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Borrcw��'s Rt�ht to R�Imtati. if Boncwe►meete certnln conditicnc, Bortov�er chail have the dpht to h�ve ertfome�nt � <br /> diaaonUnoed at any timo qriar to the ap�IK o1: (�)d diye (or aueh ather pertod as�ppqcabte law may epeeity lor relnetptomant)batoro ads !"=��=' -=—=_— <br /> � � �'�;� ot tttu Property pureuent to any pow� ct atto cofluineci In thts F�ourtty inatrumem; or (b) antry of a Jud�nQm cntoru'n� thia Sacudiy i:'_;'::'-�-�.�-�-�`-°- <br /> � • instrumont Those aondrilono aro tbat 8orrower: (a)paya Lander all auma whioh then woutd be duo undor thto 8�audly Inahument trtd th� '----'-;°-�—i{'t�-+-) <br /> .• . • tA"�1'.4 L��.v.— <br /> ' ' Note is It no accetoration hed oceuROdt (tr) eurau�ny ddeuft af any othgr covart�nt ar a�tc%r►e�t�,; (oy paya► oil axpanar� Er�cur�ad f� � � <br /> _._..--- �-- , �'�,"��r = - <br /> �. �, entarcln� lhis Security Instrumcnt, inctudlnp, but not Ilmltod to, rosaonnbla ettomeye feer, and (� t�kas auob aotTon as Lender may O �.,.,.,.___ <br /> resaoniby requiro to aeeure that the Ilan of thia Qeeurity UeGument, Lenda'e dghte In the I�oparry und Bonowcte obA9ation to pay Ihe '� 1 ���-�r�``�°'--�� <br /> - �'•.�� ' �:i��"�+':-L-;�+-c•--- <br /> suma eeeured by this 8ecurtty InaUument ehail conUnuo unohanged. Upon rNnatatement by Bonower, thle 8flaudty Instrument end the}� - <br /> � oOtigatlona secured hereby ahall remein tuiy efteathre ao if no eecelarMion had oeeurred, Howwor,thia rlgM to rainetate ehaii not apply in . - �•: ,���,_ <br /> the aaee ot eccel�xMlon under paregraph 17. . :.:��`;.��;- <br /> � . ... <br /> -. -. 19. �81e of NOt6; Chl�flgs A1�R 8�n►1G9�. The Nete or e paNsi Intereat In the Note (togethcr with thts Seourity __ �„�_„_._. _- <br /> Instrumer�t)may bo sold one or more timna wfthout pdor noUce to 8onower. A saie may rasutt In a ahango in the entfly (known as th O 'sr <br /> 'Loan SeMcer•)thnt coAeots monthry payments duo urider the Noto and ihla Secu�lty Instmment. There atso mny be one or more chanpas <br /> of the Loan Setvicer unretate0 to a sate ot the Note. It there is a change ot the Loan Setvicer, Borrower wiil be gNen wrftten nottca of the <br /> ahange in aocoM,areoo wilh parapraph 14 above and epp�icabie law. The noti¢e wllt eWte ihe name and address of the nsw loan Ssnrlccr <br /> and tha addaesa ta wt�Jch payments should be made. The noliee wili elso eontain any other intortrratton reqWred I�yr eppNCeQ!o�aw. ., <br /> 2�, �8�rd1@uo4$ne�stanCes. Borro�ver sReU not ca�so or permft tho Aresence, use: disBOSeJ, �Eorag�, or �etaaoo ot any , � � <br /> :•."t Hararde�es SulrsL�eos on or in tho Property. 9orrovrer atv�i!no4 do.ecr aftott+anyone else to do,anything at�eesIng tho Fm�aeRK tha4 Is tn ` ; <br /> v1ol�4�an of�any Envire�trt¢f►r�i laiw. Thet prees�Ptg iv�o sentet�ces sLtaU rtot Etp�[y So the presence,use,or storasa on tRo Recpe�¢y o4 sm2�Jb <br /> quanti82s e4 ttaLa►de�es �0stanc�s 4Qrat are genera:y recogntzed te be appropriate to nomial reaidentlal uses end to rtiah►Sr�,narrce of the <br /> ProPertll• , <br /> Baeeow�r sRaU �rem�tty a;vra �oreder wrttten notice of any InuestigaUon, clalm, demand,lawsuft or other eqlon by arry govemmeMal or ,,. ,' ,-�- <br /> � ' regulateQy aceaayr er gretr�io party invoNing the Prope►ty and any Hazardous 3ubatance or Environmentet Law of which Bortower has aetuel � •N � ;, <br /> laiowleda�e. f4 Be�rower laams, or la notifi@d by any govemmentai or reguistory authority, that any removal or other remedlsUon of any ' � ~� <br /> Hezardaas�ubstance aftecttng the Properly is necessery, Borrower shatl prompUy take aN necessary remedial acdons in aocordance wlth , � <br /> • . EnvIrarteut2:�lol LBw. ' `' '`. <br /> As �se� in this paragraph 2a, 'Hazardous Substances• are those substences defirtec9 e�s toxio or hamrdoua subefanees by •• � <br /> Environm�aD Law artd the totlowing subs4ances: gasotine, kerosene, other Nammable or toxie petroieum produda, toxio peatiddes and �• ' � '�� <br /> herblddes, volatlie so?reats, materiels conteining asbestos or tortneldehyde, and radioacUve materials. As ased h thls paragreph 20, i�� .�4 �° <br /> •Environmentai Law' means tederal Iaws and laws oi the Judsdictlon where the Property is located that relate to health, satety oe 's� �`•��' <br /> envlronmentai protectton. � � <br /> �`�" �•- <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. C���ower and Lender turther covenant and agree as tottaws: ,' "•�- , <br /> 2'!. Accalara!lan: Resnet4?ss. l,essslar sl:s!! gte� ssQttss !� �r�QS�rss griQr to e��slsr�tlen fo1lo�+rin� ---:-_ '�'�` �` ' <br /> 8orrower's breach abf any aovenant �v ar�aeement In this Sm�ne�flSq Inst�ument �but not prior to acceleratioro . ''`�� , <br /> under paragraph 17 untess appUcalaCr� O�nv provides otbn�uan�s�,p. '0'D�e notice shall specHy: (a) the defaul8: , �.�''�� � <br /> (b) the action required to cure the de9aaa04; (c) a �la�o, asot less 40iem 30 days from the date the �otice is ' ;,;, �'�:• <br /> gtven to Borrower, by which the default muat � �anred; and (d) that failure to cure the defatelt on or • i ' <br /> befor� the date s ecffled in the notice m result in acceferation of the sums secured b thts Seaur •''"',�� � + ' <br /> InshumeM and sa e of the Property. The nottae shall further info�m 8orrower of tha rigM t yrefnstete aft� �f� �}�� <br /> a c c e t e r a t l o n a n d t h e r t g h t t o b r i n g a c�n�t a c t i o n t o a s s e r t t h e n o n-e x i s t e n c e o f a d e f a u R o r a n y o t h e r � , �%'. � <br /> defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. if the detautt is not cured on or before the date speaffied i <br /> tn the notice� V.ender at its option rney require Immedtete payme�t in futi of ati sums secured by this ' <br /> Secu�i4y Inst�ument wfthout ffuRher demand and may invoke the power of sate and any oth�r remedtes f R , <br /> permi�ted by apptiaabte lawr. Lender shall be entitted to coilect all expenses Ucurred in pursuing the ;��.�,� <br /> remedies pravided in thts paragraph 2i, inatuding. but not Itmitee9 to, reasonable attoraeeys' fees and aosts � �::�/'��� <br /> of title evldence. I %'`�' ��� <br /> H the power of sate is i�voked. Trustee shall record a notice of defauit in eaah county in whtch any ! ,.,: ;,': ' <br /> part mf the Property is tocated and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by apapiicabte ; � ���..�''��,• �.. � <br /> law to Sorrower and to the other persons presoribed by appticabie taw. Aiter the time required by � . •� �, . • <br /> appltcabl� lew, T�us4ee shail glve pubUc nottce of sale to the persons and in the manner preac�ibed by ;, _ <br /> � appllcabte lavd. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the . . <br /> highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms deaignated in the notice of sate in one or more <br /> parcels and in any ordor Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone se�e of ait or any parcel of the <br /> ; Property by public announceme�t at the time and ptace of any previously schoduled sato. Lender or its <br /> � designee may pu�chase the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receip4 of payme»t of the p�Dce bid, Trustee sha1G dellver 4o the purchaser T�ustee's deed <br /> ' conveying the Property. The recitals ire the Trustee's deed shatl be prima facie evidence of the truth of <br /> '. the s3atemen4s rroade therein. Trustee shatl apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order. (a� to ali <br /> � costs ar+� expenses of exercising the power of sa��, and the sate, inctuding the payment of the'�rustee's <br /> feea actuaily incwrred. not to exceecE 3 96 of the p�incipal amount of the nmte at the time of the <br /> , cd��laration of defautt, and reasonaiall� �s��arney's 4�es as ��r�i��al by law; (b) to atl �aums secured by thns <br /> �azn��3ky Instrument; and (c) any excess to the pev�oa �r ��r��rus legally eatitled to it. <br /> ��.G3eeonveyanee. U�on payment ot all sums secured by trr�s 5ecurty �°st�ument. Lender shaii request Trustee to ��convey the <br /> f'r��2?�r and shali suRender this Sscurity Instrument and alt notes ev�dencmg debt ascured b�� this SeCUrity Instntme�t Co 7�•�:S�se 7rustee <br /> s�taL'��sorvey the Property wfthout wartanty and without charge to tne�rerson er Farsons legally entitied to it, Sucb p2-sar. er��rsons shalt <br /> � pay arty recordaten c3�ts. <br /> 2�.S�IDS4if�rdtd�Y�ustoe. lender, at its option. may trom time to t+me remove Trustee and appo:nt� succ�sser -�„stee to an�� <br /> � Tusre��pomied 'nereunuer cy a� irtsirumeni recorded in ine couniy in wnic� tnis 5ecuriry instrument is recora� vuitrto:[r c.rrveyance oi <br /> � the FYaperty,successor trustee shall succeed to aY the title.power and duties conterred upon Trustee herem anQ l�y ap�f�p�le�aw. <br /> � 24.R6qU@St fOr NotiC�3. Borroa�er requests that copies of the notices of de(ault and sale be sent ro 8onowc�s address which <br /> � is the Property Address. <br /> 25. Ride1'S to th(s SeCUrity In34YUYPtt3n4. it one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded logether with this <br /> Security Insttument, the covenents and agreements of each such rider shail be incorporated mto ana shall amend and supplement the <br /> covenants and agreements ot this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Securty Instrument. <br /> PIgC d Of t F:rm 3�1tl 950 <br /> F1029.LMCi(31'961 <br /> , 117d72't-19 � <br />