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<br /> � pertode that Lender rcqulrea. Tha insurrnce cn�rIer pmviding the insurance shall be chosan by Bonower sub�ect to Lenckrt�
<br /> ' ' y�provcl which shall not be uraeaswtably w3thhold. (f Herrmwer falt�ta mnintain coverago de�scdbcd above,�.ender may,at
<br /> L�enderk opdon,obt�in caverage to protect l.ende�k rlghta In thep�o�eny in. accandu�ce wIth pac�graph 7.,
<br /> All insurance poliafes and rcnewals ahall be acctpwble to I.ender end shnil Include a stendard mortgage clause. Lcnder
<br /> ' ehaU have�he rlght to hold ttte policics and renewala. If Lender�+equina,9orrowot ehpU promptty give ta�i.ender all rerelpts
<br /> of paSd pnemiuma and renowa!notices. [n the event of losa�Borrower shelt give prompt noda to the insurance carrler aad
<br />- _ --�---, Lcnder. l.ender muy muke prcof of loss if not mada psamptty by Botro�yer. �-
<br /> Unlesa l.ender and Hoirower othes�vise egreo in wrldng,insunnca pmcee�s ahull t�o applied to�estoration or ropAir oi
<br /> the Pmperty c�amaged. if the restoration or repair ia economtcally feesjble and Lender'x aecur�ty is n.ot texsened IP tho
<br /> - restaration a repair Is not economically feastble or i.onder�security would bd lessened,the insurance pmceeda�hull he
<br /> ;;�: I applied to the aums secu�ed by thIs Securhy Insuu�nent�wheihcr or not then duo, wIth any excess paid to Sorrower. If
<br /> Boirowar abandans the Praperty. or does not answer wtthin 30 days a notice from L.endcr that the insurunce canlcr has
<br /> :;J;T of�end to settle a claim.the.n L.ender may coltect the insurance proceeda. L,ender may use the proceeds to re�air or resWre
<br /> �A�� the Pcopecty or to pay suma sccumd by thia Securlty instn�men�whether os not then due. The 30�day perIod will begtn when
<br /> i::- - -- thoaos�ce f�g�ve�.
<br /> -. Unlesa Lender and Borrower othenvise egreo in wridng,Any appqcadon of proceeda to prlrtcipa! shaU not eatend or
<br /> � poatpone the due date of tha monthly payments refemed to in paragmphs I and 2 or change the iunount af the paymenta. If
<br /> � under paragraph 2t the Property is acquired by l.snder,B�r[owerk right to any insurance poflcies and proceeds nesultins
<br /> from damage to the�roperty prlar to the acqutsition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by thta Securlty
<br /> Instrument Immediately pdor W the acquisitIon.
<br /> ' 6. Oaupancy� Preservatton, Mainteuance and Protection ot the Property; Borrower's I.flan Appltcatton;
<br /> � I.easeholda Borrower shal!occupy.establish,and use the Yroperty as Borrowerts principal resldence wlthltt sixry days after .�_
<br /> the execution of this Security Instrument and ahall condnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residcnce for at
<br /> , .•.i•;,.•�,, �si•,, least one year efter the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwlse agrees in wdting, which consent shall nat be
<br /> ;-;,�;.+ ���,<<_� � unreasonably withheld,or unl8ss extenuating cIrcumstancas exist which are beyond Bormwer`s control. Borrower shall not
<br /> •.���i,;.a�;�,i destroy,damage or 1mpaIr the Property,altow the Propecty to detedorate, or commit waste on the P�operty. Borrower ahall
<br /> �� ' � � ` ' ' be in default if any fodeiture action or pmcecding,whether ctvtl or cr�minal,ls begun that In Lenderb�oad faith judgment
<br /> . � . ... . .
<br /> �',�`�'t��.�*��, •�'r"�;��,; could cesult in forfeiture of the Property or athernise matedally impair the Iten created by this Securiry Instrument or
<br /> .-'.:;; . � "•' Lender�security Intereat. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstato. as provlded in puragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> '•`` : �- ��a or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruting that.in Lender's good falth determination,precludes forfelture of the Aorrowerh
<br /> • interest in the Property or other matedal impairnxnt of the lien created by this Security Insuument or Lender�a security
<br /> ';`"'� interest. Barrower shall also be In default if Bomower. dudng the loan uPplication process. gave mater�ally false or
<br /> � lnaccuratc Infonnatian or statementa to i,ender(or failed to pmvtde Lender wtth any matertal informatton)in connectIon wIth
<br /> __ '= the lofin evidenced by the Note. including,but not limited to, mpresentattons conceming Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> ,, _ � --
<br /> ' Property a.g a prit►cipel residence. If this 5ecudty Inxtrument is on a leasehold,Borrower ahall comply wlth all the pmvtsions —
<br /> , of the lense.If Borrower acquims fce title to the Property,the lensehold and thc fee title shall not merge unless Lender a�recs
<br /> ' . , to the merger in wrltin$.
<br /> � 7. Protectton of Lender's Ri�hts in the Property. If Borrower fnils to perform the covenants and agreements
<br /> " contained in this SecurIty Instrument.or there is a legul proceeding that may significantly affect Lender� righGs in the �
<br /> Property(such as a proceeding in bunkruptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or reguludons),then
<br /> � Lender may da and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender?s rights in the Property. _
<br /> Lender�i actions may include paying uny sums secured by a lien which hus priortty over this Security Instrument.appesring �
<br /> � in court,payin�reasonable attomeys'fees und entering on the Pmperty to make mpairs.Although Lender may teke nctioa �-
<br /> ° under this paragraph 7.Lender does not heve to do so. �-
<br /> ~ Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this psunsruph 7 shall become ndditionul debt of Borrower secured by thts `•
<br /> �� 5ecurity Instnimant. Unless Borrowcr and Lender agree to other terms of payment,thexe umounts shall beur interest from the
<br /> date of disisunement ut the Notc rnte und shall be puyubic, wtth intarest, upon nottce from Lender to Botrower requesting
<br /> -: payment.
<br /> � 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mon�ugc intiurance us a condition of making thc loan secured by thls
<br /> . Security Insuument, Borrower shall pay the premiums requimd to maintain the mongnge insurancc in effect. If, for uny
<br /> rettson, the mortga�e insurance coverage reyuired by Lender lupxes or ceases to be in eFfect, Borrower shall puy the _;
<br /> • pnemiums required to obtuin coveruge substuntiully cyuivuicnt to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost
<br /> • substantiutly equivulent to the cost to Borrnwer of the mortgage insurunce pmviously in effect,from nn alternate mort�age "
<br /> , insurer approved by Lendcr. lf substnntiuliy cquiva�ent mortgage insurnncc covcruge is not nvuilable,Borrower shull puy to
<br /> Lender each month u sum equul to one-twrlfth of tln: yeurly murtguge insurunce prcmium being pnid by Borcower when the
<br /> insurance covernge lupsed or ceuzed to lx in effcct. Lender will uccept,u�e und retuin the+e payments us u loxs retierve in lieu
<br /> ' ' of mortgu�e ir_surunce. Losti rcrcrvr payments may no longcr be mquin:d,ut thc aption of Lendcr,if mort�uge insurunce
<br /> � coveragc(in thc umount und for thc p�riod thut I.endcr reyuirex)provided by an in.urcr upproved by I.ender Aguin bccomes
<br /> nvuiluble und is obtuined.Borrowrr shull pay thc prcmiwnx rcyuinJ w muintuin mortguge in.uruncc in effcct,or to providc u
<br /> ' ' loss reserve,unti!thc reyuircmcnt for rnortguge inwrunce cndx in uccorJancc with uny written ugreement betwcen Borcower
<br /> und Lender a applicable faw.
<br /> �> 9. Inspection. Lendcr or itx u�ent may makc rra�onablc entrics upon und inspertionz of thr:Propeny. Lrndcr shall
<br /> : � ' givr Sorrowcr noticc at thc timr of or prior tn un in�pcction xpccifying rr.isonublc�uutic fnr thc inspection.
<br /> t 10. Condemnation. Thr pnxccd.of any uwarJ or rluim ti�r dumn�cx,dir�rt ar�anscyurntiul,in connection with any
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