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<br /> � 18. i3or�ow�r's Rlpht tc► Reln�Ycsto. It BoROwor m n ondfilona, Borrovior ehall Hava tho dpht to hava entoroam�nt ��"���� ��` ��������`�
<br /> ,,�`s��'�.•:.',�::__
<br /> „ . dloa6htinuod at nny time pdor to tho aa�iiar ai: (a) e daya(or au�h other pedod ea epplmQbto law mey apoolly tor r�inetetement)betoro os�te "'�•'�'��-:�'--._,,.,—
<br /> . ' ' ot tho P►operty purounnt to any powar ot oaio oontalnod in tNia 8aaurity Inutrur��ont; ar (b} entry ot e Judpmont entominfl thte 8ece►ity ••''�;"'q�:_�"�'-' _ _
<br /> Inatrumant. Thoaa nondltione aro that Bonower. (e)paya Londor All sufine wh�oh then would be due under th�a 8acudry Uetrument and the � ° � ' . _
<br /> _ ---- . ;. Nato �e tt n� acc�t�rtlan Aad acwrrcd; {b) curca cr►y dchuft ot any ather oovertsrt! or apreamenls; ia? Raya etl expenes� Incu�e� in '-----_ . _ �.. ....
<br /> entorotng thle BeCUrty Inetrument, Including, but not Ilmitod to, re�son�bio attomoya' teea; nnd (d) takea euob noilan aa landm may •
<br /> � •reioon�bly requtrs to eeeure thtl the Ilen ot thla 8ecudty Inetrumont, Lender'e dghto In tho Properry and Bonower'o obAgatlon !o psy Iho •• , � .. -
<br /> �� eume eecured by thte tieeudry Uetrumcnt eheli oonti�ue unoh�nged. Upon relnetntement by 6orrower, ihla 8ecudly Inatrument und tho ,
<br /> � �topg�ttonu accurcd hercby ohnn rem�M t�ly otfeethro eo If n� nccatemtion had occurted. Howovar. lhis►Iflht to relnatato ohail not appy In �• _ �L-
<br /> the caae of eoaoletttion under�wragraph 17.
<br /> 19.Sate of Noto; Chenge o!Loan Senrta�r. me Note or a partiai interest in �he Nota (topothor wnn inis securtyr
<br /> Instrument) may be sold ono or more Umos without prior nottce to Bonower. A saie mey reauft in a aNange In tho ondty (lcnown ea the — � � ; . . . _
<br /> "Loan 3anricet') that coAoots monthly payments duo under the Note and this Security Inatrument. There ulso may be one or more ehangos . •
<br /> at the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sele ot the Note. It there Is a chenge oi the Loan 8ervicer, Borrower wNl bo given wdtten noQce ot tho � , ' ,
<br /> chenge In accordance wfth peragraph 14 above and applieabie lew. The noUce wlli atate the name and address of the nsw Loan 3ervicer � � . '
<br /> and the adshess to which paymenta should be made. The noUce will�aleo contafn eny other Intom�eUon requlred by appliosb�e law. , �� '` .
<br /> g�, Q�aATP8�aA8�M�L�48�eCe6. Bortower shaU not cause or permft the preaence, use, dlsposal, storage, or release oi any " .
<br /> �ta�3rdou� Substanc�s on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, c�or allow anyone etse to do,anything attecting the Properiy that Is In � .
<br /> ' . vioia4lon o9 any Environmontai law_ The precedirtg hvo s¢ntences sRaF]not apgfy to the presence, use,or storage on the Propetty ot smaA
<br /> �� quantfUes ot Haiardoua Substances lhat are gen¢raly recognaed to Q�e appropdpte to �ormai resldenUal usea and to maintenanee of the
<br /> ;;�,'`,',..:'' . property.
<br /> Borrower shail promp2ly give Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand,iawsuit cr other actlan by any govemmentat or ..
<br /> ' � � regulatory agency or private party invobing the Property and any Hezardaus Substance or Environmenlai lsw ot which 8orrotiver has actuel ;
<br /> • • � knowledge. It Borrower leams, or Ia notHied by any govemmental or reguiatory authorily, that any remova► or other remedlation of any � ,
<br /> "�'�'�'• Hezardous Substence aftecting the P�operiy is necessary, Bonower shall promptly take ali necessar�s temedial actions In accordance with ,, � ••:,
<br /> ,:,� '� . ' �rnironmentnl Law. � •,,.'�"
<br /> • �� �" i As 4sed in thfs paragraph 20, `Nazardous Substances' are those substances defined as taxic or hazardous subsrzu�ces by � ;:� � •
<br /> , -;r�4!�� Environmenta+ Law and the toilowing substances: gas�Il,e. kerosene, other flammabie or toxic petroieum produets, toxic pesUci�es and �. � `����"�'
<br /> ��� � herbiddes, voiaUle solveats. materiais containing esbestos ar formaldehyde, and mdioacUve matedals. As used in this pawgraph 20. '. ° �
<br /> � ��� 'Environmental l.aw' means federa� laws and Iaws ot !he Jurisdlction where the Property Is Iocated that relate to heafth, sAfety or � ,
<br /> �.,,�::' .� '
<br /> 1��,•. t: environmsnlei Frotectton. � ,,'t�� . �"- .
<br /> ' �',�`�•'Y•�: ' NON-UtJIFORFA CQVE7JANTS. Borrower and Lender tuRher covenaot and agree as foilows: ; , :::7,?�;-�.��'
<br /> '�" ''�`i':`. . .�''
<br /> �' .�:,;, ., 2L &�cal�radiaro; R�medi�s. Lende� shali give notic� tm ��rro�tie� p,riar to acceteration fo�lowing , r�-�fy�.`�_ _�
<br /> ����, ����%'`;, � Borrower'n �res��o �fi a�oy covmnant or s���mcv��nt in this Secu��rt� U�ast�ument (but nut prlor to acceieration � -M � .�
<br /> ; , `;�t:, � under par.�g�a�Q� i J �roEess ��apl3cable tew provides atherwise�. T�s notice shatt speci4y: (a) the dlefaal� : �.'�'��. °��' ��
<br /> (bj the a�+t8�,n required to cuR� ��ae default; (cj a dat�, nat lesa than 30 df�}�s from the date the ra�tace is , ',�';t;`•+'� �: '�
<br /> given t� ��rrower, by whieh t� default must be cnared; and (dj tha4 fai0a�vm to cure the defaaeB¢ �� or �
<br /> b9fore the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured by 4his Security I +,
<br /> Instrument end sale of the Property. The notice shalt further inform Borrower of the right to�einstate after . !�
<br /> aaceteration and the right to bring a court actfon to essert the non-existence of a defautt or any other ' � ;%`'`�
<br /> defense of 8orrower to aaceteration and sale. If the defauit ie �ot cured on or before the date specffled •• �; •
<br /> in the notice� Lender et fts option may require immediete payment in fuli of alt aums secured by thie
<br /> i Security Irostrumerit without further demand and may invake the power of sale and any other remedies
<br /> � permitted by eppltcable law. Lender shatt be ec�titled to cottect all exp�nses incurred in pursuing the ���-
<br /> j remedtes provided in thts paragraph 21, inctuding, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costa
<br /> � of title evidence. •
<br /> ' If the power of sate ts tnvoked, Trustee shatl record a notice of defautt in each county in which any
<br /> pert of 4�a��roperty Fs located! and shall mail copies of such notice in the ann�anner prescribed by applicable
<br /> law to ��vPOwer and to the other persons prescri0sad by applicabte lan�. Atter the time requi�ed by .
<br /> applicable taw, Trustee shall give pubtic notice of sale to the �nons�ms p��7 in the manner pres�ua�� �y,
<br /> applicamte 1aw. Transtee, wi4�out demand on Borroenrer, shall s�ea !ha 6�POperty �t pubtic suctu��o 4� gUrr�
<br /> highes4 �um1aler at the time aro��Isce and under the#erms desia�aoat�d an QOo� notice of sale in mm� �v�ore
<br /> parceis am�i in any orde� Tna�s3�e determines. Trwstee may postpor�e sa9e of aii or any par��9 of the ;
<br /> , .� ProperQ9r by public announceum�nt at the time and �Oace of auny �revious9� scheduied sale. L�w�le� or its
<br /> ;�'� � designoe may purchase the Property at ao��saie.
<br /> � • ,;� � Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, T��e9tee aC�t�OU d1oUBver to tlee purchaser Trustee's deed
<br /> conere�/3rt�g the Property. Tho eeeitats in the Trust�a's deec� ahuAOB be pri�na 9acie evidence mf t��aA Rruth ot
<br /> ' the sta4mra�eots made therein_ Yvu�stee shalt apply t0�� pu�mceeds ot the sa9� �ru 4he following or�f�e: Ga�y to all
<br /> � costs��� expenses of exercasirag the power of saie, and the sale, inciumlue�g� 4he payrnent �f QUo� �vaestee's
<br /> fees aa3ually incu�evm�l, not to exceed 3 9'0 of tha priun�e�Cai arnmumM of the n�C� �¢ flPo�4buao�, of the
<br /> dectaration of �e�fa�ce4, and �easonable attorney's fees as perrtao4¢ott by lau+: (0�) to all saum�es sec�os�aA by this
<br /> Sec�oriQD+Iu�struawewE: and (c)Awy excess to the �erso�o or persons fegal0�t��c�C�md to it.
<br /> 22. Qi��1uN�y8flCe. Upan pa}rment ot all sums sewred py :^�s Security Instrument.Ler•,d2� Shail request Truslee to reconvey the
<br /> Property� artd shall surtender this S2curity InsWment and ati rtotes evidencing debt secured by thfs Security InsVUment to Trustee. Trustee
<br /> shall reconvey the Property vrithout warranty and witRnut charge to the person or persons legaly entided to it. Such person or persons sha�i
<br /> pay any recordaGon wsts.
<br /> } 23. Substitute Trustee. Lertder, at ds opuon. may hom time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to any
<br /> � Trustee annointed hereunder bV a�crsttument recorded in the counqr m which this Secunty !nstrument is recorded. WAhout conveyance oi
<br /> � the Properiy. successor Wstee sha0 succeed to all the title,power artd duties conferted upon Trustee herein and by applicaBle la�v.
<br /> 24. RBQu88t fOr NOLiC@S. 8orrower requests that cop:es of the nobces of defautt and sate be sent to Borrower s address which
<br /> is the Properiy Address.
<br /> 25. Riders to this Securl'�/ Ins4nnunu�wi� If one or more nders are executed by BoTOwet and reGOrded together wRh this
<br /> a � Sewrity Instrument, the eovenants and agreemenhs of each such r.der shafl be meorporaied mto ahd sha.l amex�d and suRa�ement the
<br /> I covenants and agreements oi this Secwiry Instrument as d tt+e nder(s) �rve a paR of this Secunty Instrument
<br /> ,)
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> c-;- a�f s r,•_ :,Id cv;
<br /> .. F+0291At6;194)
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<br /> :i T79i•t�t8
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