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<br /> 94- ioz�ss
<br /> - -- = paymentx�ruiy nu lunger be required.at the aption of Lender,if mortgage Insurunce ooverage(in the amount snd Gar the peri�xJ �-- ___
<br /> . that L,ender rer{uiresl provlded by nn lnsurer nppmved by Lender agatn betames uvailablc and ia obtained. Bomower shall pny
<br /> ' , 'y tho premium9 requiral to maintein mortgage insurnnce in etfect.or to provide a loss reserve,until the requlrement for mortgage _ -
<br /> " insurr�nce ends in accos�denco with any written ugreement between Borrower and Lender orapplicable law.
<br /> •-. - ---�-- 9.Inspectton.Lender or tts ugent muy make re�uonable cntrfea upan and inspertions of the Property. I.ender shull give
<br /> ,.` � �� i' ' Sorrower natice at thc time of or prior to nn inspccdon spccifying rcasonabl8 cuuse for the inspectlan.
<br /> 10. Condemnation. 'Phe proceeds of any awerd or clalm far dameges.dinxt or rnnsequentlal. in coru�xtion with eny
<br /> _ ,;+•-•:`� • : condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property,ar for convcyunce in licu of condemnatian. are hereby assiRned und —
<br /> k ,- . .: e---
<br /> ° �� shall be paid to L.ender.
<br /> `•-�'-,•�a:}��� In the event of a total tAkin�of the Praperty.the praceeds shall be apptied to the sums secured by thia Secudty Instrument,
<br /> �:: ; � �.� ,�::�?. w�ethcr or nai then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial wking of the Property In which the fair
<br /> •� '� "`�4''� market value af the Property immediately before thc teking is equal to ar greater than the amount of tl�e sums secured by thia -
<br /> � . �7' Securiry[nstrument immediately before the taking.uNess Bortower and L.ender atherwise agree ja writing,ihe sums secured by -
<br /> %���' - , this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amaunt af the procecds multiplia! by the fallowfng fmction: (a) the total —_ ,
<br /> 1•�° � � amaunt of the sums secured immedistely before the taking. divIded by(b)the fair market value af the Propercy immedlately �--__:
<br /> �'� �� befare the takin�. Any balance shall be putd to Borrower. In the event af a partiel taking of the Property in which the fair --
<br /> /� ' �, market value of the Property inunediately befom the taking is less than the amount�f the sumc secured immedietely befote che =_
<br /> ' taking,unless Barrower nnd Lender otherwise agree In writing ar unless applicable law atherwlse providcs.ttie proceeds shall -
<br /> � be appNai to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. �°�_
<br /> ` If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after nodce by L.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an F.=-_--
<br /> __ .. :• ___�.:,__� award or settle u cfaim for damages, Borrawer f�ils to respand to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is givcn, �--=.__:--
<br /> '� � ��� � Lcnder is authorized to caUect and apply the procecds.at Its aption,either to restoration or repair of the Propetty or to the sums ����'�`'-
<br /> �-,._`
<br /> i , secured by this Security Tnstrument,whether or not then due. �•�= M.__—
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrowcr otherwise agree in writing, any application of procceds ta principal shall not extend nr ��,;��
<br /> '. postpone the due date of the monthly payments refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ur c6an�e the amount of such payments. �.�._,_
<br /> 11.Borrawer Not Released;Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or modificatian -��
<br /> ;»,��.W
<br /> of amorti;eatian of the sums secured by this Security Instrument sranted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> , - na operate to release the liubility of the original Bnnower or Borrower's xuccessc�rs in intere�t. Lender shull not 6e required to i�'
<br /> ,s=
<br /> commence proceedings against any succeswr in interest or refuxe to extend time for payment ar otherwise modify amortiustion ,,;k.,�,i-�:
<br /> �•
<br /> of the sums securecl by this Security Instrument by renson of any demnnd mude by the ori�lnal Borrower or Botrower's .:..�
<br /> �. • successors in interest. Any farbenrance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall nat be a wniver of or preclude the '
<br /> ----------- �scrcisc of any right or remcdy
<br /> • 12. Successors and Assi�ns Bound; Joint and Several Lisbility; Casi�;ners. The covenants and agrcements of this �. �'��"�
<br /> Saurity Instrument shall hind und benefit thc successorx und �ssigny e�f I.ender and Bonower, subject to ttie provisions of - . `;-.�
<br /> par.►graph 17. Borrower's covenants s�nd a�reementti tihall bc joint and sevcral. Any &�rrawer whn co-sigm this Security .ik�`
<br /> Inurument but does not execute the Note: ca) i� co-signing thi� Securiry Instrument oniy to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br /> Borcower's interest in the Property undcr the tcrm+of thi,Sccurity Instrument;(b)is not pc:rsonally obligutai to pay the sums "
<br /> secureJ by thi+Secu�iry instrument;und ec)agrcrs that I.cndcr and Any other Barrower may a@ree to extend, modify,forbear or '
<br /> nuke any accommcxiatiom with regard ti�tl�e trrms�if thi�Srruriry Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's cansent. „ �
<br /> 13. I.oan Charg�.if thc Ic�an�crurcd b��thiti Sccurity ln,trumrnt is•ubjcct to u law which scts maximum loan chargrs, .
<br /> und that luw i+finully inte�retcd�o that thr interc.t ur uther luan rhar�c.rullcct�Ki or to bc roUecteci ia connection with the
<br /> , Icwn exceed thr permitted limit�, then: la)any.uch loun chur�e�hall he redured hy the amaunt ncceti�ary to reduce the chorge ' • ��
<br /> � tn thc perniiurd limit; and(hl any.umti ulready r�+llected Crom Borru�err which cxcccded pern�itteJ�imity will be refunded to
<br /> &irr��wcr. L.ender muy ch�xnc tu makr thi, ret'und h�� reducing the prinripal �iwed under the Note <�r by muking a direct ' -
<br /> payment to Burroa•cr. lf a rcfund rrdurc. prin�•ipal, thc rcdurtion �vil! hc lrcatcJ a> a partial ��rcpay�mcnt without any
<br /> � prepayment rhargc under the N<itc. �-
<br /> C _
<br /> � 14.Notices.Any noticc k> &rrruurr pruvidrd fiu in thi.Srrurit�� In.trument.hall hc gi�rn b�-Jelivering it or by mailing •
<br /> it hy fint rlu+.mail unle++applic�blr la�c rcyuire�u�c c�f au�nher nuth�xi. The notire.hall he directed t��the Propcny Address
<br /> �x am nthcr addreti� Burru�ecr de.ignatc� by n��tirr tu IanJcr. Any n��tire ta i.�ndcr �hsll br given by fint cluss muil ta
<br /> t I.cnd�r'.addre,. tituawi hrrrin cir any ��thcr adJrr.. l.rndrr Je.ignatc� hy notire tu B��rra�srr. Any n�itice pro�•id��f fcir in thiti
<br /> Sccurity In.trumcnt�hall hc dccmcd tu ha�•r hrrn gircn to B�ttrnwrr ur I.endcr ahrn gi�rn a+pru�•idcd in thi.paragraph.
<br /> I5.Go��ecnin� I.NN; tieverubilih. Thi+ Srruriq In+trumcnt .hall be ����rrnrd h�• tederal law• und thc law• of the
<br /> juri�d+c�i�►n in �ehirh thc Pru�xrt�• i, I��rateJ. In thc r�rnt tha� am pro�•i�inn ur clau,<<,I thi.Srrurit�• In,trurncnt or thc Notc
<br /> „ c�,ntlirtti w ith applirahle lau,w�h�antlirt.hall nat attcrt uQ�er pru�itiiuny i�t'thi.Serurit� ln,trument ur the N�wc ahich can hc
<br /> �i�•cn cffrrt w•ithuut thr c<mflirting prc��i.ion. T��thi.cnJ thr rm�i.�un.of thi.Sccurit� In�trument arxf the Nnt�arr Jcrlarcd
<br /> • to hc +c��crahlc.
<br /> , l6.Rorr�i��er'�Cop��. Hnrra��cr�hall hc Ei�rn c�nr r�mti�rmed r��p� of thr lutc anJ��f tlu.Scruritr Imtrumcnt.
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> ��,� �.,,,
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