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<br /> �.rh'vy�.� �. � •nv�a1,�" .'ti.. a- .{- .,. �:t.. :A-•:� ;..,,.•.'�-a..�'[4- ?���� r• ,w��, a ,+.. ;�� irav,. ,s: w�.;,.i• .:. -�r. �.����Y.e
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<br /> � l:� `:�iy�;I. ��(.:i'r,':i��. .7'ai �,.s./y�� ,K � �r .`�. 1 :r.hh� h F�y�.� �'�' y� �� ��' ��'� ���d'f'V
<br /> f r �!g�! "P t ['�fl�`b ..}a+.r '�,at.� �r�'.(+ ��,!: �� i ��� �, f, i.i� �n u.
<br /> - �� S�tp�`�ii���?ttrnt_��� .s _ i.� � k i�".���. + Yg'� 7 4 f 1; { S
<br /> Y ;y.• ;',v., �Eti ys' .t;:� �,.,�,p�Gfi!:`.• �%°4hi+'k�KC��.���}�"�} �qF���w„
<br /> �r. �n:n -,' t . ' i" 1��,'LS al. .�R rtlr_-.-..
<br /> � .� . �y .�q'�?rRyn�<w._...a t'�,�.;:i" .. :tifJ� ..�"i�n �'e �ti�1;�''", ` ,�„�,-,�-
<br /> � a
<br /> !. . . ...,y � .�1. •1�+�wW+�n .:,+.,.w.w. H' e - . ��
<br /> ,. . . ' .// d �Arda" .i{p . . � ' . i . -�.- ` __�.
<br /> JI 1 �..�. . . - ^).
<br /> � �� - ; �E' ..._ ,,! . � --__..�
<br /> . ,
<br /> , .
<br /> � • '
<br /> , • ._,_.��.
<br /> 1'X'��[ ..,��r.�af:r.�.�2..�%-, ` -- � _-_-"-_-=•-�- -- __.�_..._._—-. =----
<br /> ...__�.�.�^.....__,._,..—_.___._� -------... _•..
<br /> =•r1::��� • Borrower msy oure such a detault and reinstste, c�a ptavldod in parapraph 18, by eauotng the acflon or proceodln8 to bo •i.._
<br /> _=��'�:�`:•� � diamtaaed wfth n n�tlnp that,in Lender's good f�tth duterm3qatian,preoludao todoltura of tho tiarrower'e Intareat In tho Propariy or
<br /> , .�-��_���'�•�a��' other matedal lmpni�ient ot the llen created by thls 8ear�lry Matrument ar Landor'e aoaudty Intaraa� Bortowor ehall alno bo in u-��_----
<br /> �_:�;�..m;.�4�„y�,`., dofauit lf Bottowor,dudn�lhe loen appilcation proceso,gave matcrta0y tAlao or Innceumte Informatlon or etatomants to Lender(or (� t;�:P=e�T-___-�:---�.._.
<br /> " �- fallcd ta provlde I.endes ��Ith any tnaterR!! intortnetlon}!n connedtnn wNM tho loan evldeneed by the Note. ineluding, bui not � � �_�_
<br /> i yJ Y Umited to, npreaontetiona coneamtnq Bonower's oeeupanoy ot the PropoAy as a pdnolptl reatdence. If tbis seauriiy � � -
<br /> - . Inehument te on a teasehold. Bnttower ehali eorepty with aIi the provlsiona ot the lesse. If 8orrowe� acqu�res !ee dUe to the �����,�� --
<br /> „Y �' Properly,the Ieasehold and the tee dpe shntt not mergo unless Lender agrees to the merger in wdting. ,;.,�� � ..,���- --
<br /> • ' ' .� 7. P�ot�utior�of I.�nde�'o Righb tn th�Prop�rty. it eo►rower talis to padorm the aovonants nnd agreeme �`-=''�_-__.
<br /> - eontalned In this 8awdry�natrument, or thoro ia a legal procesding that may signitiaantly aHeot Lender's dghts in the Prop '""�'"'�°-__'-�',-"
<br /> (auoh as a proceeding in bankrupicy,probate,tor aondemnatbn or todeituro oi to entorce tawe or►egutatlone),then lender - ,,;;:y,�:;�•��;:,x;_-�_-
<br /> do and pay tor whatever fa naceaenry to proteat the value oi the Pro e and Lender's d hte in the Properiy. Lendefa AoU � � ��� ----
<br /> P�'tY 9 :.��,..,Y.,�;;ry�.v=-:_
<br /> - may include paying any suma secured by a I�en which has prbdty over this 3ecurity Instrument, appeering in aourt, pa �;.•,�;--
<br /> reaaonable attomeys'tees and entedng on the Property to make repaUs.Atthough Lender may take aetion under thls paragrap _ ,_,__ _ -
<br /> • � • r,Lender doea not have to do so. _
<br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 ahall become addkfonai debt ot Borrower se�ured by this 3eeurily
<br /> Instrument. Uniesa Borrower and Lender ngree to other tertns o}payment, these amouMs shaY bear interest from the date of -
<br /> dlsbursemsnt at the Note rate and ahall be payabie,wrih interest,upon noUce irom Lender to Bortower requesUng payment. ._ �.
<br /> .. ,.,...
<br /> O Hw.�www� iwm�ranws II t rnda�rnw�drwl w�ndnnno inoumnno ae t1 RHllflitlM A�rt18EC1716 tP�e loan secu�ad bv this '•�:� .:�"-�•�� . '
<br /> _. .__.____ w ..w.��..�.. _ -
<br /> ___,_ _ _ ____. ...�.......��. .. �_.._�. .°_.^�'. "_ _ ' 'o..o. -
<br /> Security instrument, Borrower aha0 pay the premiums requtred to rt�atntain the mortgage tns�crance in efleci.IP,for�ny reasan,the �, ,� ,� '�
<br /> cnortgage insuras�ce coverage required by londer Iapses or ceases to E�a in Efteet, BoROw¢r shaii pay 1he premluma reqaEred to
<br /> obtain coverac�r substantlatiy equlvaient to the mortgage insure�nce prevlausy In eHect, at a cost substantlAlly equivalent to th¢ :.r._� ,
<br /> cost to 8oraower of lho martgage insurance prevlousty in e4P¢ct, from an aRemate mort�age insure► approved by tender. If ..� �
<br /> ;,'"�'� substarrtfai equtvalent mort a a insurance coverage la not availebte,Bortower shall pay to Lender each month s sum equal to ' :.,,� . •r'dj;`�:'�;,, .,�
<br /> N s � �..�.�.: ., �{ ,�...,, �
<br /> onalwelRh di th�yea+ly mart�age insuranca premium bein�paid by 9orrower when the insuranee coverage tapsed or ceased to .v,.r,:,;;:•,�^,••.:�,.:p;e�t-����.,`
<br /> be in eNect. Lender wiR accept, uae and retain these payments as a loss reserve in Ifeu ot mortgage insurance. Loas�eserve ,�:.:��, hi , �
<br /> '.� payments may no longer be required,at th�option of�enda�, if moNg�zge insurance coverage(kt the amount and tor the pertod 1�t,f:�,�, , :,� t,�r�
<br /> � _�,_�•:•,_y
<br /> that Lender requhes)provided by an Insurar approved by Lender agein becomes availeble and Is obtained. Borrower sha0 pay ;:,t�t{�t,�:,{;��••` _ �:?\'�j;•�.
<br /> the premiums required to mnin��ln moRgage insurance�n @"act,or to ptovide a loas reserve, unUt the requirement tar mortgage �� • � , �� �
<br /> insurance ends in accordance wfth any written agreemeat between Barowar and Lender or appYcable law. ��i+`:;.M1 sYj � ,� �� t��,. �
<br /> � 9. Inspection.Lender or Rs agent may make reasonebte entrles upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall ghre ��`;,. , ,' �,
<br /> ,,� � Borrower noUce at the Ume of or pdor to an inspection apedlyfng reasonable cause for the inspecUon. �� � ;r f�i
<br /> ���"';ii 10. Condemnatlon. The proceeds of any award or clalm tor dameges, dUect or consequen3ia�,In connecUon with any 3 � •.;ti i,r�,',. ��
<br /> •�.., condemneUon or other takin of an art ot the Property,or tor conveyance in 8eu of condemnation, Are hereby essigned and ` ,i. ' ' �.';<<';=;�r:�'"
<br /> ,{ 9 Y P :. . . j.�;.,�;,:: -
<br /> , shaN be paid to Lender. + `"'{� f�
<br /> - • In the event of a totel takfng of the Property, ihe proceeds sha�t be applled to the sums sewred by ihb 8ecurity �� ���� '°�� �`�
<br /> '� I n s W m e n t,w h e t h e r o r n o t t h e n d u e,w tt h a n y e x c e s s p a i d t o B o r r o w e r. I n t h e e v e n t of a pArtia►takin g of the Pro pe rt y In which �tA�^ ' f,,, ��`����;1)�i`��,�,,;
<br /> - ' �' - the fa(r market value of the Property Immediateiy before the taiting is aquai io or g�vFit� ihar��;�a a����u;�;at tha :ucsr seeurad �,�-.���;����---rr. ,•' ��"
<br /> * �:r t�;'.`•i•nlv 1;,
<br /> by this Security Instrument immediately before the taking, unless Borcower and Lender otherwlae afl ee in writlng, the sums ,::.. t; ,'j�;. 1„
<br /> � � secured by ihis Securily Instrument shail be reduced by the amount of the proceeds mu8i�li�rt by iha 9oAowing iracUon: (a)the �, �,�:;,.
<br /> �� �f; ��
<br /> • total amount ot the sums secured immedlatety belore the taking,dhrided by(b) the fair mar6cot value of the Property immediatey i ;;;��.::�,�
<br /> ' before the taking.My baiance shall be paid to Sorrower. �n the event of a partial taking o4 the Property In which the fair market � �� .
<br /> � value of the Properiy immediately betore the taking is less thsn the emount ot the sums secured immedietely betore the taking, � ,���..��i,'j •
<br /> unlese Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writhg or un�ess eppHcabie taw othervvise provides, the proceeda shail be � �.,,',�:'�" , �.r�:
<br /> app�ed to the sums secured by this 3ecurity Instmmeot whether or not the sums are then due, � 1„f�
<br /> it the Property Is abandoned by Borrower, or It. aRer notice by Lender to BoROwer that the condemnor ofters to make an f'
<br /> award or settle a claim for damages. Bortower falis to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given. i � � �
<br /> Lender is authorized to cotlect and appy the proceeds, at tts optlon, either to restoretion or repalr of ihe Property or to the ,
<br /> sunis secured by this Securily Instrument,whether or aot then due. ' �F
<br /> , � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wdting, any applicatlon of proceeds to pdncipai shall not extend or ; Y.j��
<br /> : • posipone the due date of the monthly payments referred to k►paragrephs S and 2 or change the amount of such payments. =
<br /> }�,� 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension ot the tkne tor payment or � °�:''��
<br /> modficatlon of amortbsUon of the sums secured by this Security InsWment granted by Lender to any successor in interest ot ,.
<br /> • � Bortower shaii not operate to re�ease the ilabllity of the origlnal Botrower or BoROwer's successors In interest. Lender shaii not •
<br /> be required to commence proceedings against any successor In Interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othervvise '.• '
<br /> � modify amoAlzation oi the sums secured by this Securfty Inatrument by reason of any demand made by the odginal Borrower or .,';�`r;,:
<br /> Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be e waiver ot or � .
<br /> preclude the exercise of eny right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Jotnt and &everal Uabipty; Co-signers. 7r�e Covenants and �;;':���.
<br /> • agreements ot this Securifj InsVument shall bind end benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subject to the '�'��
<br /> ., prorisions of peragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and severai. Any Bonower who co•signs this
<br /> , ,.��-� Security Instrument but does �ot execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument oniy to mortgage.grant and convey
<br /> that 8ortower's interest in the Proper!y under the terms of this Security Instrument: (b) is not persanally obiigated to pay the
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrume�l: and (c)agrees thet Lender and any other BoROwer may agree to extend, modify.
<br /> to►bear or make any accornmcdatcons witn regard to the terms of this Security instcument or the Note without th�z OoROwers �� •
<br /> consent.
<br /> � • 93. Loan Charges. If the �oan secured by ihis Security Instrument Is subject to a law which sets maxrmum loan
<br /> charges. and that taw is finaly interpreleC so that the interest or othe,- loan charges collected or te tr�collected in connection
<br /> �� with the �oan exceed the permitted Or�i:s. then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by tRe a�~�:;nt necessary to reduce
<br /> the c?�arge to the permrt'ed Iimit: an¢1 �b) any sums alieady coliected trom Bonov,�•which exceeded permitted Iimits will be
<br /> �`"" � refunded to Bortower. �.en;le�may choose to make tr:s retund by reducing the pnrct�a: owed under the Note or 6y making a
<br /> ''• �� direct payrnent to Borc+we�. If a refund reduces pdr,c�pai. the reduction wili be treated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> j�' prxpalrr.�e�+:charge under the Note.
<br /> '.(��'•+i '04. �l70#6Ce3.Any�otice to Borcower provided for in this Secunty Instrument shaY be gi+rert by deirvering�t or by mailing it
<br /> '��� by flrst class mail unless applicable taw requires use of another method. The notice shail be d�rected to the Property Address
<br /> or any other address Bor�wer desfqnates by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender shaN be given by fiest class mail to
<br /> ' � Lenders address state� rt�rem or any other aaaress�enaer designa�es by nai�ce iu oorruwe�. wq ��vii�r y:�•,�u�:,�G: �s :�i;
<br /> Sewrity Instrument sha[I he deemed to have been given to 8orrower or Lender when �ven as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 9rS. Q3overniog Law: Seaevability. This Securily Instrum�nt shall be govetned by federal law and the law of th3
<br /> jurisdictian in whlch the Property Is �ocated. tn the event that any provis�on or clause of this Security Inst�ument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not aHect other provisiuns of this Security Instrument ot the Note which can be
<br /> . given eftect w(thout the conflicting provislon. To thf� end the pronsions of this 8ecunry instrument and the Note are declared to
<br /> be severable.
<br /> � '96. Bor�ower's Copy.Bortower shall be grven one conformed copy oi the Note and ot this Sewrity Inslniment
<br /> � P.]q• +��5 y� �
<br /> F73tu.lMC,l�?/931
<br /> i. I 9ai25 -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - -- -1- ._ .
<br /> ± � J
<br />