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<br /> -_� i�������f',! 'Ci��€i}�t�i ,t!", t�y,� tF� ��i��f3,, s. . � c,��-, j � �ut.
<br /> - ---��_ ..,�,�.v:�u:, ''•,x;l� .� �'•'•}'f,` r,. a1F¢ :`i� ,v' .1l�sl�'4'qP'____ 5 :.�.- i III�I -�iti_1�,—— _ _
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<br /> -_.��r-�,� __ 'i�t tFs HEic CvTTHI s�ti cite improvements naa or be�xt�r era;��iha p-a�..�rt�y.sad����.����il�"�, !rte�.nce.�, �---
<br /> � _. .� ;�
<br /> and fi�t�uas no�v or h�a�aafttr a paet of tho pmperty. All replaaraants and addltions shaU also be covtrr.d by s S�curity
<br /> . .. .- ---, I��e�ntsat. A!!of tho loreg�g ig�fer�tA in this Secutiry Inawment us thc"Propeity."
<br /> __---- —�- -
<br /> -=-- BO1tROWBtt COV�iNANTS�hat Bom�wer is lawfulty s�lsed of the estate t►ereby conveycd and hns the dgiit ta g�nt
<br />=-��'j''-� end convey the Prop and thnt the Progerty la unencumberEd.except for encumbnances of recocd. Bonower wnrraats artd .
<br /> -_— w1U defend geaerally t�Re dde tn the Properiy against aU cleims nnd demands.subject to nny encumbrancea of re.�oid.
<br /> --_-�=:,�.,�.��'.
<br /> --��.�""��_—_� Tf�IS S�CURIITY iNS9'RQTMBNT combin�.4 untfomi covenunts for nallonol use and r�on-uniform sovsnunta with
<br /> I�ICA ViLT�8l�0A8 I1J/jUfISlI�C9{OA IO COI1SIIdltO A 11A�fO1Q1 SCCtlTtty 1lISWI11ESA1 COYC[II1$�C�I Pf0�19R}. � _ _
<br /> - ---=`�'-I UNIF�RM COVBNAM'S. Sorro�ver and Lender covenuat and agee as followa:
<br /> - =y,:i,_�: 1. Pl�yment of Prinrlp�aad Intere�Preps►yment�d I.ate Ctatrgea Boimwes ahull prdmP�Y WY ukea dua the _ _ - __
<br /> c�� - ptineipal of aad inte�+est an tha debt evidenced by the Note t�nd anY Prepaymeat and late chargcs due under the Note. _— -
<br /> _.1,z�� � 2. P�ttds for 13�xes end Insuranoe. Subject to applIcable law or W a written watver by Leader�Botrower shaU pay to _
<br /> __'"'�{�"'' . Lender on the da monthl ments are due under the Note.unttl the Note is paid in fuU,a sura("Funds")for.(a)Y�Y --------- ----
<br /> .A�-.:�: .`"�,.: Y Y WY ---
<br /> _�.,;:7:.,5::t�p,{� teues and essessmeau whic6 may attaia prioriry over this Security Instnunent as a Uen on the Property:(b)Yeariy leasehold ___-_____-z== -
<br /> m
<br /> ��'�'::;• :�: �r;�� payments or gmund ienta on tbe Pmpe�ty. ,f any; (c) Year1Y hazand or pmperty insuraace premiums: (d) Yearly tiond --_
<br /> � �: insumnce premiwns. if any:(e)YearlY mortgage insurance premiums,if any:and(�any sums payable by Bomower to
<br /> " � : 3:� I,ender. in acoordance wlth tbe provis[ons of ParagraPh 8.iu Iteu of the payuieat of moRgage tnsumnce premiums. These --_= - =-k_:
<br /> '�' ;`:.. -`•` items ar�caUed Escrow Items." L.ender ma .at an time.coll.est aimd lr.ols!1R�mds in an amount noi to exceed the maxlmum „'%, ,� ?"' ` r
<br /> " y y '�•,.�.. _.�rv...�,;,.�.
<br /> - � ommrmt a lender for a federallg �elaxed mortgage loan may require for�arrower's escrov�aocount wtder the federal LRe�a! r , :x�;_�_.=--
<br /> . ., Esr.ate�et�l,enient Frocedunes Pucc off Il474 as amended fmm ci�e co a�ue.I2 U.S.C.$260k et.seq.("RF.SPA").unless a�o�er �:k �,y,_ -
<br /> ao -
<br /> �`. --�_--
<br /> ' �a�nr chalc ag�Ties to the Fuads secs a tess�c amarmt. If sa�r may.at any t�ne.coltoct aud hold Ft�nds in an amoun¢aoi w 'r��:::,-;�. .�-,-�:---
<br /> T_,.;.;;.:;,_.---—---
<br /> . . ea�¢ed �e Gesser amou�. L¢ader n►ap esci��'t� a�aunt ef Puads dv�au the �rasis of cument data and reasanabf.e :.I.,� ---�•
<br /> " • escemates of¢npemditrues o�futrtt�e IEscrow It�ms w�a�.�envise ia accordance vrith applicable Iaw. ' . ���-�"'-�—
<br /> I '14ae�nds s�alt De h�Id r,n a�a iasciouaoa ov4�ase degosits are insuted by a federa! agency� jnsnvraencality.or eQSi.ty ':,:�.`.;"- _-
<br /> �, ,�,
<br /> � (imcl¢d'cm�E.ender.if Lender is sucil an ins6torion)or in any�'ederal Home L.oan Bank. Leader shaU apply the Funds co rrsy ;' �-
<br /> ,. :%�.'� � � tke Fss+rov,r Items Il.eader may not charge 8orrower for lsolding and aPP1Y�8 the Funds.aauually analyzing the escrow .,�.;' '����u
<br /> m=�_
<br /> _ . aocouns,or verifyiA�the Fscrow [tems. unless 1-ertder pays Borrower intet�est oa the Funds and applicable law pernmit� :+?..;` ..;;�;y,�,;_v-----
<br /> • I,emder eo maJxe sucb a charge. However,l.ender may require Bomnwer to pay a one-6me charge for an independeat mai � ,,r L.�_=
<br /> ��;r ,.. .:.
<br /> . ' �t,�x reporting service used by I.ender in connection with this loan.unle.cs applicable law pmvides otherwlse. Unless an , . i'_:�_,�-
<br /> .� ' ag�+eem�ent is made or applicable Iaw requues interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower aay inte�st or ,�,�_„_
<br /> , � earnings on the Funds. Borrower and I.ender may agr�ee in wridng.howevcr.that interest shall bc paid on the Funds. Lender ' ��it}�iE�F,
<br /> � shall give to Borrower.without charge,an a�ua!accounting oF the Ptrnds,showing ccedlt�and debits to the Funds and the •.'�i?�.''
<br /> � I purpose for wtuch each debit to the Funds was maae. 'Ihe Funds ate pledged as additional security for al!sums secured by •�
<br /> ilti�Sectuih,Itutnsment. �r'
<br /> If the Funds heid by I.ender exceed the amounu pernutted to 6e held by applicable law. I.ender shall account to
<br /> Bornower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirernsnts of applicable law. If the amotu�t of the Funds held by ,��,rn
<br /> � I.ender at any time is aot sn�cient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Born�wer in wridng.and,in �}
<br /> such case Bomower shaq pay to II.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bornower shall make up the ��{,n�i';�:
<br /> deficienc in no mor�e than t�veive monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. '�'{''
<br /> Y �
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Secunty Instn�ment,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> F�nds held by I.ender. lf,under paragraph 21.I.ender shall acquim or sell the Properry, Lender.prior to the acquisidon or ~!'�•�;� '��' ,�
<br /> sale of the Properry, shall apply any Funds held by Lender At the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums ;�„,��.i.•�•� ;
<br /> serured by this Security Insuument. � 'i''y(�i,:.���'�•
<br /> ' " � 3. Applicatian of Ha}'ittents. Uniess applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under .. ;���;.,;,�,_t�'�x
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,ro uny prcpayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable under .',.��;��,��5.;�'•i„
<br /> paragraph 2;third,ta interest due;fourth.m riaci al due;and last,to an late char es due under the Note. . ; �r� t�1fn:
<br /> P P Y B ,�� .4Qi4.h;�..-,��-:
<br /> � ' 4. Chaeges; Liens. Borrower shall pay al{ taxes, ascessmenu,charges, fines and impositions attributable to the . ..s; f�;'�y�//" �`':
<br /> . property which may atwin priority over thit Security Insuument,and leacehold payments or ground reets,if any. Borrower , °'%i3��Y�� - �._
<br /> shall pay these obligations in ti�e manner provided in parxgraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on , , �t�;;,,-,,s� . ;
<br /> , :.:;� •� r.:,,.:..
<br /> ume directly to the per�on owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender ull notices of amounts to be paid under �••-��;,,,��. .
<br /> this paragraph. if Bomower makes these payments directly,Borrower shull prompdy furnish to I.ender receipts evidencing . �"';'-,
<br /> . the payments. , ' , ,.
<br /> Bormwer shall prompdy diccharge any lien which has priority o�•er this Security Instrument unless Borcower.(a)agrees � ;
<br /> •, in writing to the payment of the obligadon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender,(b)contestc in goad faith the ':Y;'.�j � ' „
<br /> .':'>`�.�
<br /> lien by,or defertds against enfomement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the :.s.;;':� .
<br /> � ' enfum.ement of the tien;or(c)secures f�om the holder of the lien an agreernent sati�factory to Lender suhnrciinating the lien '7:i.:t'` .._.._._ ..
<br /> to this Securiry Instrument. If I.ender determines that:u�y pan of the Pcoperty ic wbject to a lien which may attain priority � •�' �',,,..
<br /> over this Security Insnument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take � tr
<br /> �••,
<br /> one or more of the actions set focth above within !0 days at the giving of notice. 4 •.
<br /> ° ' S. Ha�ard or Property Ia�,atrance• Bomower xhall keep the impro�•ement�noa•existing or hereafter erected on the !� ;
<br /> .,,;;,.�7t�, , Property insured against loss by fire.hazards included within the term"eztended corerage"and any other hazards,including I
<br /> . , floods or flooding, for w•hich Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the I
<br /> �
<br /> . ' Form 3028 9/90 ry.n¢t 2 nf b pa.¢tsl �
<br /> I
<br /> �.St;.-:'` I .
<br /> ,,•;
<br /> ;,.+,: - .
<br /> _ ' ., � , .
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