<br /> - 1 . �Sa�.,��Y 'l.��L._
<br /> ' c.,.,rten 10. Nomoai�2r. ',v•r.,�S __ -
<br /> The onisaion or fafl�re to timely fix any aeaess:r.ents or cbalivtr or a�ail a atatenQr►t for any period •'�=�;== .
<br /> " shall not be dxEmrad a waivar, modifieation or a releese of the winers f�om their obligatia► to pay the same. . �;_
<br /> v�.'—
<br /> , '���_
<br /> = - _ �----^
<br /> � ��
<br /> - - �- s.,rr;..,, v�.�.. _<_ _ .
<br /> � ihe 6c�r,i! of Adninistretors shall obtatn and maintein, to the extent obteinable, the folla►ing '� �
<br /> insurances Fire iosurence with extended eoverege,vendelism and mBt9cious mischief erdorsementa, insuring the ,�:�.:,, r�`
<br /> m
<br /> ' entire candominium buildi�,g(but not including furniture, decoretion, ornementa, furnishirgs or other personel , :,�r;�•;•„v �
<br /> : � property oNned bY the t�di�iduel suite amers) together aith atl service equipment contained Lheretn in an .', �.'t � �
<br /> { emo�t equal to the full �eplacement value, without deduetian tor depreciation� ard whieh ehall eontain a : . .
<br /> , I standerd non-eontrlbutory mortgege clause in favor of eaeh mortgagee ot a eondaninium auite whicb sef tlgp�rj�Le ' ,.,�.; •� ...:.
<br /> thet the loss, if any, hereundar shatl be peyable to sueh mortgagee es its interest may eppe � ° 1,',r��+�,'.: 1 .
<br /> however,to the tosa pe�t Previsions in favor of the eoerd of Adnfnistratora hereinatter set forth in Bection ,°�t
<br /> �i 1 of Article X; public liability iesurance in such limits as the Board of Adainistrators may from time to time , +�•.r' '
<br /> � determi�e, coveriRq the Assaiation, each rt�enber of the eoerd, the Maneging A9ent. aSe�+ts end mployees of the �
<br /> ; Aesoctation and eaeh suite owner; and such edditianel eoverage as the Board Attninistratorsaey from time to time I ,f -
<br /> deterntine is eppropriate. Sach publie liability eoverage shell also cover eross liabilityclaia�s of one insured I 'i
<br /> 3
<br /> against the other. r' ` . .; �
<br /> ' Certificates of all policies of physical damoge insurance and of all renewals thareof, together with ,:_
<br /> . , proof of paywent of premiu�, ahell be delivered to all mortSagees of suites at least ten C10) days prior to . ,��`"
<br /> expiration of the then wrren2 policies. The cost of such policies shell be a comoon expense end shall be ! 's;�� +"�t
<br /> . �'�' ellxaied to each property regime as provided in these SY-Laws. � � ���"�� �
<br /> . � :E" ��
<br /> • ' The Board of Administ�ators shal l determine, at least annuel ly, the replacemeat value of the condamfniun I ,;;.;,,,! :
<br /> 6uildings ard, in so doing, maY enploy such experts as the Board may deem ne�essary. , �
<br /> g�rs�2. Provisions. �
<br /> � All policies of physical dema8e insurarxe ahall contain waivers of subrogatim and waivers of any
<br /> ' defense beaed w�co'�ns;trastcc or of ?nvelitllty er;ai�9 fran any acts of the insured and shal�li�oMfde ethne�tice �
<br /> policiee maY not be cancelled or substantially modified without at least ten <10) dey3� p
<br /> • to elt of the insureds, including mortgagees.
<br /> � ' Section 3 Insurance bv Suite Owners.
<br /> I Suite owners shalC no�be prohiloi"_ed fron ca�rY��9 oiher insurance for tF.e+r ormbenefi t provided thai
<br /> ell such{solieies sRall cen:A:^waivers of subrogetior, provided, further, that r.c siite owner shalt have the
<br /> � , right to imurc anq of th�wrnrcn ele.merts indivieiw:�v. ,
<br /> ' ;� Iersurerrce eoverage ort f�rnishfngs a�! et�e� Tte+rs of personp'. or other property bela+g��9 to en orne�
<br /> and pd�lie liebt(ity eoverage withio eacti su�te ar ga�a�e shall he :+'e sole and direct respces�b�tity of the
<br /> suite owner thereof, and the Board of Administratcrs a:+C t'+e Associaeion shall have na resportsi�ility thercPo�.
<br /> � Section 1. Mai�tenarKe.
<br /> :.,..:.. � topo in uood repair the interior surfaces of
<br /> The sulte oNner snni i 7�erc i�a :.`.::y:.::C"� :��...---- - • - -
<br /> ual(s, ce;lings, end flaars Cincludi�9 carpeti�g, tile. wallpaper, paint or other covering) as welt as ati
<br /> fixtures, utilities, uiring,. qlurbi�9 and aPP��e^�es. �OC��ss�auch cesualty is due to the act orrnegligence
<br /> be responsibltt for �3pair to tam�o�elements by tasualtY,
<br /> of tAe oaner, his guests, invitees or tenants. llll caimon element meintenance, includirg lawn maintenance and
<br /> snoa reaoval, repairs end replac�ts to the generat cannon elements, shalt be made by the llssocfation end be
<br /> � charged to ell the suite owners as a caman expense, unless such maintenance, repair or reptaceme�t is
<br /> � � necessitated by the�egli9ence,misuse or neglect of a suite own2r, in which case, such expense shall be charged
<br /> to such auite owner.
<br /> Sectian� Alterations bv Suite Or+ners.
<br /> � `r po suite oomer ahatl make any structural addition, alteration or improvement fn or to his suSte, or the
<br /> limited cam;an elMnents perteining thereio, ��eludtng any exterfor petnttng or exterior alteration ar additio�
<br /> �
<br /> • I EXHIBIT "A" 6 of 10
<br /> � i ,
<br /> i -
<br /> ,
<br /> , , ,
<br />