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,�.��.� ��_ . . .. _� ._ �. _.. - - = -- <br /> i..``. .i�1�' . . .!'",i+� �:,-t I$s"�" Tr�i:�� �,� ����,�!_1•.�i�hr t��1 l �;�rj�jiSl'� 4x�.....t ` ,r+ , .+: �c}t y_ _ � -';:�j"l i:3��'�i_i'�_ __`;:+ ? -_ <br /> • , ' �.g _i+c ;�:'te� '����!�-'�' �y' e��aG;�'i� v ;1 ' �. k �� i�,. 1. , ". ` �y Y _'•,1rn. j,l� � •����.,: yi �,[�l�y� <br /> • • . .p yi` vf�c rr Y7�'�IMRiM�n1�- :§,�T. � � .��,,... ;v.�ei r tr,�A�xr����t"l�� il� ` �, <br /> . • �'ti.�M3�vr•+tn.� ._ �MM�i"o��ry7/�fr I � 7e�re+e�Y�1 � � _ �- ,�.-. .._°`_ -- �. <br />.. "lM!{b1YlMbiqlvitAAtMO •nt7l•-i1f�7y1� i I ��WY�!Y'• . ' ° • .. �• •• '�. <br /> _. . ,...�.rw.wwvv-., .� i� �� I �' � � ` {n,�,xv�.+•�xw , " - <br /> . , <br /> . <br /> ,,., , <br /> _ <br /> � - <br /> .• <br /> ,� �, {Iiirs�.i...vac:Yr:..a:�, • . ' * — -- -- <br /> �1 , _ . ' . - n .I " _ - <br /> Q,` . , _;. . • . r. o, . ' -�:- <br /> % <br /> � „ " <br /> .. _ - <br /> � '-� _ .__ _ - __.......��,_"�_-"_.. <br /> �om->Jrem- . ' .. ..<,_..-_. •' _.-� <br /> ��._�'__. <br /> :-: • ' Te�FTHER WITH o11 ihe impravementn now or herteRar�reated �n tha pronorty, anA a11 a�namante, uppuRon�nooa, and <br /> 4.��s�c.b,.'�ef <br /> �-�`�� fl�lu�ea naw or hare�fter a pirl af t1►e properry. AN�epl�cemente snd�ddlttona oNatl alao ba covered by thld ascudty h�uinim�nt. <br /> '��, Aii of tho forcpolnp!a r�lnnad tA in this SAaurity Inetrument en the'Pror�aiyr.' �,____.._ <br /> •`�''"' � ��` BORRAUV�R COVENANT�thet Barrowa�In lewtufy eet�ed o}tho oat�to haraby nonvayed end h�e INe dpht to prent en� <br /> ---" '"'"'""'"„� aonv6y the Rraperty and that tho Properiy la uornarmb¢red, mcc�t fot enaumbrenees of�eaorA. E3onowm w�m�nte end v� �_"�°�__, <br /> ,:,' datand gonerelly the dpo to tho Propariy a4ainot ull elalmo and demands,subJoct lo any ancumbmnaos ot rocord, �:d=--=-- <br /> �� ___.,_,�,�;�' TMIB BECURtTY INti'�AUMENT cambinoa un{form corenents tor nationat uoe and non�unttorm covenanto wlih Ilmlte� �� <br /> • ' vnrlatlona by Ju�lsdtctlon to eaflotituto a uniform socudty instrument covering reel propflrty. � � ;c��,��-__ - <br /> ,.��r UNIFORM COVENANT9. BoROwer and Lender covenant and agree as foltowo: _ <br /> t. Paymer�t of Peinofpnl �andl Intsroa� Propsym�nt and Lats Chavg�s.eorrower ohnu prompt�y pay when •ti <br /> � due the dncipat ot nnd Interost on the debt evidenced by the Noto and any prepayment and lace aharpes due under tho Noto. •3 � � -� ` s_ <br /> 2. �unds for Taxo� and O��aorr�neo.Subjoet to apptitabla law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shnU pay �;" �'-;r'•"' � ,,. <br /> ,:..k.hc`:F�_..__� <br /> to Londer on tho day monthly Rnyrte¢a4s euo dua under the Noto, unUl the Nofe fs paid In tu11,a sum('Funds') for. le)ye�rly � •� '° y�•��`��,-;- <br /> .._ <br /> tnxes and assesaments tvhtcP� ensy Aua..'^► g,tc�Ey over this 3eeurtty Inat�ument as a pen on the Propenyr; (b)yeary leasehold , _,.:` °�;•'��+{`•- <br /> '_. - - t1AYt►�an4s or 4vou7td rents on tfto Paope�¢y.E7 ae�y: (o)yeatty hazard cu proPeM insurance premtums; (d)Yearly Aoad Inauranee _.> ,.. -- �;�'�^�,'.'. <br /> --.._,,.�___�._s,u�•�`�-. <br /> �� ' prEyniuma,i1 any;(e)yeady rtea�tgaga Ensueanco�ryn�ums,tt sny;ae�d(�i any sums payable by Borrowor to Lender in aeeordanae - � <br /> �vith the proWstons of pAmor�h 6, in tleu ot 4he paymant of mo�Qa$a Elsurance premiums. Theae ftema ere ealled 'Escrow - <br /> ft¢ms.' Lender may, ctt Fuiy time, coilect and hofd Fuads in an umcunt�ot to exceed the meximum emount e Iender for a „ � _ <br /> _—__ o�o�eu.mintn.l�nnrt.wna tr+a�.mav rau�trw tnr Rerruwnr'n eaerow accoue�t under tAe toderal Real EstBte Setdement Procedurea �__ __ __ t <br /> �;''"s'3<<;;��,�•:y. � Aat ot 1974 ea amended irom time�to time, 12 U.S.C.@ 2801 et svq. ('FigSPA°), untcss another law that appAes to the Funds <br /> " ��;;.,,. , seta a tesser amount. tl so, lender may, et any Ume, coNeat and hotd Funds (n an amount not Ro meceed the lesaer amount - <br /> „ "�c�•'Y Lender may esEimate the amount of Funds due on the basls of current data and reasonabte estimates ot exPendiWres of luturo '�� <br /> �� ���-:= Escrow ttems or othervvise In aceordanee�ith app9cabie Iaw. • <br /> ' The Funds shail be heid in an inatitution whose deposfts ere insured by a federel agency,instrumenta9ty,or entity(inoludin8 � <br /> Lender, it lender is such an fnaUtuUon) or N any Federal Home Loan 6ank Lender shaM appy the Funds to pay th0 Escrmv - <br /> ftems. Lender mey not charge Bortower for holding end apptykig the Funds,annually anaiyzing the escrow acxount,or veTitying _ �"""" <br /> � „ the Escrow Items, unieas Lender pays 8ortower interest on the Fuads end appticabie law pertnits lender to malce such a . .-_ _ <br /> • eharge. Fir�wever, Lender may requi�e BoROwer to Qay a oneUme charye for an independent rea0 estate tax reportEng service .;,,. �._- <br /> ' used by Lender in connectioi wfth this toan, unless appllcable law ra�ruvides otherwise. Un�ess an agreement is made or ?.:-��;f-.� <br /> .,.,:,.1 applicabte Iaw requires interest to be pald, Lender shali n�t be requlrod ia pay Borrowca any interest or eamings on the Funds. �. .,;;;;�'�:;��;},;y <br /> ,f:i�:•;J:' ♦.� i��,�y.�<�_. <br /> ,y�V::.;_,_ .• �ottower end Lender mey agree In writing, however, th�t interest sha!1 @e paid o�e the funds. Lender shali give 9a 0onower, .•.•;t;'. ''+,:;;E;;;",;;���:,'. <br /> , T• � �' fJ%��r:v}Iti ' f.� �V../1.'. <br /> ;'"/'`;:;��,�„ ,',' debtt to theTFunds wasumadoc�Thel�Furtrls ere ptedged asuadditlonal s�curity t�r aA aumsFSecured�y hhe Securiry f inst,rumen�ch !�;:(�;;�a';;�'s'�ti;:,''y�1�;'�:�' <br /> :{��„i ,.r��t.,.,<���,�,,;, <br /> ' '}`�'Q`�'�''�'�'`�%'���'�� Ii the Fands hetd b Lender exceec?9�e arnounts ertn(tted to 6e haid b app(icabi�law, lensfer sheli aecount to 8ortawe� ��,���'•�• " r��;: F��� <br /> "b;31,;;;,: " �t:.•.:. �r,�• 'r��"�;t:�;{';':� ','' <br /> ' Y P Y ," r!r •i �. <br /> `�;'�`�l'.�':1����!(`1�,�.�?i.:t �.�i.�•y,C�}�`�f�f.;..i!�,;'�'.:'.r'- - <br /> for the excess Funds in aecordance wilfi 7he�e�uirements of appBcaQ�le Paw. fl the ar.�ount ot ihe Funds held by Lender at an�? � , r r��-;��;�•••<:;:� <br /> �;�,;':: ����•}:.�';;;�.•�� Ume is not sutfident to ptxy the�scrow ft�ms when due, 4ender may ao notity Boaawrer in wdtlng, and, b such case 9ortawer � �S���i<��,�<<F:t,.�•.:;�;,-;ti�.• <br /> � t }�.� �s{ �d� � ��.s <br /> ',i'�.� �};('��4,. �fi sha0 pay to tEnder the amount nexessany to meke up 4hQ deficlsncg. �oaow�sha11 make up the de8dency in no more than o��f � ,:�f k �,���r f � �� <br /> � ,,.. �<�J j r-'t ,? twefve ma�3h,y lender's aote dlscreUon. h�s h,`,:��ti� �! �4�51(eJ����, <br /> .?,fytl�'.:'4:J;�(�S"n;��•:;�::•3 Upon�ayment in tuA of atl sums secured by this Secutily Instcumaret,Lender shall promplly r�Yu��to 6orrower any funds ( a;..,;,.!',;t.�., <br /> ,-�.i.,.S_�.�...� � s... �D+. n aA�o� �a'inn nr _R [-..::—=c_::____ �'--^e-ii� . <br /> `• ;�;•i;.,.,.;:,,;�;�;:`:��, i�eid by ianckrr. it._undar paragraph 2i. ���dar shalt acquira c:scC t.... ....perrt.Lender.Ddor!.. .,n..^�.i_�_.. _. �ab o.++.!±� �`,- <br /> ,, ,, <br /> `+��'; RopeAy, shall apply any Funds heid by Lender at the time of acquisiUon or sale as a credit against the aums sec�cred by this �';t <br /> Security Instrument. <br /> 3. Appitcation of Peyments. Unless applicabie law providea otherwlse. ail payments receNed by lender under r <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shatl be applied: tirst,to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second, to amounts peyable under �� �: q�j. <br /> ' paragreph 2:third,to intereat due:tourth,to prindpai due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. , ,b� i <br /> , � •� 4. Chargeg; Uet18. Borrower shall pay all texes, assessments. charges, flnes end knposiGons arirfbutabie to the r ; <br /> Property which may attain priorBy over this Security Instrument,and Ieasehdd payments or ground renls.Y any. Borrower shail ., 3 ���' <br /> pay thettie obligatlons in the menner provided in paregraph 2. or if not pald in that manner, Bonower shali pay them on time I � ,;� <br /> dkectty to the person owed payment. t3ortawer sha8 prompty tumish to lender all notices ot amounts to be pald under this � � � <br /> paragraph. It Borrower makes these payments directi�. Borrower shati promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidendng the <br /> payments. j i'. <br /> . Bortower shalt promptly discharge any Iien which hae p�iority ovet this Security Instrument untess Borrower. (a) agrees in f . <br /> wdUng to the payment ot the obligaUon secured by the lien in a mahner acceptable t� lender, (b) contests In good fafth the • • � -�� <br /> Ilen by, or detends agalnst enforcement ot the lien in. Iegai proceedings which In the Lender's opinfon operate to prevent the � ...:°i�` <br /> � entoreement of the Ilen;or(o) secures hom the hoider of the Nen en agreement satisfactory to Le�der subordinating the lien to '�� • '. <br /> this Security InsWment.It Lender detertnines that any part of the Property is subJect to a iien whlch mey attaln priority over thfs � <br /> 3ecurity instrument.lender may gHe BoROwer a noUce identilying the lien.Bortower shall saUsry the lien or take one or more of � . <br /> the actfons set torth above wfthfn 10 days of the gNing ot�otice. � ' . <br /> 5. Hazard or P�operty Insurance.Bortower shali keep the improvements now exisUng or hereatter erected on the � , � �}�`"�;/ <br /> Property insured against loss by fire, hazards lncluded wRhin the tertn 'ex[ended coverage" end any olher hazarda, including � •, �:•�,;'�`�;f <br /> floods or flooding, tor which Lender requires Insurance. This Insurance sheit be maintafned In the amounts and tor the periods �ti,�'.. ' <br /> that Lender requlres. The Insurance cevier providing the insurance shall be ehosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's approvai j ,'�. :, . �1�, <br /> which shall iot be unreasonably wllhheld. if Bortower faNs to maintain coverage desafbed above.Lender may, at Lender's � .!;t;y; <br /> ' i optfon,obtain covernge to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance wtth paragraph 7. ` "` `' <br /> ' Alt insurance poUdes and renewa�s shall be accepteble to Lender and shatl Include a standard mortgage Gause. Lender � <br /> shati have the right to ho�d the polides and renewals. If Lender requires.Bortower shali prompty give to lender aY rece(pts of � <br /> ' paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss.Bottower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. . <br /> ', Lender may make proof ot loss if not made promptly by Borrower. , <br /> .,`;�� Untess Lender and BoROwer olherwise agree in wdting. Insurence proceeds shaN be applied to restoration or repair of the <br /> prpperty damaged. tt the restoration or repair is economicaiy teasible and Lender's security is not lessened. If the restoration or <br /> • `•:'.�' repafr Is not economicalty feasible or Lendeis security wouid 6e lessened,Ihe insurence proceeds shaA 6e applied to the sums <br /> seCUred by this Securiry Instrument. whe2her or not then due. with any excess pald to Borrower. If 8orrower abandons the , <br /> Property. or does �ot answer wilhin 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has oitered to settle a claim, then , <br /> � Lender may collect the insurence proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums <br /> secured by this Security instrument. whether or not then due. The 30•day period will begin when the notice is gfven. <br /> Unless Lendet and BoROwer otherwise agree in writing. any applicalion of proceeds to p�incipal shall not exlend or <br /> + postpone the due date of the mortthiy payments referred to in paregraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. K <br /> ` � under paragraph 21 the Property Is acquired by Lender. BoROwer's right to any insurance poiides a�d proceeds resufting hom <br /> damage to the Property prior to the acquisitfon shall pass to Le�der to the extent of the 3ums by this Security Instrument <br /> Immediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> � � 6. occupancy. rreservaiion. iviainienance anu r�vieciivn vi ine rroperiy; ooROwe�s i.oan <br /> � Applieation; L@88@hO1d8. Bortower shaii occupy. establish, and use the Property as Bortower's principai residence within <br /> • � sixry days after the execution oi this Security Insirume�t and shali continue to occupy the Properry as Borcower's principai <br /> , ;�'� resfde�ce tor at teast one year after the date oi occupancy, uniess Lender othervvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not <br /> � ""' �; }'i be unrcaasonahly withhc�d. or uniess extenualing Grcumstances exist which are bcyond BoROwer's contrd. Borrower shall not <br /> ,`�;;�:�' ,`• ::'.�.•,�,1� desG�ay. damage or im�aair fHe PropeAy. aliow the Property to deteriorate,or commt waste on the Property. Borrower sheil be in <br /> , �;��;�:ti;,`•;t Qe�u1t i4 any forfeiture ace�oo or proceeding. whether civil or cdminai. is begun that in lender's good taith judgment could resuft <br /> � �.•;:�:• :T in 4or�o^ra o?the Property or othenwse materially impair the ilen created by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's secunty interest. <br /> ' •. . ,.{�+-;.,,<i <br /> ,. •,1:!,•..,;► <br /> ' �,,,;,.�a;' :�.��i��j �i'+'/\n '�,, �I; <br /> .(:t>;�S.i. .�..��1:';,� Ki3�3.�M6(�2193� Pan�?��1 S • <br /> �:' , .ti ��'��'�v�' <br /> .i.4 y'�� ,.f. 1. <br /> � 4' ' <br /> 1 .� � 340t6 f <br /> I �! <br /> X • .i . .. ---- — - ----- -- .�.e..�i_.__`---` . . <br />