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<br /> :,�ti���• •y� �' •(Ilryt�a.��-
<br /> - --" -• mor�tgage, deed c�f t�ruat, plodge, �ien, aesi�,nment or othe�rioe. i�eiEher ttie r,.�:,,.�,,.>....�.-....,.:..•�....
<br /> � aaco�tauico of thia Doed oP Truat ncz ite er�Porcemant whothor by court aotion or �'-�."�'''`°�,�:-� -
<br /> �� •� � pureuant to the oaer of oe►lo or ofiher os�e�rs hereia contained, shaii rejudice ,��:±-�•��'�"�'��""`''"'
<br /> P P P ��---. .
<br /> : �'� or ia aay menaer aEfeat Truatee�s ox S�neficiary�e right to reali$e unon or - -
<br /> ° �,,. eaPorce ar►y othor aoourity noa or hureafter held by Trustee or Senefiaiary, it �'��:;;:.`:::tr���-�
<br /> " ' being agreed that Tsvstee aad Benaficiary, and each of them, ehaii be eatitied ��,_^
<br /> ��"� to ersforae this Deed o! Truat ead eny other eeaurit now or heseufter heid by �'=-�� v ~
<br /> . Y .°r'��:s�a.—m=--
<br /> BanoSiaiary os Truatae� in aueh order amd menisor na they or either oP them may '._�:Y�-�=�._`_`__
<br /> ia thoir abeolute diearetioa detesrniae. No reme8y herein conferre8 upon or '.�••;��5's�;===----
<br /> reaerved to Trustee or Boaefiaiary io intended to be exclusive of aay other ` �r:=iy::.�"
<br /> „.�.__!�*.:,���-k:
<br /> remedy hereia or by iaw provided or permitted, but each ahaii be cumulativn and ,:;�''��,�r.�
<br /> ahall be in addition to every other remedy given hereundor or aow or hereafter -°,z�,���:.�_
<br /> existing at law or in equi�y or by 3tatute. 8very po�res os semedy given by any : 3�.=°•�""--
<br /> :4.,.r°a�:r'.*.�::v�
<br /> • of the Looa Instnunents to �:uatee or S�efiaiary or to �ich oit�.or oE them may � �: � -�r.�r�;;. ,
<br /> y ,...,.h;,,.,:::_�:�_.�:_;;'-
<br /> • ' bo o��toa�wise entitled, may l�exescised, concu�xt�a2Zg ox �m�o�en��n�ly, �ran time ��..�:p:'%,:�-:�__,--_..
<br /> �o ��, and as often aa m8y be deca��d expedfc�mt hry `�av,o�oe ox �n�ficiary; arid r.��a�•,�__�_.-�--=-
<br /> ' mf�Rza� of them may pwceu� i�acaxu��i�eoa�� x�adimo. l�oscYeia �xozein ehali be �ii;''.Y,_"''�:-
<br /> 9 t:. . t.�,::::
<br /> f ' � cca�c�¢au¢d ae prohibiting S�xceficfa�xy ��osu r�oo�ixeg �a dof�cioncir j�Kdgment againet '__.
<br /> �o Truator to the extent snackt ac��ozi fr� azaiitQ�dl k>y ]lam. ( �•�fi?;:
<br /> � .l,:t`� ;.1;u:.
<br /> � _. . ...
<br /> ' a3. REOIIaST FOR NOTiCS. Truator hereB�y requests a ceg�lr oE any rsotioe oP ��1'� '"�'�'�;r
<br /> �_•�
<br /> default, and that any notice of sale hereunder be msile@ �o hor at the addrees ` •�?_\
<br /> set forth in the firat paragraph of �his Deed Of Trust. ��. � �f:'�;-
<br /> .�...
<br /> ,;i; - �'; _
<br /> 14. GtOVBRxzNa LAW. This Deed of Trust ehall be governe8 by the lnws of --"�� _
<br /> � '� . the State of Nebraska. in the ever.t that any provision or claus� of any of the ",•�"�.:T--
<br /> ' Loan instruments conflicta with applicable lawe, auch conflicte shall no� affect --- _
<br /> - other provisions of such Loan Instruments �vhich can be gfven effect xithout the
<br /> conflicting provisions; and to thia end, the provisione of the Laan instruments '�;,:;�;__
<br /> are declared to be severable. Thie instrument cannot be aaived, changed, "'
<br /> ,:..�, discharged, or terminated orally, but only by an fnstrument : j
<br /> ia writin si by p y g y g '`
<br /> --:,�j� g gned the art a ainat whom enforcement of an waiver, chart e, ., �
<br /> ---_ --_- -_.--7} �iacharge �r termfastion i� :,aught. `:;':�.- -
<br /> ���'f;. , ;�" 15. �i$CONVSYANCS BY TRIISTBB. UpOA wZitt6A request of Beaeficiary atating �';,��Mr�
<br /> ,�'�;`,'j'' that all sums secured herekyy have been paid, and upon aurrender of this Deed of ..;,:; , .
<br /> " • �rust and the Note to Truetee for cancellatian and retention and u on a ent "'� "�{' ; .
<br /> A � S� bY ;I:1t:,.„
<br /> . TrusCOr o£ Trustee's feee, Trustee ahall reconvey to Trustor, or the pereon or �:),s��;r;�}; ;'' :,��• �f:
<br /> ,�,. :. t�� ;
<br /> peraons legally entitled thereto, �aithout warranty, any portion of the Truet „};,s.ar!�,�.. . �f��{��� ,
<br /> , BeCate then held hereunder. The recitale in auch reconveyance of any mattere or •�;...,:•,
<br /> y.,l• � facts ehall be conclusive prooE of th� truthfulness thereof. The grantee in any '"�y�;`�'� •� • �'
<br /> .`'(+'. reconveyance may be deecribod as "the pereon or pereone legally entitled ���,, ,,
<br /> . thereto". • ' •�����s
<br /> �3;;'f���et�
<br /> 16. NOTIC83. Whenever Seneficiary, Truetor, or Trustee ahall deai.re to .••,:'"''��„_
<br /> ' give or serve any notice, demand, requeat or other communicatfon with respect to �. " � ,�:,1�
<br /> ' this Deed of Truet, each such notice, demand, reque$t or other comnunication ��'�. ' •��"�
<br /> ,';:.;•S . shall be in writing and ahall be effective oniy if tho same ia delivered by '"���•.�'',�:" � '
<br /> � •�� peraonal service or mailed by certified mafl, postage prepaid, return receipt �
<br /> ��" re eeted addressed to the addreas set Eorth at the be ' '�'�
<br /> , qu , ginning of this Deed of ��:'•; .?i� ;��
<br /> • Trust. Any party may at this time change ita address for euch notices by �:�'°�J���. �
<br /> delivering or mtxiling to the other partfes hereto, as aforesaid, a notice of such � �
<br /> change. i
<br /> 17, pU& ON SALB. In the event that Truator aells the real estate which I
<br /> ie securiCy for this Deed of Trust, the Promisaory Note and this Deed of Trust ; �, ,
<br /> shall become accelerated and the total amount oE principal and accrued intereat
<br /> ;., Rhall be due and payable at once. Sale of the real eatate shall include sale by
<br /> ;� Deecl, Installcree^� Sale Contract or Lease Option Agreement. �':�'.� . �
<br /> . i •
<br /> 18. ACC�8T31N�Ts SX TRUSTSB. Trustee acc:epts thie Trust wh�n this Deed of , � .
<br /> Trust, duly execated and acknowledged, is made a public record as provided by i
<br /> law. '
<br /> IN WITNESS b7HEREOF, Trustor haa executed this �eEC: of Trust as of t�he day
<br /> „ and year firat above written.
<br /> ?;i
<br /> . �
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