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<br /> (o)Re�bNnfia 6�L«M�t PIW�WNw�.Any torb�aranaa by L�ndn In �x�rqldnp�ny�ipht or r�mMy h�aundsr�or
<br /> oth�rvrls��t�ord�d by�pplloabi�I�w,�h�ll not bs a w�iv�r of or pnatud�M��x�roi�of�ny suah ripht or nn►�dy,TM
<br /> proounmmt of irt�urana�or th�p�ymmt af t�un�o�oth�r ii�n�or ah�rp��by L�nd�r�hall not b��walwr ot L�nd�r's►iQht W
<br /> aacN�b th�msturiy ot eh�ind�bt�dn�u aound by t�ta DNd of T�u�t,
<br /> ___� (d►iueae�w��a�d A�m Bound;Join1 and 8wKa1 Wbii�i CspNan�.The aovsnanu and aprNmente herdn aon• _.
<br /> Ntfn�thttl bind��nd ths rlphb her�und�r�halt Inur�to,th�napoativs tuace»on and�rslpns of Le�d�r�nd Tru�tar.AN
<br /> - oovm�nq and�preemmts oi T�ustor�halt b�jotnt and nveral.Ths o�ptlon�wnd h�adinpt of th�parapraphs of thf�ONd ot
<br /> ��. Trud are tor convenlenos only and ero not to be used to InMrpret or dsllne the pravi�lon�hereot.
<br /> T � (m)R�qu�t tat NoNaN.The partisa hereby�equen thst a oopy of any no4ce of detautt hsreunder and a aopy oi any notic�
<br /> , ot ute horeunder bs malled to each party to�hia Dsad of Truat at tha addresa�et torth ebcve fre the menner praoribed by
<br /> appliosble law.Except tor any other notice required undar apptloabte law to ba plven in another manner.nny noqce provided
<br /> _ •„ for in this Deed oi Truat ahati be�iven by malll�g such noUce by ceRi(Ied mell nddressed W the other paRiea,at ths addr�ss set
<br />- torth above.Any notice provided tor in thla Qeed of T�uet ehafi be effeative upon maUinp in the manner deatpnatod herefn.If ��
<br />--— Truetor la moro than one pereon,noUce sent to the address aet torth above ehall be notice to aIi auah persone.
<br /> (�ln�p�eHon.Lender may make or osuae to be made reaaonebla antries upon an3 iris�i.Uana a!t�s t'rapasty,pravldsd
<br /> ,`���`�i�� that Lertder ehait give Trustor notica prlor to any auch inspeaUon speotlyinp reasonable ca��e therefor retatad to Lender'a _
<br /> �.� ' +� Interest In tha Property.
<br /> ,�,-.,;..�„ . ,.,
<br />� � �' � �• �' (g)R�aonr�y�nc�,Upon payment ot all eume seeured by this Deed ot Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> ��'�w�;`�:����¢ P�opedy and ehalt surrender this Deed ot Trost and all notes evidenoing indebtedness seoured by thfa Oeed ot Troatto Truatee. --
<br /> r. �`.F� '+rr':h•�5i?',":. Truetee sha0 reconve the Properly without warranry and w(thout char e ro the person or peraone�egaily enUtled thereto. �'s-
<br /> ac.�:. _.a- .Y� y A
<br /> ' .���'r u:`�. .. �.,,� Trustor shatl pay atl coate ot recordaNOn,If any ;a
<br /> �� '" �. `� & (h)P�nonN Prop�rly;S�eudty Aqre�m�n�As addlUonel seaurity for the peyment of the Note,Trustor hereby qrants 'y,
<br /> `'��.�'� . " Lenderu�der the hiebraeka Unifarm CommerciaF Code a aeouriry intereat in all fixtures,equipment,and other pereonat property
<br /> used(o aonnecUon with the real estate or improvementa located thereon,and nototherwise declared or deemed to be e part of
<br />� ` ' ' the real eafate seaured hereby.Thla insWment shall be co�strued as e Seaudty Agreement under said Code.and the Lender % .
<br /> � • � shall haveali the rights end temedles ot a aecured party under eaid Code In addidon to the righta and remediea oreated under `
<br /> s ' • and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trus�provlded thet Lender's�ighta and remedies under thie paragraph ehall
<br /> be cumulaNve with,and In no way a timitation on,Lender's righta and remedlea under eny other eeaurity agreement signed by •
<br /> � � 8onower or Trustor.
<br /> (i)U�ns and Enaumbnnass.Trustor horeby warranb and represents that there ia no default under the provislons ot any
<br /> mortgage,deed ot trust laase or purchase aontraat deacribing alt or any part of the Prope►ty,or other contraat,Insbument or �
<br /> : � agreement consUtuting a lien or enoumbranae against all or any part of the Property(colleotive�y,"Uens'q,exlstlng as oi the
<br /> date ot thls Deed o}Troat and that any and aIi exlating Uens remeln unmodlfied except as disciosed to Lender in Truetor's
<br /> `� written disaioeure of iiana and enaumbrenoeis pr�vide�G iat hat'eln.=ruator shalt timsly�eriarm aif af 7rustar's abllgaUans,
<br /> covenents,representations and werrantiea under any and ait exisidng and future Llens,sha�t prompUy forward to Lender aoples
<br /> of all n�ticea of datautt sent In conneoUon with any and all exlsting or fuwre Lfane,and shall v�ot without Lender's prior written
<br /> ' consent in any manner modly the provisfons of or aliow any future advances under any existing or tuture Liena. .
<br /> „ (j)Appitoedon of Paymmb.Unless otherwise required by law,sums patd to Lender hereunder,including without Iimitedon
<br /> � payments ot principal and Interest,insurance proceeds,Condemnation proceeds and renta and profite,shati be applied by
<br /> � Lenderto the amounts due and owing hom Truatorand 8orrower in such order as Lender in its so�e disareUon deems desl►abte.
<br /> (k)8�v�nbility.lf any proviston oi thfa Deed of Trust oonHicts wlth appifcabte taw or is deciared invalid or otherwise
<br />" ' � uneniaceabie,suoh conflict or invatidity eheit not aHect the other provisons of thfs Deed of Trust or the Note whioh oan be
<br /> „ glven effeat withoutthe contllaUng provisfon,end to this end the provlsfons of thie Deed of Trust and the Note are deolared to be „
<br /> severable.
<br /> �� (1)Tirms.The terms'•Trustor"and"Borrower"shall Inciude both singular and piurat,and when the Trustor and Bonower
<br /> i. ' .� are the eame person(s),those terms as used fn thla Deed of Trust ahali be Interchangeab�e.
<br />�� � �� (�r) Doti�min�I.�w.Thls Deed ot Truat ahatl be governed by the Iawa ot the Stete ot Nebreska
<br /> / Trustor has executed thla Oeed of Trust as ot the date wrltten above.
<br /> � Keith Harvey Tr st r
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