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<br /> -.— _,.- . ,G�+'-il;y: , x . ,.�.�r..f�f��",�7i:r 7+�ay tY�i� ��` J ( �s I'�'�7§�1, ti' �!Yt;RS�„��tif.. {.i'' •:•s f- '�r':.'+f7$L�'':1���i'�1r'',�r/'; + t �'{9���u:�r�;7ti.;...{i� ,.tc.� t�5�'N�� -
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<br /> �. .`t:. .�. �S �- �;� "d. �� J t:a�l,'y' .e � �.4i�it;(�.;,.; L( �`Sy;K; ,1 v� t � I�:;,._��J(�l),.� �1 o-..:t} ��l ib 3 f�llc-XW:'ns'" _ °
<br /> .. . �S��'y(„ai.iy ?Stj�� .L� .ydJ J'i�:�\i A,,• Y a{�� � :� f 1�li!��•t{• :�1��,s��f ~1.:S -- ,i K+f y.,C' �b J,;t l 1.�'}t.Jll�ti� �����I���i�1� — .
<br /> .. .. '" ::1,.`%1 �c'::"'' YwiYW�ry�My�'':l],,t� 1� _- —
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<br /> .���`t�."b�+"` ._ •. � � ' . I .ill I '-..n.. .. .c x ✓-' .f : ____._"
<br /> .��:.. _ . __
<br /> .i� . . ' . • -- - ..
<br /> Q� 1 .��.`y,'Ir�i. . . , T. , '. —
<br /> I'! i • . 'f�'? . ---_�- —
<br /> .
<br /> ...
<br /> ,,
<br /> .; , � "
<br /> . �� ;.1 . ' . - - .'_"_._— . �__
<br /> .�.�.....«.�._...._.._�, .�� ••�ue:cy.. '.y's�a.a��..-�......_... .. ....�.._—___"'..�..,-._v_�....'� .�.. . ........._.,a..,'�'..""._�_ . .
<br /> __ �_� • ~� ' _
<br /> �:�,`M` �4� �,o��,� ���-= -
<br /> � .,.., . ,
<br /> ���i`� -��—`=- (I�otieilerr� ee::+le�e� p�illa, etc.> Mithout the prior w�itten eonaent th�r�to of eh� to�e�d of Ada�int�t�ators. �_ _ l____
<br /> e
<br /> The �o�rd of Refninistrato�s shall h�vo tRe ObLIQClI011 t0 OflIIN81' eny wrttten �eqs�t by • auite owne� or _
<br /> q�,,.,;;.,: �,. approv�l of• ropos�d stwatunl eddittan, alhnNon o� In�pravanknt fn euch ane�'�aufte w1tMn thi�ty t30)
<br /> ;:
<br /> ,.. p
<br /> `•:° „ ��• cby��ft�r�uch rpu�st. rnd iNlun to do so wtihte th�sNpulated t�me ahstl eautltut��eaepr�t 6�i+the eara
<br /> ' • ot 1:d�+lnfetreto�e te the p�oposed additian, altcrallon or leprovanent. llny epplteation to a povorm�ental ��,.,-Y__�
<br /> : ..., -_-- - .
<br /> wtAeNty for a perynit to�ks an addittofl, +Ittaratlon o� t�ovee�ent i�or to eny autta shall oxcw4cd tsy �-____
<br /> " the Card of A�iMst��to�� onlY, wtthaut, howver ineurM� �► li�bllity on tAe p�rt of tM Yoard of �
<br /> � " Adetnt�t��ton o� �ny of tAein to aQry eontraotor, a�eont�aeto� or ato�ialmen on aeGa+it of such addition. �,��,�;,
<br /> �� � alt�r�tlan or t�provaaNnt,o�to u►y poraon hevte�y any el+�t�n for inJury to per�an or drn�Qv to prop�rty arioinp Y.���+s�.�,:�
<br /> . �`.Mi:,�.��-�
<br /> -- � thenfroa►. tpe proviaior�s of this sxticn 2 ehAll�ot �pptY co suftea orned bY tAe Develope�uetil eueh suites __,._—_--
<br /> � � shalt hsve been initietly sold by the Devotoper end gsid fo�. '�::=�"�"�''—�°�-
<br /> , . , �;►,-�,4;;�.�—__�_�
<br /> ' t�nnMUn4 n1 f!Mnrfn FIMMlltfi Mr AASOainefon.
<br /> � ' Seotton 3 Altaretiana A��� �. `�,��s�
<br /> There ahell be no enlar8��t of the emrnon otemonts nor addition theroto if such enlarpe+nent or �''��;•��'���
<br /> �9tp�sh�o�`eoat�o � in wri ing by o�rtw sa otdi�at leas�t�ev8enty-fivo�poreent�t7i%)�of tho m��berotat ,: �.`�..u� �����
<br /> .a���r-
<br /> � . ,-
<br /> the Ase�to4ton, r�►r,�.�a�„rr�vr���
<br /> o�:a.�..:..
<br /> ARiICLE VI(1. RFSTRiCT10MS Ari0 RFSERYATIGRiS �-� � �F'���
<br /> ��-.
<br /> � , ';�r--,-----
<br /> Seetiov� 1 U QtesRPlt4ioots. � --_--- -
<br /> � ' r t�ordeP t�a p�rovide 4or eo�qQ�ial accu�aaney of the Condominia esid for tha proteetion of tAe va6ua of '��
<br /> the sui8es, tA� u:.E of the prog�erty sholl Ce restMeted to ard shall be io aceordance ++ith the 4otlo�ing °=^�;���-�.
<br /> provisi�ts: •�,�',w�r`_'
<br /> ��::::s�-�:
<br /> �> (a) The suites sAoll me�sed for residences om4Y mv the owne�or oyr►ers thereaf, their femilies, . ��:,
<br /> v •
<br /> ' . guesta, irwitees, leasees, am� lieenaees. -'�=
<br /> ' shall be 1��=
<br /> � (b) The cartnon ereas end feeiliti�s, including the limited camm�areas end taeiiities, ��• -
<br /> ' used only for the furnishir�g of the servicea and fetilities for whtch they are reasaiablY , , _..
<br /> suited and wfiich aro incident to the use and oeeupaney of the suitea. 'r
<br /> '..,,'f�
<br /> tc) No nufaences shail be allowed an the Regimes rwr ahall any use or praetice he ellowed whieh � "•"•�'
<br /> 10 .9; 'Y.<�.
<br /> ;e a aou�ce of armmvence to its residenta or whieh int¢rferea with tA�peaeeful �ssessian or
<br /> �r'i.��'�:.
<br /> . p�rq�er use of the Regimes, l' ,•:D.
<br /> ./' S�
<br /> .:_;.��j�_ (d) Ho 9aproper, off¢nsive or nu�ya�ful use shell be made of the Regimes or eny pert thereof, erd . " .•' ;� 7 '
<br /> all valid tawa, aonirnJ lae�s and regulatictt�a of atl goverrniental bodies hevi�g jurisdietion �Ns �
<br /> ' ��1i, thct�eof sha lt b e o b ser v e d. Vio la t i o n s o 9 4 a a r s, o r d ers, rulea, r e guletions or requirements of �� ; ,
<br /> •;;,_,,,
<br /> .,�..5�.;';:�• eny governmentaC egencY having jurisdie¢io� thereof, relating to the Regimes ahall be ,�',�";'•�;
<br /> � "�"`� corrected, b y arx! at the sole expense of the suite owners or the Board of Arininist�etors, �� ' �?�i.��•�
<br /> , 'cG: . �s•.�'r.:
<br /> whichever shall heve the obligation to meintain or repei� such portion of the Condaniniun _ ��
<br /> • Regimes. E{ /�
<br /> � � (e) The Board of Adafniatretors shall have authority to proscribe the storage of fuel, explosives, t , � ��-l�
<br /> ' ' ehemicals and amr other material it dec�ns hezardous in suites or gareges. �
<br /> ' ' }, '��� J��,
<br /> Section 2. Rules of Conduct. .',t `''.• � �
<br /> '" � Rutes and�eguletton concerning the use of the suites, the garagea and the camwn areas and facilities, ',`��`
<br /> y�/
<br /> � i�cluding the limited caman areas and facilities, may be pratnulgated ard amer+ded by the Boerd of �
<br /> � Administrators. Copies of such rules and regulations shall be furnished by the Board of Adninistratore to eaeh
<br /> ��i;-�;. auite ouner prior to the time ehen the same ahalt beeane e6fective. ���• �
<br /> � ?�� � Section 3. Riaht of Access. .J;�,i;1:;
<br /> ,:n� �'��'� � y�r����,�� ,
<br /> A suite arner shall grent a right of access io hie suite or garage to the menaeer a�d/or menaging agent ��;,� •
<br /> ;•5..,' and/or arry other pereon authorized by the Board of Ackninistretors, the manager or the maneging agent, for the ��'
<br /> . purpose of ineking inspections or for the purpose of correcting any condition originaii�g in his suite or gera8e ',�•'�� �
<br /> � � end threatening another suite or 9erage or a cama� area or facitity, or for the purpose of performi� �'t�;;'•�1 „
<br /> insialtattans, alteraitwu or rept�irs to the mechanical or electrical servicec or other facilities in his suite �,!�.•<< .,
<br /> :+ ' � or garage or eiscwhere in the Bui tdings, provided that requests for entry are made i�edvance and thai a�such "��•�`
<br /> :•��:'� ; entry is at e tiue reasonably convenient to the suite or gerage owner. In case of an emerge�cy. s�ch right ot
<br /> `�r� ; entry shall be im�ediete, whether the suiYe or garage owner is present at the time or not. •
<br /> � i
<br /> . , Sgetlon 4 Abetement and Enioloi�c of Violations.
<br /> { ,
<br /> �._ � The violation of any rute or regulation adopted by the 8oard Adninistrators or she breach of any of
<br /> theae By-Lews eontained hereirt, or tk� b�eaeh of any proviaio�s of the Master OeeU, s:+o:l give the 8oerd of
<br /> Adniniatrators tAe right, in add?tro� to anr othpr rights set forth i� these By-laws:
<br /> (a) ro e�ter into the su�te a� ga�age in which, or as to wnich, such YTC�BLTOR O� brCAC� exists
<br /> amd ta swnnar'�v abate arsd remove, at the expense of the default�ng s�'!e o�^garage owner, any �
<br /> !-'���"• s�ractLre, cr.=�g ar corditio� that meY exist therein contrary to thrr'^+:�rtt and meaning of the '�
<br /> � p-pvigiorts Pereo4, and the 8oard of Q�fniscraiors shall not theceby be deemed 9uiltY �� any ,
<br /> ' � ;nnn�rer of trespass.
<br /> ' (b) 10 enjoin, abate or renedy by appropriate legal proceedings, either at laa or t71 C"�JTLY� the
<br /> , continuance of any such br3aeh.
<br /> � (c) To deny pertially or wholly access co, benefit fran, or usQ of all or any facilities,
<br /> furxtio�s, o� services, or suspend, partly or wholly of all or any rights or privileges of
<br /> rtw:rnbership or any other disciplinary ectian directed by the Board of Adminiserators.
<br /> . Sectim 1 Notiee to Boerd of Administrators.
<br /> i
<br /> ; A suite a+ner who mortgages his suite shnll notify the 8oard of Admi�istretors. The Board shall
<br /> meintain such information i� a book entitted "MOrtgages of Suites".
<br /> i Section 2 NotSce of Default.
<br /> EXHIBIT "A" 7 of 10
<br /> . r
<br /> �
<br /> !
<br />