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.y-'�:4= ---- �c_��,7� i,;f"`'5,+1,:P y fii�'` r,�fj�'. ��J i,"'�`i.. ,�•�i A s�;"^''�;n' .�,, r'� 1 ». ,j;T-^:`"�t Tc: � ;:��:iv �l'�;>s!"jr nrri'�r„t- <br /> ---Ltp �: k1�,�.�t�bs`,�.,F•':�Y .�tL7.� �� �vMi A :�+ ) .��. t � - r�; :�:•irf-.I�I'Y��n� ' .Y,i• i Yr.� _ <br /> +ri•� ,it�6.,E'� `rY`y� ,1Y.5�-+ _.�: �Y�N�'a,,,5 r �4, tli r..�i' C`�,Y,.`;�' p,' ! � ..I� 'l�S,' ..;ti� '!'- � � •!y�•". � {!,� �� � ` T r d� <br /> -} �• .t'-il ,;F�S� ��. � ?�1.�.� a �•�� .t- �.� >}i �V �•y r$;. �k:i! r d t.,.' n 1� <br /> rt ��;�?_��f j�•s��l:t�� 1�';�' ,e•i,��:.w 1. •�3!!J�v.� ���}. i ..,U.;� (�..;:�A• 1�:�`fi;.�G 'ix. ����n.F�;...c rt`.i}�:;5 � }x'-`,���t ! � :.J '}'h:if�t ' _. <br /> t � is, ;:s� 3 ,*•dl. s ft;"•:i, � 't•�.r.y �a5.,.� .,.�+' °,.�,.�� v�,_ };.+`,r.5. �� .� J��,';.',� f t! <�.�tire <br /> 2 . ,�t���z`�%!"�;:rr;�,S�'i .j'N'y�,f'y� ;vY�;'I,�tw�t�i,, �S ��y .•. ,�3P{;;: ,���y�4'�'�� •,;t. �h��,4�.,, .,,., c�tr;,,r��r�Z;�i;t�''D,.i�r -.A�-�� {iiat$•�i a��i,. <br /> � �.` �.. t �7 ���. ' � y�:. c <br /> ,.,k�yv� _�r.�,•1�{.t�1dy��nibS4t4t���1�!/j:s''.i k'7Y�jr,��,� yr������.i .ffl�i�r�h�.�i�, il(M�yr�:4 tt��k�rf'!' at�r.,illi:!•;°�i° 'G4Yr f.. _i.3���t���R t1;�i <br /> a��i;sv���pr�wc+t�4�4's b�;w� 'ai�. ';}:�� ,J'o�fl•rc - ���k���Ys�"Z"'Ji�b.•��.��lt,.i;' !��„i��sk '•�,(�li r�7:{.',s°Yf� J�'.fi2.i� .. . W-'`�f"������tf <br /> _ _... Fajj�•�°yi�,as...ur...41`}!"a li;� C�i1+b+ii1�HW�iJ.�b�i..ta`. 5� ;Iy���:I1,ni:C.�::��txf�� i �,�,y;1��% , r., � ti��v( �i <br /> ... �'t.qNy:NMwR+ p;s::i'.:nC�},�.(. . - . _ ' _ . . ,S <br /> . M�lI�� � _.. . 'r ;•tV.' _ ' .. . - <br /> ,�� : � ��{L .4�N• .M• �.- . _ (. ' i. _ . <br /> ` �.. <br /> .�... , . r .. __.�__ _ . <br /> . .. .�. r--� _ _ _— <br /> . . .i._ .Y ...-.. <br /> y�.�w� - -. - .—.�_ "--_. _ <br /> `�_u</�lMe��� �WY4MlkII�Y.}�inf�.r' . _ • .... ....... ......�.• .• ..". "�tR.w..-i.a��. __ _._— <br /> u......���...�...�. .�...,�...._�.�.....�.��."_.....����._.��uVf -. <br /> __.._�.�;.�s�s,�� ' .16�°��ilfr�. �__ _-__�_ <br /> vA'�'�-•A•� ��� �`_-�.__- '__"_. <br /> .; ' ���'��''�� T�Ci�TNER WITH�Il the improvements aow or hereufter erectcd on the nroperty�ttnd ail enssment�,nppurtcrtejices, <br /> �-� _ <br /> .� • ' ; ' Ali re lar,�ments und addidons ahall also be wvercd by this Secuelq+ = -- <br /> .-- - '- ' urtd fixtures now or hereatter a part of the property. p <br /> • ' Insuunten� All of the foregoinII is refern�t[u i�i this��nnty Insssument as!he Ptc►�styf. . ---- --.,-_ <br /> .- :��u;:�;r� <br /> BORROWBR C:OVENANTS thut Borrower is lawfully seised of the estute hereby conve�ed and hax thc dght to�^aut <br /> and convey the Psogerty und�hut tha Property is unencumbered,except for encumbranc�s of iocord. Borruwer warrnnts and <br /> . - ° ���ill defend genernlly the title to the Progc�ty agoinst all clnims and demands,eubject W any encumbtances of r�xord. ______ <br /> ' T H I S S E C U R l T Y WSTRUMENT combi�tes w�iform covenants far nationul use and non-uniform covenstnta with � <br /> .. � limited variu@onx by Jurisdiction to constttute a uniform securlty insuumeat covering ceal praperty. � <br /> ��,—�_ <br /> - - UNQ�ORM COVENAN'TS. Borrower and Leader covenant en d egree as fo l lowa: a when due the � <br /> 1. Pnyment of Prindpal and Enterest;PrepaymeM and Late Ch�ge�. Borcower shell promptly p y :—°•° <br /> � .---,-- <br /> principal of and intere�t on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment aad late charges due under the 1Vote. ;�_s_-_ <br /> 2. I�a d n f o r�u c e s arcd Iznsurauce. Sub ject to applicable law or to a wrltten wuiver by Lender,Borrov�er ahall pay to ��:�___. <br /> Lendcr on the day monthly paymer.ts ere due under the Note,until the Note is paid In ful1.a sum("Funds")for.(a)year ly =LL-��_ _ <br /> taxes and asseasments which may attain pdority ovcr this Security Instsument as a lien on the Pnoperty;(b)Yc,�ttiY leasehold _ ______ <br /> P P �' � (d) Y Y 6°�-:_-� <br /> paymenta or ground rents on the Progecty, if any: (c) Yetu ly hazard or m e msurarcce(rremiums: earl flood -_----- --- <br /> insurance premiums, if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any:and(� any surns payable by Bomower to :zt,.—__— <br /> � accordance wlth the pmvisions of paregrnph 8,in lieu of the payment of moctgage insurance pmmiums• 'I'hese -�,�-�r_^� <br /> items are called"Fscc+ow Items." I..ender may,at any t�me.collec�aud hold FLnds In an amount not to exce.ed the maximum : -•-�.�-._- <br /> u <br /> , � �;�::�- <br /> amount a lender for a federally relnted mortgage loan may requise for Borrower�s escrow account unde�the federal Real .�,�'_.T <br /> Estate Settlrment Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time w time,l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq. ("RESPA ),unless anather ; --- <br /> ' law that applics to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If so.L.ender may,at any pme,colicct and hold Funds!n an amount not ts� :� :.•':�, <br /> exceed the lesser amount. I.ender may esdmate the amount of f�nds due on the basis of cument data and reasonable ; T. =- <br /> esdmates of expenditures of future Fscrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. '.~�'.u=•` <br /> The Funds shall be held in an insdtudon whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentaliry.or endty .,:�,.`_- <br /> � (including I.ender,if Lender is such an institudon)or in any Federal Home L,oan Bank. I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay : ,;.,;� <br /> , the Escrow Items. I..ender may na cherge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the cscrow ' ,.:.,.'��,c��.•.:.�,,,,, <br /> ' account,or verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the FLnds and applicable law pexmits :��.'�;;.,��,�-,_�- <br /> L.ender to make such a charge. However.I.ende�may require Botrower to pay a one-time charge for an independenc real , z..- <br /> estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connectian with this loan,unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless nn .cj'x' -��_ <br /> • agreement is made or applicable Iaw requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrawer any interest or Y ;�' <br /> earnings on the Funds. Bomower and Lender may agree in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender �,;�= <br /> shall give to Borrower,without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the =�!-==_ <br /> _- _=_- puipu�a fur ivhich cach d:.5'si to the Funds��as mndc. Tl�P Fundc are ptedaed as additional securiry for all sums seeured by '�,`�- <br /> this Security Insuumertt. `�'` "'- <br /> If the Funds hetd by l.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be hetd by applicabie Iaw. Lender shall account to �.°Yp,;__,,,Y <br /> ,;,,,;,3<--- <br /> Borcower for the excess Funds in accordance with the reyuircments of applicabte law. If the amount of the Funds held by 1,{ , ..• <br /> l.ender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender n�uy so notify Borrower in writing,and,in �:: <br /> such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower sl�all make up the ' ';u�, <br /> deficiency in no mon:then twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discnetion. _ <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Jnstrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower eny _ <br /> Funds held by I.ender. If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition or , <br /> sale of the Property. shall appty any Funds hetd by Lender ut the time of acquisition or sale as a ctedit against the sums .�':;� <br /> secured by this Security Insuument. <br /> 3. Application of Payme:�ts. Unless applicable law provides otherwisc. a11 payments received by I.endcr under <br /> �, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firse,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;secand,to amounts peyable under - <br /> paragraph 2:third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due:and last,to any Iate chazges due uncler the Note. ., <br /> 4. Charges: Q.iet�s. Borrower shall pay ail taxes, a�se�smenGs, churge�, fincs and impn�;tions amibutable to the _ <br /> Property which may attain priority over this Sec:urity Instrument,und leasehoid pnyments or gmund rents,if any. Horrower -, <br /> � shall pAy these obligation�in the manner provided in pazagraph 2,ar if nat paid in that mnnner, $orrower shall pay them on <br /> time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices'8f amounts to be paid under <br /> '.I this pazagraph. Tf Borrvwer mal:es these payments directiy,Barrower shall pramptly fumish to Lcnder receipts evidencing <br /> '� the paymentti. <br /> � Botrower tihall promptly discharge any lien a�hich ha�priority over this Security In�trument unless Borrower:(a)agrees <br /> i in writing to the payment of the n6ligation secureJ hy the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b)contestx in good fnith the <br /> lien by,or defends againxt enforeement of the licn in,legul prnceedings which in the Lender c opinion operate to prevent the ,, <br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c>secures from the holder of ihe lien an ugreement�atitifactory tu Lender,ubordinating the lien <br /> . • to this Security In.trument. If Lender determines that an}•part<�(ihe Propeny is�ubject to a lien which may attain priority <br /> over this Securiry Inswment,Lender muy give Borrower a notice identifying the licn. Borro�ver shall sutitify the lien or take �. <br /> one or more of the actions set forth uhovc within l0 dxy�of the giving of natice. <br /> , 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shall kcep the improvement�now existing or hereafter crected on thc i <br /> Pmperty insured aguimt lo+s by fire,h:vards included within the term"cxtended cuvrrage"and any other hazards,including i • , ;� .. <br /> . flaxiti or flaxiing. for which Lcnder rcyuire� in+uranrc. Thi> insurancc shall lx maintaitkd in thc amounts and for the . <br /> Fi�rm 3021t 9/90 rp�i�r?�,)6 pux<�,�� . <br /> �� �.,. , <br /> , ' _'__ _ _ <br />