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<br /> --�._---- fivo (5f dayot or, ;.r:.` -- __ __
<br /> � .�.. . �.��•�;�:-"-:-:��
<br /> ,�,- .
<br /> � (b) Thero hae oaaurred a breach of default under ariy term, covenaxit, ;, F;. �,`' �-"
<br /> . , '� s . .:ai_�.,.�_�.-
<br /> � agreement, con83tion, provision, representation, or we�rranty conte►ined in asy af •-�:r.;;r�r:.-�_ T,
<br /> • the E,oaa Snetrumeate £or a period of thirty days. ' • � �
<br /> ... - :,,�..
<br /> �. �
<br /> 10. �'�Rx+��'A'TQ� �N DBFAUT,'� ADAITIONAL �anxas. shouid 8r1 everit Of ''.��'.:`'�'R�,^�;:i
<br /> 8afauit occur, Seneficiazy may declare all indebtedaese eecured hereby to be due
<br /> arid payable, an8 tho same shall thereupon bec�r�w due and payabie �ri�hout any �
<br /> preaentment, dema:sd, proteat, or aotice of any kind. Thereafter the Berteficiary ' '
<br /> n►ay: • • o .
<br /> (a) Bither in pereon or by a�gen�, vsi�h or voithout bringing any action oz , �
<br /> , proceedir�g, or by a receivor a��ZO£a�t@d II�y A Court an8 without regard to tho , • • _
<br /> ., �ad.equacy of its security, entor u�poa� &atd eake �oaaeRaion oP t�.e Trust gs�ato, or . � .:
<br /> .. aay part thereof, in her o�n �anea oz in �Fte a��e o� Trus�eQ, s�nd cZo any ac�c� �'""'' �1�;:' ,
<br /> • mhich ahe deems necesse�ay or deQ�rablo to ps¢a¢rvv� the valu�, cc�zrh�tabf2f�g oz ' . �� ,..=T:�';:, .
<br /> sontability of the 7Cxu�� S���n�e, or part tMereof or interest ttcQrein, fncre�asQ ` �1'��F��;;�;'„,� -
<br /> � Y.�ze income theregro� or �Oro�oct tl�e securz�y hereof, and with or without �a2cfag ��r°:� , •:!�•=.�"
<br /> paseescsion of the Trrse� �sta�.e, eue fos ox otherwise collect tlle rents, issue� . ..:''�•___---
<br /> and profits thereof, zacl+ading those paet due and urspaid, and apply the eame, ���,,y=�=,,-:
<br /> leas cos�s and expensea of operation and colleation, including attorney'e fees, '�'��-=-'.=-
<br /> . . ' upon aay indebte8ness securod hereby, all fn such order es Seneficiary may ,'''�'��`�`•;+°::
<br /> determine. The entering upon and taking gossession of the Truet Bstate, the xz�;.���°
<br /> • coilection of such rents, iseues and prafits and the application thereof ae --
<br /> � aforesaid, ahall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or • �l ��-~
<br /> invalidate any act done in response to such default or puzsuant to such notiae . , •���-�
<br /> ;•;:�+;-
<br /> of default and, notwithstanding the continuance fn possession oE the Trust Bstate ,;,=..�
<br /> or the collection, receipt and application of renta, isaues or profite, Trustee _-_ —
<br /> or BeneFiciary ehall be entitled to exercise every right provided for in any of , -
<br /> the Loass Inetrumenta or by laa upon occurrence of any event of defaul�, including • � '�
<br /> ':'' � the right to exerciae the power of eale; -i� ,;
<br /> _.__ ... ..: _.
<br /> - ,_ >,'- ,• •• _ :.;
<br /> (b) Commence an action to foreciose thie Deed of Trust aa a mortgage, ;,,�,
<br /> �l , appofnt a receiver, or specifically enforce any of the covenants hereof; : `;t"
<br /> (c) Deliver to Truatee a written declaration of default and demand for • ':�•,•• �:��
<br /> �' sale, and a written notice of default and election to cauae Truetor'� interest ' ,,, � � � `'
<br /> in the Trust Sstate to be sold, which notice Truatee shall cause to be duly filed ' �..,.;1,'.; '� +�1�:
<br /> for record in the appropriate Official Recnrds of the County in whiah the Trust � �' �����,�' �+�;
<br /> 8atate is located. ••
<br /> � '�_: r
<br /> •'',,��:•:;� 11. FORBCIA3URx �Y POWRR OF SALB Should Seneficisry elect to forecloae . ��;��;���°, .
<br /> y: ,,.';
<br /> by exercise of the Power of Sale herein contained, Beneficiary shall notify � ,, ;}.�; ,,�
<br /> � ' • Trustee and shall depoeit with Truatee this Deed of Trust and the Note and auch ',ri;;`1,���'�;���'
<br /> receipta and evidence of expenditurea made and secured hereby as Truetee may �u�yrf' .,;-
<br /> �!
<br /> requi re. ��'�1,�k-,'
<br /> �. • ,,.�;:
<br /> � „ �,;. „�.
<br /> ' (a) tJpon receipt of such notice from Seneficiary, Trustee shall. Cause to � _
<br /> ' be recorded, publiehed and delivered to Trustor such Notice o£ Default and Notice ; • '
<br /> �� • of 3ale ae then required by law and by thia Deed of Trust. Trustee shall, � . ; .^;:1
<br /> without demand on Trustor, after euch time as may then be required by law and i , �.;:-
<br /> after recordation of auch Notice of Default and after Notice of Sale having bec�n � . �""c=::
<br /> , givea as required by law, aell the Trust Bstate at the time and place of eale I. ��
<br /> fixed by it in such Notice of Sale, either as a whole, or in separate lots or ''�';�� ,.. ,
<br /> ;t:�'�,:�� parcela or items as Trustee ahall deem expedient, and in such order as he may � '�'�
<br /> � determine, at public auction to the higheat bidder for caah, in lawful money of I
<br /> � " the United Statee, payable at the time of sale. Trustee shall deliver to such
<br /> ' . '� purchaser or purchasera thereof, hie good and sufficient deed or deeds, conveying �
<br /> ,•• • � the propert,y so sold, but without any covenant or warranty, exprese or implied.
<br /> The recitals in such deed of any matters or facts ahall be concluaive procf of ;
<br /> I� '�f�_ '•` the truthfulnesa thereof. Any peraon, including, without limitation, Trusto��
<br /> .; ..' Truetee, and Bene£iciary, may purchage at euch sale, and Trustor hereby cov�e�ant� ; .
<br /> .,. ' .., ;� to warrant and d�f�r.d the titie �f such purchaser or purchasers.
<br /> . (b) As m.�v ;�a permitted L�y law, aft�r deducting all co�ta, fees, expensea � �
<br /> : ' of Trustee and of tl�ia Txuat, includiag costa of evidence ot sitle in connection
<br /> with sale, Trustee aP�all apply the prec+�ede of sale to paym�nt of (i) all sums
<br /> expended under the terms hereof, not then repaid, with accrued intereat at
<br /> , fourteen (la) percent per annum, (ii) all other sums then secured hereby, and
<br /> (iii) the remainder, if any, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> '�- - (c) Trustee may, in the manner proviaea Dy taw, goatpone sate ot att or
<br /> any portion of the Truot Bstate.
<br /> 12. RSI�DIPsS NOT SXCLUSIVE. Trustee and Seneficiary, and eactc of them,
<br /> shall be entitled to en£orce payment and performance of any indebt�dnese or
<br /> obligations secured hereby and to exercise all r�ghts and powers under this Dee9
<br /> � of Trust or under any Loan Instrument or other agreement or any laws now or
<br /> � hereafter in force, notwith��anding same or alI of the s�aah indebtedness ar.d
<br /> obligatfons secured hereby mny now or hereafter E�e o:P:erwise secured, whether b}•
<br /> �
<br /> I 3
<br /> ;
<br /> . , �
<br /> ,. � ,
<br /> ' �I � �
<br />