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<br /> •'�°��'`� .• ' 0orrower may cure euoh t det�uR �nd retnatate, as provided in Rarapra�ph 18, by caucinp thn aetton or proceadlnp to he �
<br /> diam{nosd wlth a ru9np thd, tn Landa�'a good talth deterrritnttFan,preetudes toAeiture of the Bortowa'e Interoat In the Propaty or �
<br /> � •"�`�``�='� oYhw mnterW Impatrm�r►t of the llon er�ted by thla 8ac�arity Inetrumant or Lendet'e saoudty IntereaG Borrowcr ehall alao be In ____, ___.._
<br /> R`".��"� dotautt it Borrower,dudnp lho lonn eppileatfon p:oaeaa,gave meter(aUy ta►ee or Inncwrate iniormatlon or atetertlente to knder(or�� ��,��,�
<br /> �:,^`^.;'. � �_-^��'� tatted to provtdo lender wtth sny matarwS(nfomartion)ir�oonnenUon with�the �oan avidtncad by the NoM, IncludlnQ, but noi� - ______ _ _
<br /> et`��' �:' Iimlted to, representattana concominp @arrower'e occupancy ot the Proparty as a pdncipal residenon. It this 8eartty� ----
<br /> '- `'.' lnatrucnent ta on es leasenold, So+►awer ah�lt compty with tU the provialona ot the lease. N Bor►ower eaqutres tae UUe to the ��F _
<br /> r. . ..�
<br /> ' Praperty,the Ieaeohotd snd the fee t�la shall not merflA unleso lander eflrooa to the marge+�n writing. 4'�'��`�+�:r�.�,�.�-
<br /> T_=.-�=�==�::r"�,s 7. P�otsetion o�t L�nd�r'a RIpMs In th� Prop�rty.8 Borrowa taua to paAorm the covennnts end agruementa � �''?�`°'"'�=_•= �� ��
<br /> �� conta�ned In thls 8ecufiy InaUument, or thare Is a tegel proeeading that mny stgnlflcanUy nifect lender'a dghls In the Properiy � r{�•;���-��;---�-_���_,._:�-
<br /> " �� '" ' (suah as a prooeedng tn bankruptay,pmbete,tor cond�mm►isUon or IorPelture or to s�laroo Iati�� or rc��laUons�,thcn lcndcr may „ �
<br /> d
<br /> '�• �•�"� do and pny tor whntever is necesstry to proteet the value af the Properiy snd Lender's rlghte in the Property. Lender's aotlons � '}' �':" —
<br /> � � `�^��+��ti��.��;
<br /> •• �� ` mey inefude paying any euma secured by a Ilen whleh has pdorily over this 3owdty Inahument, appeadng in eouA, paying �,,TH.���,.
<br /> reseonabte attomeys'tees and entedng on the Property to make repcire.Aithough Lender mey take acUon under this paragraph • " ^��•��•�,:���:;;v
<br /> � -.. - 7.lender does not have to do eo. •-�"`�-'"��`1„
<br /> My emounta diabursed by Lender undet paragrapb 7 shsq become addiUonai debt ot BoROwer secured by ihie 8ecurUy ..'' -
<br /> ' • inaUumen� Unieas 8orrower and Lender agree to other terms of paymcr►t, these amounts shaU bear inte►est trom the dete ot . ..
<br /> ...----`---- � - .�_�..�___._.w_u.... ... .. w.a�.....««.1d.. ...N1.twr..w� ....�.. ...a4.e bn..�t n..Aer tn Rrwrnwtu rt+nt�aeNne�nnYmant ---- ---__ :..
<br /> - . ... -°—n wovuiom�mm a�uw.�v�v�w w•�ww..«..p.y.......� ..........�.__. —r-.. .._.. _ ._. . _----._
<br /> 8. Mortga�e Inaurance. i} 6ender requi►ed mortgaga insurance as a conditlon of maWng the loan aecured by this � -
<br /> 3ecurfty Inatrumen4,Borrower shell pay the premlums required to meJntain ihe mortgage insurance in eNed. It for eny reason,the , . �;
<br /> �� ' modgage insursrtco coverage requhed by Lender lapaes or ceases to be in eftect, Borrower ahali pay the premiums required to , _
<br /> � ,., obtaln cov¢zage subststntlslly equhrelent to the mortgage insurance prev�ousty in eftect, at a cost substanUaOy equfvalent 4o bho
<br /> eost to Borrower ot lhe mortgage tnsuranee prevtousy in efteet. irom an akcmata mortoage insurer approved bb lenc3er. N
<br /> subatantiatty equNe(ont moft�go insurance coverage is not avaYabie. Bortow�r shall �ay to lender eaeh month a sum e�uai to ,... �
<br /> '�� on�twe3Zh a4 ihe yea+iy moetEage insurance premlum being paid by Bnrtower wh¢n tP�a ins�ceanee coverage tapsed�►eeased to �
<br /> � be in eflect. 4ender will accept, use and reYaln these ps•�r►ente as a toss reservo in fieu o4 mortgaoe tnsur��e. 4oss c�senr� ; „ ; :
<br /> , ,.-,.,,�.. � gtayments may rta fanger be reqaaired,at the a�atton oi Leredc-v.H uneort�ge insurance coverage Qn thQ amourtu�e�d tor the pedo¢i . . , . ' �::
<br /> },' � `�j4 .;i� RArnt Lend2r�equires)pY�uld�at by an Msurer agproved by lender egaE»b�comes availa�9e nn�!s obt�inex�. �lesroweT s�rall 6ray 1,.;:, ,.�'I`' �c��f��+}` ,
<br /> �.r��r�S1M�c,`>. :''•�� 't:�p gr¢mlums maqwaed 40�eantain moA,o,tt�a inss�.�a�ece tm eY'���►to �rovieta a lass rese�v�e,uatii Ehe reqa7�rroent for morlgag¢ :,.�{„;y; ,,�• ,s,'}t/ , � w
<br /> � inauran�ends+n ae�oedan�w6th ar.,y wtif��n Ag-eemanS DErhaEam 8orrovr¢r and Lender or appl(cable law. `,��{;���}`, �'<<�444�,f'', .i
<br /> . . J. E�Ag�i�L`$3on. Cender er its agent may malce reaaonable enMes upon and inspeetions of the Property. Lender shall glve �G,,i k � `�+E,� r� :•
<br /> '' Bortower noUca al the Ume of or prlor to an Inspectlon apecirying reasoneble cause for the Inspectlon. ' { °�
<br /> ' ,� 10. COttd�'rtet18ti0R.The proceeds ot any award or ctalm for demages, dkect or consequentlat,In connectlon wfth any �� "j • ����,.'
<br /> ���
<br /> , �t? eonrlemnatlon or other taking of any part of 1he Property,or 1vr conveyence In Iteu of condemnadon, are hereby asslgned and a,�,.-_
<br /> -., '� shall be pald to Lender. { � �'
<br /> ..�,,:.�. -,-
<br /> �':'r;'r:• In the event ot a total taking of the Properiy, the procesds shall be applled to the sums secured by thls Securlty ,��':�GI�
<br /> • .'`"�'?���'� ' Instrument,whether or not then due,wkh any excess paid to Borrower. In the event o}a parUal teking of the Prope►ry fn whleh •� '-��7,�
<br /> - • ---� tite iair market valua u1 tna ?rapa�tyr lmmedlatoy bcfora!he lsYJng 1s equat to 4►�raater than the amount ot the sums secured __ __.__�(j ,.
<br /> by thls 3ecurfty InsUument Immedlately betore the taking, unles� Borrower and Lender otherwjse agree In wrNing, the eums "> .
<br /> secured by thls Sewrlty InsVUment shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeda muftlplled by the following fracUon: (a)the .�� �,� �
<br /> tota�amount ot the sums secured Immedlately bvtore the Ieking. dNlded by (b) the talr market value of the Propetly Immedlateiy ,
<br /> ' • ; before the tektng. Any balance ehaA be paf�to Bortower. In the event of a partlal taking of the PropeAy In whlch the Ielr market � � ��
<br /> ' vetue ot the Property Immedlately betore the taking ta toss then tho amount of the sums securod Immedlately beto�e the taWng. �.,�•
<br /> unless 8orrower and Lender othenvlae agrao In wrltln4 or untoss appllcable Iew othetwlse provldas, the procoode shell be �r,r �
<br /> , applled to the suma secureC by thls 3ecudty Instrument whother or not the sums wre then due. I /. F�'
<br /> �f the Propetty la abandoned by Bortower,ar It,nftor notice by Londw to Bortowor thet tho condemnor otlere to make an ,/��
<br /> award or settte e clelm tor dnmages, 8orrower lails to tespond to Lender wlthln 30 days efter the dnte ihe notice Is glven. „
<br /> lender Is authodzed to eolled and appfy the proceeda. at Its optlon, elther to restoretlon or repalr ot the Proporty or to the � . � �
<br /> aums secured by this 3ecurity Instrument.whether or not then due. � � f�
<br /> ,�• I
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower othervvfse agree In wdttng, any applicatlon ot proceeds to pHncipal shall not extend or . ;•, ;,•
<br /> � postpone the due date ot the monlhly paymente referted to In pa�agraphs t and 2 or change the amount o1 auah payments. + ;.�/^�
<br /> 11. Bor�ower Not Roteased; Forbearanae By Lender Not a Waiver.Extenslon of the Ume for payment or I ;^--• ;—
<br /> modiflcaGon oi amortlzaUon of the sums secured by thls Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In Interest of
<br /> Bortower shall not operate to release the IIabllity of the odginal Borrower or Bonower's successore in Interest. Lender shall not ' � _ y' ,
<br /> be requlred to commence proceedings agatnst any successor in Interest or refuse to extend tlme tor payment or othervvlse � • � �
<br /> modlty amoAlzaUon of the sums secured by thla Security hstnment by reason of any demand made by the origlnal Borrower or �
<br /> ' Sorrower's successors h Interest. My forbearance by Lender in exerclsing any right or remedy shall not be a walver of or � . � ^
<br /> preclude the exerdso ot any dght or remedy. ' '- �� . , �
<br /> 12. Successors and Asslgns Bou�d; Jolnt and Severat Liabittty; Co-signers.7he covenants and � •
<br /> agreements of thls Securily Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns ot Lender and Bortower,subJect to the � � � '�:�;;
<br /> provlstons of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenanls end agreements shall be Jolnt end several. My Borrower who co-slgns this ; :'','' -
<br /> Securfty Insltument but does not execute the Note: (a)Is co•slgning thls Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey i
<br /> that Borrower's Interest h the Property under the terms ot thls Security Ins!rument: (b) Is not personaly obtigeted to pay the �
<br /> i sums secured by thls Security Instrument; end (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, moddy. �
<br /> forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms oi this Secudty Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's
<br /> consent. �
<br /> 13. L08I1 ChBfgBS. It the Ioan secured by this Securlty Instrument is subJect to a Iaw whlch sets maxlmum loan
<br /> charges, and that Iaw is finaly inlerpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connectbn
<br /> wflh the Ioan exceed the permitted limRs,then: (a) any such Ioan cherge shall be reduced by the amount necessery to reduce
<br /> the charge to the perntitted Iimft: and (b) a�y sums alreadv collected from BoROwer whlch exceeded permkled Iimits will be
<br /> refunded to BoROwer. Lender may choose to make thls refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> � - dlrect payment to Borrower. If a retund reduces principal, the reductlon will be treated as a partlal prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Notices.Any notice to 8orrower provlded for In thls Security Instrument shall be glven by delivering it or by malling il
<br /> by first class mail unless appNcable Iaw requires use of another melhod. The notfce shall be directed to the PropeAy Address
<br /> or any other address Borrower desfgnates by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender shall be gNen by tirst class mafl to
<br /> .__. ...---'---.. . . . .. .-' -•-•-.,�--_ _-'-.. �.�......aa.,.... �.....t.,.ave:....omc{.v nntirn}n Rnnnwar Anv nntfr.a nrovided 10� in thlS
<br /> ---- ._.... -- - � �enaCra a�urersa awiav��o.�� ..� a��� ........ ............. ........... _--'a""" -• ---- �- -� . . _ .
<br /> Security InsUument shall be deemed to heve been given to Bonower or Lender when glven as provided In thls paragraph.
<br /> '�. 15. C3overning Law; Severability. Th�s Security Instrument shall be govemed by tedewl Iaw and the law of the
<br /> Judsdlctlon in whlch the Property Is �ocated. In the event that any provlslon or clause of this Securrty tnstrument or the Note
<br /> confllcts wfth eppMcable law.such conflict shall not aHect other �rovlsions ot this Security tnstrument or the Note which can be
<br /> � � . given e(tect without the con"ictin�pravis�C�. To th�s end th�provisior.s o"• lhis Security Instcument and the Note are declared Eo
<br /> . �_.�'���,,.'•:;,`�r, ' .,:: be severab!e.
<br /> .' ��"��� •:�i�.'•�� � '`:i. 1�6. B�O,t�6:u�t"S Ct9ppp. 8o•roWei s^a;,be grver. ore cor.formetl copy of the Note and of th�s Secu��E}r Instrumen2.
<br /> . .!�`�•:
<br /> r ;�,..; � � r .
<br /> .,,,.� �` � .
<br /> F1316.LM6("12/93; °=5°�:�= �fi-----
<br /> S 94(116 !
<br /> � �
<br /> _ i
<br />