<br /> ,,, . . .. .. � .
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<br /> .,.,,.v�.*H�a:�.- o ' V�r �OiG�)I l7
<br /> _ �; t� � • `�� �� �����p��l�����f�. Upon dstauN by Trosta tn the paYment of or perfamancs af the terms and mndltions o! .= y l
<br /> • - ° �M Noto,ar unr nmwol�,modificotlons ar�xttnstam tlwr�af,ar the paymmt of any other indebtedrtess�esared hereb�or in ttre parformance �?'"� ..
<br /> r ' '� .. .'� :�. of any o}1h�conwnants a a�rNment�hKeunder.8meficfaryr mor dcclare all sums:ecured heteby immedlataty due and payable cnd the same 1k�.r�'"--
<br /> � `":'�'`"` ; -}'�"`, obi�without pnsentmmt,d�mend.�oted a notice of any kind.Thereafte�r. 8eneftelory mo�deliver b °O'�`°`'°'`--
<br /> � �� . , ' , .• �,� sha111MNreupon 6�con»dw a+d PoY
<br /> T►ustM o writtm dKtoratlon of default and d�mond for sole.lrustee sholl hove the power of wle of the P►opert�r and if Beneftciory dec(des the �=�°;��.f-y=.__,___
<br /> .`.3wa-�z�,:..., .�.; ,. ,....:-
<br />� . r PropMy is to b�sold it shall deposit with Trustee this De�d of Trust cnd the Nots or notea and amr Ather dauments evidencinq expenditures _�-•-
<br /> �- .ctured hercby,and shnl!deliver to Trustee a wrltten notite of dofoult and election to cause ttie Property to 6e sold,and T�ustee,in tum,shall ""; ; , �n g;,�
<br />-. ��•:�'�� .� ° �. pnpar�o similor notice in the fam requfred by taw wfiich shail 6e duly filed to��ecord bY T�usres. �';tl„_ =-
<br /> (a)Aiter the lopse of such time as may be�equired by iaw following the rncardation of Notice of Defoult,and Notice ot Oefautt ond Notice of �`�_�'-�r��=._--�-
<br /> r . � ,.��-���._.
<br /> � � , Sale having been piven os required by law,Trustea,without demand on Trustor,sholl seU the Property in one or more parcols and(n such order .h _. .. ?'^�i:
<br /> •.•.
<br /> t� � as TNSto�may determine on the date and at the tlme ard ploce designated in soid Notice of Sole,at pubflc auctlon to the highest bidder,the pur• ' ;;F '_�;��'t�±'�;�
<br /> • chase price payoble in cnsh in lowfui money of the United States ot the time of sale.The person conducting the sale may,for any cause he or she . � • _
<br /> �� deems expedier�t,postpone the sale from fime to timo untit it shall be completed and,in every such cose,notice of postponement shall be give� . ....:
<br /> by public detlaratlon thereof by suth person at the time and place lost appointed for the soles provided,if the sate is postponed far longer thon ., .. ' -.�.
<br /> '' t one(1)da�r beyond the day designoted in the Notice of Sale,ootite fhereof shall be given in the some manrter as the original Notice of Sale. , . „� ":
<br /> � • Trustee shall execute and deliver to the purchaser its Deed conveqing the Property so sotd,but without any convenant or warranty,express,or : •• :. _
<br /> �• implied.The retitals in the Deed of any matters or facts sholl be conclusive proof of the tMhfulness thereof.Any person,inciuding without
<br /> '� limitation Trostee,may purchase at the sale. �� ��,
<br /> ^ (b). 1Nhen Trustee selis pursuant to the powers herein,Trustee shali apply the praeeds of the sale to payment of the costs and expenses of •� Y ,,;
<br /> ..._ �__.__.__r. � exercisinq the power of sale and of tho sole,including,without�imitation,the payment of Trustee's iees incurred,which Trustee's Fees shall�ot � � .
<br /> a. � in the aggregate exceed the following amounts based upon the amouat secured hereby ano remaining unpaidr �percentum on the batance - • - • 4��«�-:�
<br /> thereofi and then to the items set fo�th in subpaagraph(c)hereof in the order thorein stated. '�'°"''`*�'
<br /> - :�r,.
<br /> (t)After pay(ng the items specified in subparogroph(b),if the sale is by Trostee,or the proper cou�t and other costs of fareclosure ond sole � ' _
<br /> ' if the sale is pursuant to judicial faeclosure,the praeeds of sale shali be applied in the urder stated below to the payment of: M
<br /> ' '� (1) Cost of any evidence of title procured in connection with such sale and of any rerenue required to be paid; '•%4�
<br /> .
<br /> (2) Attorneysfeesr ��. �
<br /> , (3) All sums then secured hereby:
<br /> (4) Juniortrustdeeds,mortgages,orotherlienholders;and � �',�`��,
<br /> (5) The remainder,if any,to the penon or persons legally entitled thereto. '.'^
<br />- -----
<br /> �,;*.
<br /> ... ... . - - - - •- -
<br /> (d) If the Beneficiary of this Oeed of Trust is a bonk as defined by Nebroska law,ony statement contoined in any other section of this deed ------ �
<br /> notwithstanding,the 8eneficicry shall not be entitled to receive or take and debtor shall rat be obligoted to pay or give;any confession of judg- f �• �`', f�
<br /> t wer of attorne to a r for o borrower in a judiciol proceeding or agreement to pay the costs '•�
<br /> ment, power of ottorney to confess�udgmen ,po Y PP�
<br /> of co�lection of the attomeys'fees,un�ess such acts of collection would not otherwise be p�ohibited by Nebraskc tow.Provided,however,that �; ��. ;
<br /> tbis section does not apply to the Trustee fee�eferred to in paragraph 6(b?.Provided further,that this peragraph shall not apply to this Deed of , :�< <
<br /> Trust, if the Beneflciary is not u bank. ��' �
<br /> �p, Additiond�tnttrunutMi.Trustor,ot its expense,will execute ond detiver to the Beneficiory,promptly upon demond,such securi• � 'i�•'
<br /> ty instruments as moy be required by 8eneficiory, in form and substance satisfactory to Beneficiary,covering any of the Property conveyed by . .'f•�'�
<br /> � this Reed of Trust,whith seturity instruments shall be additional security for Trustor's faithfu!performance of all of the te�ms,coveoonts and '` � +
<br /> conditions of this Deed of Trust,the promissory notes secured hereby,and any other security instruments executed in connectian with this tran• I�� , ; �
<br /> sactlon.Suth inst�uments shall be recoraed or fil�d at Trustor's expense. I '• �`�
<br /> 13. A�/otMintat of iuenstor T�ustet. 8eneficiory may, from time to time, by o written instrument executed and acknowledged by � . �r
<br /> Benefitiory,moiled to Trustor ond retorded in the county or counties in whith the Property is located end by otherwise complying with the provi• � ;..,=``�
<br /> � � sions of the opplicable laws of the State of Nebreske,substitute a suttessor or successors to t he Trustee nome d herein or oc ting hereun d er. i' °
<br /> I4. tntp�e4bnt.Benefitiary,or its ugents,representutive�ur workmen,ore author i�ed to enter at any reosonable timc upon or in ony part , ,-
<br /> � of the Property for the purpose of inspecting the same and for the purpose of performing ony of the acts it is authroi:ed ro perfam under the j
<br /> terms of the Oeed of Trust. � �
<br /> 15. Opfbn to toreebte. Upon the occurrerxe of any default hereunder,Beneficiery sholl have the option to foreclose this Deed of Trust in �
<br /> .. the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgeges on reol property.
<br /> � 16. Forobeaanee b�BenefEclary Not a Woirer.Any forebearance by Beneficiory in exenising any right or remedy hereunder,or othenvise � „
<br /> offorded by opplicable law, shall rat be a waiver of or pretlude the exercise of any such right or remedy.likewise,the waiver by Beneficiary of .
<br /> � , any defoult of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any othe►or similor defoutts subsequently occurring.
<br /> � i 17. TrnHor Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification or amortiiotion of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> � granted by Beneficiary to any successor in intFrest of Trustor shall not operote to release.in any manner,the liability of the originol Trustor ond
<br /> Trustor's successor in interest.Beneficiary shall not be required to commence proceedingc ogoinst such successor or refuse to extend time for
<br /> payment or otherwise modify amortizotion of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand mude by the originol Trustor and
<br /> Trustor's successor in interest.
<br /> 18. BerteNeiory't Powers.Without offecting the liability of the Trustor or any other person lioble for the payment of any obligotion herein
<br /> � mentioned,ond without affecting the lie�or chorge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretofore releosed as
<br /> securitv ior the full amount of all unpaid obligotions.Beneficiary moy.from time to time and without notice (�)release ony person so lioble l��1
<br /> extend the moturity or alter any of the terms of any such obligotions. liii)grant other indulgences, livl reteose or reconvey. or cause to be
<br /> releosed or reconveyed at ony time at Beneficior�'s options any parcel,portion or all of the Property. (v1 toke or release any other or addit�onal
<br /> , seturity for any obligation herein mentioned, or(vi)make compositions or other arrangements with debtors m relat�on th?reto.
<br /> � 19. Futuro Advantes.Upon request of Trustor, Trustee ot Trustee"s option, prior to reconveyance of the Property to Trustor moy make
<br /> futu�e odvances to Trustor. Such futwe odvances. with mte•est tnereon, snait be secured oy rn�s I ruit ueeo vmen evidenced'o�promissory
<br /> notes stating that said notes are secured hereby: provided thot at no time sholt the secured prinupol.future advances.not including sums ad•
<br /> ' vance�ta protoct the security,exceed an aggregate principal amount of S •
<br /> � 20. Raeoa�eyanee br Twstee.Upon written request of 6enefivary stoting thot al�sums secured hereby hove 6een paid. and upon surre�der
<br /> �` of this Oced of Trust and tha Note to Trustee for cancellotion and�etention and upon payment by TruSto� of Tn�ctpe's fPrt Trustee sholl _
<br /> reconvey to Trustor,or the person or persons legally entitted thereto,without warronty,ony port�on of the Property then held hereunder.The
<br /> recitols in such reconveyance of any motters or fatts shall be tonclusive proof of the truth►ulness thereof. The grantee m ony reconveyonce may
<br /> ' be described as"the person or persons legc�ly entitied thereto�'.
<br /> I
<br />