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I.ender may, at Lender'R <br /> option.obwin cavecase to protect Lender's rights in the Property in arcordance wlth purngraph 7. <br />-• - � All insurance policies and mnewats shall be acceptable to lander and Fhatl include a standard martgage clause. I.ender <br /> "` �'*�,� ������� whuf!havc the right to ho:d the policies and tenewals. If Lender reyuiccs,Borcower shall pmmptly�ive to Lender alf nx�eipla uP <br /> ,�,. : r � - <br /> , .r, <br /> �, : .:';;�n :�_�J paid premlums und renewal naticcw. ln the event af lass,8c�rn►wer shall give prampt natiee ta the insuranee earrier and I.ender. _ <br /> . ,'���• w. i,ender nwy meke proaf af lass if not made promptly by Barmwer. — <br /> 'r'.;�°- �� E�� Unle�s Lender and Bnerower otherwjse ugree in wdting,insurance proceecis shull be upplied to restoration or repalr of the --- <br /> n <br /> ,, ��'' ;;.`�-�.n� '�1,, �. Praperty damage�.if the restoration or repair is economlcnUy feasible and Lxnder's security is not lessened.If the restarutian ar _ <br /> ' . � • . .'� rcpair is nat cconamically tcasible ar L.ender's security would be lessened. thc insurur►ce proceeds shall be applicd to the sums -- <br /> � �.ry. � aecured by this Sec�urlty Inhtniment. whether ar not then due, with any excess puid to Borrower. If Barrowcr abanJonx the r"� ° ° _°�- - <br /> , -'� �•^ ' Property,or does not answer withitt 30 days a n��ttce from Lender that the insurnnce carrier has offered ro settle a claim. then <br /> ; "� ' ' ° . l.ender rnay collect the insurance procerds. I..ender muy u�e the proceeds to repuir ar restore thc Property or to pay sums <br /> ' secured by this Sccurity Instrument, whether or not then due.The 30•dny period will begin when the nottce Is given. <br /> t Unless Lunder and Borrower atherwise agree in writing, nny applicadon of proceeds to princlpul shall not extend or �.`�=�'^= <br /> � pustpane thc duc date of thc monthly payments referred to in parngraphs I and 2 ar change the amount of the payments. If --�` <br /> � � � under pa�agruph 21 the Praperty is acquired by Lender. Borrower's right to any insurance palicies and pmceeds resulting from �`�^°�s - <br /> _ � __ _ _ "_ damsge to the Prn n �inr tn the ec u3�ition shsll as�to Lender tn the extent of the sums securec!b�this Securit•Instrumeat �' - <br /> �,-,-- - - =� - - !'�' Y P R P 3 3 4f�•;4,.. _. <br /> � ~ � imm�liutcly prior to the acquisieion. _;�,Ws. <br /> ., 6.Occupancy,PreservaHon,Maintenance nnd Protection of tlre Property;Borrower's Loan Application;I.easel�olds. '`'= <br /> HOTrOWCf SIIA�I OCCU}1y,estubli+h,and u�c the Property as Borrower's principal recidenre within sixty days after thc executian of � ' <br /> this Serurity instrument and xhall continue to accupy the Praperty a.t &�rrawer's principal residenee far at least ane year after '`.'�`- <br /> r ..:„ <br /> " � t h e d u t e o f o c c u p a n c y, u n l e s s L e n d e r a t h e n v i s e a g r e e s i n w r i t i n�,w h i c h c o n s e n t s h a l l n o t b e u n r e u s o n a b l y w i t h h e l d, o r u n i e s s `�;�••�:;::- <br /> • • extenunting circum�tunces exist which ure beyond Borrower's contral. Bon•ower shall not destroy, dumage or impair the � �'~:`- <br /> Property,allow the Praperty to deterion►tc. or rnmmit waste on thc Propeny. Borrowcr shall be in defnult if uny Yorfeiiure � �{ ,`'� <br /> " action or prcxeeding, whether civil or criminal, iti begun thnt in I.encler's €ood tuith judgment could rctiult in f�rfeiture of the �r`• ;:�t•;:�` <br /> Property or othcrwisc matcrially impuir thc licn created by thiti SccurIty imttument ar L.ender's securiry interext. 9orrower mny '":z"•�"- <br /> cure such a drl'ault and reinstntc,uc providcd in puragraph I8,by causing thc actinn or procecding td bc dismisscd with u ruling <br /> .. <br /> _�—--_____:__-- .- <br /> that, ln I,cndcr's gaod'fuith detcrmination, precludex fi�rfclture of the Borrower's intcrest in the Propeny ar athcr mu!eri�l x::,' :_ - <br /> impairmrnt of the lien creuted by this Security Imtrument or I.ender's security interest. &�rrower shaU also be in default if , <br /> ° Borrawer,during the laan upplication procesx,gave materially false or inaccurate infarmution or statements to L.ender(or failed • <br /> • to provide l.ender with uny materiul infarmatiun)in ccmnection with the loan evidenred hy the Note, including, but not limited " _- <br /> „ to, rcprcacntatiom ronccrning Bonower'ti cxcupunry of thc Property ns a prinripul residenre, If this Sccuriry Instrunxnt is un a _�_ <br /> Icaschold. Borrowcr shall comply with ull thc provi�ion� of thc Icusc. If'Borrowcr acquires fcc tidc to thc Prnperty, the <br /> • Icaschold and the fce tidc,hull n�n mcrgc unles.Lendcr ugrcc�to thc racrger in writing. , � <br /> 7.Protection of I.ender's Rights in the Propertp. It'&�rr��wer fuil�tu perti�rm the cnvenuntti und agrcrment�cuntuinc�d in � '.�' <br /> this Security Imtrument, or thcre i, u Iegal prcxeeding that may tiignificandy ufl'ect l.ender'� rights in the Propeny(such a� a w_ <br /> prc�cceding in bankn�ptcy, prabutc. ti�r ronJrmnatiun or fart'citurr ur tu cnti�rcc law.cir rrgulatiom), thcn Lrndcr may do and - <br /> pay for whatever is nece+tiary tc�protect the value uf the PruFnrq anJ I.cnJer'.rightti in the Pruperty. Lender'+uctiims muy '�k ry�� <br /> includc paying any sums .ecurcJ by a lirn whirh huti prinrit�� uv�r Ihi� Scrurity Imtrumcnt, appcuring in court, puyin� •��� <br /> rcusonablc uu��rnc � fce.und rntcrin ait thc Pru crt tu nr.ikr rr airti.Altlwu�h Lcncicr m.i takc actiun under thi, ,�ru ra h �'��°-- <br /> Y•� F P 3 p b Y P' R p � - n:�r <br /> 7. I.endcr d�x,not havc to du,u. • - • <br /> Any amountc di�hur�cd hy I.cmdcr un�lrr thi. r:�r:u•r:�ph 7 .h:�ll hrrnmr :��I�ii�i�m��l dCht �N' Bnrr��wC� •���rm�i hy �hi� -,._- <br /> Seruriry lnsaumrnt. Unlctiti B�►rruwrr and I.cnJcr agrcr to athcr tcrm�nf payrncnt, thc�c umnunb �hull hear intcrc�t from the ' <br /> dutc of ditihur.cmrnt ut thc N<>tc rutc anJ �hall hc pa�aMc. ��ith interc�t, u�un nuticc fr�im Lendcr tu Borrowcr requesting " . "` <br /> paynxnt. � <br /> A. MoM�s��r lnsun�ncc.If Lcndcr rryuircJ mortgagr inwr.uirc a�a r�mJitiun ul'makinE thr loun�ccureJ by thi�Scrurity . . . <br /> Instrum�nt. Borraa��r .haU pay the premium. rcyuirrd t„ n�intain thc nu�ngugr imuranrc in effert. II'. fiir un�• rcasnn.the <br /> mc�rtga¢r in�uranrr ro��cragr rcc�uircd h� L�n.ler I:�p.r•�,r rc;uc.a�hr in cflcct. F3��rrc,��•rr .hall pa� thr prcmium+ rcyuir��l tci <br /> ahtain rcx•cragr.uh.tantially cyuiealcnt to thr murl�ug� in,ur.uue pr��inutily in cff� u a�.t.uh.tantially cyuivalent to the <br /> rust to Burrwv�r uf th¢ murtga��in.uranrc prc� in rllrrt. I"rum an :dtrrnutr mongagr inwrcr upprovrd M• Lrndcr. If <br /> �I1B�1��1118IIy cyuivulrnt me�rtgagc in.uranre r��eera�r i.nut a�•ail.iMr. fi��rr���err.hall puy t��I.rnJer rarh memth eyual tci .. <br /> nn�-twclfih cd�the ycarh•mnrtE:ige in,uranrc prcmium hcing paid M•Fi��rr�����r ��lirn Ihr in.urunre ra�crage lap.��l<,r r�.aeJ t.� <br /> n���,�rr«c. �.��,��r u��ti a�,�r�. u�c:utd rrtain Ih�.r p:�rmriit,:�, :i 1���� rr.rnc in licu ��I' m�irty.:tgc imuranre.� rc�crvc I . <br /> Form 3028 9�90 � <br /> i <br /> �..,,, ,..�� i <br /> i : i <br /> ' I <br /> � <br /> `� . <br /> � :1 <br /> . i <br /> . � <br /> ' • <br /> . . <br /> . <br /> � . _ - _ _ - ___ <br />