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<br /> �;,�:r ir.�-�;.+�;, ` TOQE1'HER WffH eli tho Improvementa now or hereaRer ereeted on the properiy, and aU eaeomerte, appurtenaneee,end � -i
<br /> '•�!��'�"`r-'"'X'•• , • ftxturea now or haeatter a paR ot the propertyr. Aq teptaeemente�ad addftlona ahall aieo be covered by thie Seoutily Inatrument. _
<br /> ° �-•��;'�•�-�p. All uf the torogoing la reterrad to In this 8e�udiy Inetrument as the"Propody.` °°"'------
<br /> , ',.,-•, BOAROW�R COYENANT9 that Borrower Is �awtUUy oattod ot tho oatnto horcby convoyad�nd heo tho dght to grant an �•���=_:_.-.-_��--_-
<br /> � '�°'� coiivdy [ha Properiy and that the Prbper�y is unv�iuumbered, oxcept tor �ncun�brancws ot recorA. 8or►ower wrtranie and w'A _____
<br /> , detend g�eratly the t81e!o the Properly agalnat ell atnlma end demands,aubjeot to an eneumbranaea nf reaard. '� '���"'�"'�"-��"--
<br /> ------------' Ttfi9 &EOURIN INBTAUM�NT eombinas unllarm eovenanta tor nadonat usoyend non�unitortn aovonanto w8b Iimitedt '��'""°"
<br /> ��. —
<br /> �a=�-���°..--
<br /> vadaUons by Judsdictlon to conotitute a uniform soa►rfly tnstrument covedng real property. , • •��-•.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTB. Borrower and Lender c�ovenud and agree as fopows: �r° � '��. ....E:'��°'`'—
<br /> '�?'� _�' " �� -�-
<br /> � 1. Pnyment pf P�Incipal and IMaros� Prepayment end La3e Chargeo.Borrowm shali promptiy pay whe " °�`���•�°•�s� _
<br /> �., '� ' ,
<br /> duo the dnelpal of nnd tnteueat on the debt rntdenced by the Note and any prepayment and lats choryo3 duo undct tho Nota. .. . ..,::-,•=
<br /> 2. �unde for Taxos and Insunnee.8ubJeet to eppUcabte taw or to a written waNet by Lendar.8onower ehall pa ' ;;�t'�;�°�;
<br /> � to Lender on the day monthly paymente are due under the Note, unt�l the Note is paid in full,a sum('Funds') tor. (a) yea
<br /> texes and assesements which may attain pdorfiy over this Socudty I�atrument as a Ilan on the Prope�iy; (b) yearly leasehot • • __
<br /> ----. -- -.-.- paymenta or ground rents on the Property.M any; (o) yearry hazard or property insuranee premiuma; (�yeaAy flood insurence .•
<br /> �• premlums,if any; (e)yeady mortgage inaurance premiuma,if any:and(n any suma payab�e by BoROwer to Lender in accordenae �
<br /> wfth the provlalona oi paragraph 8, in Ileu ot the payment o4 mortgage insurance premiums. These ftams are callod 'Eswow _.
<br /> , Iteme.' lender may, at any Umo, colioct and hold Funds En en amount not to exceed the maxlmum amount a Iender for a
<br /> tederaity related mortgege toan may require tor Borrower's escrow account un�5er tho toderai Real Estate Setttement Proaedures
<br /> "�':�:_:_�. �.,._..o�� , e.,,�„n a,,,�,u,„a�..uMa +��o c r. R�sm a4 awe l°RFSaA•e un.�ss onothEr law thet eppAes to the Funds
<br /> ..
<br /> � ....,_. .... . ..s �:_....__.._... _.... ._ ._ .. . . .
<br /> . . -'.{.:�....1 • —__.._.-... ___.
<br /> r�•�.��:� , sots a tesser amount. It so, Lender may,at any tlme, coUec4 ond hotd Fanda in an A�nou�►t seot to exeeed the�esser amount.
<br /> �
<br /> :'�`��:� ,, Lender irray estimate the amount o4 Funds due on the basis of current data Amd�mASO�a@:o es4'�ates ot expendiWres ot tuturo _
<br /> `"!�i Escrow ttems or othorwise in accordance with appOcable It3w. .
<br /> The Funds sRaU tre held tn an institution whose deposks are insured by a 4ed�rat ageacy,inatrumentaliry, or entfty Qnciudetg F�,: ��'� , ;,� '
<br /> Lender, ff lender Es such en institution)or in any Fedeml Home loan Bank. 4.Ender shaFl apply thR Funds to pay the Escrow �, .,1,,�.;, :
<br /> � •�� ftema. Lender mey�+et charga Barrower for hotatir.g and applying tfie Funds,arena�try analNa?ne�the eserow accoun� or veriying � ' ,::'�"��••'�
<br /> the Eecrow items, uniesa Lender �ays Borroarer interest on the Funds and applit�lt:9 t�w permits Lender ta make such a ,.,, � "` '"'•;�;;.s;;
<br /> eharge. However, Lender may require Borrower 10 pay e one-tim� charge for an independent real eatate tax repordng ac�rEco �� ''• '.,t j�,�.
<br /> used mv lender in connectlon with th�s loan, untess appNcable Iaw provldes othetwiae. Un�ess an agreement is madx or .�'• '!'�:,
<br /> appqcabie law requirc�s interest to be paid. Len�'er shall not be requted to pey Borrower any interest or eamings on the Fun�s. • .
<br /> � Borrower and Lender msy agree In wriiing, however, that Interest shalt be paid on the Funds. Lender shall ghre to Borrower. .
<br /> wfthout charge, an annual accounting uf the Funda, showing credfts and debRs to the funds and the purpose for which each „� ,_',; .:;+`._:;
<br /> debft to the Funds wes made. The Funds are ptedged as addlUonal securfly for aN sums secured by the Securily instrument. .•.;;�: ,.,:-
<br /> � It the Funds heid by Lender exceed the amounts permilted to be held by appliceble Iaw,Lender shall account to Borrower „ "' � •�;
<br /> for the exceas Funds In accordance wtth the requkements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any 's.�:,
<br /> � Ume is not suffldent to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender mey so noU(y Borrower(n wriUng,and. In suah case Borrower : .�t._
<br /> � � shail pay to Lender the amount necessary to rtwke up the deflclency. BoROwer shall make up the deflcienay in no more than ����{ (
<br /> tweNe monthty payments,at Lender's soie discretlon. ` :"��'4;::
<br /> ,_ . Uoon payment in full oi ali sums secured by this Secudty Instrument, Lender sheA prompty refund to BoROwer any Funds w' .. ;�:;�.
<br /> 1 held by Lender. Ii.-under paragraph 21, lender shail acquke or seN the Property, Lender, prior to the acqulsitlon or sate o1 the -:..,:y�: ., -
<br /> . Property, shall appy any Funds heid by Lender at the Ume of acqulsftlon or sele as a credit agelnst the sums secured by thtc .r�:'':?� '
<br /> :'j%•� :•\�• 't., '
<br /> Securily Instrument. �' ���u�";i±
<br /> 3. Applieatlon Of Payrttents. Unless appiiceble law provides othervvise, ali payments recelved by Lender under .. .� . r� •�
<br /> peragraphs 1 and 2 shall be epplled: ftrst,to any prepeyment charges due under the Note; second,to amounts payabie under � „,:<;
<br /> paragtaph 2;thlyd,to Interest due;toutth,to princlpai due;end iest,to any late charges due under the Note. , '��
<br /> 4. Charges; Uens. Bortower shall pay ali Wxes, assessments, charges, finos aad impositions attributabie to the � a�•�� '
<br /> Property wh�h may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents,M any. BoROwer sha11 ,'�i .
<br /> pey these oblfgaUons in the manner provided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manner, BoROwer sheli pay them on Ume i �� �
<br /> directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptty tumish to Lender aA noUces of amounts to be paid under this � '
<br /> paragraph. If Sortower makes these payments directly. Bortower shall promptly tumish to Lender receipts evidenc(ng the �' " '
<br /> I payments. ; �' '
<br /> � BoROwer shaM promptiy discharge any Ilen which has priorily over thfs Security Instrument unless 6ortower. (a) agrees in � , � :rJ��_
<br /> writing to the payment of the obifgedon secured by the Iien in a manner acceptehle to Lender. (b) contests In good taith the �
<br /> .�� _� � Yen by, or defends against enforcement ot the Ilen in. legal proceedings wh�h in the Lender's opinbn operate to prevent the + �j.�:� ,
<br /> � ' enforcement of the Nen; or(c) secures from the hoider oi the Ilen an agreeme�l satisfactory to Lender subordlnaUng the �len to � • ;•
<br /> this 3eeurity InstrumeM.it 4ender detertnines that any part ot the Property is subJect to a ilen which may attain pdority over this
<br /> SeCUrity InsWment, Lender may give BoROwer a notiCe identitying the lien. 8orrower shali satisty the Ile�or take one or more ot , '
<br /> ' the actions set forth above wNhin 10 days oi the gtving of notice. f • -
<br /> • .Y,' ' S. Hazard or Praperty �nsurance. 8ortower shall keep the ImprovemeMs now existing or hereafter erected on the . �•'"�' ` ,
<br /> � , Property insured against loss by Ore, hazards included wRhln the tertn "exlended coverage' and any other hazards. Inciuding '"`;"'}��I' ,
<br /> ' flaods or flooding,for which Lender requfres hsurance. This Insurance shaN be maintained in the amounts and for the periods �`�;:::
<br /> ihat Lender requires. The insurence cartfer providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower suhject te Lender's approval , , �;:�_�.
<br /> wh�ctc shall not be unreasonabiy withhetd. If BoROwer tafis to meintain coverage described above. Lender may, at Le�der's � ' ..
<br /> op4:ar., abtaln coverage to protect Lender's nghts in the Property m accorda�ce wdh paragraph 7.
<br /> w: insurance palicies and renewa�s shal be acceptable tc �ender and shaR fnclude e standard mortgage ctause. Lender
<br /> s�+a::�ave fhe tight to hoid the policfes and renewats. It Lender requires. BorTawer shall prompity give to Lender all receipts oS `�
<br /> paid premiums and rpnewai noUces. In the event of loss. Borrower shell give prompt notice to the Insurance carrier and Lender.
<br /> Lender may make��ooi ot loss H not made promptly by Bortower.
<br /> Untess lender and Borrower othervvise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shaM be ap�lied to resto�ation or repair of the
<br /> Property damaged,it the restorat`.on or repair is economically teasibie and Lender's security +s nat lessened. if ihe restarallon or
<br /> repalr is not economicaily teasi�;� or lender's security would be Iessened. the insurance prcceetls shail be appiietl to the sums '
<br /> serured by this Security Instr�m�sc whether or not then due. with any excess paid to 8ortower. If Bovov�er aDartlons 9he
<br /> � Praperiy. or does rtot answer within 30 days a notice lrom lender that the insurance cartier has oftered to serile a clairr.then
<br /> Lender may cai:ea�: 2�7e insurance proceeds. lender may use th�proceeds ta repair or restore the ProFer:, or t� aau 3�ms
<br /> • secured Dy this S�curity Instrument,whether ar rtot then due. The 30•day periad wili begin wnen the notice is gn+en.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower othervvise agree in wntmg. any appt:ratiam of proceeds to pdncipal shall not ext��1 or
<br /> , postRo�e the due date ot the monthly payments referred to rre Raragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymPr�s It
<br /> � urtder paragraBF►21 the Property is acquired by Lender. 8orrower's right to any insurance policfes and proceeds resultirtg`�om
<br /> damage ta the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the ext�nt of the sums by this Security Insirument
<br /> immv�at�hi nrinr tn tht�acauisition.
<br /> 6. �6�m�au��/, IPv�sorvation. Maintenaw�v �Ui�9 PPO$�4o�t1 c�E 4�e@ Propert�y: I���eQ s U.m�n
<br /> 61���i�4oON; L@83BQCCtO¢fi3. Borrowcv sheli occupy. establ�sh, and use the Property as 8orrowers pnncipal re5�dence wrthm
<br /> sixty days after the execunon of this Secunty Instrument ai�d shall continue to occu»y ene Property as Bonower s pnaupal
<br /> residence tor at Ieast one year after the date of occupancy. unless Lender othecwise a��.� m writing. which consent sna9�ol
<br /> be unreasonabty withheid. or uniess extenuating circumstances exist which are boyond BoROwer's control. Bonower sha0 not
<br /> �� destroy, damage or impafr the Property. allow the Property to detenorate. or commit waste on the Properly- Borrower shall be in
<br /> ' defauR if any to�feiture action or proceeding. whether c;vii or cnmi�al. is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could resutt
<br /> in forfeiture of the Property or otherv+�se materialry impair the Iien created by this Secuoty Instrument or Lender's sr.cunty interest.
<br /> i
<br /> � Ft3�6lMG�i7,331 �.�r ? :�S ���
<br /> � 3u'i5
<br /> . � . _.. . __. . . - — - -- . �
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