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<br /> � :'����;.,�'�«.:-#r,Y� S.*��y.�w�,w/0��.Trustor shati pa�aii tax�a,oss�ssrt�ri a�d oth�r chor�n,includinp,without tlmitatton.finea ond im-
<br /> � i��..�. �. �.°��,,. posMtom ott�ibutabl�ro th�Prapety,and Ieas�holQ payir►�nta or graund anri,if any,b�fcn t�toms baorrie delirv�wnt.Trasta shalf promp.
<br /> ���'�•{�� *�#�'� tl�tureish to B�t�fkiary aU eotias of omounts dw unMr this poropraph,ard in fl��r�nt T�sta�shali mdc�payment dinctly,Trusta ahcli
<br /> `���� tiry .
<br /> �c�.;,,.�,,. ,,,; prdnptly fur�lih to B�netkiary rec�iptt wtd�ntirg tuch poymeMt.TNStos statl pay a l l taz�s a n d asussnNnts wbkh may M Nvi�d upon
<br /> r";•�- "' 8�nefielory's Int�nst Mnin a upon this Oeed of Trust withaut repard to any law thot ma��Mact�d imposirp paym�r►t of th�wlwl�or any
<br /> : ' , . .L��!�'. part MN►eof upon tl�e B�fkiory.
<br /> .. �' ' . ' .' 6,l��lk�e!L�S�1 h�t�eti�n�f M�wtktory'�f�pKiq.Trustor shall make ali paym�nt�of inter�st and prineipoi ond poymanis of any
<br /> _ �,.
<br /> f Pa � or derd of�rust a n+�ar- �
<br /> � 4a,'�! otMr chorp�s, �s and exptnses cont�actad to ts� id to any existi li�nholdKS or ptor b�n�flciari�s und�r any p�i
<br /> �1 � �� t�apa biae the date they aro delinqueM and prompt�y poY and dfuharye any and all otMr lisns,claims or eho►9es whieh map i�opo�dize the _
<br /> s�c u r i t y o r a r�t e d h e r e i n. Ii Trostor faits to make an y such p a ymenf a fail�fo perform ony of tM eove�anis and opreements coritalned in fhis __�
<br /> ' ' Oeed oi Trust,or in any prlor mo�tpcge or deed of t�ust,of if any oction or praeedinp is commeneed whkh materl�IlY affectj Beneflciary's�n- __
<br /> � terost in the Property,including,but not 1lmited to,eminent domain praeedings,or praeedinps Involvinp a decendent,or if Trusta fails to pay __-
<br /> ' . �� Trustor's debts generaliy as they become due,then 8eneficiary,at Benefleiary's optlon and wMhout notice to or demortd upon Trustor and ______ _ _
<br /> wNhout roleosing Trustor from any obligotion hereunder,may make such appearonces,disburse sueh sums,and toko sueh oetion aa is aecessary �_�
<br /> " to protec►Beneficinry's interest irtctuding,but not limited to,disbursement of reosonoble attorney's fees,payment,purchase,eoMest or com- �
<br /> /,� , , pramise of any encumbrance,charge or lien,cnd entry upon the Proporty to moke repairs.ln the event that Trusto�shnll fail to p�aure in• �r.•�------
<br /> surance or to poy toxes,assessments,or any other charges or to make cny poyments to ex(sting prior lien holdars or beneficiaies,9eneficfory � ,
<br /> �� m�praure such insurance and moke such poyment.Any amounts disbursed by 8enefitiary pursuant to this Poragraph 6 shall become odditional ^''��-.�
<br /> ��c4�:::=
<br /> �• irdebtedness of Trustor secured by this Deed of Trust.Such omounts shall be payable upon notice from Beneficiary to Trustor requesting pay- _ - --
<br /> � ment thereof,and sholi beor intorost nom the date of disbursement at the rote poyoble from time to tlme on outstanding principal under the �'�''��-�
<br /> �'���•.r.r._� _..
<br /> Note unless poyment of interest at such rote would be coMrory to appUcoble tow,in which event such amounts siroii bear inl�est at the highast ,.- ;_._
<br /> ,. rate permissibie under applicable low. Nothing contained in this Porogroph 6 shall require Benefkicry to incur any expense or take any octlon <'":,,:�-`°`
<br /> . „ ."_�__
<br /> hereunder. —
<br /> ' � •' 1. As�nm�at of R�Me. Beneficiary shall hove the right,power and autharity during the eontinuonce of this Oeed of TNSt to collect the ,,�,:^��
<br /> - rents, issues cnd pr�fits of the Property cnd of any personcl property located thereon with or without taking possession of the property offected ;
<br /> �� hereby,and Trusta hereby absolutely and unconditionoily cssigns all such rents,issues ortd pro fits to B ene t ic iery.B ene f ic iaty,however,here b y �`����
<br /> cane�ts to the Trustor's coliection and retention of such rents,issues ond profits us they accrue and become poyable so long as Trustor is not, �. �'r�'•
<br /> at such time,in defauit with respect to paymem of any indebtedness seturod hereby,or in the performance of any agreement hereunder.Upon '�
<br /> ary such default,Beneficiory moy at any time,either in person,by agent,or by raceiver to 6e oppointed by c tourt,without ootice and without .:�.��--
<br /> � repord to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured, (o)enter upon and take possession of the Property or cny port :'•*;=:��
<br /> � _ _- — - - shereaf,ar�d in its orm name sus�or or otherwise collett surM rantc,issues and profits,including those past due and unpaid,and appty the same, � '"•�•
<br /> m .
<br /> less costs and expenses of�operation and co�lection,including reosonable attorneys fees, upon any Endebtedness secured hereby,and In such '+.•, ��:^"
<br /> ader as Beneficiory may determine; (b)perform suth ats of repair or protection as moy be necessary or proper to conserve the value of th.o �'• `� _
<br /> � Propertyr(�)�ease the some or any part thereof for suth rental,term,ond upon such conditions as its judgment may dictote or terminate or od• .. �;-
<br /> just the terms and conditions of any existing leose or leoses.Unless Trustor and Beneficbry apree otherwise in writing,ar+y application of reMS, _
<br /> iswes or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shall not extend or postpone the due dnte of the insta�lment poyments os provided in said
<br /> promissory note or change the amount of such installments.The entering upo�and toking possession of the Property,the collection of such �
<br /> � rents, issues end profits,and the opplitatian thereof as uf�resaid, shall not woive or cure any defoult or notice of default hereunder,or in- ••�.�-
<br /> vaGdote any oct done pursuant to such notite.Trustor also ossigns to Beneficiary, as further security for the performante of the oblfgotions '��
<br /> secured hereby,all prepaid rents and all monies which mey have been or may hereafter be deposited with said Trustor by eny�essee of the Pro-
<br /> I, perty,to secure the payment of any rent or domages,and upon default in the performnnte of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor ogrees to
<br /> � deliver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Beneficiary's exercise of tha rights granted herein,to any tenant oc-
<br /> cupying soid premises sholl be sufficient to require said tenont to poy said rent to the Beneficiory until furthe�notice. '�_
<br /> 8. Condemnation.�f title to any part of the Property shull be token in condemnation proceedings,by right of eminent domain or similar attion, �'�
<br /> " a shall be sold under threot of condemnation,oll owards,damages and praeeds cre hereby assigned and shall be paid to 8enefitiory who shall ,
<br /> opply such awards,damoges and proceeds ro the sum secured by this Deed of Trust, with tha axcess, if any,poid.to Trustor.If Trustor receivtts �
<br /> any �otite or other informotion regarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor shall give prompt written notice thereof to benefitiery. f
<br /> Beneficiary sholl be entitled,ut its option,to commence.appear in and prosecute in its own rame ony such uction or praeedings and shall be en- �
<br /> titled to make any compromise or settlement in r,onnection with ony such action or proceedings. � ,
<br /> 9. Aemedles Not Exetutire. 8eneficicry sholl be entitled to enforce poyment and performante of any indebtedness or obligetions secured �
<br /> hereby and to exercise all rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under uny other ngreement executed in connection herewith or any laws "
<br /> i
<br /> now or hereafter in forte,notwilhstonding some or ull of the such indebtedness and obligotions setured hereby may now or hereafter be other• i
<br /> wise secured,whether b�mortgage, deed o(trust, pledge, lien,assignment or otherwise.Neither the acteptance of this Deed of Trust nor its
<br /> enfo�cement whether by court uction or pursuant to the power of sate or other powers herein contained,sholl prejudice or in any monner affect :
<br /> . � Beneficiary's right to realite upon or onforce any other secunty now or hereafter held by Beneficiary, it being agreed thot Beneficinry shall be
<br /> eniitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security now or hereofter held by Beneficiary in such order ond manner os it may in its ab-
<br /> � ; ; salute discretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Beneficiary is intended to be exdusive of any other remedy herein
<br /> ! a by low provided or permitted,but eoch sholl be cumulotive and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter
<br /> � existmg at Iow or in equity or by stotute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trusr to Beneficiory or to which it may be
<br /> oiherwise entitled. may be exercised.toncurrently or independently,from time to time and as often os moy be deemed expedient Beneficiory
<br /> ond it moy pursue inconsistant remedies.Nothing herein shall be construed os prohibiting Benef iciory from seeking a deficiency judgment against
<br /> the Trustor to the extent such action is permitted by Iaw.
<br /> 10. Trontfer of Proportr;Assumptlon. If oll or ony port of the property or any interest therein is sold, transferred or conveyed by Trustor
<br /> � without Beneficiory's prior written consent,excluding(o)the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinote to this Oeod of Trust.(b)the crea•
<br /> ��on nf n nurchase monev securitv interest tor household applionces. Ic)o tronsfer by devise.descent or by operation of low upon the deoth of a
<br /> janT tenant or (d) the gront of any leasehold interest of three years or less not contoining an opt�on to purchase, Benefitiary may, ot
<br /> � ; 8eneficiory's option,declare ull the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediotely due and payable, or couse the Trustee to file o notice
<br /> ; � af default. Beneficiary shall hove woived such option to accelerote if,prior ta the sale, tronsfer or conveyance. Beneficiory ond the person to
<br /> ' � � whom rhe property is to be sold or transferred reach ogreement in wnting thot the credit of such person is sofisfoctory to Beneficiary and thot
<br /> t l ';` the interest pnyable on the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust shall be ut such rote as Beneficiary sholl request.
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