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<br /> ��r • S.Y�xa,ii���b.�1 t�erta•Trust�or shall pay all taxos,assessmaMs ond othar charges,inciuding,without limltatlon,Nnes and Im- • �.� ��"='-��-.:.
<br /> �� positfom attributable ro the Propertl►,and leasehoid poyrtients or ground rar�s,if any,before the tame become delinqueM.Tnntor ahall promp- ' ` ,�4:r�
<br /> � , � t l y furnisfi to Benefidary ali nottces of amounts due unEer this porapraph,cnd in ths eveM Tnator stall mcke poymeM directly,T►ustor shcll ,;°_��;_-
<br /> '� promptly fumish to Beneflciay receipts evidoncinp suc h poymeMS. Tros ta s h a l l pay a l i tox e s a n d a s s 4 s:m e M s w h i c h m o y b e l e v i e d u p o n . •�<�r,,---
<br /> j • me�of the whole or any . � � �-
<br /> „ ., 8en�ffelory's int�re�t herdn or upon this Oeed of Trost without repard to any law that may be enoctod imposiig po� ` ,,;.__4
<br /> - . part thareof u0o�the Beneflcfory. � "„"'.;s.;
<br /> 6 p�y���►eet�,yt�w�}R�fkMry•�iawtry.Truaror siwil make ul{poymanta of intcrost artd princi�cl artd paymeMs of ony _ _
<br /> 1, r---
<br /> ---°-
<br /> other charqes,feea and expensas cont�actad to i�+paid to any existiag Iienhotden or aior beneficiaries urder any prior deed of trust or mar- '„";rr 6a-� _
<br /> , ' . tpoge before the dote they are delinquent and promptly poy and diuharge any and all other Ilens,claims or charges whkh mcy ieopardi:e the ; , �,y ,,_
<br /> �� security granted herein.if Trustor fails to make anq sueh payment or lails fo perform any of fhe covenants and cgreements coMained In this , , . �
<br /> Deed of Trust,or in any prlor mortgage or deed of trust,of if nny action or proceedinp Is commenced which materiClly afietts Beneficiory's in-
<br /> terest in the Property,iocluding,but not limited to,eminent damain praeedings,or praeedings involv(ng a decendent,or if Trustor faiis to pay ' . ' �.
<br /> • . Trustor's debts generotly as they betome due,then Beneficiory,a4 Beneficiary's option and without rtotice to or demcnd upon Trustor and _ �'
<br /> „ without releasing Trostor from ony obligation hereunder,mcy make such appearonces,disburse such sums,and toke suchaction as is necessory .
<br /> . .,...;�..—, to protect 6eneficicry's interest including,but not limited to,disbursemern of reasonoble cttomey's fees,payment,purchase,contest or com- .
<br /> �f " • • promise of any encumbronce,charge or lien, and entry upon the Property to moke repairs. �n the event that Trustor sholl foi{to praure in- ,� . ,
<br /> „ • suvance or to pay taxes,assessrnents,or any other charges or to make ony payments to existing prior fien holders or beneficiaries,Benefieiary
<br /> may praure such insurance and make such poyment.Any amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to this Poragraph 6 shall become additionol
<br /> ____ indebtedness of Trustor secured by this Deed of Trust.Such amounts shall be payable upon notice hom 9eneficiary to Trustor requesting pay- „ �.;
<br /> ment thereof,and shoil beor interest from the date ot disbursement ot tne roie payabia hini�ti�ra ta tim:,ar,cu:.tarsdisg�Itt!'I����^�1Pr th,� -- - --�_,_- _ _.
<br /> ' Note unless payment of interest at such rete would be coMrary to oppliceble law,in which event such amovnts sholl bear interest at the highest � . .�
<br /> rote permissible under applicoble Iew. Nothing conteined in this Paregraph 6 shall require Beneficiary to incur any expense or take any action � „ ,
<br /> hereunder. �r . `
<br /> 7. Malgnment of ReMs. Beneficiory shall hove the rigfit, power and authority during the continuance of this Oeed of Trust to collect the
<br /> rents,issues and profits of the Prope�ty and of any personal property loceted thereon with or without toking possess�on of the property affected �
<br /> � ' hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and unconditionolly assigns all such rents,issues end profits to Beneficiory.Beneficiory,however,hereby
<br /> consents to the Trustor's collection and retention of such rents,issues and profits as they accrue and become poyable so lo�g as Trustar is rat, ;�-�
<br /> ot such time,in defwlt with respect to poyment of any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the pe�formonce of eny agreement hereunder. Upon ., �`
<br /> any suth default,8eneficiary may at any time,either in person,by agent,or by receiver to be appointed by a court,without notice and without j s_"�,��'
<br /> ��nrd te the adeouacv of anv security for the indebtedness hereby secured, (o)enter upon and take p�ssessan of the Property or any port ;' �j ;
<br /> , . _�...�_ � �_;
<br /> thereof,ond in its own namQ sue for or otherwise collect such rents,issues ano prot�ts,�ncwamg rnusa pos�uua w�u���t+�+�.��w�rr��������^=• --�-
<br /> �ess costs and expenses of operation end collection,including reasonuble ottorneys fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereb ,and in such � `
<br /> uch acts of re ir or rotettion as may be necessary or proper to conserve tha value of tfie . �
<br /> order as Beneficiary moy determine; (b)perform s Pa P
<br /> Properry;(c)�ease the same or any port thereof for such renta�,term,and upon such conditions as its judgment may dictate or terminote or od• 1�±
<br /> just the terms and canditions of any existing lease or leases.Unless Trustor and Beneficiery agree otherwise in writing,any epplication of rents, �
<br /> issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shall not extend or postpone the due date of the insto�lment puyments as provided in said � �; ; j
<br /> promissory note or change the amount of such installments. The entering upon and toking possession of the Property,the collettian of such � .�: ;�
<br /> � rents,issues and profits.and the appl�cation thereof as aforesaid, sholl not woive or cure any default or notice of default hereunder, or in- ! ;���
<br /> validate any act done pursuont to such notice.Trustor also ossigns to Beneficiory, as further seturity for the perforrtmnte of the obligations i ,
<br /> • secured hereby,oll prepaid rents and all monies whith may have been or moy hereofter bo deposited with soid Trustor by any lessee of the Pro• 'I
<br /> perty,to secure the payment of any rent or domages. and upon default in the performence of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to :�i
<br /> deliver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notite of 8e�eficiary's exercise of the rights granted herein,to any tenant oe• ;
<br /> cupying soid premises shell be sufficient to require said tenant to poy soid rent to the Benef iciery until(urther notice. ; .
<br /> 8.Coed��nnation.If title to any part of th�Property sholl be tcken in condemnetion praeedings,by right of eminent domain or similar ection,
<br /> or shall be so�d under threat of condemnation,al�uwards,damages and procecds are hereby assigned and sha��1►f►pnid to 8eneficiary who shall ,
<br /> apply such awards,damoges and proceeds to the sum secured by this Oeed of Trust,with the excess.if any,pa'�d to Trustor.If Trustor receives
<br /> any notite or other informotion regarding such ations or proceedings. Trustor shal� give prompt written not�ce thereof to beneficiory.
<br /> Beneficiory shol�be entitled,ot irs option,to commence,appear in and prosecute in its own nome any sucfi action or proceedings end sholl be en•
<br /> titled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with ony such action or proceedings.
<br /> 9. Remedte:Mot Exclustre. Beneficiary sholl be entitled to enforce poyment and performance of any indebtedness or obligotions secured
<br /> hereby and to exercise oll rights und powers under this Deed of Trust or under any other agreement executed in connection herewith or any lows
<br /> now or hereafter in force, notwithstonding some or aIl of the suth i�debtedness and obligations secured hereby may now or hereofter be other•
<br /> � wise secured,whether by mortgage,deed of trust,p�edge,lien,assignment or otherwise. Neither the occeptance of this Deed of Trust nor its
<br /> enforcement whether by court ation or pursuont to the power of sale or other powers herein contained,shatl prejudice or in any monner offect
<br /> Beneficiary's right to realize upon or enforce ony other security now or hereofter held by Beneficiary, it being agreed thot Beneficiary shall be
<br /> entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust ond any other security now or hereafter held by Benefitiary in such order and manner es it may in its ab•
<br /> solute discretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Be��eficiary is intended to be exclusive of ony other remedy herein
<br /> or by low provided or permitred.but eoch sholl be cumulotive and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or n�w or hereofter
<br /> existing at low or in equity or by stotute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Beneficiary or to which it moy be
<br /> : otherwise entitted.moy be exercised,concurrently or independently.from time to time ond as often as moy be deemed expedient Beneficiory
<br /> and it moy pursue inconsistont remedies.Nothing herein sha��be construed as prohibiting Beneficiary from seeking a deficiency judgment agoinst
<br /> the Trustor to the eztent suth attion is permitted by law.
<br /> 10. Tronsfer of Property; /ltsumption.If oll or any part of the property ar any�nterest therein is sold, transferred or conveyed by Trustor
<br /> �.. without Beneficiary's prior wr itten consent, ezcluding(o)the creat ion of o lien or encumbronce subordinote to this Deed of Trust. (bl the crea•
<br /> . _�..--'....:.. ..t 1.............�I.n dnnfh�f n
<br /> tion of a purchase money security interest for housenota oppnances, u�a rronsier oy de��oc,desca����� .,,vMc�u�•..�...•......,...•••••----� - -
<br /> joint tenant or (dl the gront of any leasehold interest of three yeors or less not containing on option to purthase. Aeneficiory may. at
<br /> � Beneficiory's option, declare al�the sums secured by this Deed af Trust to be immediotely due and payable.or cause the Trustee to file a notice
<br /> � : of defoult. Benefitiary shall hove woived such aption to accelerate if,prior to the sole,transfer or conveyance.Beneficiary ond the person to
<br />` ;�� whom the property is to be sold or trunsferred reach agreement in writing thot the credit of such person is sat�sfactory to Beneficiory and thor
<br /> ;� the interest poyable on the surns secured by this Qeed of Trust sholl be at such rate as Beneficiory shall request.
<br /> � i
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