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�-�� .. -- _ ,- <br /> ;— _�1_ :_-__ �z`���N� � .: � -- <br />— � �', �i w:,�w"�'t„�.'�'�+�'��+~ . . . , <br /> . . <br /> _ -' ' -'� �,,.w^.i.7t=�•.�+aYw►le.a;:.�. ,_ �•-: <br /> .17 .. ..�.n�.._- <br /> .�--- _ _ —w',� • � . � . <br /> _. - -- ___�- . . 94- it�� <br /> .�y..��:�' ,s__ , 11.�cc�etiw�tt�D�to�ltt Rnwt�et�. U�en defcwN Dy Trustur in the�aymsnt oi or psrfamonce of th�t�m»and conditiom of . _ _ <br /> the Note,or any rena�rals,maliticatton�or extenslons tAereof,or thm poymant of any other(ndabttdness secared h�ieby or ln!he pe�amencs <br /> :: �X 4°'�"�"r�.. of an�of tM convenonts ar apreem�nts hereund�r,Ben�ficiary may declar�a!i sums s4ausd iwt�y immediattl�dw ard pnYabN and th�same <br /> �hall thKeupon beconN dw and pcpabk without pr��mtnaRt,dnnand,prot�st ar notkt af ary kind.lMnoft�r,lotNficiary may ddivK to <br /> �; . Trustes o written dectaation of defauit end demand for s�H.Truste�shotl hovt tM povwr of soN of the P►opKtp aid if&r��iciarly duid�s th� <br /> Prop�rty is to b�soid it shdl d�pasit with TNStN this Qad of Tnnt on�l th�Not�a not�a ond any otl�doeum�nti�vid�ncfnp�x�ditur�s <br /> . ,�,,,: :,._� � sacurQd fiereby,and alal l dellvsr to Trostee o written eotice of d�fault�nd election to caus�tM Prop�rtr to b�soM,ond lrosta,in tum,iholl <br /> ,! pnpore o shrtilor no4ta In th�fam required by bw wttiich sha{I bo duly filed for recard by T�eiste�. � °- <br /> � (a)After th�lopau of sud�tirt»os may bs nquired b�r law followliq the��cordatian nf Notiu of O�fauit,ad Notk�of O�iouit and Notiu�of <br /> '•� ` "��`'�'r;�..��� Sato havinp been piven os required by law,Tnntee,without Aertand o�Tnntor,shatl sell the Properfy tn one or mar�porals and in sah orMr <br /> �" ; A::��:���`:�'. "'��`=� es Trustor may determine an the date and ot the time and plxe desipnoted in said Notice of Sale,at publk auctfon to the hiphest bid�r,ths pur- <br /> •„�o . :.c -a <br /> ' t�� ��° -� chose prtce pa�able in cosh in lawful money of the Unitad States m the time of sale.The pe�aon tonductinp the sole rtay,ia anY causs he or she <br /> �.. , • i ., <br /> :.�:��:; .. . �, deems expedient,postpone tha aete from time to tima until it shall be compteted o��d,tn every such case,notice of postponamem shatl be 9iven <br /> `' �" ^ '' . by public decl�otion thereaf br such parson at the time aeid place lost appotnted for tha sales providad,if tha cale n pastponed for lonper than -- -- - <br /> . "" .��'� " one(1)day beyand the doy designated in the Notke af Saie,notice thereof shetl be given(n the same manner os the aigindl Notice of Saie. <br /> ,f � '; ,„ ° .., � ' � Trustee shall execute and deliver to the purchcser its Oeed conveying the Property so sold,but w(thout any cornerant or wononty,express,or <br /> ` �. impfled.The recitals in the Deed of any matters a facts shalt be conclusive proof of the truthfulnese thereof.Any person,including without <br /> r limitation TNStee,maypurchase at ihe sale. <br /> f . " (b).When T�ustee sells pursuant to the powers herein,Trustee shall appty the praeeds of the sale to poyment ot the costs and expenses of <br /> " � exercising the power ot sate ond of the sole,intuding,without limitation,the poyment of T�ustee's Fees incurred,whlch Trostee's Fees sholl not <br /> � --•- •- „ -- f�!ha aggrcgale axeced the Eollowing a�+unts bo�d upon the amour►t seeured herebY and remofning unpald� 5 pe�eentum on the bodarrce R--- <br /> ��� thereofr and then to the items set forth in subparagraph(c)hereof in the arder therein stated. �'�=`_ <br /> . (c)After poying the items specified in subpnragraph(b),if the sale is by T�ustee,or the proper caurt ond other costs of forectosure and sale � ,,;. <br /> . � if the sale is pursuant to iu�icial forectosure,the praeeds of sole sholl be opplied in the order stated below to the poymern of: �a;��_- <br /> -� " (1) Cost of any evidence of title prowred in eonnection with such sale and of any revenue required to be paid► ���' <br /> ' (2) Attorneys feesr -� <br /> : ;o;;. <br /> (3) AII sums thensecured herebyr <br /> : I�"= <br /> (4) Junior trust deeds,mo�tgages,or other lienha�dersi and � ''.� <br /> � (5) The�emcinder,if any,to the person or persons tegally entitled thereto. �;:�, <br /> -- - --u--- .. ,.__. <br /> —�-- (d) tf the geneficiary of this Deed of Trust is a bonk os dofined by Nebrasico iow,ony sfio�rement conlained in on�oiher setiiot�of fhis Esed e,r_<��,:. • <br /> ' notwithstandln ,the Beneficia shall not be entitled to receive ar toke cnd debtor shall not be obli oted to or ives�y confession of ud - �"'' <br /> g ry 9 P�y 9 1 8 �-<<.: <br /> ment,power of uttorney to confess iudgment,power ot ottorney to appecr for a borrower in a judicial praeoding or cgreement to pay the costs .,�,. `'. <br /> of collection of the ottorneys'fees,unlass such acts of collection would not ntherwise be proh�iterl by Nebraska low. Provided,however,thot ��� <br /> this section does not apply to the Trustee fee referred to in paragraph 6(b).Provided further, thot this paragraph shall not apply to this Deed of � ° '�'` <br /> Trust,if the Benefiticry is not a bank. , <br /> 12. Additional Setur(ty�nnwmeMi.Trusta,at its expense,will execute and deliver to the Beneficiary,promptly upon demand,such securi- <br /> ,. ty fnstruments as may be required by Beneficiory,in form ond substance satisfactory to Beneficiary,covering any of the Property conveyed by '' <br /> . this Deed of Trust,whhh security instruments sholl be ad�itionat security for Trustor's fcithf ul performance of a�l of the terms,covenonts and .. <br /> _' conditions of this Oeedof Trust,the promissory notes secured hereby,and any other security instruments executed in connettion with this tran- <br /> ., saction.Such instruments sholl be recorded or filod at Trustor's expense. ,� <br /> `' 13. AppoinfineM oi Suaessor Trustee. Beneficiary may, from time to tlme, by a written instrument executed and ocknowledged by <br /> . Beneficiary,mailed to Trustur and recordod in the counly or counties in which the Property is lacoted ond by otherwise eomplying with the provi- , <br /> sions of the opplicuble Iows of the State of Nebraska, substitute a successor or successors to the Trustee nomed herein or ating hereunder. <br /> , 14. In�peettans.Beneflciary,or its agents,representotives or workmen,are oulhori:ed to eater et.any rep;qpqble time upon or in any part <br /> of the Property for the purpose of inspetting the same and for the purpose ot,,�.���� authroized to perform under Il�a <br /> terms of the Deed of Trust. rv�O'�"�` '��� � <br /> 1 S. Opfkn to Foreclose.Upon the occurrence of any defoult hereunder, BeRefiaury���p�i0d tR�{oreclose this Deed of Trust in <br /> - the manner provided by low for the foreclosure of mortgages on real property. <br /> � 16. Forobearonee 6/ &nefieiary Not a Wotver.A�y forebearance by Beneficiary in exercising any right or remedy hereumfer,or otherwise . <br /> afforded by epplicable law,shall not be a waiver of o�preclude the exercise of any such right or rPmedy.likewise,the waiver by Beneficiary of <br /> any default of Trustor under this Oeed of Trust shall not be deemed to be o waiver of ony other or similar defaults subsequently octurring. I <br /> 11. Trunor Not Ratea�ed. Extension of the time for poyment or modificaticn or amortizotion of the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust ` <br /> granted by 8eneficiary to my successor in interest of Trustor sholl not oporate to release, in ony manner,the liobility of the original Trustor and <br /> Trustor's successor in interest. Beneficiary shal�not be required to commence proceedings ogo�nst such successor or refuse to extend time for I <br /> poyment or otherwise modify amortizotion of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Trustor and i <br /> r <br /> Trustor's successor in interest. � <br /> 18. BeneNelory's Powen.Without offecting the liobility of the Trustor or any other person liable for the payment of ony obligotion herein j <br /> • ' mentioned,and without offecting the liea or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretofore re�eased as I _ <br /> � , seturity for the full amount of all unpaid obligations, Benefitiary moy,from time to time and without�otice, lil releose any person so liable.(ii) : <br /> I extend the maturity or olter ony of the terms of uny such obligotions, liii►grant other indulgences. (ivl release or reconvey,ar cause to be <br /> � raieased or reconveyed at ony time at Benefitiory's options any parcel,portion or oll of the Property, (v)take or releose any other or odditiono� <br /> I seturity for anyobligotion herein mentioned,or(vi1 make compositions or other orrangements mth debtors in relation thereto. <br /> � i 19. Futuro Advonee�. Upon request of Trustor. Trustee a� Trustee's option, prior to reconveyance of the Property to Trustor, may moke <br /> i.du�n ndvnlvne�n Tr��c��v 4��6 4�durn mlunnrna uiifh :n}nroc}}horonn chnll ho cnn�rod hv thic 7ruct Daarl WhPfl avidenred bv oromissorv <br /> notes statina that said�otes are secured hereby:provided thot at no time shall the setured printipol, future advances, not including sums ad- <br /> � vanced to protect the security,exceed an oggregate principal amount of S <br /> i , i <br /> i ; �� 20. Reeonveyonee by Truatee.Upon written request of Beneficiary stoting thot oIl sums secued hereby have been paid. and upon surrender <br /> ; � of this Oeed of Trus:and the Note to Trustee for emcellation ond retention and upon payrnent by Trustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee sholl <br /> � reconvey to Trustor, a the person or persons legally entitled thereto, without warranty, ony portion of the Property then held hereunder.The <br /> recitals in such reconveyarxe of any motters or fatts sholl be conclusive proof of the trurhfulness thereoi.The grantee in nny reconveyance moy <br /> ybe described as"the person or persons legatly entirled thereto'�. <br /> a <br /> � <br /> , ;� , <br /> , � � <br />