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<br /> _ '! , ��r �OM"��� �s.x-.�--
<br /> 0. M��rdour MN�r1�i�•7ru�tvr�heil keep ihv Proparty in oomptlenco wlth atl apptlloabte��w�,ordln�no��and rsflul�ttionf
<br /> r�I�tlnQ to indu�trta!hypl�ne qr�nvironmentat protsotfon(oo�leaUvety�eferred to h�nln a�"Envl�onm�nt�l l.�w�'�.T�u�tor sh�il
<br /> kap th�Property tnelrom�It wbstana�s deemed to be huardout oe toxla undsr�ny Emironm�nul Law�(ooll�otivety retsrr�d to
<br /> h�►�In a�"Hasirdout Mabrial�").Tru�tor hsnby werrant�and npr�tmu to L�rsd�r that lhoro�n no Mu#rdou�MaUri�t�on or
<br /> � -- •�� und�r ths P�opirly.Tru�tor h�rreby�pnee to indemnHy and hold h�rmita Lsnder,iu dirsctor�.ottlaen,employees snd�penb,�nd
<br /> � ' '" "``"'`�':�,';- ony aua000aoro W l.ondor'o Intoreot,trom And egalnat eny en�!n1i otnime,demnpes,�o�soa end Ilnbllfpee eNalnb In conn�odan�rith �--
<br /> . ,,. ., .. _
<br /> a,,.�z ___
<br /> :� ���,: the preanc�. uts, ditpoul or tr�n�port oi�ny Huardow Maqriab on,under,trom or ebout the Prap�rly.THE FOREa6ING
<br />_ yh�{l.'�•,.I'��..� ,�
<br /> , ���;: • �. ' 10. Mtipnm�flt ol RMts.Truator hereby asalpne to Lender the�ente,lesues and proiita of tha Property;provtded that TruaWr ��=
<br /> � �� ehell,undl the oaeu�renoe otan Event of Detault hereunder,have tha rlpht to eolleot and retain euoh�ents.lesuea and proilte ae tfi�y _-___------
<br /> � � ,r;, �r;•. �. � beaome due end payable.Upon the ocourrence of an Event ot Oefauit,Lender may,either in peraon or by apent,with or wiMout ���`_µ;�____�__ —
<br /> ' bringing any aotlon ar proceed'nQ,or by a reaeiver appolnted by a couR and without repard to the adequacy ot its aeouriry,enter :: _ _ _
<br /> �!� � � upon end take posaeaelon o1 the Property,or any part thereof.in its own name or fn the name oi tNa Trustee,and do any eots whioh it �,y�
<br /> =- - --------- deronio aai.ossery ar�esl rabb ia�rasanre tha vatua,rsia�l:sla�lllly or rsrttebNltN ot the Pro�u+rty,sa any part thereot or interest thereln. _,c�.��t�r,t "'"' _
<br /> _. .S 4 _ .�..�.� -
<br /> inarease the fnaome therefrom or protect the seourity hereot and,with or without taking poasession ot the Property,eue tor or ;,,�,,��•::;.;�;��;,,�_,
<br /> �� • -, otherwise aolleat the renta,lesues end proflts thereoi,ino�uding those past due and unpafd, and appiy the eame,less aosta and ,..��,������«��_
<br /> � , expenses of operationandcoilecUon inoluding attorneys'fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,ali in euoh orderas Lender .,*`rt�:�.�L��,�
<br /> ; • may determine.The entering upo�and taking posseaslon of the Property,the oollectlon ot such renta,ie�sues and protlte and the _.;;_._
<br /> : appliaatlon thereoi aeaforesaid,sha�l not aure or waive any deiauit or notice ot detault hereunder or fnvelidate any aat done In •—
<br /> _ �esponse to suah detault or pursuant W suoh notice of detauit and,notwlthstanding the condnuance;n possesalon oithe Proparty or '�,�.�',--_'��-�-
<br /> � �� the ooileadore,receiptand appilcatfon of renta,Iasuee or proflte,and Truetee and lender ahall be entiUed to exeralse every right . ,�:�=_'"
<br /> ' providedtorl�anycftheLoennooumentsorbytawuponoccurrenceofanyEventofDetault,inciudingwithoutlimttetfantherightto ="'
<br /> exercise the power of eale.Funher,Lender's rights and�emedies under this paragraph ahall be cumulative with,end in no way a ��,�.�.,,
<br /> •." �� � Ifmitetionon,Lenderarlghtsandremediesu�deranyessignmentofleasesandrentsrecordedagalnattheProperty.Lender,Trustee ""���
<br /> •.« ��:"�:_
<br /> ond the recelver shatt be Ilabla to account oniy those rents actually recefved. #�---- - -
<br /> 11. Evanb of OeUut4 The totlowing shall conatHute an Event of Detauit under this Deed of Trust ��'f`T��•
<br /> � ��:-�r�
<br /> (a) Feliure to pay any insta�iment ot principal or interest oi any other sum seoured hereby when due; °":�:�,a•.�•r•=
<br /> (b) A6reaahofordefaultunderanyprovisioncontainedlntheNote,thlsDeedofTrust,anyottheloanOxuments,orany :r`^,�-�,
<br /> • other Ilen or encumbrence upon the Prope►N; � '
<br /> (a)A writ oi executlon or attachment or any siml�ar procesa shalt be entered�gainst Truetor wi:ich shali become a Ilen on � .=�
<br /> . the Property o�any portion thereof or interest therein; ���
<br /> �� (d)There ahall be ti�ed by or ageinat Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or tuture federa�,state or other -"`
<br /> � statute,�aw or regutetion reiating to bankruptcy,Insotvency or other relief for debtora;or there shail be appotnted any trustee, •: �:��:
<br /> �--��------�— receiver or iiquidaivr of Trusior�r 8orrower or ataH ar ar+y part at tha S'ra;,arry,or tha rani�,I;,,:ucs or prnfl�lhereof,ar Trustor s°
<br /> or Borrower shaW meke any genera�assignment tor the beneflt ot creditore; ! '��
<br /> (e)The,sa�e,Uanster,lease,asaignmenR conveyance or further encumbrance ot ett or any pan of or any interest in the �
<br /> Property. eithe�voluntarily or Invoiuntarily, wlthout the expresa wrltten coAsent ot lender; provided that Truator ahait be ' ',,
<br /> permitted to exewlA a les8e of the Property that does not contain an optlon to purchase and the term of which does�ot exceed �:;
<br /> , • one year. ° ' �'
<br /> (� Abandonment ot the Property:or
<br /> (g)If Truator b not an indivldua�,the Isauance,sa�e,tranefer,assfgnmant,conveyance or encumbrance oi more than a totel � � �
<br /> • ' • o},�_percent of(if a corporation)Its iesued and outetanding stock or(It a pertnership)a totel of percent ot �°s% �
<br /> �• p8rtnerahip interests ddrfng the perfod this Oeed of Trust remains a Ilen on the Properly. -
<br /> 12. Rsmedtes:A�aet�ration Upon DeteulL In the event of any Event ot Oetault Lender mey.wlthout notice except as�equired by ��� •
<br /> taw,declare ctlt Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and pqyabte and tho seme shall thereupon become due and payab�e • ;��
<br /> , without any presentment,demsnd,protest or notice of any kind.Thereaiter Lender mey: ' �
<br /> (a) Oema�d that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Truatee ahall thereaiter cause Trustor's '"-'�
<br /> nF J '/ ' "
<br /> interest In the proparty to be ao�d and the proceeds to be dlatributed,ali In the manner p►ovided In the Nebraeka Trust Deeds � �•� d..t.�
<br /> Ac� ��;•-�� �
<br /> (b) ExerciseanyandallrlghtsprovldedforfnanyoftheLoanOocumentsorbylawuponoccurrenceotanyEventofDefautt; . �
<br /> and ''
<br /> (c)Commence an actlon to torecloae thfs Oeed ot Trust as e mo�tgage,appotnt a receiver,or speclfically entorce any oi the , f,"
<br /> . Covenants hereol. '�
<br /> � No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Ia Intended to be exclusfve ot any other remedy herefn,fn the • " . , ..•�
<br /> Loan Oxuments or by taw provlded or permitted,but each ahail be cumutative,shall be in addition to every other remedy given � .
<br /> hereunder,In the Loan Documents or now or hereatter existing at law or in equity or by statute,and may be exerciaed concurrent�y, � • , �
<br /> independentQy or successlvely. �
<br /> ' 13. Tru�tee.The Truetee may resign at any tlme wlthout cause,and Lender may at any time and wlthout ceuse appoint a ,
<br /> ` suCCessor or subatitule Truetee.Trustee ahali not be Iiabte to any party,Inciudfng without limitatlon Lender,Bvrrower,Trustor or any
<br /> purchaser of tlte Property,for any losa or damage unless due to recktesa or wiliful mlaconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any a
<br /> aCtion in Connection with the entorcement o} thls Deed of Truat unleas fndemnitled,in writtng,tor ati coats,compensation or �
<br /> expenees which may be assoClated therewith.In addltfon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any saie of the Property QudlCial or �
<br /> , under the power of eale granted hereln);poetpone the sale of atl or any portlon of the Property,as provided by law:or seli lhe �
<br /> . . Property as a whole,or In seperate parceis or lota at T�ustee's discretton. i
<br /> - � 14. Fees and F.zpenses.�n the event Trustee sells tha Property by exercfse of power of sale,Truatee shali be entitied to apply � '.
<br /> • any saie prxeeds firet to payment ot ali coata and expenses ot exerciaing power of sale,includfng ail Trustoe's tees,and Lender's �
<br /> and Trustee's ettorney's feea,actuaily incurred to extent permitted by applfcabia law.ln the event 8orrower or Trustor exerclaes any �
<br /> � right provided by tawto cure an Event of Oefault,Lender shail be entit�ed to recover trom Trustor atl coats and expenses actually .
<br /> , (ncurred as a resultof Truator's default,Including w�thout Iimltatlon a�t Trustee's and attorney's tees. to the Rxtent permitted by
<br /> eppilCSbie law. ;
<br /> 15. Future Advances.Upon request ot Borrower, Lender may,at ita option,make additfonal and tuture advances and re-
<br /> advencea to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,wlth interest thereon,shall be secured by thfs Deed ot Trust At no time shall �
<br /> , , � , the prinCipal amountot the lndebtednese secured by thls Deed ot Truat,not includin�aums advenced to protect the security of thls �
<br /> t_—._ . n��..�r...�� �....mi�Mn nrinlnnl nAnrtlBAl GM[f�IBf A1AfAd MHfAI(1. Of� SQ.QQQ..L.LL�whlchever fs creater.
<br /> _" _'__.. . _' "
<br />-�_. ._.. .__... .. . ._ VVO�v� ��v�MVnvvvr �..�...�.
<br /> 16. Miscellertoouf Provislon�. -r- - - . . _
<br /> (a) Borrower Not Reteased.Extension of the tlme tor payment or modfficatlon ot amohization ot the sume eecured by thfs
<br /> Oeed ot Trust granted by Lender to eny succ�ssor fn interest ot Borrower shail not operate!o reiease,in any manner,the Ilabfllty
<br /> �� ot the origlne�8arower and Borrower's suCCessors�n intereet Lender sheil not be requued to commence proceed�ngs ageinet
<br /> such eucCeBSOr a�efuee to extend time for payment or otherwise modlfy amortizatfon o1 the sums secured by this Deed ot Trust �
<br /> � , ;, by reaeon of any demanda made by the orfginal Borrower and Borrower's succeasors In interest.
<br /> � � } (b) Lender't Nowen.Wlthout attecting the Ilabillry of any other person Ilable tor the payment of any oblfgatton herefn
<br /> mentloned,and wlthout aNecting th8lien or charge ot th�a Deed of Truat upon any portlon ot the Property not then or thereto}ore
<br /> • reieased as securlty tor the tuil amount ot al�unpald obligetions,Lender may,trom time to time and wlthout notice(1)release any
<br /> peraon eo Ilabie,lil)extend the maturity or aiter any ot the terma ot any such obligations.(If i)grant other tndutgences.(Iv)retease
<br /> !? or reconvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time at Lender's optlon any parcet,portlon or att ot the Property.
<br /> � (v)take or reieeee a�y other or addittonal aecurity for any obtlg8tlon hereln mentioned,or{vl)make compoaftlons or other
<br /> R arrangements wNh debtors In retaUon thereto.
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br /> . �
<br /> • _. - - - - - - ---
<br />