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<br /> a , • p p Year Treasury Indcx-Rare Ceps) � fr': •r.,�-a
<br /> ,� .. ° ' , il. t,�t_:_:,;=T.—
<br /> '� THISADIUSTABLERATHRIDHRi�madethi� 25TH doyof I�ARCH ��q 94 � �� . '
<br /> � • � md ia incorporatai iMO and ehall be damM to smmd ond iupptemrnt the Mongage,Deed o!T�ueb or Secur(ty Decd(tho•'Secudty lnstrummt")of .•"'1ti, �i'=�--°
<br /> . � • .. ...,.y;-�__.
<br /> ° � �he same date givm by ehe under�ned(the"9orcower")to secura Botrowet's AdJustable Rnte Note(the"Note")to MOM�F8D8RAL! RAN �. �
<br /> ��ei.?J�".�
<br /> . � - „ , ISLAND(the"Lender")ot the aame Que and coveHna the propaty deuvibed in the Secudty Inurument and Iocated at: � � �,�;l:t�:�_,,,,,m,.'
<br /> -..�
<br /> ' ' " 4164 HARTFORD, GRAND ISLAND NE 68803 �' ".��-"`�-'
<br /> �" ,� , (PropenyAddreas) ., " ,;�'3,r _
<br /> � , � � Thla nop conulro proNslon� tUowlna tar ch�rtja in my laterest nte and niy monthl� �`� •
<br /> .�, �� p�ymeep.TAb note�iw lOmits tbe smount my Intercst rnte c�n ch�ase t1�ay oae qme and � „ �
<br /> � tko the minlmum�nd tk�an►�leaum nte l must p�y.
<br /> ,. �� ADDITIONAL COVENANTS.In additian to the covrnants and agreements made in the Secudcy Instrument. Borrower and I.ender � �—
<br /> " funher covenant and agree as tollowso � ,c
<br /> /' „ „ �
<br /> ° ` fie Note providea for an initisl intcrat rate ot.�-7� W.Section 4 of the Notc provida for changes in the Intcreat rate and the ^ • �- ,
<br /> ,
<br /> � monthiy paymenta,as follows: � :,.a:�
<br /> "_...............�. .:_. _-- -
<br /> .. ._ --- - --
<br /> _ . . _ _ . ..- —:==---�-,= —.
<br /> (A) Chsnge Mtas ,. °
<br /> The inter�t rate 1 will pay may chenge on the fint day of SEPTEmBER ,19 95 .and on that day every . •• . ",
<br /> , �2 months thereafter.Esch dateon which my ioterest rate could change is catled a"Change Aate." : _
<br /> (B) Thelndes � ,:.'tie,."'�-
<br /> &ginning with the first Chenge Date,my int�rat rate wfllbe besed on an index.The•'Index"is the wcekly average yleld on United States �,��_
<br /> Treasury aecu�ittes adjusted to a consiant matudty of 1 year,as mede avaiiable by the Federal Reserve Boetd.The most recent Index figure `�'� j��
<br /> � avatlabic as of the datebS days beforetach Change Date lacalled the"Cunent lndex.'• '�`' �01r
<br /> ' lf the Index is no longe�available.the Note Hoider wid choose a new index whtch is based upon comparable informatlon. The Note �'��', .
<br /> Holder wlil give mc notice of this choke. ' '
<br /> _��.— �
<br /> _l (� CAIrnladonotCbAn4a =__ . .� '� - �
<br /> Hetore each Chenge Date,the Note Holder willcaleulate my new interest rate by adding '�'��ID AND ONE-HALF percentage • , ,�
<br /> pointa( 2•5 ho)to the Current Inda and rounding to the nearest 1/Sth of 1%,subject to the Itmits stated in Scction 4(D)below. • :; '
<br /> ThlsroundedamountwiilbemynewlnteratrateuntllthenextChangeDate. '' "�
<br /> The Note Holder wili then determtne the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay in fuil the principal I am "' �'
<br /> F'
<br /> expected to owe on that Change Date In substantielly equei payments by the maturity date at my new interest rate.The result oF thts calculation ' y
<br /> wfll be thc new amount of my monthiy payment. •���
<br /> ., *�_ (D) I.tmita on Intercst Itale C6tngca
<br /> , The interest rate 1 am required to pay at the first Change Pate will not be greater than 6•75 % or less than � ,
<br /> 2•75 %.Thereaher,my Interest rate will never be increased or decreased on any single Change Date by more than TIi1C1 �
<br /> � � ,
<br /> . Z•� from the rate of interat I have been payi ng for the preceding cwelve months.The minimum interest rate on this loan witl never be �,_��
<br /> / las than 2•75 qo and t he maximum Intenst rate wlll never be greater than 9•75 _%. I ;�!-t-
<br /> (E� Ettective Date ot Clungp i�'.� �
<br /> , My new interat rate will become effectfve on each Change Date.I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment beginning on the first i �
<br /> monthly payment date after the Change Date untii[heernount of my monthiy payment chenges again. j ��
<br /> (� NodceotChongea � �•
<br /> . �
<br /> The Note Holder wili mait or ddiver�o me a na�ice beforeeach Change Date.The notice will advise me of: ;t�
<br /> (i) thenewinterescrateonmyloanasoftheChanee Datc; , ,
<br /> • I (fi) theamountoCmy monthiypuymenttollowingtheChangeDate; �
<br /> � (iii) any additional matters which the Nae Holder Is required to disclou;und . .
<br /> � (iv) the address of the assoc[ation you could contaet regarding nny yuestions abuut the adJustment notice.
<br /> � B. CHARCE�;i.IENS
<br /> , I Uniform Covennnt 4 of the Security Instrument is arnended to tead as foltows: ,
<br /> ! �. Chargea;Ltens.Borrower shdl payalt taxes,asseuments.and other charges,fines,and impositfons uttributable to the Property which may �
<br /> , sttain a priority over this Security Insuumcnt,and teasehold paymerns ot ground rents,i(any,in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereo[
<br /> � or,if not pa{d in such manner,by Sorrower making payment,whrn due,directly to the payee thereof.Borrower shati promptly furnish Lender
<br /> i ell notices of amounts due under this paragraph,and in the e��ent Borrower shall make payment directly,Borrower shetl promptly furnish to
<br /> , ' Lender receipts evidencing such payments. Borrower shalt prompAy discharge aay Ucn which has priority over thi5 Security instrument;
<br /> � I however,Borrower shall not be requfred to discharge any such lien tio tong as Borrower:(A)chali ngree in writing to�he payment of the
<br /> 1 obligation secured by such Ifen in the manner accept able to LrnAer;(b1 tihall in good faith rontest cucls Iien by,or defend against enforcement of
<br /> cuch ller�in,legel proceedings which in the opimon of Lender o�erate�o pre�ent the enf�xcement of the Iien ur forfeiwre o(�he Property or any
<br /> � patt thereof;or(c)shall secure(rom the ho�der ui su�h lien an ugreement in a f��rm�ati.fa�tury to I.ender subordinuhng wch lien to thi. •
<br /> i Secudty Instrument.
<br /> ; !f I.ender determtnes�hAt oll or nny part ot thr Propcnl i. whjecl tu a Gen wh�ch may attain.:prtonq�o��cr thiti Sc�urity�mtrumcnt,
<br /> ; { Lender shall give Borrower a notice identifying such liea Bvrrower�haU�ut�.t>�wch lien ur wke cme or murc uf the actione .et tonh abwr
<br /> � wlthin ten duys of the giving of the noike.
<br /> i
<br /> ' 4 � C. NOTICE
<br /> " � �' UniformCovenant l4of theSecuritylnstrumentiv amended toreada�tollnw.:
<br /> : ,
<br /> 1{. Notice.Except for any notice required under applicablc lax t��Ac gi�cn�n anuther manncr.(a)any notice to Borrowcr pru.�ded for in�hi.
<br /> i ; Secudty Instrument shall be gfven bydeli�ering it or by rnailtngn by Grst�Inaa ma�l to liorrower at the Property Addreca nr ai+uch uthcr addm�
<br /> � as Borrower may designate by noeice�o[.ender as pro�ided heran,�nd tb)unp notice to Lender chall Ae g��en hy tint cla�.mail tc>t endrr'�
<br /> � addras stated herein o�to such other address as Lender may daignaie by noure tc�ButroNer u.praided herein.Any noacepro�ided for m th�.
<br />� ; Securfty Instrummt shall be deemed io ha�e becn giaen eo Brrrox�r ur Lcnder when g�.en in the mnnner de.�gnated hcre�n.
<br /> r,
<br /> .
<br /> , �J
<br />