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<br /> �Ps. •� d t�,�: ;Ittr-1. j'�r ��J�.,y. 4.Q4r'Y�.'ii P�1\ ?iL'i'�:�ti�:�i.{ }' �'�.:��..���,.2,���,. 3-�•.rt;' �41 16:;:y:, it j c��r r M� '7Y,•�t;�Y•:)i yn;..,.,�,.�, �,�..� t�h�j._.,
<br /> /?.'.�,5�C i� i V t �.� '�. � ,7.t�^���•'',� 'i6i �{^.r�n��Y� S�L v', .�' ,�ilu je)���.�-.�}.,F�;r.i. �� ��.�:.',1l(;.j� 1 j,t�.a.:::"t: t�J i _c.� 'it l.��t7,
<br /> �'ffy',:: a,, :������ ..W1� � �'dt'r�C<��j.,, �r� .�'.r.y�r.jiS �1 .`7S t� i �({��f� y �-�• .t L 1�n•
<br /> ., � ...�idK;U%'-�,�,y u '.�f1,`�j1'11� �b �,7S�i1d;�,,��,, �,n�. aF.�l�( 'Mw4wkXr :�w .-ht�•, i c��' i�A�
<br /> i �� .�,• i� f S���,7"'°.,�t` (` ��.'. ! n,rc. i ._.__
<br /> �;�ll�lR � n i,{11�K1 d�ye µ 1'� yi\1:7}� hy•. �.NJ.I�j�91�'1,+?J_.l,'�.;il'��i�`. �J.. . �t-•-?
<br /> � , , ..i�e �..,�,jl. �.� �hp;;4' '.'Mw- / t� tj.�•.,c,�F;;,�t�� � "!IDF�r4"'%�'`.� . . . . �
<br />_ � .. , , �, ���:�y{�i; t ./„�wr!'Yr�•�'.;F�µlhA-?,...�1.:;i,���wr .evr. .y 1�''. t 'fn - -�`—.
<br /> - . si� ++� .r.:!`�r.Y . ' ��?,{t�t- ...t::�i � _
<br /> ` � - . ._ .. . ' . . .. a��� n . ' , -�r-.
<br /> �,. : � �� . . ., � .��--
<br /> .
<br /> ..
<br /> " �/k ' . . � 4.;iA�-__
<br /> � .��.lav;..d�l:y,�:�e- --.°�. +�.w.�..�r...u.�IM1IIw�o�wr�....=:... :.,. ... .-- --__'.'_. _____._
<br /> .. ' ..�� �_�.u_ ' _ ' ...._.._.....�..---__.
<br /> ......__.._.... --�_...�_..�-��.._ —
<br /> �-�'°,;r;,;;,,'';,'�� 7.Proi�atfon sf I.ond�r'e Rl�hte in tite Propstly. tf 8orr�x�ft�fe"t pe�iiamt the cavenents and epr�amente cant�hM M
<br /> --;"�"'�`u.'�., . thia maauNry Inetrumant, or thero la a lepe!procoa�np that may etgn�lceMly attect I.enda'e dphta In tho PropaAy(euah aa e praceedhig tn _._
<br /> -ti� t':3� • hnnkruptay,prabste,tar candmnne8on ar to►telturo or ta usifc,rco tawa ar r�ufatiarre),thcn Lend�r�tay do and pny tor whe�tever Is neesaa..°y =____ _ ____ .
<br /> _�'�"' • �r'���;;.� • to pratect the value o1 the Property nnd landofe dphta In the Properry. Lendar'e aetiane m�y InGude peyinp eny euma aeaurad by a 13en
<br /> �--�—'��"` �istch has prfodly ovcr thla a..-ax}iq Inatsu�nL eppeadnB Fn couR,pey#ng ree�ana6le attomey'e fees and ontaflnp on the Prapmty to malce ___.
<br /> . . , . ,� .....����.f. - - - -
<br /> � •• ropaird Nthouph Lender may uke natton under this partflrapb 7,Lendet dona not have to do eo.
<br /> My emounte dlabursed by l�der under thia parapraph 7 shali beeome nddtUonat debt of Borrower ooaured by thla 8eairfty Inatrument. ---
<br /> ° •• �Unleaa Barrowet arid Lender aprae t�other terme of p�ymeet,these amounts eh�i bea Intereat hom the d�te af dlabura�mer►t at th�Noto
<br /> ° eete nnd shelt be puynble,with Interest, apon notice from Lender to Boaower requesUng payment. ,.�z----
<br /> .- mt':.- .._.�--
<br /> 8. MARg�g� II1Qi1faDC�. if Lendar requlred mort g the loan see��+ed thte 8ecuti �--- - _
<br /> - , gcpe tnsur�nae ea a condlGon ot meldn by �y °_--_---_
<br /> Inetrument, Borrower shett pay the premiums requtrod to matMa►n the mortgnga Inaurance in etteat. If,tor any reason,the mortgape tneuru►ee ,�.:"
<br /> � . . k,�;s.,__---
<br /> _�.,__.. :.:._:,.:. ... wverage required by Lender lapses or oeasoa to bo In et(eat, Bo�roiner shNi pay the premiuma required to obtatn covorege subatantkihr '"�`. _,��--
<br /> � equNalent to the mortgsge Insurance prevlousy tn eNed,at a eoat aubstantiaily equMrnlent to the cost to 8orrowet ot the mortgage Inautance `.:,,Y,�='—
<br /> prevtousy in eNeet, irom an altemate mortgage tneurer approved by Lender. It subatantlutry equNa�ent mortgage insurance coverage is no2 .. --:_:�---
<br /> avetlabte, Borrower shall pay to Lender eaeh morth a sum equal to one-tweltth ot the yearly mortgage inaurance premfum being paid by '�`�':':�`�---�
<br /> .a.f `y::-....
<br /> 8ortotver �roh� the tneurance c�verepe laps�d avi ceased to be in etteo� 4ender wiq accept, use and retaln theae payments as a lose :.r.>�3`K�=°=
<br /> resc�ro In t.�u e9 eno�ftgage tnsurance, loss resene paymenta may no longer be �equired, at the opUon oi Lender. H moAgage lnsuranee • a�'��f��---:_:
<br /> .,�:��;__
<br /> covc�ag@(t�4P�a acrteunt t�nd 4ar 4P�a���tod 4Ptat dender reqWrea) provided by an inaurer ep�roved hy lertdar a�s(n becemes ava!abio a�d Is .�!,;•;i,;.,: �,• . `S•.;�_'.,t•••
<br /> o�t�e�. �o,�wur sh� 4C�o p�ml�+ms � �d to maiMe,n mortgago tnsurance tn �7¢c4. er to prouidm a tass eesotvo, uniil tie� >'�`,�";'..'.;�.r,`... • ,...
<br /> �Y '�' �t%%;:;'�:!:!'i�,r:�:��:,�'�.;.-t:,..,..:
<br /> � �uir�em2�t tbr anos4�ga ins�aranca enda in accoir�ance wlth any wtitten agrtzE�n¢nt betwean BoamvEr and Lendar ar a�Aiteabte t�w. j r;..�.�.�
<br /> �.,...i7�,•;;.•,.i.,......,,�#;t;';'�,:
<br /> � J. Ine Q�4G�4E. Len�mr or Rs a ont ma�r ^�eke►easont�bie e�trles upon and inspecttans o4 tho 6�ropsniy. lenaler shall ghre Bortuwar Si:`'���,;';;i�,�:'��4�i�r;��k�:..�
<br /> � g •;r'.:•rn�'.•,'.'1��C.���_--
<br /> na4.ce at the dme of or p�tor to an Inepeeii'on s�e�ying reasonnbte cause tor th0 Inspe�tion. r'•.«A�:^• :;,`�,�,�.^:�._
<br /> �j.`��.:I�.. ...x\j�i—
<br /> 10. Condemne3iore. T+�e ptaceeds oY amy awar�l or datm for damages, dlreat ar eonaequsndal, fn connecUon wfth arry i''r_;�,. ,',r�:.=�:r:'""�_
<br /> oondemnaUon or other tak[ng of any part oi ihe Prcpeity,ot for convE�yance in Oeu of eon�Eemn�Uon,are hqreby assignvd and sheli be paid ���::�•. •.•;,:_ R
<br /> ' to Lender. ,. �. ��;•._-- -
<br /> . '�,�.�.�..,_._
<br /> ' , �i��;,`�;:;��
<br /> In the everM a4 a totai taWng oi the Properi�j. Ihe proeeeJs sfial!��a{i�sllad to the suma secured by this Secudry Inatrument,whether or ;;:.�,.; ;:,a c:;rfi;�.�o:
<br /> ;,;�+, not then due,wkh any excess Raid to Borrowar. fi the eu�M m4 a�sartlnl takfng ot the Prm��rrl tn which the felr market vaiue ot the Properry ,�.yt +�+�i��a.�_;
<br /> �y� Immediatey beTore the taidng is¢qual to or greater than 1P►e ara�aunt of the sums secured by 9��1s Security InaUument immediatey betore the , �r�,;�M �j�-�, ,�`-
<br /> �,.,_ taWng,uniesa Borrower end Lendor othe�wlse agree in wdting,the sums secured by this Sacuriry Instrument sheil be reduced by the amouM S��`.•..' • ���`�
<br /> of the proceeds muldpAed by the toliowing fiacGan:(a)the total emount ot tha sums seeured knmediatey beiore the taWng,dlvlded by(b)the �..�?��f°=
<br /> r;e+�;;=::..
<br /> • lair metket value of the Properiy immediatey fcel¢re the ffiWng.My balence sha11 be paid to 8orrower. in the event of a parNal teldng af tho °...��F,��,.•^��,
<br /> ff,[•;,.:_
<br /> Properiy in whioh the fair market value of the Property immedlatety betore the tal�eng is less than the amouM oi the sums secured immedlatey • �; ,,��. ,.���.�-
<br /> > �_;,•�-
<br /> • • betore the taidng, uniess Borrower end Lender otherwise agree in wrtUng or antess a�+pGcabie Iaw otherwise provides,the proceeds sfiali be ���,;,;!{1• .:� 't ,x�._ ,
<br /> � a p plfed to the sums secured by this Securiry instrument whether or not the sums are thon due. '�;'',' ''
<br /> It the Propetty is abandoned by Bortower,or it,after notice by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor offera to make an award or setUe
<br /> a dalm tor damages,Borrower talts to respond to lender wnhin 3v days aher tne dste ihe noUce is given,Lender ia authoricaci tv wiiaci anG }.,y�q �`°
<br /> }•;,W�; appy the proceeds, at fts opdon, either to restoratlon or repalr ot the Properiy or to the sums secured by thts Sewrily InsUument, whether `� �`;�:1�,�••
<br /> � "' or not then due. �� ����� ���
<br /> • ' Unleas Lender and BoROwer olherwlse egree In writing, any eppllcatlon of proceeds to prindpal shall not extend ot postpone lhe due
<br /> . date o}the monthly paym�ts reteRed to In paragrephs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. ��'
<br /> • 11. Borrower Not Released: Forboarance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extenslon ot the dme tor payment or �
<br /> modHicedon of amortltedon ot the suma secured by thls Securlty Inatrument granted by Lender to any successor In Intereat oT Borrower shaU '� �� :�
<br /> . • not operate to release the Ilabpity ot the or(glnal 8orrawer or Borrower's succeasors In interest, Lender shalt not be requlred to commence � y ���
<br /> � . proceedings agak�st any successor In interest or retuse to extend Ume for payment or otherwlse modity amortfzadon o!the sums secured by `•
<br /> � thls Security Instrument by reason ot any demand made by the ortglnat Borrower or 8ortower's sueeessora In Interest. My torbearance by 'T�°�'`
<br /> •i.
<br /> � Lender In exerdsing any right or remedy sha�I not be a waNer of or predude the exerclse of any dght or remedy. •i••
<br /> � � , „ 12. Successora und Aesigne Bound; Joint and Several l.lebility; Co-signers. The cavenants and agreements ot � .�',�;`•0�!!�
<br /> • this 3ecutity InsUument shall bind and beneflt the successors and asslgns ot Lender and Borrower, subject to the provislons oi paragruph �'.��i���
<br /> 17. Borrowe►'s covenants and agreementa shall be jolnt and severel. Any BoROwer who co-slgns thls Security Inshument but does not , ��i+`�, ��
<br /> � execute the Note: (a)Is co-signing thls 3ecurfty tneUument only to morigage,grant,and convey that Borrower a interest in the Properry under I , •
<br /> � the terms oi thls 3ecurfty Inatrument; (b)Is not personelly obllgated to pay the sums secured by thls Security Instrument:end (c)agrees that � ' •
<br /> Lender end any other Barrower mey agree to extend,modfly, torbear or make any accommodetlons wfth regard to tertna ot thla Security
<br /> InaWment or the Note wHhout that Bortower's consent. y��"t�,'.�,,:
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the Ioan secured by thla$ecudty InstNment is subject to a law whleh sets maxlmum toan charges,and that �;�,,���,.`'�.'-
<br /> . taw is flnaly fnterpreted so thet the interest or other loan charges collected or to be cotlected in connectlon wKh the toan exceed the � �� �"' �
<br /> t;.'Y.it; .'
<br /> pertnitted lknfts,then: (a)any such loan charges shatl be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the pertn(tted limit;and •
<br /> (b) any sums akeady coNected irom Borrower wMch exceeded permrited Iimits will be refunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make �'�.Ifl�:.
<br /> thls retund by reducing the pdnclpat owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. It a refund reduces princlpal, the • ,
<br /> reducUon wlll be treated as a partia�prepayment wAhout any prepayment charge under the Note. .
<br /> 14. Notices. My notice to Borrower prorlded fo�in thls Security Inslrument shall be given by delivering tt or by mailing it Cy frsi ,
<br /> .' . � � dass malt unlesa appllcable law requlres use a} anather method. The notice shell be directed to the Property Address or any other address
<br /> �'�, ' Bortower des(gnates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shatl be glven by flrst class mail to Lender's address sta'.ed herein or any . .
<br /> ��"'';' . ! other address lender deslgnates by notice to Bortower. My nottce provlded tor in thls Security Instrument shall h�deemed to have'�E�en
<br /> , . glven to Bortower or Lender when given as prooided in this paragraph.
<br /> • . '`' 15. (ioer�P�ing Law;Severebili4y. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal taw and the taw of the jurisd�ctc- �n
<br /> •f� whlch the Property Is located. Irt the event that eny provisiort or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note cenfl:�s f�^h applicabte taw.
<br /> such confllct shatl not afl�ct other provistons ot thls Security tnstrument or the Note M•��:ch can be given eNect wdrout the conflicting
<br /> ' provlsion. To thls end the provisions ot this Securiry Instrument e�d the Note are declared to be severabt�_
<br /> • 16. ���var,�rc�r's C��y Borrower shell be given one confortned copy of the Note and of this 3ecurity tnstrument.
<br /> 17. Yv�ucsf'or�#t�n��vmperty ov a Beneficial Interest ow 13orrower. If all or any part of the Property or any�nterest in
<br /> d is sold or ffansterred (or 'rf a benefictal interest In 8orcower Is sold or transterred and Bortower is not a natural persan) wilhout Lender's
<br /> ryrior wr?tten cortserct Len�s-nTay, et its option, require �mmcdiate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However.
<br /> � this aption sRal na2 be exerused by Lender if exercise�s prohibited by federal Iaw as of the date ot th�s Securrty Instrument.
<br /> If Lendv «�cises this option, Lender shall give Borrower noticct ot aeceleration.The notice shall nrov�de a period of�ot Iess than 30
<br /> deys from th� dete the notice is delivered or meied within whlch the Borrower must pay all sums securect by this Security Instrument. If
<br /> , � Bortower tails to pay th¢se sums prior to rhQ expnation ot this period,lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrume�t
<br /> wkhout turther aotice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> � Pagc]cf� F�•m ?�:w 9?.
<br /> ft019.LM0(3A4)
<br /> 1 . �177g7.�.�g J
<br /> . ' I _ _- __-_ _..
<br />