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<br /> __,__ ,_—��� periods thut Lend�er cegvires. Tlto insumnco cacrier pmvidin�the Insuraacc sh�tl ba chosen by 8orrowEr eui►�sct to Lcr��or� �—-�"
<br /> �� approvnl which shall not be urtceruonably wlthhe(d. If Homo�ver fails ta mointt�IIn covemge descrItred ahove,L2ttder may�at
<br /> - , _ . . ' �'' r Iendcrh optinn,nhtain cnverago t��mtest[.e�ndcrk righ�in thc Prupe�4y in accnrctar�ce wtEh parnornpl�7. �---- _—
<br /> . � ��'�'°"': AU irisurnnce pollcieR and renewala ehuU ba accepsable to Len�er und�hull include u standnrd mortgnge cinuse, l.e�xier
<br /> : •�. shnll have the right to hald the policies and renewals. If Lender requi�s.Homower shnU pmmgtly�ivo to I.ertder c�ll cecefptx =
<br /> �>�..„:.: �:_
<br /> -t"'�;;�� . • of puid premiums and c�enewal nottcca. in the event of loss.Borrower shnll IIive prompt notice to she insurnnco cc+rrIer nnd
<br /> .�.. � I.ender. Lender may make praof of losa if not mnde pmmptly by Bornawer. �;.-�-;;-�
<br /> ,.,;:_ . � Unless Lender und Borrower otherwise ugree in wrldng,insurnnce proceeds shrsll be applted to tesromUon or repufr of ���
<br /> .. 'r.,.r
<br /> . the Property damaged, fP the re.storatton or repa3r is ezonomically feasible und Lender's sscurity is not lessened. If the =_=---
<br /> _...-..... . _ restorntion or reps�r is not economicully feasibl8 or L.enderts security would be lessened.the insurance pmceeds ah�ll be =____
<br /> ' �' applied to the sums securec!by this Security Insmiment,whether or not then due.with any excess pnid to Hormwer. If ���
<br /> • . � , � Borrawer absindons the Property.or does not answer witlein 30 days a notice from Leader that the insurance carrler hna •�,.��_
<br /> ���:�.�.—
<br /> � offered to settte a claim.th�n Lender may coUect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or mstore e�-�,s:����s.--
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Insnum�ent,whether or not then due. The 30�day perlod wlll begin when ��.',�W=
<br /> • , the notice is gtven. �===---:—
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwIse agree in writing,any application of proceeds to principul shuU not extend or i��^'��--
<br /> pQStpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragrapha 1 and Z or ch�ge the amount of the payments. If ==�--_—__
<br /> ;:�;... . " under paragraph 21 the Propercy is acquirecl by Lender,Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proc�resulting �"•''�—
<br /> �. . ,�„ __
<br /> ; from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shull pass to Lender to the extent of tne sums secumd by this Security � ,�r�� ,
<br /> !�� >'r= Insbument immediately priar to the acquisition. ,,,�
<br /> ' � "•'���t�"`� 6. Occupancy, Pres�rvation, Maintenance and Proteetion of the Prnperty; Borrower's Loan Applfcatton; ,�;�;:�' -
<br /> : �.... ;���.,,�.
<br /> .. � N.,":;,,. I.easehoWs. Borrower xhati occu _. '��'�
<br /> ,•';..�. , .?v,.,{:._ pY.establish,�u�J use the Pruperty au Borrower's principai residence wlthin sixty days after t�;;;i.,�.t:.-.-
<br /> •.,. the exe�:ution of this Security Tnsuument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principat residence for at ': .,;,�,,,;;_.'`-'
<br /> �'�"� �� T�� least one ear after the date of occu anc , untess Lender otherwise a es in wrian which consent shall not be :�;�'•k~r°
<br /> ••,,;.. '.� Y P Y � �• �� ':`-;.._:
<br /> �''' „�r`•�.�� unmasanably withheld,or unless extenuating cir�cumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not , ,;;�
<br /> '��;;`;!��' desuoy,damage or impair the Properiy,allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Properry. Borrower shatt �. r-u.��"=°
<br /> ' �• be in default if an forfeiture action or roceedin ,whether civil or criminal,is be un that in Lender�s ood faith 'ud ent r"•`:;�°"F:.'.:;���':
<br /> Y P 8 g � I � 1:,..
<br /> � could result in forfeiture of the Pcn e or otherwise materiall im air the lien created b th�s Securit Instrument or ;'-• "` .'::.-
<br /> p nY Y � P Y Y ,•��°u..-�
<br /> �. °.. I.ender�security interest. Bomower may cure such u dsfault and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action ' �`:�--__
<br /> � ar proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lendec's good faith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower§ ..,•�14`��`..��--
<br /> interest in the Property or other materiat impairment af the lien created by this Security Inswment or Lender's securiry =
<br /> • . interes� Borrower shall also be in defnult if Borrower. during the loan application process, gave materially false or '�?� ��,`�''�l;a
<br /> inaccurate information or statement�to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material ir�formation)in connection wlth y,��7'«�,��.'
<br /> the toan evidenced by the Note. including, but not limited to, representations concerning Borrower'� accupancy of the ';�,,�:`'�f""'"'
<br /> � --� Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leaschold,Borcower shall comply wlth all the provisions ��, <��k{�:=
<br /> of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property,the leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unless Lender agrees �•,.`����_��
<br /> . to the merger in writing. i-;:�,' . ,-
<br /> �� �� �• 7. Pmtectfon ot i.ender's Rig�is in the Property. If Borcower fails to perform the covenants and agreements "�-Y'`:":`'`.'.'
<br /> contained in this Security Instrument, or them is a legal proceeding that may signific:antly affect L.ender's rights in the -�`�_`•`
<br /> Pmperty(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnution or forfeiture or to enfarce laws or aegulationa),then °°� -
<br /> I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propeny and Lender's rights in the Prop:rty. .
<br /> Lender's•actions may include paying any sumx�ecured by a lien which hus priority over this 5ecurity Instrument,appearin$ J �
<br /> in court.paying reasonuble attomey.'fee+and entering on the Property to make repairs. Althou�h Lender may take action +�
<br /> under this paragraph 7,Lender dcey not have to do tio. �
<br /> My amounts disbuned by Lender under thi�parugmph 7 tihall become additional debt of Borrower tieeured by this -
<br /> Security lnstrument. Unlex.Borrower and Lrnder ugrce to other trrm.c►f puyment,these amounts shall bear intere+t from the .
<br /> date of disbursement at the Notc rate and,hali be payabic, with interest,upcm notice from Lrnder to Borrower reyuesting
<br /> puyment. _
<br /> . 8. Mortgage 3nsurance. If Lrnder reyuiced mo»Fage insurnnce us a condition of'mnking the loan secured by this =
<br /> Security Instrument.Borrou•er�hctll pay the pmmiums reyuircd to maintuin the mortgage inwurunce in effect. If, for any
<br /> , ma.wn, the mortgage insurs►nce cover.�gr reyuircJ hy Lender lupx� or ceau+ to be in effect. Bormwer xhaU pay the
<br /> premiums required to obtain co�•eruge �ub.t:uniully ryuivalrnt to the mortgage imuranre previously in effect, at a co9t ,
<br /> substantially eyuivulent w thr rotit to Burruwer uf the mortgatie inwruncr pmviously in effrct,from an altemate mortgage
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. If wb.lantially equivalent mongage in,urunce coveragr iti not available,Borruwer tihall pay to
<br /> Lender esch month a,um equal to one-tweltih of thr ycarly murtgagc in.urance p�e+nium being paid by Borrower when the ' '
<br /> insurance coverage lap�rd i�r rea�eJ to tx in rffcrt. Lender w•ill arcrpt,u.r anJ retain the�e payment�a.a lu,�reserve in lieu , ��
<br /> of mortgagc insur.�tttc. Lotis rc.rrv� payment+ma� nu lunger h�rcyuirrd. at the option uf Lendcr.if mortgage insurance " ,��
<br /> • coverage(in the amount and tiir th��xri�xi that LrnJrr nyuirc.l pruvideJ bp an in+urcr appr�nrd by L�nder again becomes �, � ,+�;,�'
<br /> �;::; �• , .
<br /> " available and is obtained.Born��cer�hall .� thr remium.rc uircd to maintain mort�a r in,urance in effect,or to ro�•ide a `� "'����������````
<br /> , P'Y P 9 b F P };c:',�;.._�.��,c..
<br /> loss rescrve,until the myuiremrnt ti�r mongagr in+uranrr rnd.in arrurdanrc��ith an�•�►•ritten agrcrment hetw•ecn Bormw•er f.•� ;•„�.;;
<br /> and Lender or applicable luw. ( �•
<br /> . , 9. Inspection. Lendrr or it�agrnt ma� mal.r rcationsbl�rntrir�uExm anJ im�xrti<m.�f tfie Pn�peny. Lrnder.hall I "'4�''.,�
<br /> , give Bottower notice at the timc of or pnur to an im�xrnon�}xcif�inF re:�.onaMr cau�c for the in��rction. , •,:;' '
<br /> , • • 10. Condemnation. The pr�ke�d.uf an� a�+ard ur cl:�im tur J:nnagr�.Jirrrt ur r��n.ryurntial,in ronnertiu���vith any
<br /> � . . ti�nEleFuou�;�-F'nnnie�fae'FreddH�lacl\IFUR\tI�ti7Rl�VF:\T�-I'nd„nn('u�cnant� 490 �p.��r?,�/d�yite�� - . . '
<br /> I.RAI IdIM�ty.IM+.FRpI• IM � .•
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