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<br /> _ 9. Hn�.nrd or Pmperty Insuronce. Barrower ahall keep the improvement� rtow c�xi�fin�orTier���li�G�d on the � _--
<br />� Property insurcd ugainst loss by fire, tu�srds included within th�term "extended coverage"and nny other hszards, including - ------
<br /> floods or floodins,for which Lender requires insurance. Th!s insurunce shull be maintained in the umounts and for the periods
<br /> f*""� that Lender requires. The insurance carties pmviding the insurance shalt be chosen by Borrower subject ta I.ertder's wpprovul
<br /> which shull not be unmasanably withtteld. If Borrower fails to ma�ntain coveragc described abave, Lxnder may. ut I.ender'R
<br /> optton,obtaia cavernge ta pratect Lender's dghtx in the P►roperty in accardance with purngr�ph 7.
<br />-_ '•as. ' :��::;.:r� o Lender end shall include n standard mon a e claurr:. l.ender _ ___ ___ _
<br /> � All incurance policies and renewats shall be acceptable t 6 8 �_ ____
<br />-,y,. shail have the�ight to hold the policies and renewals. If L.ender requires.Borrawer shull prompdy give to[.ender aQ recelpts of
<br /> '�^'^�'r id remiucn.g and renewal notices. In the event of loss,Bonower shull gfve prompt notice to the insurunce carrIer nnd Lender.
<br /> - ;�.��:;� ..�.;_•.:;�;• Pa P
<br /> � �� � r I.ender may mske praof uf lass if not mode promptly'-�Borrowe�.
<br /> ���°''�'' ''''' Untess I.ender and Harcower othenvi�se agree in writing, Insurance proceeds shal l be upplied ta restoration or repalr of thr.
<br /> '-�rr -• ., ;��:,.;�. — - --- -
<br /> x:�'::.:'• '�••� � Propeny damaged,if ths restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender'A�ecurlty is not lessened.tf the restoratian or ----=_
<br /> ��..,,:.,....:••.�,: . ----
<br /> , repair is not economically feasjble or Lender's security would be lessened.the incurance praceeds shatl be applied to the sums _ ____ _
<br /> ,�;�.,� � ,� � secured by this Scxurity Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Bonawer abandans the —�-
<br /> � . • � �. Property.or does not answer within 30 days a natice from I.ender that the insurance cacrier hw offered to settie a cia3m, then ==._= - -_ -
<br /> , • Lencler may wUect the Insurnnce procceds. L.ender may use the proceecis to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums _
<br /> ` �. secured by this Security Instrument,whe�her or not then due.The 30-day period wIQ begin when the notice is given. �TYe-,�,
<br /> y " • Unless i,ender and Bonower othenvise agree in wrltin�, any application of praceeds to principat sNalt not extend or �`�===_�'-
<br /> k, �� ° postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to fn paragrephs 1 and 2 or change the amount of thc payments. If '�` =_
<br /> :,'':-
<br /> • - - under paragraph 21 thc Property is acquircd by Lcnder, Barrower's r�ght to any insurance policles and proceeds resulting from = ��- - ---
<br /> > • damagc to thc Pr�perty prior to the acquisttion shull pucs to Lender to the extent of the sums sccurcd by this Securiry Instrument �`�' �
<br /> „ " immediately prior to the acquisition. 4�'��'la';*.
<br /> 6.OccupAncy,Preser��atton,MaintenAnce and Pratection of the Property;Borrawer's I.oan Application;Leaseholds. �� - -
<br /> Horrower shall orcupy,establish,and usc thc Property a,Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the cxecution af „ : ---------
<br /> thi�Security Instrument and shaU continue to occupy the Praperty as Borrawer's principal residence for at leust one year uRer ':_
<br /> the date of occupuncy,unless L.ender otherwise ugrees in writing, which c�nsent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless .. �•!•' ��
<br /> ' � extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower+ control. Bonower shall not destray. damage ar impair the ,r ;=
<br /> �� • Property, nllrnv the Property to detcriorate,or commit wuste on the Property. Borrawer shall be in dcfault if any forfeiture .,
<br /> �ction or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is uegu7 that in Lender'�goocl fuith jud�ment cautd result in forfeiture of the ., '"�'"
<br /> _ � ._ ,. Propeny or othcrwisc materially Impairihe lien crcated by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's security intere.tit. Bonawer may ����'
<br /> _----__— cure:uch a defaeslt and reinstste,a4 prs�v�ds:d in paraoraph !8, by cua��ng thc art��m or�+r����ng t�tm ctt�ttttc�t wt�i�n�ui���� ----�!��-
<br /> that, in Lender'ti good�faith dctermination, prectudeti forfciture of thc Borrower's interest in the Propeny or other matcrial . .'
<br /> • impa�rnient of the lien created hy this Securiry Instrument or Lender'ti security inlere�t. &�rruwer�hall al�o be in defauft if : ,,
<br /> Borrower,during the Inan application proceti.,guve materiully fulse��r inaccurate inforniutinn or statements to L.ender(ar failed
<br /> �� to provide[..ender with nny material infom�ution)in connection with the loan cvidcnced by the Natc,including, but not limitcd
<br /> to. reprezentutions concernin�Borrowcr's occupancy af the Pre�perty a.a principal rc�idcnce.If this Seruriry Instrument is on u
<br /> Ieasehold. Borrower tihall comply with all the provisicros uf the Iea�e. If Rc�rrower ucquires fee tide to the P►•operty, the "
<br /> leasehold und thc fce tidc tihall not mergc unles.Lcndcr ugrcc�to thc mcrger in writing. , '
<br /> 7. Protccttu�af I.endrr's Ri�hth(n the Property.It'Burrowcr f'uil.ta perform the covenant.�nJ agreements contained in ;f`: ..
<br /> this Security Instrument, ur therr i.a legal procecding thut may +ignifirundy uffert Lender',rights in the Property t�uch us a -
<br /> :,•
<br /> � procceding in bunkruptcy.pmhutc. tiir c��ndcmnation or t2�r1'riture or to enforrc law�ur regulutions), thcn Lxndcr may do and `�� �
<br /> .Q�,���
<br /> pay for whutever is nece�+ury to proteci the value c�f thr Pruperty and Lender's right� in the Araperty. Lender's actionr may ,r,;.f ��
<br /> •� includc paying any tiumti sccured hy a licn whirh hu� pric�riry ovcr this Scruriry Intitrumcnt, appcuring in caurt, paying ,��;���
<br /> rc.itionahle auamey+' fccs and enterin�un thc Pruperty to make repairs. Althuu�h Lcndcr muy tukc action under this paragruph .!' � •.
<br /> 7.Lc�nJ�r ducs n.�t ha�c to do tio. • - - -
<br /> Any anwunts dishur+ed hy LenJcr uncier thi, parugraph 7 ,hall lxcam� additiunal dcbt of Borrower ticcureci by this •
<br /> Sccuriry Intitrumcnt. Unle,. Borrou•cr and I�nJcr ugrec t��othcr tcrnn ot'payment, th�,c amuunt,tihall txur interrst from the
<br /> datc ot di,hur.rmcnt at thr Notc r�rtc an�i +hull hc payaMlc. with irncrc,t, up�m nuticr frum L.ender tu Borro�vcr rcqucsting " . , ._ -
<br /> paynxnt. �
<br /> , 8. Atortga�e Insurunce. I1'I.c�xlrr rryuirrd nwn�a�c in.urarrnc a.a rundition of'muking thc l��an�ecured by this Scruriry
<br /> • In+trument. Bnrr�x��er �hall puy thr prcmium. reyuirrd tu rnuintuin thc mun�age in,uruncc in effitt. If, ti�r uny reuson, thc „
<br /> nwrtga�!c imuranr�ruccragc rcyuircd hy l.cndrr lap�r,ur cr.i�r�tu hr in cflcrt.B��rr��wcr +hall pay�the premium� rcyuircd ti>
<br /> .. �ihtain covcragc �ub�tantially cyuivxlrn�I�� thr mortgage in�urxncr pre�•i��u+h in cffcrt.at a co.t wb.tuntially cyuivalrnt t��thc
<br /> co�t to Borro�vcr uf thc murtgagc in.urancc pre�•iuu�h� in effcrt, Trum an altrrnatr mangagc imurcr uppruved by Lender. if
<br /> ,ub�tantially¢yuirulcnt mongage in�urancc ccivcragc i.nut acailablr. Burru��cr ,h:�ll pa) t�► I.cnJrr�ach month a wm cyual tu
<br /> �me-twcltth of thc ycurly m�irtgugc in.ur;incc prcmium hring raiu h�� B��rnn�cr���hcn thr imuranrc cu�•cragc lap�rd ur rca�ed tu
<br /> Y be in cftect. Lcndcr�vill urcept. u.c anJ rctuin th�.e pa��mrnt,a� :+lu,� rc,rr�•r in licu uf mortgagc inwrancc. Lu,+ re,crve �
<br /> Form 3028 9190 �t
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