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<br /> ��' umo n n r the parlcxi
<br /> � r�� paymenlR muy no I�nger bc reyulrc.l,ut tho apti�tin af l.ender.iP martgagc insuraice caveru��i 1 t�i�-"'T"1'"1Rf f�5
<br /> tl�ut I.ender requires)pravided by nn insurer uppn►vai by l.cnder nguln bccmnes Avi�ilnble und i»ubtutncd. Dprruwcr��hall�ay
<br /> thc premiums rcquired to malntaln martgage insunince in cfPect,ar to pr�yvidc u Inss rescrvc,until tho crqutrcmcm fiir mangAgc
<br /> ' � insurnnce ends in necordartce with nny written agrcement bctwccn �rmwcr an�i l.ender or applicuble law.
<br /> °' 9. In.gpectton. Lender ar its agent may mukc reasonablc cntricw upan u�ui inspertionx of tha Pmperty.l.ender xhnll givo
<br /> --- --- - Barrawcr natice at the tims af ur prior tn nn invCccdnn Rpccifying rca.u►nuhle cuase for the inspection. .-�-��__
<br /> - �__._..__
<br /> -,,.
<br /> � '� s���-•� !0. Condemnatton. The proceeds af any award or cluim fur dumuge�. dir�:ct nr conseyuentinl. in cannectiun with uny
<br /> ' condemnatian ar ather taking ot uny pun of the Praperty,ar far canveyance in Iteu��f camicmnuttan, urc hereby asgigned and �-- -
<br /> r
<br /> aheU bc pnld to l.cndcr.
<br /> '� ''� '� �'°�'�`' Jn the event of u totul taking af the Property,thc pr�xcrds�shnit be appllcd ta the suma xccurat by thiR Sccurity Instn�ment. - .
<br /> , ��'!-.-'"�+�_
<br /> '�'_'��-�"�.�� whether or not then due, with any exce�s puid ta 8orrawer. in the event of u partinl taking af the Praperty in which the fair
<br /> ''.r.:�'�S,.•';J:,:,s.
<br /> ,.;....:•.: ��. markct value of the Pmperty immedistcly befam tho taking is equai ta ar greutcr thun the amo�ant of the sumr, secured by this
<br /> . ,'```%'-`'�"`�"''�'' Secu�ity Instrument immediatefy befare the taking. unless Bc�rrower und l.ender othenvise agree in wdting,the�sumy r�ecurod by
<br /> �•. .::_..._.
<br /> � . '�,k'�",'r:°�!�',�;�f�� thic Secudty Instrument shull be reduced by the amaunt af the proccxda multiplied by the follawing fraction: (a>the tatal
<br /> :.�;�� " •�� " � ,',1.� amount of the swns secured immediatcly beforc thc taking. divided by (b)the falr market v�lu�uf the Property imm�:dintely -
<br /> / � • before the takin�. Any balance shall be paid ta Horrawer. In thc evertt of u pArciul taking af the Property in whieh the fuir
<br /> �'""� murkct value of the Property immediatcly before the tuking is Icss than thc umaunt af thc sums secured lmme�intely before the
<br /> �'"t' taking, un�ess Borrower and l.ender atherwise ugree in wrltins or unless applicable law otherwise provides.the prc�cecd�shult
<br /> „ � r:,�, ,
<br /> '�` ' � '. be applicd to the sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument whether or not the sums urc then due.
<br /> �= . � '` If thc Property is abandoned by Borrower.or ff,s�fter notice by l.ender to Ikinower thut thc condemnor offers ta make an _ _ _____
<br /> �--�"- -�± �-;� award or settle a claim Cur J,unnbe�. Oorrowcr fails tn mspond to Lender wtthfn ?n dayc pftPr�h�dnte the nottce is gtven.
<br /> � •• „ L.ender is authorized to cotlect und apply the pmceeds,at its optton,either to resroratlon or repair of the PropeRy or to the rums
<br /> j " secured by this Securtty Instntment,whether or not then due. -_
<br /> t �� � Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise ugree in writing. nny upplicutian of proceeds to pdncipal shnll not extend or --
<br /> .. . post.pon�the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragruphs ! and 2 or chenge the amount of such p�yments. �a
<br /> • il. Borrower Not Released; ForbearAnce By Lender Not u Waiver.Extensian of the time for paymcnc ar madiflrntion �.
<br /> � of amorti�ation of the sums secured by this Securiey Instrument grunted by I.ender to nny successor in interest of Borrower shall '�w-_-
<br /> ' �- •..CSC-,.
<br /> „ • not operrite to release the liability of the original Borrower or Bormwcr's successors in interest. Lender shaU not be mquired to : ., r,
<br /> . , commence proceedings agafnst any successor in interest�r refusc to extend time for pstyment or otherwise modify amortiustion �?� �."-:-- ,�-
<br /> .. of thc sums secured by this Security Instrument by rca.u�n of uny demand made by the originul Barrawer ar Bonower's "` ��-�-
<br /> _. __ _
<br />— � . successors in int�rest. Aiiy forUearance Py [.cn�.iPr in Pxerci�ine any rieht or remedy shall not be a wnivc;r of or preclude the . -
<br /> exercise af any right or remedy. : ,=.
<br /> 12. Succcssors and Asstgns Bound; Jotnt and Several Liahility;Co-signers. Thc covenants und ugrcements of tl�is � --,�
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benetit ihe successors and :tssigns of Lender imd Bc�rrower, suhject to the provisions of . -=--
<br /> ' ara ra h 17. Bormwer's covenants 8Rd A reements shuU be oint und severnl. An Borrower who co-tii m this Securit "�
<br /> P 8 P S J Y 8 • Y ' , �-
<br /> � instrument but does not execute the Note: tu) is co-si�ning thiti Security instrument only tci mortgAge, grant and cnnvey thut �°_—
<br /> ��_
<br /> • ' ' Bonower'.s interest in the Praperty undcr thc terms of thi�Securiry Instrument;(b>is not per.sonally obliguted to pay the sums (--�. ,;�
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument;und(r)ugr��s thut L.cnder und any other Barrower muy u�ree to extend,mcxiify,forbear or �
<br /> , muke uny uccomrnodations with regarJ to the temis of thi�Sewrity Instrumcnt or the Note without that Borcower'�cnnsent. T"_:4--
<br /> „ 13. I.oan Cherges. If the loun secured by this Security ln.tnime�t iti subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges.
<br /> � and ihat law is�nally interprered so thut the intcre+t or other luan char�es collected or to he collected in conn�tion with the '��'
<br /> �►ts��--
<br /> , • loan exceed the permitted limit�, then:(u>uny+urh IoAn charge �hall be reJuced hy the amount necessary ta reduce the churge ,� . �-�`�
<br /> to the pem�itted limit;und(b>uny �um+alreudy collected from Borrow�er�vhich excceded permitted limits will be refunda!to '�� �?' ;`
<br /> Borrower. Lender muy chaose to make thi, refund by reducing the principul owed under the Note or by muking u direct �
<br /> . payment to Borrawer. If a refund redurex principul. thc reJuctiun will be tmuted a. u partial prepayment with�ut any • • ".
<br /> ��- - •• prepayment rhnroe andcr thc Nncc.
<br /> _ . ,._�_: ...
<br /> • 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided ti�r in thi�S�YUriry Instrunxnl yhatl lk givcn by dcliverin�! it nr by muiling
<br /> � it by fir.t class mail unlexs upplicuble luw reyuireti u+c uf an��ther mcthud.The n�uice�haU he directed to thr Property Address , , _
<br /> • or Un�• c,ther uddress Borrower dc�ignute� by notice to I.enJer. Any nenice to I.enel�r �haU be given by fir,t cla+s m:►il t��
<br /> ° l.endcr',addm.cti xtated hcrein o�uny uthcr addres.Lcndcr de.ignatc� by nutice tu Burro�vcr. Any naticc pirvid�Yi fiir in this , ,
<br /> , Security ln�trument�hull be deemecf a�huve bren givrn ta Burr���cer��r LenJer���hen given ati pr�x•ided in thi.parngiaph. � �
<br /> �� I5.(:overnin� Luw; Sererabiltty. Thi� Security Intitrunxnt ahali br guverned hy fi�lcral la�r and the law i�f the
<br /> jurisdiction in which th�: Pr��perty i, I�kateJ. In thc rvent that an�•pruvi.inn or rlau.c ot'thi, Seruriry In+trument itt thr N�ite �
<br /> , ronflicts with applicablc taw, such conflict,hali not uffect other pru��i.ian+uf thi� Srcurity [n.trumrnt ur thr Notc which ran bc
<br /> � given eftirt withuut the cuntlictin�provision. To thi. �nd tlx proeitiinm of thi�Serurity In,trument and the Note am Jcrlureei .
<br /> tn bc xvcrablc.
<br /> .. �. ,. � l6.Borrower's Copv. Burrowcr+hall he given unr amtornkJ copy af the Ncite and uf thi�5��urity In.trum�nt. i
<br /> iPorm 3028 9/90
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