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<br /> 4..
<br /> -- -- - -- - � - .r:- -
<br /> .. _ _ ,.��� - . — _- �� �"' � - - - -- -- -- -- -
<br /> �ii�n' i.. -":�j....• ..'��lf.1}3t�z:�t�. 1. __. - r�- � .- � :. _.__- _.
<br /> -. .._�'' . - .._.—. �. •' - ..
<br /> , �� 't ��`'�,'r�'`,�`�� i1` • • ' ,. - � - --- -
<br /> � „ ,.� �_,�.�s.a:,.. ., .
<br /> 1
<br /> -=--.�-�� �4-° io�i4 _
<br /> �
<br /> •����:;;, 17.Teunsfcr ot the Property or a Bencflclal Intcrest In Hormwer. If nli ar any p�n of thc Property�r any interest n t
<br /> ,..;...�.,�
<br /> �„�� ^ Is Eold ar trunsfcrred(ar if u beneficinl intemst in Borrow�r Is xold or tmnr:fetted nnd Bonower ie n��t u nutural persan)withaut — __
<br /> � l.endcr's prior wrlttcn cansent, l.endur may, ut itn optian, rcqutre immediute puyment In full of uU Fums sccu��al by thix - -
<br /> i Sccurity in�trument. However.this uptian shuil not bc cxercisecl hy I.ender if exercine Is prohibitcd by fe�lcrul luw i►r+�P the dato
<br /> _,�,►'b. I af thir�Security Instrument.
<br /> _� I If L,cndcr cxcrcincs thia nptian,L.ender xhuli gtve Bnrmwer notice af ucreleration,The notice shull ravide a periud af nat
<br /> . .
<br /> - ---�----- I icss thun 3A da c+from thts clate the natice ix delivered or muiltd wfthin which Barrower muRt pay al sumc sccurcd by thih
<br /> . •�,.�,.'.. '..:..`.::. Sccurity Instru Zn ent. if�3ormwcr fuilx to puy thewe suma prior to thc cxpirution af thig period. I.ender muy invalce uny rcmedtcw — —
<br /> �. � �r::- ' permitted by thiti Security instNnient withuut funhcr�iatice or demand un Barmwer. � � ,_.
<br /> `"3 �. . I8. Barrowcr'R RIRht to Re(nstate. If �orcuwer meets certuin conditions. Bcinawer shall huvc thc rjght ta huve —_
<br /> n"'"'�-1� ��''�a enforcement nf thi� Securiry Imtrument discontinued ut any time prinr ta the earlier of: (u)S duys (or such athc�periad as
<br /> ' d.;,d��;_• ��`•.•.• tipplicub(c lew muy� speciPy for reinstntemcnU bcfare sule of the PropeRy pur.want to uny {wwcr of r�slc cantuincd in thia
<br /> • Security Inst�ument:ar(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Sccurity Instrument.Tho�e cnnditians are that Borrower: (a)pays
<br /> [.ender All sums which then wauld be due under this Serurlty lnstrument and the Nate as if no acceler�tian hiui accuned: (b) _
<br /> � •�^` ` • - - cures any default of any ather cavenants nr ugrocments; (c) puys ali expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, �--
<br /> ' " , including, but not limited ta. reusanable uttarnc�ys'fces: und (d)takes such actian us L.endcr may reasonubly rcyuire ta ahyure Q ____ ___z____
<br /> ���:� ' �� thut the Hcn of this Sccurity Instrument, I.cnder ti rfgh�ti in the Praperty und Bormwer's obligntian ta pay the sums secured by __
<br /> ;� � ' "�� this Secutity instrument shali rontinue unchungeJ. Upan reinstatemcnt by Bormwer, this Security lnstrument nnd the �---- —
<br /> !,. , �� nbligations secured hereby shull remain fully effective ati if no uccelerntfon hud cxcurnd.However,this right t��reinstate shall ��,__
<br /> a . not upply in th�casc af uccelerncinn undcr paragruph 17. —
<br /> a� :, r--
<br /> 19. Sate ot Note= Change of I.oan Servtcer. The N�te ar u partial interest in thc Note (tagether with thic Security �L�.�...
<br /> �� Instrument)may bc sold anc ormore times withaut prior nottcc to Borrowcr. A sale rnny msult in a changc in the entiry(knawn �a�.-'�`°
<br /> as the"[.aan Svrviccr") thut callects monthly payments duc under the Note und this Secu�iry Instrument.There Also may be one �:r•__
<br /> .,. .... �
<br /> ' ' ""�+� j or more chunges of the I.oan Servicer unreiuted to a ruie uf the Note.if there iti a change of the 1.ciAn Servicer.B<�rrower will t�e .��==�
<br /> —.:' -�-_.—.—_--.--,--- ���� '�:
<br /> � �' siven wntten not�ce at thechange in ucc����fu���r witli pd�ug�ap{� 14 utK�vc w�ni uy,pli�aUlc iaw. Tl�e u��ti«wltf csatc the name as+d -------
<br /> ;- ° uddress of the new l.oan Servicer and the u d dress t�� w h ic h puymentx should be mude. The notice wiU also contain any other �:;, '"`
<br /> infarmution reyuireci by applicable law. ��=`='v
<br /> ° 20. Ha�srdaus Sub.�tanc�. Borrower shull not c�uM ar permit the presence,use,ditiposal, titorage, or release at'any o T--�—
<br /> Huuwrdous Substunces on or in the Pmperty. �arcower +hult m�t do, nor ullow unyone else ta do, anything affec�ing the ' ,.•�'=`__
<br /> � Property that is in violatiou of uny Environmentul Luw. Thc precctiiin�two tientence� shali not u pply to the presence, usc, or
<br /> � titornge un thc Propeny of snmll quuntitics c�f H,u,+rdaus Substances t hut ure gencra l ly reco�n i•r.e d t o b c u p p ro priatc tc�normai __
<br /> residential u�und to maintenance of the Pruperty. � '"
<br /> � Barrower shull promptly�ivc l.ender wr�tten noticc ot'uny investigution, clairn, demand, tawsuit or other action by any „
<br /> ' " governmcntal�u regulutory u�ency or pr{vute pnny imolving thc Pmpeny and uny HuxurJous Substancc or Euviranmental Luw '���
<br /> u
<br /> ' of which Borrower huti uctuul knowledge. If Burmwcr Ieums,or is notitied by �ny govemmentul or regulutory uuthority. thu� ��.
<br /> ` � ° unv mmnvul ar other remaiiution o f uny Hw.ur do us S u b s t a n c e u f f e r t i n g t h e P r��p c rt y �+n c►e x u►ry, �r rower shal!prom ptl y tttke '' �ti
<br /> —_
<br /> ali necexsury�emediai actiuns in ucror dnnce wu h Envimnmeniui Luw. ° °
<br /> ' " As usc�i in th�s paragraph 2U, "Hiv.►lydouc Substunc�w" urr thosc tiubctuncc�dcfined as t��xic or huxardous substancc,by � ; �
<br /> . Envircmmentul l.uw und the following +ub,tances: gutiolinc, keroticne, uther tlammuble ur t�ixic petmleum products, toxir :
<br /> • petiticide.und hcrbicidcs.�•olatitc sulvrnts, matcrial�c�mtaining s►�be.to+ur fi�mwldchyde,und ra�iinactive muterialr.A�used in ,* ��
<br /> . � � this puragruph 20. "Enviu�nmentul L.uw" meanti fcderul luws und luws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lucuted thut F,
<br /> � relutc to hcalth, +afcty c�r environmcntal pr�itc�tion. �"; �`' �
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS.Bc�rrower and I.cnder further rovenant und ugrce a�follows:
<br /> 21.Acceleration: Remcdie+.Lender shall give notice to Rorrc��tier prior to accelerattan followin�Borrower's breach ''• ;, f
<br /> of uny n►venant ur aqrcement in thi. tiecurit�� Instrument (but not prior M ucceterwtion under parnRraph 17 unle.ss ���
<br /> upplicablc la�v prnvid�.�s athenvise). The nottce shull sp�tiify: (a)thc defaulh(b)the action reyntred to cure the default; ys ,�
<br /> (c)a date. not less thun 30 days fr<►m the date the notice iti�iven to BorroH�er. bv whtch thr default mutit be cured; und 1 ,
<br /> � � (d) thet failure to cure the defa�dt on ur bcfi�m the date �perified in the notice may r�ult {n accelerution of the sums �, ,.
<br /> . secured by thi�S��curity Instrumm�t and.ule of the Pro{xrtv. The nc�tice tihnll further intorm f3�►rro�►�er of the ri�ht to . �.,�;��,.
<br /> � reinrtate after acreleratiun and thc rt�ht ta brin�u �Y►urt uction to a+sert tlie nen-existence oF u default ur any other ,.,;�,:;
<br /> defense of Borrower to accele�ution und wle. If the default is not cured on or before the dnte s�x�eified tn the notice. „ �%;�� �
<br /> Lender,ut 1ts optiun. muy reyuire imm�diutc puymcnt in full of all sumx scrured by thix 5ecurity Instcument without � ���� �� •
<br /> further demand and may in�•nkc thc{x►�rrr of zi+ir and i�ny othcr rem��di�w�xrmitt�vi l►�•applicuble luw. I.ender shall ix
<br /> , • . entitied to cafi��t ai{r�pru,r+ii�eurr��l la pursutn};the rcmedicw pr:�vtded in thi�ps�rn�ruQh 21.tncludin�;.but not limited (,. •• _ _
<br /> � to�reusonable uttorney�'fiYw and coxtx of title c�•idence. f . ��
<br /> If thc�a�cr of .r•ule ix incakcci, Trurt�r shull nYOrd u notirc of drfault in cuch count�� in N�hich uny ps�rt of thc �
<br /> PropeMy tti ocuted und shall muQ ropi�w uf such notice in the munner pr�hcribed h� upplicahle lu��•to Borrower and to
<br /> • the othcr p��rsom p�escrilk�d b� Hpp�tcuhlc lu��.Aftcr thc timc r��uired t»•upplicnblc la�+�,Trustrr shull�ive public notice �
<br /> ' oF sale to thc persuns und in the munncr pre+crUx�tl b��upplir�ble 1����.7'rustce.without demm�d an Born►wcr� tihall�Il
<br /> the!'rnperly�ut pubit!•auctinn to thc hi�;h�wt biddrr ut Uir timc unc!plsce und under the terms d�yi�;ns�tcd In the noticc of
<br /> sulc in one or morc purccls und in um• ordcr Trust�w dctcrn�in�w. 7'ru.t�ti mu��p��stp�►ne sulc of ull or uny par�til of thc
<br /> u
<br /> � pry�pert� b�• puhlEc unnnuncement ut the time und place ��f u�»� pm��iou+h�rheduled xute. Lender or its dtyt�n��e may
<br /> • purchacr the PrupeMy�at un,r wla �
<br /> k..
<br /> ' t ., Form 3028 9/90 �
<br /> ' ' 1
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