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Tta��fer of the Property or a 8enaflclel Intarest tn Borrowpr. fl ali c► eny pad ot the Propefij or <br /> - ?., .,- , . ;�;� ' • ' • any Interast In it is sold or transtened (or Ii u 6csnaticial lntereat in Bor.ower ta aold or tranateRed and Bortower le not s n�tur�i <br /> person)without lcndcr's pdor wdtten cansont,londer mey,at Its optlon,mqufro Immsdiate paymont in Iuli ot a0 aums eeaured by "_______v�v`_W <br /> ,�.,.' �.f�, this 8eeuriry Inotrument.However,thia optian shaN not be exerclaed by Lender It exereisa Is pronibited by tadernt faw as ot the� ���'� <br /> � , �:�� <br />_. 'S,_,'',.'�. ,,, ..� deteo�ihis8ecudtylnatrument. �.� <br />- ��•; � '•'� ""� It Lender exercises thia option, Lender ehail gNe 8or►ower notioe ot aacderetion. Tha notica ahell provide a pedod oi not � <br />; � ��.� } Iess thdn 30 daya from the dute the notice Ia aelive�ad or malied withtn whioh 8arower muat pay ail suma eeeured by thl� <br />� , '�"''-���M"�� 3ecudry Inetrument. 11 8or►owe►feNs to pay these suma p�lor ta the expiration ol thls period, Lender may U►voke eny rsmedlaa� °----- <br /> • •• permitted by thle 8ecurity tnatrumen2 without tudhor notico or demand on 8or►ower. � _ _ _ <br />- �!�T • � 18. 8or►ow�r'a Right to R�i�stKe. II Borrower meete aerteln conditbns, Bortower shall h�ve the �ipht to h�ve <br /> � i • entoraement of ihis 8eeu�ity Inatrumant dlacontinued at eny tlma prlor to the eaelter o1: (e) S daya (or auoh other pedod as <br /> � . • eppileabte lew nuy epecly tor relnstatement►betore sale of tho PropeRy pursuent to tny power of oete eontained In thle 8ecurity __ <br /> ° Inetrument;ar (b) ontry ot a�udpment entorclnp thle Secu�ity Inetrumeet.Thoae eondpone Rre th�t 8or►owar. (�1 psye Lende�aN <br /> eums whfah then woutd bo due undor thla 3acurily Inetrument nnd the Note�e if no accelaatlon h�d oaourred; (b)curos eny <br /> � detsufl ot eny other covenent or�groeme�ts; (o)pays alf expenaee inau►red h entaaing thla 8eau►Ity inatrumont, including,but — <br /> . not �imited to. reasonebte attomuye'tees: nnd(d)takes sueh eatlon ao londm may reaeunebl� �epuire to aesuro th�t the Ilen ot � _____ <br /> �� th�e Seeudry tnetrument, Lender'a dghta In the Properly and 8ortower'e obllqeUon to pay tbe eums eeeured by thia 8ecudry <br /> ' �netrument eheA eontinue unohenged. Upon relnatetement by Bortower, thlb BQCUf11�/ If16tNf118111 and the oblipatlone eewred <br /> � . heroby shat remefn luty etleoUve ae if no aeeeieration had accurted. However,this right to rolnatete ehall not appty in the aeee <br /> ot aeceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of P10t6; Cha�ge of Loan Service�. The Note or e a pertial (nterest In tha Noto (together w�th thia <br /> Securiry�natrument)may be so�d one or more timea wfthout prior notice to Bortower.A saie may result in a ehange M the entity <br /> „ � � (�.notYn as the 'LoAn Sarvk:er')that eolloct�monthy peymenta due under the Note and thls Secudry Instniment. There elso mey _ <br /> be one or more ohanges ot the Losn Servlcer unrelated to e aeie of !he Note. It there Is e ahenge ot the Loan Senvlobi, � f�__ <br /> .. 8onower wiA be given w�irien nodce of the change in eccordance with paragrsph 14 ebove and applkabie law. The nopce wiA -::.-;Pr-. <br /> , � atate ihe name and eddress ol the new loan Servicer and the address to whlch payments ahouid be made. The nol�e wiA atao . :�A__ <br /> contain any other inlottnation requked by appllCable law. '�'��'� <br /> 20. Hazardous Substanees. Bortower shaU not ceuse or pertnit the presenoe,use,disposal, storage, ur release ot ";r�•�� <br /> ' � " any Hazardous Subatances on or in the Prope�ty. Bortower shall not do, nor a�low an one elae to do, an hh aHectin the � �`� <br /> y Y� 9 9 ,,�;._. <br /> V�. : �.. <br /> Property thet is In vlolation o( any Envlronmentat Law. The preceding two sentences shali not appry to the presenae, use, or <br /> storage on the PropeAy of small quantities ot Ha=ardous Substances thet are generatty recognited to be appropriate to nertnai �;��;�•,,-__ <br /> resldenNnl uses end to maintenance of the PropeRy. , - - <br /> Borrower sheli promptty give Lender wdtten notice of any invesqgation, claM, demend. lawsuit or other aelion by any , , •���, <br /> govemmenlai or regulatory agency or private party InvoMing the Property and any Hezardous Substnnce or Envkonmentai law of ; . <br /> ��_�- -= "-- whici�8vni,wa has acival knaw�odga. !!8orro:rer Ieams. er is �++Hned by any govemmental or regulatory authodly, thet any '�� ° <br /> • removal or other �emediatlon of eny Hazardous Substance attecting Property is necessary. BoROwer shelt promptty teke atl `I <br /> � • necesaery remedial aetlons In accordance with Envkonmentet Law. ` _ <br /> ' ' ere those substonces deFlned es toxia or hezardous substances by f . :+, <br /> As used In this paragraph 20. 'Hazatdous Substances �; <br /> i Environmentai lew and the tollowing subslances: gasoline, kerosene, other tlemmable or toxic petrdeum products, toxic ^ <br /> pesticides and harblcides,votatile solvents,mnterfais containing asbestos or tormaldehyde,and redioectbe materlals. As used In <br /> ' , paragraph 20, 'Envkonmentai lew' means federel Iaws and laws of the jurisdlction where the Property is loceted ihet reiate to , �, °� <br /> hea�lh,sately or envlronmental proteetion. � �.a�, <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortawer and Lender furlher covanent and agree es foNovrs: <br /> 21. Acceleratton; Remedies. Lender shatt give notice to Borrower prior to acaeleretton ��` ' � <br /> � tollowing 8orrower's b�each of eny covenant or agreement in thts Secu�ity Inatrume�t (but not , <br /> � p�for to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwise). The notice �� t� <br /> shall spectiy: (a) the defauit; (b) the action required to cure the detault; (c) a date. not tesa than � ��;�=�% <br /> �� 30 days from the date the notice ts given to 8orrower, by which the default muet be cu�ed; and � ;,,. . <br /> (d) that failure to cure the detauit on or before the date epecified i� the nottce ma�e no=�Qe � <br /> accetQ�ation of the aums secu�ed by this Security instrument and sale of the Property. , . - <br /> ahall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate aite� acceieratlon and the rigM to bring e I � <br /> cou�t actlon to asse�t the non•existenco of a detauit or any othe� defense of Borrowor to ; <br /> acceleration and sale. If the defautt Is not cured on or beto�e the date specified In the notice, i <br /> • Lender at its optlon may require immediate payment in fuli of all sums secured by thta Security , <br /> instrument without further detriand and may invoke the power of sele and any othe� remedies , <br /> ' permitted by applicabte taw. Lender shali be entitted to collect ati expenses incur�ed ia pursuing , <br /> the remodies provided in this paragraph 21, inciuding, but not Iimtted to. reasonab�e attorneys' <br /> ' fees and costs of titie evidence. <br /> If the power of sate is invoked, Trustee shaii record a notice of d�fault in each counry in , <br /> which any part of the Property is located and shati mail copies of such notfce in the manner <br /> presc�ibed by applicable taw to Bor�ower and to the other persons preacribed by applicable law. <br /> " After the time required by appticabte law, Trustee shalt g(ve public notice of sale to the perso�s <br /> and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee. without demand on Borrower, shail sell <br /> the Property at pubitc auction to the highost bidder at the time and piace and u�de� the tenns <br /> designated in the notice of sate In one or more parcets and i� any order T�uatee determines. <br /> Trustee may postpone sate of a�t or any parce� of the Property by pub�tc announceme�t at the <br /> time and place ot any previousty scheduled sate. Lender or Its designee may purchase the <br /> Propeety at any sate. <br /> Unon receipt of pavment of the price bid, Trustee ahail de�iver 4o the purchaser Trustoe's <br /> � � deod conveyMg the Property. The �ecitats in the Trustee's deed snan oe prima iacie evidenav �4 <br /> the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the <br /> ' following order: (a) to ati costa and expenses of exercising the power of sate, and the sate. <br /> � Inciuding the payment of the Trustee's tees actualiy incu�red. not to exceed-----'---"-___" <br /> � ��n f i�1---------�-�----'� ----------' �� at the principal a�nount of the <br /> � � � note at the time of the declaration oi deiautt, and reasanabie attorney's fees as pe�mitted by taw; <br /> � � (b)to a�i sums secu�ed by this Securtty Instrument; and (c► any excess to the person or persons <br /> J : . legally entitled to it. <br /> ,, <br /> �.,.,:s..,., __ <br /> , FiliglM�It?/?ll _ �___. <br /> � <br /> . I <br /> , " ' • __. . __. _ . �t_ ___ . .__. . __ _ . ... <br />