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<br /> _f � ,c- at ts;r` A 5� �R' k�r.�• r, ,q i`�;��t t'�,.�' 1 t'i� ,tr� „ � ?�
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<br /> ) . i �tv / ;'.1..�at�G�__ � l�•�t�i�'tt 7Y(��t� 1 .{ r4�tt :I• .+ r� �t.4r� Vt 5; � r�.;.r r
<br /> . vr f�..,}�� �.:�S �p t`,'�.,r' IiMe 4�1�, m"� ;f 1_ f S l'�N ',�;�a���:d:.w'•�,r,� J o � r� y � .��: 4 - -_ '4."!� rr -
<br /> ' "�'_.l,i t ri ���' 1 �� a,,i M i��'e�'� 1 3S�.L���Q�1, ��,�'i.c i-� �5 . «.-,.. .� ���`� � � y��t�5
<br /> �,;: 1 �.X. ,./�at� i kcrti,li� ��r.� ifirYYYNW�f�i7NryN�u+y,'a,�'��7'c" Ni4 + t J ^sq17�-.++�w�F••,.i��GM"����AM���iV`,.:t� _
<br /> ; - - ' y*sar,wf" �c '' •�,:u �.d'�1�A�iS�Y 'Wri66-.t.,',n,+�!'1'fe!Ctyt'_�.` - - Yr,.
<br /> . . �,�',�,. .aMP,F�•S..*.,:t . � �. . . ,%�', .:ii�� '��+►+H�Y!e'... � _-�- «
<br /> . '�, ; - ' :�` ,;Z� 7��' ,� _._ -�;-_
<br /> �` . ."C '• . I6 ` o �� _.—.
<br /> k' - ! �. , . , ; . . ��y� _-
<br /> .
<br /> r'�a' . �+*�rw� .___ _ --- .--___
<br /> �.—. ___ _—--
<br /> � . � . T:Protectlon of L�ndsr'e f�IpNt�In 1he Prop�Ky. �t eorrower taNs to partorm the wvenanis and a�reements conUined h
<br /> .,. . ., ,:
<br /> � '"° hln 8ec�t Untrument,or thero t�a!e al ronesd�n thet ma et n�icanty ettect Lende�'e d Frte In the Pra ert euah Ae e roeee�n
<br /> ,� ,. ' 4 �Y � P 0 Y B 9 A Y l P 9� �r�_-°=_---
<br /> "'� '� banbuptay,probate,tor eondemnatlon or tarfofturo or to entorce Inwe or mgutaUOna),then Lender mey do nnd pay lor whatever te necesa�
<br /> • _ ~..:.i �.�-_—_--
<br /> .
<br /> ' � �'�" `'�" to prot�ot the valua of the Property and Lend�r: s4ghis�s thz PrQpesl;. Len�r'e eotlona mey iiatu�a�ySnp eny sw�a eeasrQd bp�L'�
<br /> : . . • ---- --
<br /> � ' wbloh had dod aver thia BeauA Uahument,appeadng in couR,payinp�easonable ettom e toea and antedn on the ffio to tneko.e ` ° ��� ���
<br /> P tY tY eY� 9 P�Y � fi,,�- _
<br /> ' , reptiro. Atthouph Lander may take acilon urtder this paregreph Y,Lender does r�c�t h�to da co. �5,,,,�.,..,`-��, ..__-� ���
<br /> � • My amounto dtsbureo�l by lender under this parepnpfi 7 ehatl become addiUonat debt of Borrower socurcd by thla 8ecudty IneWment -. . ° y,•��{�!��.✓ ,-�T--__
<br /> .1 .P�II'bt-��.."_'^="_—
<br /> � Uniess Hortower ute9 LendH sqree to other terms of psyment,theae amounts sh�A bear intereat hom tho dnte oi diebura�rnent at the Not :�.,�R�---
<br /> rate an6 eha0 tra payable.wtth fnterest,upon noUee hom Lender to Borrower requasttnp paymen�. �"��`������-- --. •
<br /> �� " 8.Ntiortp�o Inauranas. ff Lcnder requhed mortgage inaursnco ae a eanditton of ineking tNe ioan seraired by th�s 3acurt �' ' " r'
<br /> .. ;,�,.-....:=-
<br /> . Matrument,8or►ower ehelt pay the p►emtuma requlrod to malriWn the mort�ge inaurance M eNect. Ii,tor any reason,tha mortgage inauranc �. � ,�`;°���
<br /> coverage �equired by Lenda lapa�s ar ceasos to bo tn e�eat, Borrower ahatl pay the premtums requtred to obtain cove�age aubatan „ �-�R�'t:�";
<br /> , -?:�-:_-_---
<br /> - - �• �� equMater►t to the mortgege insuranae prevtousy in eftect,at�coat eubsfenUally equivatent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insuranae ---^ �-..
<br /> prevlousy fn ettect, trom en altemate mortgago insurer approved by Lendor. If eubstantieiry equNatent mortgage Ineurnnce coveraga is oot •� '.."�����'�?��s;
<br /> ' evaffabie, 8orrower ehaU pay to lander eaoh month a sum equai to one�twetfth ot the yearty mortgnge insurance premtum being paid by � ����" �
<br /> ,.,..,,
<br /> �� 8orrower when the tnsumn� cov�age Iapsed or ceased to be in effeat. Lender will aeeept, use and retnin lhese paymenfs as a loas �. • . - -
<br /> reserva in Iteu of maRgapa inaut�nce. Lose resenre payments may no tonger be requlred at the opUon ot lender. H mortgage Usuranee • • . -
<br /> r�t
<br /> coverage (In the amount t�nd for the pedod that Lender requtres)provided by an insurer en�roved by Lender aga�n becomes avaiiab�e snd is - _
<br /> obtained. Borrowor ohall pay the p�miums required to maintatn mortgage insurFSnc¢ in asfect, or to provide a Ioas reaerve, urnil tho �'"w,�`. T
<br /> requfrement tor morigage msutartce ends in aceordenee with eny written agreement be�vreen f3carower and Lender or applleabie law. '- ��•'" � � �
<br /> ;.,.,,,;,. ��.,.•.' : •';,•„-...
<br /> 9. InepBOtlOfl. Lender or Hs agent may make reasonable er�►iea upon and insfire�ctior�s of tho Properly. Lender ahall gHe Bcremer s,.:;�:;�,,�,•;�::. .�:..�•'r;;:-`
<br /> nodce at the ttme of or pdor to an inspeeUon spedytng reseonabte eause tor the fnspecsiAn. ;`;;."J'',,.'y n.;'' .,r�4�F.�_
<br /> rf�i�, ,�t�,..::r,,ac:?z.,,:
<br /> . 10. Condemnatton. The proceeds of an award or claim for dama es, direc� or conee enttat, in evcrrtc�cttort w�ee eny ���'•%�'�� � ' :'��-__
<br /> Y 8 W .lr,:�y� ''':z.9....,._--
<br /> � ' eondemnatfon or other taldng ot eny part of the Prop�rty,or tor eonveyenee In tieu of cca:�urnn�ion,are hereby assig�rerfi enc6 eshe�ti�ct�!@ '�'•%�"•: � =``' "—�"-
<br /> , � , -
<br /> to Lender. • �=,'=`_
<br /> � In the event of a totai taidng oi the Property,the proeeeds shatl ber e{�Ifrd to the sums secu-oa�L�r[Rta�eu�25�hrsDv�rn"a+L r��^:�'7 ar • � .`���'`=.,{: „_
<br /> •:.�,' �"". "•'`�t?��• not then due,wfth any excess pald to Bortower. In the event of a par¢i4J�crt3 ot the Property in w>�c1'+,�i�a fatr ma�'�c¢3�o o}the Properiy �.�,_�,�;'��t°'-
<br /> '.;'�,, immedlatety bek�re the taldng is equai to or greater then the amount of the sums secured by this 3ecurJty instrumerta an.�,n2diately betore the , ,�=_-�
<br /> � ��,.
<br /> taking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writ(ng,the sums secured by this 3ecurity Insirument sheli be radu c e d by t he amoun t :,,: �•;;�
<br /> "'��,�� oi the proceeds multlpiled by the foUowing iractlon:(a)the total amount of the sums secured immedtately betare the teidng,dtvided by(b)the •:<c � ` `'`'.�"`'�'•
<br /> '`b'''� fair market vaiue ot the Properiy immediatety betore the teldng.My baiance shali ba paid to Borrower. In the event ot a paAtal taldng of the � �''�. ,'
<br /> Property in which the falr market value oi the Property immediatery beiore the taWng is�esa than the amou�t ot the sums secured immodistely • '"��
<br /> ��
<br /> beMre the taWng,unless Bortower and Lender otherwise agree in w�ttng or uniess appifceble lew othenNise provides,the proceeds ahall be _ :_ - � __
<br /> app8ed to the aums sewred by thfa Securily Inatrument whether or not the sums are then due. �"?��� "
<br /> �' H the Property is ebandoned by Bortower,or H,after notice by Lender to Botrower that the condemnor oHers to make an award ar settle
<br /> . „ a eiaun ior dama es.Sorrower faHs io rospond{o Lendcr witidn 38 Seysa attef ttte data iha natica!s ghten, Le.�dar is avthadzsd ia coAcd�rsd �: _=-:--`.- '
<br /> 9 ,:•;;;��r..,:,�: ,
<br /> appty the proceeda, at its�option, either to reatoradon or repair oi the Prope�ty or to the sums aecured by this Securiry Instrument,whether , '. !;�;►i •�,.
<br /> � or not lhen due. • : '"" �`��'r� •
<br /> .`'v; ,,
<br /> " Unless lender end Borrowet otherwlse agree In wriUng, any applicatlon of proceeds to principai ahaN not extend or postpone the due I���; .d, ',,;�
<br /> date of the monthiy peyments reteRed to in peragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. ;:: , � � �;:
<br /> '', ' 11. Borrower Mot Released: Forbearance By Lende�Not a Walve�. Extension of the Ume tor payment or ''`�,?� �• � ��� '
<br /> `�;•,,��.; ++�s.�
<br /> modiflcaUon of amordmUon of the sums secured by this Securiry Inatrument grsnted by Lender to any successor in Interest of Borrower ahaq ' r F�
<br /> �ot operate to release the Ilability ot the originai Borrower or Bormwer's sucasssors in interest Lender shaA not be requlred to commence l��
<br /> proceedtngs agalnst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time tor payment or otherwise modHyr amortitaUon of the sums sBCUred by � � �
<br /> this 3ecurity Insttument by reason oi any demand made by the o�tginai Bo�ower or Borrower's successars in interest. Any torbeat�ance by { �
<br /> , �ender in exercisfng any right or remedy shali not be a wafver of or precWde the exercise ot any right or remedy. �. _.- '. '1'.,
<br /> 12. Successore end Aastgns k�ound; Joint and Several Uability; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements ot � , y��
<br /> this 3ecuAty instrument shali bind and benefR the successors and assigns oi lender and Bortower, subject to the provisions ot paragraph � � . ��'i�
<br /> � i,,., .
<br /> � 17. Borrower's covenants and agreementa ahap be jofnt and severai. My BoROwer who co•signs this Securily InsWment but does not ' •'="`:",,''.�
<br /> exeatte the Note: (a�is casigning this Securily instrument only to mortgage,grant,and convey that Borrower's (nterest in the Property under �, , '� � •
<br /> ';:!:, the terms of thia Securfly Instrument; (6)is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Secutlty Instrument; and(c)agrees that ���,', , •
<br /> 1.�;�.,; Lender and eny other Bonower may agree to eMend, modily, forbear or make any accammodatlons with reQerd to terms ot thls Securily ?''�
<br /> ��strument or the Note wfthoui that Bortower's consent. i
<br /> 13. L08t1 Ch8Tge8. if the loan secured by this Security instrument ts subjecl to a Iaw which sets maximum Ioan charges,and that ' � . .
<br /> taw (s finaliy interpreted so that the Interest or ather loan charges cdlected or to be coliected In connection �vRh the loan exceed the
<br /> permkted IimNs, then: (e) any such loan charges shaA be reduced by the emount�ecessary to reduce ihe charge to the pertniried Iimit;and : �
<br /> (b) eny sums alr�dy coliected irom Bortower which exceeded permitted Iimits wiq be refunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make
<br /> cl�s refurtd by redudng the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Bortower. If e refund reduces prindpai, the
<br /> � �%•• redueQaar u�7 Cee treated as a partiai prepayment wfthout any prepayment charge under the Note. ;
<br /> , . � 14. P��ttt:P�s. My norice to Borrower provided tor in this Security InsVument sheli be given by del(vering It or by mailing ft by first �_ �.
<br /> class maii unteas applicabie Iaw requires uso of another method. The notice shali be directed to the Praperty Address or any other address ,
<br /> 13ortower designates by rrat.o>to Lender. My noUce to Lender shaN be given by first ciass mall to Lender's address stated herein or any
<br /> . other address Lender dcsio,;r�:as by notice to Bortower. My notice provided for�n n-:�; Sxcurity Instrument shall be deemed to have been
<br /> • gMen to Barcower or Lender wlren given as provided(n this paragraph. .
<br /> 1�5. ((am�v�r�dng La�J�; Sev��l�`_C:�y. This Security instrument si-.a� tre govemed by f¢d�al law and the law of the jurisdiction in �
<br /> which tlte Pro�erty is�ocated in tHQ cvo�t that any provision or clause ai tn,s Secur� instrument ar ti�e Note conflicts wRh appilcable Iaw,
<br /> such contiict sAatt not aftec[ athd �rovisions of this 5ecunry Insbument or the Nate �vhieh can be given eHeet without the Conflicting
<br /> provision. To this end tl1e provfsions of this 5ecurfty Instrument and UiQ Note are dcclarei to be severable.
<br /> 1�. �PP�av@P'6 ttC�,��/. Borrower shali be groen one canformed copy of the��ote and of tl�is Sc3cunty Inshvment.
<br /> 17.V?ffEC�CO m$�D[@ GaP��t@V�P(9.Y 8 B9i1@TICIBI II1te�A�PW �Pi�If6WL?. It ell or any�art of the Propetty or any intaxest in
<br /> 1 it is sotd or tranetarr¢G (or it a benefidai interest in Bortower is sold or transterc¢G and Borrower is not a oaturat person) without I.snder's
<br /> . . . . . . . _ . ..
<br /> pnor wrttten consent, umaer may, a►ns opuon, requRe immeaiate payment m �uu or an sums securea oy tn�s �ecurny tnsttument. nowever.
<br /> ' ; tMs op8on shali not be exmcised by Lender it exercise is prohibited by tederai law as ot the date of this Security Instrument.
<br /> if lender ex�dses this optlon, lender shali give Bortower not�ce of acceleration.The�otice shall provide a period of not less than 30
<br /> days from the date the notice is delivered ar maiied within which the Borcower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument. II
<br /> Botrower iails to pay these sums pdor to the expiratlon of this period. Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Securiry�nstrument
<br /> ` without turther noUee or demand on Bortower.
<br /> • 1
<br /> , Paqc 3 of 5 Fc�m 30ie 990
<br /> Ft0I9.LM0 tJ.901
<br /> � t V6�2�t�tg ' �
<br /> • ' I - -- ---- .. --
<br />