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<br /> �"�'���`��� ' • • , � BoROwer may auro aueh� deltuR and Tainstnte, ea provtded tn puapnph 18, by caueinp the acllon or proceedlny t0 be
<br /> _ �,y;,;,ix,,;�.,.:„;�;" dlamisend with e rulinp that.In lender's pood taith detertninetion,prectudea toAelture o}th�8onower'e interest In tb�Propert}t or
<br /> . _. . _�_.. .�__, other mntedal Impuirmont ot tho Iton crentod hy thle eeendty Instrument ot Lende�'e aecutlty lntereal. BoROwe�eheN�ISO be tn
<br /> • �'•3- dateult if 8ortowor,dudng tha toan apptiaetlon procese,gave materlaly faloe ar Inaccurate Inlo►raeUon or stetemcnts to Lendcr (or -----
<br /> ,`�;+���y;'�� ' teAed to provide Lender with any matedal Ntarmetlon) In conneetlon with the loan eviden�ed by the Note, Inctudinp, but�at(�'
<br />- ��4�•i;�",;;},N};• Itmtted to, repmaentsttone conceming 8orrowa'e occupanay of the PropeRy as e pdncipet resldenca. H th►s 8ecu�iry.�► __
<br /> _ �_„�..,..:«�..>•.;,i,:':. �natniment is on e le�aehold, Boaower ehe8 compy with �il the provisi�na of the�eeae. ii 8orrower eoqutros tee tltlo io the � _
<br /> " ��*-��'.}, Propmty,the teaeehold and the tes trtls sh�1 not merqe unleaa Lenda aqroea to the margar In wdtinp.
<br /> 7. ProtaMlon ot I.�ndsr's iiightt tn th�Prap�rty. If eortower falle to perfortn the coven�nts�nd apreennr�ts�
<br /> : ���.�;. - ' conuined in thia eecuriry Instrumem, or th�re ta o icpat pracoedln�that mny elgnlfirantty nHeot lender's righta In the Propertyd' � _
<br /> ��'�'Y.���`�':.;`��-��`�;r (such ea�prooeedinp in baniwptey,probate,tor condemnaUon or bdelturo or to enfo►co I�we or renul�Uone),then Londer miy
<br /> do and pay for whetever Is necesaary to prateat tha vnlue ot the Propa�ty ind lender'a dyhta In the PropeAy. Le�der's aplone
<br /> • Y' �. � � may Inctude peyfng any euma secured by i Ilen whtah hcs pdority ovM tfila Secudty Instrument, appeadny �n coud, p�yinp
<br /> ' reaaonable nttomeys'fees and entering on the Properry to m�ke rep�ke.Althauph Lender msy uke aotlon unda thla panpniph
<br /> � � 7,Lender doea not hpve to do ao.
<br /> +� . My amounte dlsburoed by Lender under paregreph 7 eh�U becoma�dditlomi debt of 8orrower aecurod by thia 8ecurUy
<br /> ' Inatrument. Untels Borrower and Lenda agree to other terms of paymcn6 iheae amounte ehell bear intarest irom th� d�t� ot � __
<br /> �� • • disbursement at the Note reto and ehall be peyab�e,with Interost,upon noUca Irom Lender to 8onower requeeGng p�yment. _.__
<br /> � • 8. Mo�t�ag� I�su�ana�. If Lenda raquirod moAgepe Ineur�nca ea e conditlon nt making tho toen eecured by thla
<br /> " 8oeudty instrumont. 8orrower ahali pay tho promlume roqulrod to mnlntaln tho mortgoflo Ineuranoo In ofleet.11.for any raaeon, ihe
<br /> � � •� monpago Inauranoe eoverege required by Lender lapeee or ce�ans ta bt In eifeot, BonowK eh�ll�ay the premlumf roquind lo
<br /> � � obtefn eover�ge aubatsnllely equlvate�t to the mortg�Qe insunnas prerlouey In etteot. �t� eoet tubetantiely equtwtent to the
<br /> � cost to BoROwa ol the rnoRg�ge Insurnnce previouey In otteat, ttam �n altemete martg�Qe inwrer�pprovod by Lend�r. H
<br /> „ .: subsmntlelly equlralent mort9e0e insur�ee covenpe Is not avaikble.8�rtower ehaN pay fo Lender etah month a eum aquat to
<br /> - -•�----- ---'- una•IwvRthi ot iria y��y martgag:.lnsur�nac D�����RC i���:��!�w��'^Ih�Ins�e�Anca aoveroga Wpaod or caased to =-
<br /> ba In ettect. lender witl acaepl, une and retein thene peymenit es�toaa reserve In Iteu of mortpage insuranoe. Loee roterve
<br /> ' ' paymonte mey no longer be required, at the option ot Lender,il mortg�ge inauanoe eovonga(Y�the�mount and tor the pe�lod
<br /> that Lende�requtrea)provlded by an inaurer approved by Londar agein beaomes avallable end Is obtelned. 6onower ehaE pey ____
<br /> � � the premiums requlred to malntat�moAgege haumnce in eHect,or to provide a lose resenre. untA the requlrement(or moAaage
<br /> Insurnnce enda In eccordance with any wdtlen agreement between 8ortower and Lender or applleable�aw.
<br /> �� , 9. (118peotlon. Lender or its agent mey make reasonab�e entdea upon and InspeeUona of the Propedy. Lender shal give
<br /> Bonower notice at the time ol or prior to en hspectlon specitying reasonebie cause tor the inspectlon.
<br /> ; �� , 10. Condemnation. The proceeds ot any award or c�aim tor damegea, direat or aoneequential, In conneotion with �ny
<br /> condemnetlon or other taking ot eny part d the Property, or tor conveyanoe In ileu of condemnatlon, nre he►eby eaeigned and
<br /> " ahail be patd to Lender.
<br /> In the event ot a total tak�ng of the Properly, the proceeds shat be applied to lhe aums secured by fhis 8CCUdty -- -
<br /> �-____==-_==--_—-= Inslniment,whethA��r not then due,wNh any excesa paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking ot the Properly in whioh
<br /> 1 the falr merket value of the P�opeAy immedlately betore tho taking is equai to or greater than the amount oi fha eums oeoured :
<br /> e
<br /> I by this Secu�ity Usirument immedlatety beiore the teking, untess Bonower and Lender othen�vise agree in wtiting, the sum8
<br /> secur�d by this 3ecurity Inatrumant shall bo roduced by the amnant of the proceads muttlpUed by the foilowfng iracUon: (e) the
<br /> totai emount ot the sums secured knrnediatey before the teWng, dividad by (b)the tair merket velue ot th�e ho�perty�m�t*
<br /> betore the taking. My belance shnll be pald to Bortower.In the event ot a parUet taking ot the PropeAy
<br /> vaiue of the Property immedtately 6niore the taking is tess then the emount ot the sums seeured immediatery 6etore the teking, �_
<br /> untess Bortower and Lender otherwise agree In writing or unless appNeable Iaw otherwise providea, the praaeods ehn!! bo
<br /> appNed to the sums secured by thls Securiry Inatrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> It the PropeAy Is abandoned by Borrower, or if, efter notice by Lender to Bonower that the condemnor oHera to make an
<br /> award or settie e claim(or demeges. Bonower taiis to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice ls given, _-
<br /> Lender Ia authorized to cotiect end appiy the procoeds, at its option, either to restoratlon or repair ot tAe PropeAy or to tho .Q>:
<br /> sums socured by this Securiry Inslrument, whether or not then due. -
<br /> ' Unless Lender a�d BoROwer otherwise agree h wdttng, any application ot proceeds to pdndpat shaU not extend or �i=
<br /> { postpone ihe due date ot the m�mhy payments referted to fn paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of such psymente. --_
<br /> � r:�,_
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lende�Not e Waiver. Extenston ot the time tor payment or ��,,,
<br /> modNicatlon of amortfzatbn of the sums secured by this 3ecudty Inst�ument granted by Lender to any succesaor �n interest of __
<br /> Bortower sheN not operete to release the Mabifity ot the originai 6uuuwer or f3otrower's suzG85sors !n Intetast. Lander �h�!! tlot __
<br /> be requlred to commence proceedings agehst any successar in interest or refuse to extend time tor peyment or otherwise �-;
<br /> modity amortizellon ot iho sums secured by this Security Insirument by reason of any demand made by the otiginal Bortower or E�;,
<br /> Borrower's successors in (nterest Any lorbearenee by Lender in exerclsing eny right or �emedy shnll not be e WBlver ot or --
<br /> preclude the exercise ol eny dght or remedy. �r�'=
<br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Casigners.The covenan�a and
<br /> agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the euccessors end essigna ot lender end 8orrower.sub�ect to the
<br /> provislons ot paragraph 17. Borrower's covenanis and agreements shell be jotnt and aeverai. Any Bortower who Co-slgna this
<br /> Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•slgning this Securlty Instrument oniy to mortgage,grant and eonvey
<br /> that Bortower's interest In ihe Property under the terms ot this Securfty Instrumenh (b)is not petsonaly obYgated to pey the
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument: and (c)agrees that Lender and eny other BoROwer may agtee to extend, modify,
<br /> forbear or make eny atcommodalions with regard to the terms ot thls Security instrument ot the Note wlthoul thet BOrtow6r's
<br /> consent.
<br /> 53. loefl Charges. �� the loan secured by this Security Instrument Is subJect to a law which sets meximum (oan
<br /> cherges. and Ihat isw �s finaNy interpreted so that the �nterest or other loan charges cdlected or to be coltected In cOnneClion
<br /> with tho Ioan exceed the permitted I�m�ls. Ihen (a) any such loan churge shall be reduced by ihe amount necessary to reduce
<br /> the charge to the pPrmitted I�md. and Ib1 any sums niready collecled irom Borcower which eaceeded perm�tted Ilmha will be
<br /> refunded tu Bonower Lender may choose to make Ihis retund by�educing the principel owed undCr the Note or by making e
<br /> direct payment to Borrowrr It a r�tund�educes p�mc�pal. iha reducUOn wdl be Irealed as a pertiai p�epayment wilhOUt eny
<br /> prepayment charge under lhe Note �
<br /> 14. NOtIC@8. Any notice to 8o�rower prov�ded lor in+his Secunty�nstrumenl shaM be given by delivering ft or by mafling It
<br /> by lirst c�ass mail unless appMCable law req�ures use of another method The notice shafl be directed to ihe Property Address
<br /> r,r an� mhnr nddress BoROwer desianates by notice to Lend�r Any notice to Lender shall b� g�ven by lirst C�ass mail to I
<br /> llender's address stated hcrem or any other address Lender destgnates by notice to Bortower. Any no�ioc proY�uv�i iv�7+. i��� �
<br /> Security instrument shali be deemed to hare becn giren to 8orrower or lender when given as provided In this patagreph.
<br /> � 15. Cioverni�g Law; Severabllity. rh�s Secunry Instwment shall be govemec! by federal law and the taw ot ihe
<br /> i , �urisdiclion in wh�ch the Propeely�s located �n the event Ihat any provls�on or clause ot thls Security Instrument or the IVote
<br /> conificls with app��c�ble law. such co��l�ct shan not anect other provisio�s oi this Security Instrument or ihe Note whieh c[�n be
<br /> � given eNect wilhout the confl��t�ng pror�sion To th�s end lhe provis�ons of this Secunty Instrument and the Nate are declarpd to
<br /> ' be sevcrable
<br /> 16. BO��AW@��3 COp�/.Borrower shau bi� g�ven one conformed copy oi the Note and ol this Secunly Instrum�nt
<br /> �'�1�' j �'. �__
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