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<br /> ��
<br /> - s �— 'POCjBTHBR W1TH ap ihe improvements now ar heretiRer erected on the property.�n1T ense'Iffeh��lk�nances,nnd �
<br /> � �"'�'-�'"``'`"``' �=``� fixtures now ar hetcaftcr a pnrt of the prap�rty. Alt replacement� und udditians sl►uil �Isa be cuvered �y this Security �--------�_- - -
<br /> �- Instrume�t.All of the foregoln�is rcfcrred to in this Sxudty Inattvmcnt ag the"Praperty."
<br /> - --— �ORROWBR COVENANTS that Barrower ia lawfully seiaed af thc estute hereby conveyecl and hag thc rlght to sraat and
<br /> - -- convey the Peoperty and that the Property ia unencumbered. except far encumbrances of �ecord.Bonawer warcant�and wil!
<br /> _ _ dofend generally thc title ta the Property aga�nat ali clalms and demunds. aubject to any encumbrunces af record.
<br /> -- -- THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifarm covenanta for nntional use und nan•unifarm covenant� with limited -
<br /> r'��-�� variations by judsdiction to constitute a unifurm securiry instrument coverinA rcu{pruperty.
<br /> �;--- UNIFORM CQVENANTS.Borrower and i.ender covenant and agnee as fallowa: r
<br /> ; 1. Fayment ot Principal and Interest; Prepayment artd I.ate Char�es. Sorrowcr shall promptly pay when due tho
<br /> � � principal af and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charge.c due under the Note.
<br /> ,�;r�; , 2. Funds for Taxes end Insurance. Subject to applicable!aw or to a written waiver by L.ender,Bon•awer shall pay to
<br /> � ,�c�==X�,�;"� i.ender on the day manthly payments are due under the Note. untit the Notc is puid in full,a sum('Funds"> far:(a)yearly taxes =_
<br /> . : `>i•.vr.�.'•:.-�-. �—
<br /> ,�r. x.a.�� and asse�sments wt�ich may attain priority over this Security Instrument as a lien on ti�e Propedy:(b)yearly Ieasehotd payments � -_ °-- -- --
<br /> ---� %��'z�'�'�'� or ground rents on the Property.if any;(c>yearly hazerd ar property insuranc�premiums;(d)yeady tlaod insurance premiums.
<br /> -��'n'�`' r'-'� '`�' if any;(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; and (�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender. in accordunce with = --- -°`_�
<br /> " � "}"`°' '"'�"• ` `'' the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu af the payment of moR�ngc insurance premiums.?hesc items are culled"Bscrow Items." R=�-_. --__
<br /> // '3./,��:-�.:..-�V - ;: : —_----__--
<br /> � �++ L.ender may, ut any time, collect and hold Funds in en amuunt not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally ��"�'"""°-"'°
<br /> r� �1...•' :.��1 5 -Yr �•yi`L-'�-:
<br /> a . . , � � ,,.,,. related mort�age loan may require for Harrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of ;_u ,�-
<br /> '" ` 1974 as amended from time ta tlme. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 rt se .("RESPA").unless anaher law that a lies ta the Funds `
<br /> ,;% : ..�,,�' 9 PP '_�'- _ _
<br /> „ , sets u lesscr amaunt. If so. Lendcr may, at any timc,coAect and hold Funds in an amount not ro exceed thc lesser amount. .G:����:�`
<br /> ` , • L.ender may estimate the nmaunt of Funds duc on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates af expenditures of future 'ry'` �
<br /> :,, ., Escrow Items ar otherwise in uccardance with upplicable law. ��":.�....--
<br /> v: .�•��===°
<br /> � � � The Funds shall be held in an insthution who�e deposits arc insured by a federal agency, instrumentatity, or entity , ____
<br /> (including I.ender. if I.ender ix such an institution)or in any Federal Home I.asn Bank. I.ender sheU apply the Funds to pay the - A`
<br /> � • Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding und applying the Funds.annually unalyzing thc escrow account,or � . . '-.-�'.��'���'����'"
<br /> ' "..;'" vcrlfy(ng the Escrow Items.unless L.ender pays Borrower intcrest on the Funds nnd applicablc law permits L.endcr to make such „ `�°°
<br /> ,• {.-
<br /> � a charge. However.I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-ttme charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service �� "'=�
<br /> used by Lender in cunnection with this loun. unless applicuble law pmvides otherwise. Unle�s an n�reement is mude or ,' ���
<br /> ,�.;._
<br /> . applicabie law requires interest to Ue paid, Lender shall not be requirai to pay Borrower any interest or earnings o»the Funds. • ., ,�-�..
<br /> - Rnrrrnv�.r nm1 1�nrinr rnuv �IOIPP ir a.ririno hn��.m.nr �hn�intnrret chnll hr nuid�n thr F�mdc I.rnder ch�ill PiVP 10�1'fAWEC. "�=�"
<br /> _ ' . ._._ __
<br /> - ��--.- ..-�.•---+*-..-� . -u � - o. . , _ -- -. -
<br /> -.� , -__
<br /> ' without charge,an unnunl nccountin�of the Funds, showin€ creditc and deblts to the Funds and the purpose ror which eaeh ��
<br /> debit ro the Fund� wus niude.The Funds arc pled�ed as additional security for all sums sixurcd by this Sccuriry Inshument. ' � "�___
<br /> �� If the Funds hcid by Lendcr excecd the nmounts permittcd to 6c hcld by upplirable law,Lender tihull arcaunt to Borrawcr . -
<br /> ' far the excess Funds in uccardunce with thc rcquirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Fundti held by L.ender ut nny �y-
<br /> . ". time is not sufficicnt t�puy the�scrow Items when due. l.ender muy u� notify Bnrrower in writing,und,in ruch e:�se Bc�nower � t+�
<br /> shall pay ro i.endc:r the amount necessary to mnke up the deficiency, Borrow•er shull make up the deliciency in no more thnn _�'
<br /> �.�
<br /> twelvc monthly payments, at Lendcr's sole discretian. a,�,�i
<br /> Upon payment in fuU of alI ,ums xecurrd by this Sccurity In,trumcnt, I.cnder shull promptly rcfund tn Barrower any � .,�.�'=
<br /> Funds held by Lendcr. 1f, wxier paragraph 21, l.ender rhull ucyuire nr scU thc Propc�ty,I.endcr, prior to the ucquisition or salc ° t/r:'_
<br /> • of the Property,shall upply uny Funds held by Lender ut the tinx of ucyuitiition or tiule us u credit ugain+t the sums secured by �.
<br /> ��� ' this Sccurity In+trumcnt. *��' l`-
<br /> " 3.A lication of Pa ments. Unles,a licublc I��v ruvide�athera�i,c, ull a nunh reccivcd b L.enJcr under �ru ra hs " '����
<br /> f. , Pp Y PP P P'Y Y P' S P ' .� ,.
<br /> . . 1 and 2 sBall bc upplicd:Crst, to any prcpaymcnt chargc+duc undcr thc Notr;+crond, to •rnu�unts puyublc undcr parc►graph 2; �f�_
<br /> . third,to imerest duc;fnurth,to principal dur;und lust,to any late char�eti Jue under the N�ite. -•-
<br /> „ 4. (:hat�es: Licns.Borrowcr ,hull p.�y aU taxc+,u.,cs�nuntti,churgc�, tmc�und �m�+cnmons attnbutablc tu thc Fcupe�ty ; '� -
<br /> which muy uttain prinrity cwcr thiti Sccurity In�trumm�t, and Ica,rhuld paynunt�or ground rcntti, if uny. Borrowcr�hull pay . ;
<br /> " thc+c obliFatiom in thc munncr providcJ in purugruph 2, or if nut puid in that manncr, &�rrux•cr shall pay thcm��n time dircctly
<br /> �' � . to thc per�nn owcd pa}•nxnt.Burruµcr tihall prumptly furni.h to LcnJcr ull nuti�r�uf umuunls tu bc puiQ undcr thi+par:�gruph. '
<br /> If Borrower rn�kcti thrsc paymrnts JirccUy. Borr�►�rer+hall prampt�y furni+h tu Lcnder rccript.rvidencing thc paycncnts.
<br /> &�rmwcr+hull prumptly di,churgc.aiy licn which ha+prioriry uv�r thi,Scrurity In,irunknt unlc,.Borrowcr: (u)a�rec+in , .
<br /> � writing tci ihc paymcnt of thc obligatiun tirrurcd by tBc I icn in a munncr arcrptahlr to Lrndcr:lh►rantc+t�in g�xxi fuith thc licn �
<br /> by. or defendti againht enti�rcement uf thr lirn in. Ic�al prixr��dinE� which in tlir [.cnder'+ opinion operatc ti� prc��ent thc
<br /> enforccmcnt af thr licn:nr(cl �ccurc.fnmi thc holdcr��f thr licn un agrccnunt,atitit'urtor� tu Lcudrr,ubi�rdinating du licn to
<br /> thi� Sccurily Instruuknt. If l.endcr dctcrmine� that any pan uf thr Pro�xny i.whjrrc cu u licn ahi�h ma�� aUain priurity over
<br /> • thi�Securiry Instrunxnt.Lendcr may givc B��rruarr a notirc iJcntifyin� thr licn. liurru��rr.h;ill�ati,fy thr licn i�r takr unc or
<br /> nxire of't1x artion,Kt furth ulk�vc within lU Jay,��t thc gi�ing uf n��tirc. I
<br /> I � Form 3028 9/90 �
<br /> .) • . R,S�r 10�b
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