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-,,��-' � r�++ .� :� . �r';•f~ t, � . . � ,� }I, ... ._— . <br /> . _i6�N{� r,: � - -- - <br /> . . . - ------ ---�----- <br /> �_.-----�_.—�� . . .. . <br /> .� , • <br /> � -=-u.��r�rrir=--� . , . r:.� . �j� . --.. <br /> _ � .�,;, . . ,a;i _ 11. UNI!'0!lM81�Ul1�(['YIl�I81RUMENTiGilVERINlNtiLA`W18�V'ERALlILITY g� ,����Ti� � .__.__.-_::—- <br /> -„ - Uniiorm Covenurt I3 ot the Secuirlty laatrwnent ta unended to rcad as followe: <br /> - 1�5.Utltp��ec�dtir Irrt��wat;Corerdp I.�wt 8ersr�biUty.7'dis Porm af Secudty Initrument combina uniform covenmu for n�ttontl u�e _. <br /> Y end non-unitoam coveniutts wlth limited v�uitdona by juriedicdon ro conaUtuto a uatform saurity instrument caverins artl property.This <br /> Security In�uutnrnt�iu�tl be�ovemed by Pcdetd law uad the I�w ot the jurl�iction in whlch ehe Ekoperty b lc�cated.In the event that wy - <br /> provlilon ar claum ot thie SeeuHty tastrument or the Noto confUcta wlth�ppU¢able law.such conflict ehstl not affect other provlaions ot thf� <br /> -�— � —^^' SecuNty insuument or the Note which pn be mven effect without the confUcNng pmvblon��nd to dda end the provisloue ol tt+i�Sccur3ty � � <br /> �i -------- <br /> ;;;` ' , Imt�ument u�the Note ue declared eo be aever�bto. <br /> � <br /> � E. 7RANSFFR O�TNE tROPF.RTY OR A BENEFICIAL[NTEIt�BT IN BORROWER <br /> � .j Untform Covtntnt t�of the Secudty Instcuraent ta amea6ed w read ae foAowe: <br /> �,r, , <br /> �..�i.�"� _:•. 17.'M�ta at tM Prope+b�or s BeneIICI�I IRktpt 111 BOROMl�.It all or any part of the Propa ty or an laterdt tkeain ia aold or truufared �__ <br /> _ .. .. . �:-- --- - - - <br />- • '�p��� � (or tf�benefidal interat in Borrower la sold or traaafurcd aad Borrower is not a naturel person)wtthout Leader's prior written conaent� <br /> •k:':;�e;�•-, , � L�►der may,at Leader'a opdoa.dcclare alt thcauma saured by thts Serurlty Instrument to be im�►edtately duc and payable.Hawevu.thia � <br /> x, ,::r , <br /> � ' : � <br /> •�„ �;,.;,,T•.c�r ;•;��, •. optian ahaU not be exerctse�by Lender if acercise is not authorized by Federal taw.L.eader may waive the exercise of tbts optlon!f:(a)Bonower —�—� <br /> J/ �"`"'�`'�' `'• ''�' �" causes to be au6mitted to Leader Wormallon requind by Lender to evaluase thc inteaded trnasfera a9 if s aew loaa were being mnde to the E�;:.,._� <br />� ' V'''�' ' ' ` � transfuee:tnd(b)L.eadESr reaaonably deterndnes that Lender's scs�ufty wUl not be iu►paired by the loan assumptioa and that the dek of tbe ���:� <br /> - ;,,.. r r <br /> +`,;;,�5.��;.,,.;�:� ��,,�,��.__- <br /> , , ..^;; "' �. , , ,,�. brach of enycovenant or ugrament in this Sccuclty lastrument le acaptable to Lender. <br /> ��- "� �� To tho axtcmt permittcd bv aualicabla law.I.ender mny cbarae a seasoaable fee as a condition to Lender•e consent to the loan assumpNon. �'_'������ <br /> -- - "--==—.�� �•. _ _ <br /> , � Lender may also requirc the traasfuce to kap all thc pramises aad agmements made in the Nou aad in this Securiry Inst�ument. .�� <br /> ,, . "I[Lender pcerifaes auch opdon to accelerate.Lender ehalt mail Borcowu aodce of ac�xleradon ia accordance wlth paragraph 14 hereof. = _ <br /> � ' Such aotice ahaU provide a pertod of not less thaa 30 days from the date the notice!s mailed wlthin which Borrower may pay the suma declared `. ,,,.�-- <br /> � due.It Bonowu fails to -� <br /> . � „ ^ pay�uch suma prior to We eapiradon of such periad.Lender msy�wlthout further noHce or demaad on Borrower, _ <br /> �� ° invokoany rcaeedles permitted by this Securlty lnstrument." .. °_ <br /> " , .. "Notwlthstanding a sale or uansfer,Bonower wlll continue to be obligated under the Note and thls Securlty[nstrument unless Lender has • ��% � <br /> . rcleased Borrower ia wrtdag." .,,r� —- <br /> . F. LOAN CHANCFB ,;. ;�Y- <br /> •• If the loan sxwed by the Security Instrument{a subject to a law which sets maximum loan chsrga,and that laa ta flnally lnterpreted so : �4- <br /> . t2sat the iata�t or as�er losa ch�coAected ur so bc coll�•t!�d in c'!+nnt'�tlon with the I�pn exceed I+ermitted limib,then:(1)any auch loaa , ,_- <br /> ., . • charge shaU be raluced by the amaunt necessary to reduca the charge to the permitted limit;and(2)any sums already collected from bonower -= <br /> • ' whlch exceeded permltted 8mlta w1A be refunded to Bonower.Lender may choose to meke this refund by reducing the principat owed under t}�e ," <br />